Release time is always exciting for an author, and any day (quite literally), I’m releasing Whisper to My Heart. This will be my 20th book since my debut novel released in late 2010, and it’s been quite the ride!
I love book covers that entice a reader to get to know the characters and their unique journeys! This is another cover where I immediately knew I must write the story (designed by the same designer as my recent release, Gentle Like the Rain). As with many of my books, the title of this book holds more than one meaning for the characters, and I like to believe this element adds a layer of richness and depth.
My heroine in Whisper to My Heart, Annalise (Anna) Redmond, is a New York-based classical concert pianist and former child prodigy who trained at the well-known Juilliard School in Manhattan. My hero is Weston Galloway, an Atlanta native and former firefighter who now works in construction.
Forgiveness, faith, family, and redemption are the focus in many of my novels. You’ll find them all in this new book as well as an exploration of the importance of purity in mind, body, and spirit. Weston is involved in a ministry based on Psalm 51, verse 10: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
I adored writing Anna and Weston’s story and how these two seemingly opposite individuals find one another while they’re both in little Darling, Georgia. Anna’s quirky sister and brother-in-law, multi-faceted coworkers, and humorous townspeople add even more dimension and fun. It’s a tale of how our lives can impact others in ways we may never imagine, and vice versa. A story of finding love in sometimes unexpected ways and places. Whisper to My Heart is a stand-alone novel, but with me, you never know when I might revisit a town or certain characters. I always seem to find a way of leaving the door open to the possibility of a return trip!
One aspect of writing I’ve come to appreciate and enjoy tremendously is research. I’ve studied geographical locations, artists, musicians, mineralogists, jewelry designers, ballerinas, pedicab operators, hymn writers and lyricists, and many varied subjects in the past few years. For this particular book, I researched piano technique, warm-up exercises (and the life of Carl Tausig who developed the exercises used by many concert pianists), habits, and the life of a professional concert musician. I also researched what traits and skills are important in construction, as well as many aspects related to living in Georgia (Darling is a fictional town located 100 miles southwest of Atlanta). I like to find ways to incorporate what I learn into my books so that my readers will feel and experience it along with the characters.
I want my books to reflect the time, effort, and care I pour into them. That’s my responsibility to the reader, and it’s my privilege and honor to bring you a unique story with each new novel.
Below is an excerpt from the first chapter of Whisper to My Heart. I’ll confess that I haven’t written the blurb yet since that’s usually the very last thing I write before a book’s release. I’ll be giving away two ebook copies of Whisper to My Heart! To qualify, you must leave a comment responding to this question by midnight EST this Sunday, August 28th:
Is there an occupation for a hero and/or heroine that you haven’t seen much of (or at all) in a contemporary Christian romance and would like to see?
I’m waiting to hear your answers! Winners will be announced next week.
Here’s that promised excerpt from the beginning of Whisper to My Heart. As you read it, I hope you might wonder why a world-class musician is working in a small-town diner…
Anna cringed, waiting for the inevitable crash. The accident couldn’t have been prevented. Not really. She’d tripped over a child’s forgotten toy, sending that stack of slippery plates flying. Slapping her hands over her face, she waited for the impending wrath of Roz the Terminator.
Her first mistake? Rinsing her hands and then forgetting to dry them before bussing tables. Who knew there’d be so many details to remember? She’d thought this job would be easy. How could people do this for a living? After only three days on the job, she should turn in her apron and acknowledge the truth—she was a terrible waitress.
Wait a second. No crash. Only the sound of clattering, not shattering, plates. And people were…clapping?
“Go, Weston! You are the man!”
Splaying her fingers wide, Anna dared to peek. One of the construction guys who’d been sitting in the back corner booth—Weston, apparently—crouched in front of her. He attempted to stabilize the stack of wobbly plates in his hands while his comrades whistled, stomped, whooped, and hollered. Appearing unsteady, his forehead creased with a deep frown.
Anna wanted to tell his cronies to pipe down their rowdiness in case it made Weston nervous, but they probably wouldn’t listen. She glanced at the floor. Surely she’d missed one of the plates falling in the midst of all the loud cheering? Nope, no shards lay scattered across the hard floor. How had he managed to corral them without any casualties?
“Let me help you.” Anna started forward but then hesitated. On second thought, that wasn’t the best idea since she seemed especially clumsy tonight. Who knew what chaos she might create? They’d probably both end up on the floor. That’d be interesting but would solve nothing.
“No problem. I’ve got them.” Weston’s focus didn’t waver, and he’d captured the attention of everyone in the diner. A slow grin spread across his face as he cautiously rose to a standing position—six feet or thereabouts of controlled muscle in a white but dirt-covered T-shirt and worn jeans. His light brown beard was neatly trimmed and curls peeked out from the bottom of his backwards Atlanta Braves cap. Cute guy.
