Day job. Kids and grandkids. Yardwork. Housework. Facebook. Netflix. In your busy, distraction-filled life, how do you make time to read?
I am genuinely seeking suggestions. I’m an author and English teacher, so it’s professionally necessary that I read. But I also love to escape into a good book. I just don’t make the time to do it as often as I’d like. My TBR stack is getting SO high. I’d love to read more of my fellow Inspyromance authors’ books… if I could find the time.
So I’m brainstorming solutions here. Maybe some of my ideas will strike a chord with you.
How to Find More Reading Time
- Read first thing in the morning. I did this for about a year, and it was great. See, I’d noticed that I spent 20 minutes or so scrolling through Facebook most mornings, which felt like a waste of time. So I set my phone timer for 20 minutes and read a book instead. Once I started the day that way, I tended to get very interested in a book and find more time to read it throughout the day. Why did I quit? I’m going to start doing it again.
- Read outdoors. Sometimes, especially in the summer, it’s hard to stay in the house. All the greenery and beautiful blue
skies call us outside. Okay, then: take a book along! I remember fondly a camping trip where I spent two entire days reading. Yes, I could have been hiking or kayaking, but that trip, I took my favorite pillow and blanket and focused on reading. So relaxing!
- Read on your phone. I’m not one of those people who often reads whole novels on my teeny tiny phone. But if I can glance at news headlines or tweets while waiting in line at the grocery store, I guess I can read a book just as easily. This idea requires reading material that isn’t too complicated, because it’ll be consumed in fits and starts. Off to load something light but gripping onto my phone’s iBooks app.
- Read before bed…. nah. This doesn’t work for me because by the time I’m done with the day’s tasks and anywhere near my bed, I crash. Not a night owl. If you are, maybe this time frame would work for you.
- Audiobooks. I love my Audible membership! But a crucial part of listening, to me, is choosing the right sort of book. I have a dark, convoluted women’s fiction novel that I’ve been trying to get through for months. Thing is, when I’m in my car or taking a walk, I don’t feel like listening to angst. Something light and funny fits better into my downtime. Hey, did you know that five of Valerie Comer’s farm fresh romance novels are available in audio here?
- Commit to reading more. This is a different type of strategy. If I really focus on how much I love reading, how important books are to my work, and how much more stimulating than social media most books are, I take reading more seriously and make ways to fit it in. So as of today, reading more is one of my goals. In fact… I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I want to read 40 books by the end of 2017.
How do YOU find time to read? How many books do you want to read in the rest of 2017? Post a comment today (Monday, 6/26, by midnight), and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a $5 Amazon gift card.
Hi Lee, nice to ‘meet’ a fellow teacher- I have an English minor and have only taught middle school English, History is my main field, still lots of reading:) I read when I go to bed at night, I find it a great way to unwind from the day. I am in the habit of carrying my kindle with me, and if I have to wait, in the car for example, then sneak in a few pages.
Give me a book over Facebook any day, Lee! I’m guaranteed one hour of reading time a day on my Kindle because I read while on my treadmill or elliptical. I wouldn’t recommend this if you’re reading a paper book. My Kindle lays flat on the console, I try to squeeze in a few pages at night too.
Hi Lee! Great discussion question and excellent tips. My reading strategies. While working as a teacher with children and caring for my parents, most of my reading was during school vacations – summer, Christmas, spring and Sunday afternoons. During vacations I designated reading days, so I could read from morning to night. I enjoyed finishing a book in one setting. My sons knew not to bother mom on these days unless they were bleeding. My oldest still teases about it. Now even though retired I watch grandchildren 4 days a week, I read on my phone (reason I upgraded to a larger screen phone), tablet or Kindle when ever I have a few minutes. In today’s world there are so many more good books to read and many new authors to discover, I realeased I can’t read them all. Therefore besides setting time aside to read, I limited what I download so I do not feel overwhelmed with a TO READ stack.
I read while I cook and while I blow-dry my hair. And then for at least 30 minutes before bed. I can usually snag more time throughout the day when I’m just waiting for something.
I read during lunch and in the evenings after dinner. I have read 86 books so far. This is the first year I’ve kept up with how many books I’ve read. I’ve always wondered. Now I’ll know lol. Happy reading! Vacation is coming up and I plan to read at least a book a day then.
Hooray for teachers… and summer! I love History as well, and if real-world facts stuck more easily in my brain, I might have double majored. Alas, I liked historical fiction better than historical fact!
Oh, good idea, Jill. I kind of nixed it for myself when I got my treadmill desk; now, when I’m on the treadmill, I feel obligated to do work.
I adore the idea of reading days! And you’re smart to limit what you download. It’s bad when you start to feel guilty about your pleasure reading!
While you COOK? Don’t you end up putting salt in the cake? And do you read Arcadia Valley romances while cooking, thus gaining inspiration from their foodie themes?
86 books… that’s amazing! Now I am more inspired than ever to at least get my 40 books read.
I’m not quite sure how many books I’ll read this year. Sometimes I’ll read the same book over and over. I love to read at night before bed. I keep a stack on my nightstand. Sometimes I have fallen asleep with the book in my hand!
I have no idea how many books I’ve read this year, but definitely less than by this time last year. I’ve tried reading early morning before getting out of bed, late night before bed, and in between (lunch breaks when I’m eating alone, while waiting in line on my phone, on the bus to work, etc). I used to love reading a paperback while lying on a hammock or just in a chair outside. I’ve found I no longer have time to just sit and read, unless I’m up before everyone else at home or I’m not extremely tired by the time I go to bed (very very rare). So I improvise and take advantage of the kindle on my phone… which is also how I read and try to post on this blog.
