After a long wait in which A&E dropped one of my favorite television shows–Longmire–and fans scrambled to find it a new home, a new season just debuted on Netflix. (Thanks to Netflix for picking up this wonderful show!!!) All ten episodes at once. I eagerly await my hubby’s arrival so we can binge. (Cowboys and horses…so sue me.)
Which brings me to my, erm, guilty pleasure. After a long day of writing, I love to binge-watch streaming shows, especially since I cut cable. (And don’t miss it!) There’s something about being able to watch all the seasons at once that is satisfying. Also, for me, knowing what I can look forward to watching when my work for the day is done. The more seasons the better. Some of my current favorites are Longmire, Heartland (more cowgirls, cowboys and horses!) Gilmore Girls and The Adventures of Merlin.
I always suffer from a moment of panic when I reach the end of a show (Lost, anyone?), much like I feel when I finish an outstanding book. What’s next for me? What can possibly compare? How can I leave these beloved characters behind? There’s a big, gaping hole that isn’t easy to fill. I’m not quite ready to let the story go and even if I was, what should I choose next? I’m admittedly picky, so it sometimes takes many suggestions and a lot of painful trial-and-error pilot episodes to find my next binge-worthy show.
As an author, I hope my books create that same warmly vacant space when the reader is finished with it—not really wanting to move on from the characters and their story quite yet. I know that’s how I feel when I finish writing a book.
I’m anxiously anticipating this evening and watching the new season of Longmire. How about you? Do you binge-watch shows? Or perhaps you binge-read book series? Or both? What shows are you looking forward to on television or books from your favorite author? Any suggestions for me?
I’ll be giving out one autographed copy of my November release, Yuletide Cowboys, to a reader who comments below.
Yuletide Cowboys is available October 20th from Harlequin Love Inspired.
I’m a bit old-school. I still like the idea of one episode a week when it comes to television shows. I am the same with books. I fear reading all of a favorites books and having to wait for the next one. What is they don’t write a next one?! Scary. So I savor my reads. I might read a book entirely to fast, but then I read a few different books before I jump to the next in a series or author’s book list.
I see how instant access to older shows and seasons of shows feed the “I want it all right now” mentality in my children. My daughter will binge watch shows and then talk incessantly about every episode and the dilemma of what will she watch now that she’s finished with a series. My nearly 14 year old son was telling me just this evening how he NEEDS Netflix so he can catch up on Dr. Who. Unfortunately, Amazon Prime TV doesn’t stream Dr. Who episodes for free.
We’re a streaming only family, too. :) I do little mini binges on TV. Maybe two or three episodes at a time – but I like to stretch it out until it’s not a huge gap between what’s next (like Dr. Who-I know I won’t have new episodes for a yearish, so we’ve only watched three of the season that Netflix just got.) Books are a whole other issue though…I devour series in books if there are multiple out already. But I don’t mind waiting, either, if I’m enjoying the series.
When we had Netflix, I watched Gilmore Girls and my kids love Heartland. I usually prefer to read rather than watch TV.
I do binge watch shows! Right now I’m on a Friends reruns kick and waiting to discover a new series to love. Ones I’ve loved in the past are The Mentalist, West Wing, Gilmore Girls, The Office.
I definitely binge read. I can always read it again once I’m done, right? My husband is a binge watcher though. I think he watched every season of Fringe in 3 days.
I guess I’m the token non-TV person here. I don’t watch anything regularly on cable, streaming, or anywhere!
My hubby is the big TV guy in our house. He loves to knock off work (we both work from home) and go downstairs and watch TV. He is now also watching Longmire. I catch little bits of it here and there. He started watching Arrow, which I guess is based on a comic book character. He kind of got me interested in that, but my TV time is limited so he watches his other shows until I have time to sit down for an hour and watch it. This time of year my guilty TV time is spent watching football. I know. I know I’m one of those strange women who likes football. :)
I really like Covert affairs. My problem with weekly shows like Hallmarks Cedar Cove is the time slot. I am never home on Sat nights to watch this show. I love binge watching because I can see the entire story line.
