by: Staci Stallings
Along this writing path, stories happen that you never really see coming. At least that’s the case for me. I get a great idea and start writing, seeing what I’m seeing in my dreams or “visions” and translating that into words so someone else can share the story with me. While this sounds a lot like telling a story I already know, what happens a lot is I’m telling a story and “watching” it happen right along with the reader. That was the case with “More Than This.”
The genesis idea for this one was it was set in a coffee shop, and I could see the two waitresses. They had this game about making up stories about the patrons that came in. One guy in particular attracted their attention. He was incredibly quiet, always came in alone and much later than someone should be drinking coffee. He always wore a dark, wool trench coat and never took it off. He would come in and not really talk to them or even look at them as they served him coffee after coffee as he bent in the corner table over his laptop.
Of course, these two let their imaginations run wild. He’s in the CIA. He’s a Russian spy, etc.
The older of the two is in perpetual fix-the-younger-one-up-with-someone mode, and so she pushes Liz to go try to talk to him “to find out what he’s doing.”
Well, that doesn’t really go as well as Liz or her friend, Mia, would like because the guy, Jake, is pretty much, downright anti-social. However, Liz finds herself now fascinated with this unreachable guy, and the story is on.
The crazy thing about this story is I was literally 50 pages into writing it before I even knew what it was about.
This is hard to explain, but some characters are open to the world. Yes, they all have secrets, but most are not nearly as closed off and in their own little worlds as these two were. That made writing this one an immense challenge because about the time one of them opened their heart up a crack, the other one would run the other direction!
Just to get them to talk was a monumental challenge.
The other thing that made this book a real challenge was how much Jake was like me. Let me tell you, I would have never thought it was easier to live than to write about, but it was!
When the idea for this book first came to me, it was a scene deep in the book where the two of them have gone to a museum. They are looking at a diorama of the French Revolution, and Jake, with no warning, starts telling her the story of all the little people he sees in the set. His mind, his imagination, is so vivid to him that often he can’t tell what’s real and what’s not.
Of course, he tries to use this to write the stories his mind is conjuring up. Unfortunately, writing has never been his forte as Liz soon learns. As she begins to get to know the real Jake, the one underneath the dark coat and slumped shoulders, she finds a whole new world of a person who has struggled most of his life with issues he always assumed were his fault.
I distinctly remember “watching” him live life in my imagination, and I could “see” how closed off he was from everyone—and life itself. Then one day I made a startling discovery. When I wrote “as Liz,” Jake did his level best to not let me see the screen of his computer. When I wrote “as Jake,” I saw what he saw in his imagination, never the computer screen itself.
Confused by this, I started asking, “Why? Why won’t he let anyone see that screen?”
The answer became the foundation of the entire story.
Add to this that Liz is dealing with her own deep, dark secrets, and you end up with a book that feels like you’re on a permanent Tilt-a-Whirl—never really sure just where you are or when or where the ride will stop.
Lots of people have commented in the reviews that this books feels “slow” at first. I think mostly that’s because they are both so closed off that dynamic anything would’ve been impossible. But I also have many that say if you stay with it, you will learn things you never knew you didn’t know.
So, to you, my loyal readers, a gift today. “More Than This” is FREE on Kindle as well as available on Kindle Unlimited.
I hope you enjoy this story and don’t get too frustrated as you walk through life with two locked-tight characters who have given up on life… and their journey through the issues of life into becoming who God created them to be!
On Kindle or Read on Kindle Unlimited!
Wemble says
Hi Staci, thanks for sharing the writing journey. Look forward to reading “More than This.”
Priscila says
Thanks for sharing how you wrote the story. I enjoyed reading More than This a while back.
Renate says
Hi Staci! People watching is a fun. Imagining their stories is even more fun. Even though I spend little time at a coffee shop, I do spend time with my granddaughter at the library. During the off season (not during summer tourist season), I enjoy spending time at Bluff Park overlooking Lake Michigan, where people take walks or walk their dogs. So many stories to tell. More Than This is on my To READ List. Enjoy your Independence Day weekend.
Jill Weatherholt says
Thanks for sharing the story behind More Than This, Staci. I really look forward to reading it. Have a great and safe 4th of July.
Sherri G says
The book sounds intriguing! I also like to people-watch and imagine their life stories.
Jackie Smith says
Oh, I have to hop over to Amazon and get your book….it sounds fantastic.
Happy a Happy 4th!
Melanie D. Snitker says
Thank you, Staci! I’m looking forward to reading it! The book sounds really good!
Kimberly Rose Johnson says
Reading how this story came about was fun.
Valerie Comer says
I love getting insights into other writers’ processes!
Paula says
Sounds great will put it on my IPad!
Janet W Ferguson says
Thank you! Ordered!
Merrillee Whren says
Sounds like a fascinating story!
Staci Stallings says
Thanks for stopping by! God bless you!
Staci Stallings says
YAY! Have a blessed weekend!
Staci Stallings says
There is actually a part in MTT where they go to the library and the story he’s writing spins off in a whole new direction. It’s really fun!
Staci Stallings says
You too! Have fun with your celebration!
Staci Stallings says
I kind of think this is a writer/reader thing. People watching is intriguing!
Staci Stallings says
YAY! I hope you enjoy it!
Staci Stallings says
Fantastic, Melanie! I hope you enjoy it! God bless you!
Staci Stallings says
I love this story! Enjoy your weekend! Thanks for stopping by.
Staci Stallings says
Yippee! I hope you love it! God bless!
Staci Stallings says
YAY, Paula. I hope you enjoy it! God bless!
Staci Stallings says
My “process” is called chaotic and bizarre, but I’ve learned to go with it and not try to fit into the boxes everyone else talks about. :)
Staci Stallings says
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your weekend!
Andrea B. Brooks says
Looks like a great and wonderful book. I enjoy looking for great books to add to my Kindle to keep and to read.
Trixi says
I discovered I had a copy of this on my Kindle, yay! Thanks for sharing more about it and the story behind the story :-)
Staci Stallings says
I’m so grateful to have so many wonderful readers to share these stories with! I love it that others get to enjoy them as much as I do.
Staci Stallings says
I always think it’s fascinating how each story has a story behind it as to the inspiration for it and how it came to be written. It’s like each one has its own personality. So cool.
Trixi says
Indeed Staci!! I love getting a behind the scenes glimpse at an authors inspiration for a story. I think anything can spark a story. People watching especially! I’m not a writer, but I love to watch other people and wonder their lot in life if you will :-) You can tell a lot just by observing and then letting your imagination take flight…lol!
Staci Stallings says
So true, Trixie. I think one of my biggest problems is NOT letting my imagination take flight when I find someone fascinating. One story at a time, please! :)
Sabrina Templin says
Thank you Staci! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and have a wonderful 4th! :D
Jessica B. says
Thanks for the book.
Staci Stallings says
I did! Thanks, Sabrina. God bless you!
Staci Stallings says
You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy it!