One of my most favorite things is discovering a new author. By nature, I’m not a very brave person — no skydiving for me — but I am as adventurous as all get out when it comes to new authors. And here’s a new one I want to introduce to you.
This is Jennifer Rodewald. I met her online a few years ago, and our love of fiction drew us together. Jen writes stories that mix romance and women’s fiction, heartbreak and love with women’s issues. She’s just about to release her third book, and I think a lot of you will really enjoy her stuff.
Here’s the info on The Carpenter’s Daughter which is on sale at $.99 through April 15, when it releases.
One word can change a life.
Sarah Sharpe has grown up as a carpenter’s daughter, knowing only the rough and work-heavy world of her father’s blue-collar profession. Abandoned by her mother as a baby, she’s lived twenty-one years content to drive nails at her dad’s side. Following her father into the world of construction was a natural path, and she took it without a second thought. But a harsh comment about her “butch” appearance sends her on a search for identity.
Enter handsome and easygoing Jesse Chapman, the roofer she meets on her first foray into volunteer work for Homes For Hope. In every way, the quirky man is her opposite—confident, a people kind of guy, and most importantly, happy. His likable qualities continue to draw her in, and for some reason he keeps coming back to her. But they can’t be more than friends—he’s made that crystal clear. Except for a handful of times…and the confusion is driving her crazy.
Sarah’s quest for self-definition becomes more tangled than she ever imagined, and she discovers that the journey will take her deeper than clothes and makeup. Filling the void in her heart becomes an obsession she cannot escape. How far is she willing to go to discover who she really is?
Now here’s Jennifer herself, with how the idea for The Carpenter’s Daughter came to her.
Let me tell you a story.
Once upon a time my husband and I embarked on a DIY project. Okay, so we’ve done a lot of them. But this one… oiy. We designed and were prepping to pour a new, large, two-tiered concrete patio off the back of our home. The whole project was, uh, fierce. Ground prep (done by hand), forms made of both concrete blocks and wood, and then actually pouring the concrete.
Have you ever poured concrete? Worst. Job. Ever. No kidding. It is H-A-R-D.
So somewhere in the middle of this project, which took months, we were working until hunger demanded us to stop. Around seven or eight in the evening, I think. Guess who is supposed to be in charge of food? Me. Yeah, the girl in ripped, nasty, out-of-fashion jeans, a baggy T-shirt left over from high school days complete with soaking wet, oh-my-goodness-she-stinks pits. I hadn’t planned ahead. We had nothing ready to kill the howling of our stomachs. Propelled by a hungry husband, four “starving” children, and my own demanding stomach, I hopped in the car and headed to Subway.
Yep. Just like that. No shower. Not even a glance in the mirror. Didn’t even think about it until I garnered some looks from the sandwich store’s patrons. And when I say looks, I mean the kind that make you think you’re actually not human because no one is that cruel. Are they?
Life goes on. Got my four footlongs and headed home for some grub and a much needed stand under warm water.
Except somewhere between Subway and home I met a new friend. Her name is Sarah, and she lives in my head. She’s a construction girl, and a good one. She knows how to work. How to build. How to create.
But she does not know herself.
And here’s the interesting part. She had a Subway experience of her own. Some well-dressed, put-together lady whispered a name about her. Loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.
One word can change a life.
Sarah’s was never the same.
Her story has changed me. How I see others. What I think about myself. I can’t wait to share it because in the end she finds out something really important.
She discovers that truly one Word can change a life.
Sally again. That little scenario there, the one that opens The Carpenter’s Daughter, sure did make me think. What about you? Sometimes we need the reminder of how powerful our words are, don’t we?
I hope you try Jennifer’s books. Who’s the last new author you took a risk on? Share in the comments.
I’m so happy to see Jennifer Rodewald and her books spotlighted here. I discovered her when her first book was released and, like you, I am very impressed. Just tonight, as I was roaming Amazon, I saw The Carpenter’s Daughter. I can’t wait.
I’m also excited to finally see a new story from you, Sally, in the Whispers of Love anthology. :) Will we see a full length novel in the near future?
I have read all of Jennifer books already and look forward to reading the third one. She’s an amazing author.
The Carpenter’s Daughter looks like a great read, I’m putting it on my TBR list!
One of the latest new authors I tried was Michelle Massaro, she just released her debut novel Grace in the Flames, an amazing story about trusting God even when it seems impossible. I had the oppertunity to read an early copy of her next novel Better Than Fiction, which is another fantastic story.
Thanks for inviting Jennifer to Inspy, Sally. She’s a wonderful writer and I’m so looking forward to reading The Carpenter’s Daughter.
Hi Sally. I also lived in Chicago for 10 years, even though I grew up on the eastern side of Lake Michigan and now live there. Sorry but we are Cubs fans.