I love to read anytime anywhere. :-) I always have a book with me. :-)
That’s interesting that you read the same book over and over. I used to do that as a kid, but now I rarely do. It’s a great strategy for an author, though, to analyze why a particular type of story works and how it’s put together.
I hear you! You sound really busy… glad you are able to take advantage of the kindle phone app.
I read during my lunch break or when my husband is watching something I am not interested in.
Mostly at night, wind down time.
So far I have read 77 books. About 25 percent were novellas.
I probably read too much. I give myself a lunch break and read for 30 minutes or so. I read outside if I have a chance too. I read my tablet before bed or in the middle of the night if I really can’t sleep.
I just enjoyed a long wait in the eye doctor’s office because I brought my book! And when I see other people in waiting rooms reading, instead of watching the ubiquitous television, I feel like they’re kindred spirits.
Diana, do you find that the light from your tablet contributes to insomnia? I’ve heard it both ways.
Since I’m retired, I have the problem of reading too much some days! I can get engrossed in a book and totally forget all the things I’m supposed to be doing (the laundry, cooking, etc.) I used to keep a list of all the books I read, but now I read so many on my Kindle, I quite keeping the list. My husband and I both usually read while eating breakfast and lunch, and those meals sometimes get extended quite long when I’m in a gripping part of the story :-)
I’m not a night owl, but I do read for an hour or so before bed… I just go earlier, like about 9:30! Almost all my fiction reading happens then, probably about 2 books a week, depending on length. This is on an old-school Kindle that isn’t backlit, so it doesn’t interfere with sleep.
I read gobs more when we’re camping in the summer (maybe 2 or even more books a day) if we’re pulled up beside a mountain creek without friends or family. Hubby loves fishing. Win-win.
I keep something nonfiction on my phone/iPad. This is either writing craft or devotional – I don’t alternate necessarily, but always have something going for those moments when I’m in town waiting somewhere or when we’re traveling. So most of that is on my phone, but it can take a while to get through a book!
Just started listening to audiobooks in the past few months. I know, I know, I’ve had my own out in audio for 18 months. Thanks for the mention! The other day I listened to about four hours of a novel while scrubbing out our holiday trailer after a backcountry trip. (Read, washing off dust and smeared mosquitoes.)
Elizabeth Maddrey, Staci Stallings, and some others have audiobooks too – check the NEWS tab above.
Like Renate, I’ve become much pickier what I’ll download. Once was, if it was free or cheap and vaguely interesting, I’d get it. Now, not so much. On the plus side, I’m far more likely to buy e-books from authors I’ve enjoyed, and a whole lot of Inspy Romance authors are on that list!
It’s lovely that you like to read together!
Thanks for your nice long response, Valerie. I’m glad you’re back! Missed you while you were on vacation, even though in truth, you are still geographically quite far away. I have a fisherman friend, too; the reading/fishing combo is a great one!
I read before bed or during my lunch break. Sometimes it’s hard but I try it anyway.
Maybe on the days I don’t play tennis I could read for 20 minutes in the morning. Thanks for the suggestions. In the summer we start tennis at 7 AM to avoid the heat, so I don’t do much except dress and eat breakfast before I leave the house on those mornings. I should read more. I find I do most of my reading while I’m on an airplane traveling somewhere.
I’ve read 66 books this year, but I see two commenters beat me! I wish I could find time to read more…guess I need to work on being more organized!
Merrilee and Colleen: all we can do is try!
Hah, Jackie… only with this group would you feel that 66 books is too few!
Since I got married about two years ago I do a lot less reading. According to Goodreads I finished 29 books last year, so I guess I average just over two a month. I’m not a night owl either, but I do most of my reading before bed. Usually only a chapter or two a night. But that doesn’t keep me from adding Books to my bookshelf or my wish list on Amazon !
After an unexpected whirlwind house purchase/move….I got SO behind on my review books!! I thought I’d never catch up and felt like I was buried. Normally, I read in bed for an hour or so before I turn off the light but I knew that wouldn’t cut it to even make a dent in my TBR pile! I got to the point of (almost) giving up…gasp!
So I decided to go “dark” & went to the extreme and unplugged from everything….internet, TV, computer games, etc. You know what I discovered? I had wasted SO much time in these things when I could have enjoyed my time more by being in the pages of a good book. It took me no time at all to whizz through those books and I felt pretty dog-gone good about myself. Now that I’m all caught up again, I still prefer to read more than anything. So that’s what I’ve been doing, reading more and enjoying it :-)
I didn’t see the question in the post….my goal for this year is to read 100 books & according to Goodreads, I’ve done 52 already. Last year, I did 109 and averaged about 8-10 a month. :-)
I forgot that I wanted to comment on this. If I’m stirring something, I like reading on my Kindle because I don’t need 2 hands to turn the pages :-)
I have a blue light filter on my tablet and phone that are supposed to help. I fall asleep reading so I don’t think it is an issue, but not I’m positive.
I think I put my Goodreads goal as 40 for the year. I am behind already! LOL I think I’m choosing books with too much angst or the wrong time to read them. I just can’t seem to get into them enough to get through one so I have several going. Just got through one because by the time i hit Chapter 3 I couldn’t put it down. I wanted to know how it all played out. I LOVE a book that does that to me!