My family also loves Longmire. We are trying a semi-binge technique, though. My 25 year old son even came in from out of town to join us. After watching 4 episodes, we decided to stop and parse them out. That way it might not be so hard to wait for next season!! The season is GREAT so far!!
I also like binge-read your books. I can’t wait for Christiana’s story. :)
Oops – I saw this when Carol Moncado posted it. Please ignore the Christiana part of the comment – LOL!!
I am still watching Gilmore Girls after my hubby goes to bed at night because it’s kinda chick-flick. Both Joe and I *love* Heartland–enough to buy the series on DVD.
I knew you were going to pop up here, Valerie. ;)
I have binge watched some shows in the past such as The Mentalist and Castle. I now prefer the lighter reality family type shows on TLC. I really enjoy Little People Big World, The Little Couple, My Big Fat Fabulous Life and Our Little Family. Tuesday evenings find me watching those shows on TLC. I like the way those shows have short seasons so there are always one or two of them being shown on Tuesday evenings. I also enjoy Bringing Up Bates on the UP network.
Other than those shows I don’t watch any other series.
I am not into sports at ALL but Joe loves his Broncos.
I enjoyed Covert Affairs, as well. Did it get renewed?
I DVR the shows I want to watch and watch them anytime I want too.
Our “binge” of choice is “Doctor Who”. A few weeks ago we finished watching the first 4 seasons/series of the new incarnation (starting in 2005) but haven’t moved on since then. Once in a while we will watch movie series (the last one we did was “The Hobbit” movies followed by the “Lord of the Tings” movies. Unfortunately, with our son and his family (including a 4yo son and 2yo daughter), we don’t get much movie-watching time unless we start after the little ones have gone to bed and sometimes that’s late. With my husband working, we just don’t get the time. Before they all moved in (almost 5 years ago now), we would start a movie while eating supper and be able to finish at a decent hour.
If I can get hold of an entire series of books at once (and that’s not happening much lately because we have no money for anything but bills and some groceries), I will read them from Book 1 to Book Whatever. I just finished Wanda Brunstetter’s “Daughts of Lancaster County” trilogy (borrowed from our daughter) and am now working on RV Hodge’s “Kingdom of the Falcons” (or something like that) trilogy (which might have a fourth come next year–after his son graduates from college; RV wrote the books as college graduation gifts for his kids. Our daughter is illustrating children’s books for him now!).
Sorry to ramble… ;-) Would love to win a copy of the book! Looks soooo good. :)
I am looking forward to reading Yuletide Cowboys..
Both, I like to record and watch the shows from PBS and if I’m reading a book that is a part of a series I tend to read them one after the other.
I’m a binge reader. I don’t watch much television. It’s a guilt thing…I feel like I should be writing, cleaning or reading. I love that you indulge, Deb. Congratulations on your book! Great cover!
I wonder how the TV networks choose which book to make into a show or series? I think one of yours should be made into a movie. A bit of advice though: make sure you keep the rights to say how the screenplay is written! Many viewers were upset with Debbie Macomber for allowing the Cedar Cove story to be changed! Thanks for your books, they make us happy!
I like to binge read and watch shows, though I’m just starting to do streaming. I usually get Netflix through the mail where I can watch several episodes at a time, or record on the DVR and watch several episodes at a time (like Downton Abbey). I’m also a big fan of Longmire. I’m glad you mentioned it because I forgot it was about to start! Thanks for the chance to win Yuletide Cowboys.
My hubby and I watch TV for a couple of hours each night – it’s out daily together time. Our all time favorite series wouldn’t be for everyone! It’s about an older couple who lost touch and many years later, find one another again. It’s British and sometimes a little silly, but great fun and makes us both LOL. As Time Goes By with Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer. I think it lasted 11 years. We also like Longmire, and love BlueBloods.
I am so excited for this book! I love reading about Cowboys and horses. There’s a secret part of me that would love to be a cowgirl. There’s just something so appealing about that life that I love reading about it. :)
Anything by Jan Karon. I love to watch Dancing with the Stars, sister wives, The amazing race and also Survivor. I also like to read The love Inspired books over and over again.