I always enjoy reading new authors. Since I signed up for Book Bub, I have been introduced to many a talented romance and cozy mystery writer, many who live in the Midwest. But as a retired language and English teacher, I enjoy meeting authors from around the world. Always interested in learning new customs and traditions, or a different spin on the familiar.
My great uncle Otto was a carpenter. He sponsored our family when we immigrated from Germany to America. He arrived at Ellis Island in 1914 and settled in Chicago, later in SW Michigan. I am looking forward to reading Jennifer Rodewald’s The Carpenter’s Daughter.
Thanks for introducing us to a new author. Enjoy your week.
I’m looking forward to reading Jennifer’s books. Thanks for shining the spotlight on her work.
Thanks for sharing, Sally. I loved Jennifer’s story, and yes, #wordsmatter. That seems to be my theme this year. Will pick up this book. :)
tlrosado, The Carpenter’s Daughter is a good one. :) I bet you’ll enjoy it. Thanks for noticing Whispers of Love! That is actually a full-length novel, the first in a new series. I have a novella coming out before that one, but it won’t be officially announced til late next month sometime. Working on final edits right now!
Glad you’ve already found her, Colleen!
I haven’t had a chance to read Michelle yet, but I’ve seen her covers. They’re quite nice, aren’t they?
Jennifer’s a kindred spirit as far as writing goes. :) Now that I’ve read The Carpenter’s Daughter, I’m eager to read book four. No pressure, Jennifer!
Renate, how cool about your uncle! My husband’s family came from Poland maybe ten years before yours–and settled in Chicago. Some of them were furniture makers, others tailors. There’s so much about their lives that’s so interesting, you know? If only we could hear it all from them now!
Enjoy, Heidi!
It’s really interesting how the idea came to her, isn’t it? That always intrigues me. Inspiration sure does strike anywhere.
I appreciate Jennifer’s work and, for that reason (and because I also like to “showcase” new and promising authors), we invited her to be in our current box set, Immeasurably More. Her first book, Blue Columbine, is featured in that set. Her characters have depth and richness. I hope many of our Inspy Romance readers will discover Jennifer and her books. Blessings.
This sounds like a good book. Thanks for introducing us. Sally, you were the last author I took a risk on and had it pay off with a memorable read. :) I LOVED your book Kept.
Jennifer allowed me to endorse this one for her (I say allowed because I was honored to do so). Such a fantastic story of God’s grace and love. Hands down one of my favorite reads this year. Glad you featured her Sally! More people should know her name.
Welcome to Inspy Romance, Jennifer! I just pre-ordered your book.
What new authors have I taken a chance on? Wow, too many to count, really. I would guess that around 50% (probably more) of my one-hour-per-evening reading time in the past two years has been spent with a book by a relatively new author. Of course, some of my discoveries have made repeat visits with their new titles!
Wow! Such a rush of love! Thank you all bunches, and thank you Sally, for having me today! I’m so honored.
Aww…thanks, Christina!
Thank you, JoAnn! I have loved being a part of Immeasurably More!
Grace In The Flames is a good book! Thank you for adding The Carpenter’s Daughter to your TBR list. :)
Thank you, tlrosado! I hope you enjoy The Carpenter’s Daughter! And I’m anxious to read more from Sally, too!
Thank you, Colleen!
Thank you, Jill! I hope you are blessed by Sarah’s story. She’s pretty special to me.
Thank you, Heidi!
My theme, too, Lindi! Thank you so much for reading!
Thank you, Kimberly! And Kept is soooo good, isn’t it?
Thank you for having me, Valerie!
I’m currently entranced with Pepper Basham’s writing. She’s a relatively new author with two historical fiction books released–The Thorn Bearer and The Thorn Keeper. She also has a contemporary releasing in a few days, A Twist of Faith, that is such a fun read. It’s a take on Pygmalion/My Fair Lady. I’ve loved her books. Thanks for the new author introduction. The Carpenter’s Daughter sounds wonderful! It’s always great to find new authors.
Blue Columbine is great!
Kimberly, yay! Thank you. I bet you’ll really like Jen then.
Looks like a great story. Yes, this is a new author to me. Right now, I am reading “The Rejected Writer’s Book Club” by Suzanne Kelman. This is a laugh out loud book.
Totally agree, Christina. :)
That’s cool, Valerie! I haven’t been able to do much reading the last couple of years–which I absolutely hate. Which means I haven’t been able to discover as many new authors. Looking forward to reading more once I get past my deadlines.
You’re so welcome, Jen.
A Twist of Faith does sound good, and I love her cover. Might have to squeeze that one in somewhere… :/
I’ve not heard of that book! Or the author. It does sound like it could be quite good. Thanks for the tip!
