Last month my blog post mentioned some of the things we did on our most recent trip to Spokane, Washington, where I lived when I was in high school. Before we went to Spokane we drove through North Cascades National Park, since I’m trying to visit as many national parks as possible.
During one of our hikes, I came across this interesting tree stump pictured above. At some point this tree appeared to be dead and was cut down, but it came back from the roots and sent up new shoots. This definitely made an odd looking tree. When I saw it, I thought it would make a good illustration for a blog post here. It made me think of second chances. I have written a number of books that deal in second chances because God is always ready to give us a second chance as we see in the following verse from 2 Peter 3:9. “The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.”
You can preorder Annie’s Hope using these links.
Like the tree needs roots for new life, we need to be rooted in Christ. Even if we stray, if we are rooted in Him, we will find a second chance and forgiveness as we read in Ephesians 1:7. “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace…”
Colossians 2:6-7 talks about being rooted in Christ. “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
I love giving my characters second chances. They often get a second chance at love, and they find that God is ready and willing to give them a second chance through His Son, Jesus.
Do you like second chance stories?
I will give away an ebook copy of the first book in my Pinecrest series, Second Chance Love, which is all about second chances, to one person who leaves a comment. I will draw the winning name on August 27, 2022 at 9PM MST.
“Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.”
Sabrina Templin says
I believe God gives us second, third, fourth, fifth, etc chances so yes books about having a second chance give a person who’s messed up hope I think.
Jeannette says
Yes! God forgives and forgets. We might even feel as if we have become a dead tree stump but He can give us new life and a fresh start. I think of the telegraph poles that are used in South Africa. The first trunk is cut off for the tall poles and then the tree is left to re-grow and the new shoots are then used for fencing etc This can be repeated numerous times.
Lori R says
I love second chance books. That is one of my favorite tropes because of the hope inspired in the books.
Beth Westcott says
God’s love and forgiveness are about second chances. How often do something new right the first time? Second chances are much of life.
Lori Smanski says
what a cool tree. this reminds me of how Christ works in our lives. Something or someone can really knock us down, but Christ will grow something beautiful our of it all
Kendra Muonio says
Yes I like second chance romance books i like that most times they make a mistake and come back years later and fix it.
Trudy says
I love second chance romances! Some of us need third and fourth chances (and more!), so 2nds are good, too!!
Megan says
Beautiful tree! I love how just when we think somethings dead or done for God has a way of showing us anything possible with Him.
Angeline says
Second chance stories are often so sweet, I enjoy reading them!
Alicia Haney says
Hi, yes, I whole heartedly believe in second chances , I love to read books about second chances. Thank you for sharing the beautiful verses, I love your photo of the tree that has been given a second chance, that tree did not give up on life, it wanted to continue and God gave it a second change. Have a great week and stay safe .
Priscila Perales says
They’re definitely one of my favorite tropes. But as much as I love them, I’m even more grateful for the second chances the Lord gives us.
RuthieH says
What an amazing picture!
I love second chance stories. Who among us hasn’t hugely messed up at some point and needed a second chance? Certainly not me! These stories are a great reminder of how important the love and forgiveness of God is in all our lives.
Trudy says
YES!! And, He doesn’t keep score!!
Melynda says
I love second chance stories!
bn100 says
fun hike
I Love second chance stories!
Terry B says
That is an interesting tree. I love Love Inspired books!
Thanks for the chance to win your book.
Cindi Knowles says
What a great picture. My favorite type of book is one with a second chance.
Bonnie Heringer says
I love second chance stories. Like you said, second chance at love and finding the love of God and a second chance through Jesus. Thank you for writing clean, Christian stories.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Sabrina,
Yes, God is good at giving us multiple chances.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Jeannette,
That’s really interesting about the telegraph poles. It’s a good way to keep the trees.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Lori,
Second chances is a great trope. Everyone wants a second chance when they mess up.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Beth,
Yes, what would we do without second chances in this life?
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Lori,
Yes, God can grow something beautiful out of the worst things.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Kendra,
Sometimes it takes years to understand and want to correct mistakes.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Trudy,
Yes, thankfully we have a God who will forgive us over and over if we confess our sins. He is a God of second chances and more.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Megan,
That’s exactly what I thought when I saw that tree. New growth from something that looked dead.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Angeline,
Me too, and I love to write them.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Alicia,
You’re welcome. I think they are so encouraging.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Ruth,
Yes, it is so wonderful that we can count on God to give us second chances.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Melynda,
I think we need second chance stories to remind us that we all need them.
Merrillee Whren says
It was. We did a lot of hiking.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Sarah,
Second chance stories remind us that it’s not impossible to start over with God’s help.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Terry,
It definitely caught my eye.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Cindi,
Thanks. That tree immediately reminded me of second chances.
Merrillee Whren says
Hi Bonnie,
You’re welcome. I love to write about God’s love while writing a love story because His love is the greatest love story of all.
Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says
I love second chances and forgiveness.
Debra Pruss says
Yes, I do enjoy and cherish second chances. If it were not for Jesus’ death on the cross, no one would be worthy to be a child of God. He has given all of us second chances. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
Jessica B. says
I have read some second chance stories that I really enjoyed but it’s not my favorite trope.
Ausjenny says
I like second chances. I wouldn’t have my two cats if they hadn’t been given a second chance due to them being rescue cats. It would be so hard if people were given up on if they made one mistake.
Natalya Lakhno says
I like second chance stories!
Lilly says
Second chances are important because all of us born again in Christ had them!
Abigail Harris says
I love second chance stories, that’s my favorite trope ever! Second chance romances are good, but I just really love seeing any story with a second chance!