I love As Time Goes By!
Go old school- Due South. Leverage and Psych are both favorites too!!
I agree with you about binge watching.I recently bought an Amazon Fire stick, now I have to get Netflix to watch Longmire, a favorite.
Linda Rainey
I don’t binge watch. I just have regular TV. I do like to watch N.C.I.S. I rented one season once and watched it all and was so disappointed I had to wait for more. That was enough for me. I do like marathons though. I like series of books because I love visiting old friends but it’s so hard to wait for next months book to come out. Especially when that is three months away. :) Reading Cookies Cole’s book now.
I don’t usually binge watch shows, but I do binge read book series. I usually wait until I have all the books of a series before I read it.
Deb, it’s been awhile since I indulged in a Gilmore Girls binge :) I’ll crack open the box set DVD’s when I return from ACFW.
Deb, yes, I binge-watch and binge-read. My favorite book series to binge-read is Dee Henderson’s The O’Malley Chronicles. Eight books, including the two prequels, and lovable characters, plus salvation spreading around a family like wildfire… definitely worth a read or two or a dozen. I have several TV shows on DVD, so sometimes when I have a free few days (doesn’t happen nearly often enough!) I pull out a season or two. I love watching Numb3rs and Home Improvement in binge-fashion. Oh, and Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. And Walker, Texas Ranger. I really could go on for quite some time, but you get the idea.
I’ve heard mixed messages about Lost. Is it really worth watching? I can never decide.
I tried to get into Doctor Who once because I’d heard so many great things about it, but it just didn’t take for me. Maybe I’ll have to try it again.
I love PBS shows that come from the BBC, especially the period pieces.
Oh, I would so love to see one of my books turned into a movie. I always thought Serendipity would be a wonderful town to see on the screen. You’re right, though. I’d be awfully nitpicky about the details.
I’m a huge fan of Judi Dench and love As Time Goes By. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen it but hubby and I definitely binged on that one.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Dr. Who is eh in my opinion but Firefly and Sherlock are awesome!
Funny reason I don’t watch N.C.I.S. It’s because Mark Harmon is the lead. And here’s why–he’s the guy that played the character that broke up Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd in Moonlighting. I’ve never forgiven him for that. ha ha!
Lost is totally addicting–and fascinating. You can never second guess what’s going to happen. And the characters are extremely well drawn-out. For me it was a thumbs up.
I have not yet watched a single episode of Longmire, though I keep meaning to… It’s just – books. So many books. LOL :)
Ok, I have to admit…..I have no idea what Longmire is (sorry, I hope we can still be friends)! I’m guessing a western show since you mentioned cowboys an horses….haha!! And you do write in the genre to boot (pun intended) ;-)
We don’t watch much TV at our house, and I’m not sure I could ever binge watch anything. Sitting through an almost 3 hour movie seems like a stretch to me. I could probably do a show a night, say On Demand or something, for the whole season. That seems more reasonable :-) Now as far as reading….a resounding YES…I can and have binge read a series (one book right after the other without much pause)!! I’ll give you a couple of examples…Dani Pettery’s Alaskan Courage series (5 books all told), Coleen Cobles Rock Harbor Mystery series (6 books all told) & I’ve only read one Whispers of the Moors series by Sarah Ladd but I want to read the other 2 (3 books all told) and could easily binge on them! There are so many other book series I could mention, but I’d make my post way too long…lol! And I think for the reason you stated for binging, I just simply can’t move on from the characters!! I LOVE when an author has such a depth of character that you get hooked in their lives & feel a part of them! So sad when the series must end though…you hope somewhere in the very near future that a distant cousin, lost sibling or SOMEONE would show back up to continue the saga…haha!!
Thanks for sharing your guilty pleasure with us Deb :-) Go and enjoy your Longmire (or others too!), but don’t forget to write those future books :-D
I keep hearing about this Longmire show … I’m going to have to check it out! :)
I was a Longmire fan also! I think I will have to afternoon binge on Longmire too :)