Okay, it’s Friday, which totally calls for a fun and light topic, right? And one of my favorite topics: movies.
Now, I have a confession to make: I may be the pickiest person in the entire world when it comes to Hollywood’s current romantic comedies.
Which is funny, really, because I write rom-com. You’d think I’d be all over the latest chick flick. But more often than not, today’s rom-coms annoy me…like to the point that I do dramatic stage sighs and eye rolls. I could play a super convincing teenager in a CW show.
I blame my pickiness on Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant. Or Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable and Carole Lombard and William Powell. Golden era Hollywood and its witty dialogue and well-done romance have spoiled me. I mean, I’m really not a movie snob. (Proof: I own Nacho Libre.) I just think Hollywood has lost its rom-com touch lately.
But—and this is where the complaining stops and the gushing starts—there was a romantic comedy a few years ago that I loved so ridiculously much. I re-watch it all the time and it’s one of my “this is the kind of story I want to write” go-tos.
It’s so good, people. And here’s why I love it: It’s got the usual rom-com tropes of, well, romance and comedy obviously. And it actually does both super well.
But I also love it because I think it taps into some universal things that help viewers connect with it in a way we don’t with many rom-coms. Things like:
- Family…the family members in Dan in Real Life are awesome and hilarious and diverse. And what makes it so great is that all of us can probably see ourselves in one family member or another.
- Longing…in the middle of all the laughter, the family antics, the budding romance, Steve Carell and his daughters are each longing for something. Who can’t relate to that?
- Hurt…related to longing, the family at the center of the movie is also dealing with the hurt of losing a loved one. Dan in Real Life does such a wonderful job of tapping into that hurt and helping us feel it right along with the characters.
- Hope…and that’s my favorite. There’s a line near the end of the movie where Steve Carell says this:
“Instead of telling our young people to plan ahead,
we should tell them to plan to be surprised.”
Don’t you just love that? Plan to be surprised. I love that line even more as a Christian…because everyday life takes on a new kind of hopeful significance when I’m planning to be surprised by God.
So there you go, my favorite rom-com of the past decade or so. Haven’t seen it lately? Or ever? Well we can’t have that. Go ahead and enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below and you just might win a copy of the movie from yours truly. You’ve got through Monday to enter.
Are you a rom-com fan? What’s your fave?
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I LOVE STEVE CARELL!! And I loved the movie, Dan in Real Life – what a great reminder!! It’s definitely not your ‘typical’ rom com. In a lot of ways it was so much deeper in content, and the humor was complex too.
I’m a HUGE rom-com fan, but to pick a favorite? Geez, it’s like picking a favorite Austen hero ;-)
Umm, I loved Moonstruck, While You Were Sleeping, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Four Weddings and a Funeral, umm….so many more. ‘favorite’ is a really big word ;-)
Melissa, I haven’t seen Dan in Real Life, but it sounds great! I love Rom-Coms! One of my all time faves is My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I think because there are so many life-truths included and so much of the movie centers on the value of family. And I agree, I think Hollywood has lost its touch lately. Sad.
I haven’t seen this movie. I am kind of like you, I like the classic rom-coms. One of my favorites is It Happened One Night.
While You Were Sleeping, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, some great ones already mentioned… I saw Dan in Real Life and remember enjoying it, but don’t remember much about it. Guess I need to rewatch it!
Okay, I love all the rom-coms people have mentioned and I think it proves your point, Melissa — we harken back to a few years ago rather than new releases. And that makes me sad, because it’s a great genre. I loved Dan in Real Life and haven’t seen it in years! Thanks for the reminder!
While You Were Sleeping is also one of my favorites — something about her vulnerability gets me every time. Actually every one listed above would top my list. So fun… keep listing. It’s amazing how easily I forget the super cute ones and lament that there is nothing to watch.
While You Were Sleeping is my favorite! Own it and watch it at least once a year.
koho143 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Fun post, Melissa! I have to check, but is the setting of Dan in Real Life somewhere in New England. I seem to recall a really cool bookstore. If it’s the movie I’m thinking of, it’s a sweet, quiet movie that kind of sneaks up on you, so to speak. I enjoyed your perspective on it and love romantic comedies too, of course. I adored Sleepless in Seattle (even though the H/H don’t actually meet until the very end!). I also have always liked Never Been Kissed. Maybe because she’s a writer, wasn’t popular in high school (and wore braces, like me) and had the opportunity for a “do over” and live the Cinderella story for a little while. Charming movie. Given the choice, I’ll pick a dumb rom-com any day over an action movie, to be perfectly honest. Great discussion! Blessings.
I like Steve Carell too. I loved him on the early seasons of The Office, but had no idea he was so wonderful as a romantic lead too. Reminds me of Ray Romano. He’s funny on Everybody Loves Raymond, but now that he’s playing a guest spot on Parenthood, I’m realizing what an amazing actor he really is. And I agree, Dan in Real Life does go deeper in content…and the humor is just plain smarter. :)
I like My Big Fat Greek Wedding too!
Dan in Real Life is just wonderful, Cynthia. I bet you’d like it.