So excited you introduced Jen! She’s a great writer and I’ve been privileged to read all three of her books and just love her style! Totally recommend everyone to get The Carpenter’s Daughter…awesome read!
This book really sounded interesting to me so I pre-ordered the e-book. I also want to read Blue Columbine but thanks to JoAnn I now know that I have it in the Immeasurably More box set. I have started making a list of all of the books in the box sets so I don’t buy duplicate books which I am known to do. I am doing better now since I keep a notebook of all of my to be read books, read books and now keeping track of the books in the box sets.
I love this blog and how we get to meet new authors and can keep in touch with all of our favorite authors.
Love Jennifer’s books!
Renate, thank you for reading! Totally agree with you about Book Bub. It is such a great resource for finding new books.
Ohhh…A Twist of Faith is on my TBR pile! Pepper’s a funny girl. :)
Laugh out loud? Did you say laugh out loud? Sign me up! Thanks for the tip. :)
Thank you Becky! Fun to see you here.
Thank you for the pre-order, Nancy! And for grabbing Immeasurably More. Good plan on keeping a notebook. Happy reading! :)
Thank you, Janet! I’m so excited about your upcoming release! Such a good series. :)
New-to-me author :-) Your book sounds great! I grew up a tomboy, still consider myself one, so I would probably relate to Sarah in a lot of ways.
I do also know that words can be powerful. You can uplift with them or tear down, words are life! That’s why God warns in scripture about the tongue in James chapter 3. I really try hard to use my words wisely when talking about or to other people. It’s hard sometimes though, isn’t it? Especially when it’s a tense situation and you want to lash out & say things you’ll regret later on.
Thanks for sharing about your books and writing an encouraging post!
Thank you, Trixi! I grew up a tomboy as well, so Sarah and I got along beautifully. ;) I think you’ll like her.
I’ve been focusing on the Proverb “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Or the pen. It’s a challenge.
Jen, it looks like you’re already developing a strong fan base. :) Yay!
I always mean to keep track of what I read… It never happens, though. :( Nancy, you impress me!
They are good!
Completely agree, Trixi. I’d love to tame my tongue someday. Before I reach heaven. :/
Yay! Best wishes and prayers as you finish and move towards publishing. :)
Carpenter’s Daughter sounds so good! Looking forward to reading it!
I’ve discovered several authors in the last couple of years that I’ve loved. TI Lowe, Tammy L. Gray, Nicole Deese, Christina Coryell, Joann Durgin, Kimberly Rae Jordan, Staci Stallings, Shanna Hatfield, Amy Matayo, Sally Bradley, and so many others!!! They may not all be “new” authors, but they were new to me and I have thoroughly enjoyed discovering their books!
Thank you, Beth! I hope you enjoy it. :)
Ohhh… Julie, I have some faves on that list, too! You have good taste. :)
I am sure I have read a previous book by Jennifer by I can’t think of the title right now. Congratulations on the new release. I am drawn to it simply because of my love of hanging out in the carpenter shop with my grandfather. I’m sure if the term Butch was used in the 1960’s and 1970’s, i would have been called it.
Reclaimed has been on my reading wishlist. With the glowing endorsement of Carpenter’s Daughter, I will now need to read both. A New to me author is Jennifer Peel I have just finished Jessie Belle: The Women of Merryton it is book one in the series yet can stand on its own.
I’m actually reading Kept right now and I love it!
Thank you, kda! Oh…how fun to have you interested in Sarah’s story. My dad was a carpenter/construction guy, so I’m a little familiar with that world. Man those people work hard, don’t they? And the skilled ones are truly amazing craftsmen!
Thank you, Cheri! I hope you enjoy both Reclaimed and The Carpenter’s Daughter. I’m so honored. Jennifer Peel is on my TBR list. So many books to read… :)
Jessica, It’s a great book, isn’t it?
I was thinking about why your name sounded familiar and I finally remembered. I read your book, Reclaimed. I really enjoyed it. In fact, I believe I left a review for it under the name phoneticpanda on Amazon.
I have to make one thing clear from my previous comment. By the term Butch I am not referring to the lesbian connotation. I am referring more to a Tomboy. I loved to work around the wood shop more than helping out with chores in the house. In fact, I was either with my grandfather or with my fsther helping him restore. Vehicles.
Thank you!
Yes. I know what you mean, and I know exactly why you are concerned! I really wrestled with whether or not I would use that term in the book because of this very concern, but I wanted the impact of how a hearer may struggle with that kind of careless insult.
Thanks for the sweet words, Winnie! You are so very kind!!
Jen, now I’m curious about what you mean? ;-)
Haha, Pepper…your FB comments are so funny. I can’t wait to read your take on My Fair Lady (that’s the one, right?).
Yes, A Twist of Faith is the ‘my fair lady’ story :-) And yes, a healthy sense of humor is a key to survival in my life :-)