It’s one that I can watch and re-watch, Patty, so hopefully you’ll enjoy it if you do a second viewing. :)
Yep, you’re right, a lot of the ones people are mentioning are more than 10 years old. I haven’t watched While You Were Sleeping in a LONG time. I should re-watch it sometime.
That’s a popular one with readers today. :)
I really love Dan in Real Life- I’ll have to watch it again! My all time favorite still has to be Moonstruck- Love that one… but if I have 5 hours to spend – the BBC P&P wins every time. Oh- but then there’s “A Town Like Alice”… oh its just too hard to pick!
I haven’t seen Dan in Real Life but now I’m going to have to (love Steve Carrell – have you seen Date Night? Not a true rom com, but so funny. Crass, too (be warned) but hilarious.) My favorites include Notting Hill, While You Were Sleeping, You’ve Got Mail, Desk Set (hands down my favorite classic), and French Kiss. (French Kiss is so often over looked, but I love love love it!) …I agree, it’s hard to pick just one favorite.
It Happened One Night is one of my all-time faves!
Yep, I can’t remember exactly where, but it’s somewhere in New England…definitely a pretty setting.
OOH the BBC P&P…definitely a good one. Soooo good. :)
Is date night with Tina Fey? I can’t remember if I ever saw it, but I remember seeing trailers for it. I love that you mentioned Desk Set! Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. They’re fabulous together.
Believe it or not, I have never seen Dan In Real Life but would love to win it so I could watch it. I do LOVE romantic comedys the best of any movies ! ! I know you can’t usually have more than one favorite-but I just love Sleepless In Seattle and While You Were Sleeping. Another great one was Bed Of Roses. I, like you, try to rewatch them every year : )
Loved this movie! Thanks for the reminder to plan to be surprised, Melissa. I think that’s my new mantra!
Great post, Melissa! Haven’t watched Dan in Real Life yet, but I moved it to my movie list. (If I can talk hubby out of the Olympics’ Opening Ceremonies, I might just order it on Amazon Instant Videos and watch it tonight! Rom-Com is my absolute fave when it comes to movie genres. The remake of Sabrina (with Harrison Ford, Julia Ormand, and Greg Kinnear) is fabulous, and I also loved the oldie-but-goodie of An Affair To Remember (Cary Grant is swoonworthy!) ;)
I’ve never seen this movie, but I think I’ll have to find it! Like several of the others, my favorites are older movies, too. Some of the ones I still enjoy watching are While You Were Sleeping, You’ve Got Mail, and Sweet Home Alabama. Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh, I loved this movie! I think it’s what they call a “sleeper” hit. I loved Steve Carell’s sense of timing in this. The scene in the shower made me laugh, laugh, laugh. :) A lovely story. Did I say “love” enough? :)
Yes – with Tina Fey. It’s so funny (esp if you’re married with kids and hardly ever have a normal date night. :) )
Just thinking about Desk Set makes me warm inside. So fabulous.
I used to constantly get Sleepless in Seattle and While You Were Sleeping confused. :) Both fun movies for sure.
It’s a good mantra, isn’t it? :)
Ooh, I hope you like it if you get to watch it tonight! I love both Sabrinas…the original is my fave, but the remake is wonderful too. And oh, An Affair to Remember…that one will NEVER get old. :)
I love the bookstore setting of You’ve Got Mail…it used to make me want to own a small bookstore. :)
OH I so agree, Steve Carell is just awesome in it…and that shower soon, makes me giggle every time. They do the romance SO well. I really just adore it.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dan in Real Life…now I want to watch it…like right now. I really like Steve Carell. But Nacho Libre??? Seriously?? Oh M… ~shaking head~ :P
Hi Melissa, You’re a popular lady in my house because we downloaded and watched Dan in Real Life for the first time last night! We loved the movie, and that shower scene… ROFLOL. Thanks for the tip on a great romcon movie :)
We watched it too, Melissa. (What a wonderful hubby who would choose Rom Com over the Olympics!) I LOVED it! So touching. Loved the relationship with his daughters–so true to life! :)
I do have a favorite rom-com, and it’s in that beautiful era you were talking about at the beginning. My fave is Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. I especially love the part when Audrey smashes that guitar over that guy’s head. Very funny stuff!
Date Night was hilarious!!
It’s SO funny, Lisa. :) But there’s also a story behind why I love it so much…even without the story, though, I’m pretty sure I’d still love it.
Oh yay!! I’m glad you liked it. So happy to spread the Dan in Real Life love.
Wow that is a good husband you’ve got. :) So glad you liked it. And yes, the relationship with his daughters is the best…the scene near the end where he’s talking to all three of them makes me tear up every time.
Oh I looooove Roman Holiday…SO much.
The Shop Around the Corner with Jimmy Stewart and Margaret Sullivan
Hmm, Sabrina, While You Were Sleeping, and Sweet Home Alabama are all on the list for sure but I think my winner will be Bride and Prejudice. Love it.
YAY such a good one! I’m always telling people who love You’ve Got Mail that they need to watch the original. :)
Bride & Prejudice! That was the first Bollywood movie I ever watched. :)
I’ve never seen it! But I do love most of the movies listed above. :o) Thanks for the chance to win. (found you via Cathy…)
Thank you, Melissa!! Can’t wait to see the movie