Anna clapped with the others as Weston moved to the front of the diner and carefully deposited the plates on the counter. The other waitress, Candee, scooted beside her and leaned close. “Let him be your hero for the day.” She patted Anna’s arm and winked. “Every gal needs one of those. And every man wants to be one.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Walking over to the counter, Anna gave him a weary smile. “Thank you for saving my job. At least for now.” They were only plates. She shouldn’t even care. But for some inexplicable reason, she did.
“Welcome. You looked like you could use some help. Glad I came in, well…handy.” Weston shot a disparaging glance at his clothing. “As you can see, nothing’s going to make me dirtier than I already am.” He lifted his baseball cap and scratched the side of his head. “Okay, that didn’t come out right.”
Maybe not, but she liked his deep, charming southern drawl. Baby blue eyes, offset by tanned skin, settled on her. “I’m Weston Galloway. And you are?” She appreciated how his gaze didn’t dip south of her name tag. In spite of how he was dressed, and the somewhat rough-cut company he kept, Weston seemed like a gentleman.
“I’m Anna. Anna Redmond. It’s nice to meet you.” Was it wise to give him her last name? At least she’d only given him the shortened version of her first name. The odds were against Weston recognizing her name or knowing who she was.
Until His Nets Are Full,
Matthew 5:16
Love the reference to Matthew 5:16. Will eagerly look for this book- sounds like another winner. Professions, hmm cannot think of any stories featuring paramedics at the moment. Zoo keepers? Animal conservationist? Bit wacky there maybe, or just the influence of my dinosaur/animal loving boys!!
Congratulations on your twentieth book, JoAnn! That’s quite an accomplishment. I LOVE that cover, it’s so beautiful. I have a few unusual occupations in my vault, but I might have to save them for my own books. :) I do agree with Wemble, a zoo keeper would be fun.
Thank you for the excerpt! And I love the beautiful cover! A Vet is one occupation a can’t recall having read about before.
Your book sounds interesting. I think a naturalist working with animals would be fun. I like story’s involving nurses, but that’s not new. I haven’t read any books with in home day care workers or pharmacists.
Just like all your books, I’m hooked already. Can’t wait for it to come out (and the rest of the series–the covers are all really beautiful). I appreciate the efforts you always put in the details.
Now, regarding your question, nothing really comes to mind in terms of occupation I’d like to read about, but definitely there are many that I haven’t read about (at least recently) like bank teller, phone operator, engineer, IT, financial analyst, marketing, product design, nutritionist, …
Thanks for sharing your excerpt and congratulations on your 20th book. I have never read a book with an Auditor. I wonder how that would play out since no one really likes auditors?
I’m hooked already on Whisper to my Heart, curious about Anna’s current occupation when she’s a concert pianist. Want a kooky idea for a hero’s occupation? I have never read a book starring a garbage truck driver. Now, there’s a challenge!
Inspiring cover, but I am partial to the rosy, mauve color. Some occupations to consider, as stated above garbage collector (recycling), product designer, dental assistant, inner city bus driver, electrician, plumber (especially if they are not the stereotypical gender).
Once knew a female telephone pole climber. She did not use a lift, but climbed the poles by the pegs. At the time it was a male occupation and she endured a lot of teasing, but loved the job. Today she would be for a power or cable company.
I can’t think of any occupation that I haven’t seen but would like to. This sounds like a wonderful book.
Good morning, everyone! I’m in Nashville, TN, this morning. I had dinner last night with my friend from Oregon and fellow Inspy Romance blogger, Kimberly Johnson, as she’s attending the ACFW conference. So much fun to meet a fellow author in person after we’ve chatted online many times! I’ll respond to comments when I return home later today. I’m enjoying your comments immensely! Thank you. Blessings.
I can’t think of any particular occupations, but your book sounds very interesting.
Lots of ideas in the comments above! I can’t think of any others. Sounds like an interesting book!
Can’t wait to read it. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of postal workers.
The one occupation I never see is a female who is currently in the military. Maybe a National Guard Soldier who finds a guy outside of the military. Where she is on the enlisted side and not an officer. Of course maybe I just want a story that resembles my life. ?
I read so much that I’m not sure I know an answer to that question. I will say that I like reading about ordinary people. You’re really good about making your characters the kind of people I go to church with. Construction workers, teachers, even pastors make great stories in my opinion. I’m not a fan of cookie cutter fairy tales, you know, the billionaire meets the waitress kind of stuff. I like to see two happy Christian people discover that there is a greater happiness that can be found together.
i don’t remember many vet characters or funeral directors
I haven’t too many books about scientists of either gender. Especially forensic scientists. Science can be a tough field to be a Christian in and forensics adds the police and law environments into the mix as well.
I just finished one of your books, and look forward to another.
Congratulations on your twentieth book that is very exciting! I can’t wait to read them all. I so agree with Stephanie Williams! Forensic Science is awesome and we never really see it in Christian books. I wait with baited breathe for this……
This book sounds really sweet and interesting. I have always dreamed of being a concert pianist, unfortunately, I never learned how to play the piano. The life style seems so classical.
As for a job I’ve never/rarely seen in a book ……it would be a photographer/photo-retoucher. My husband and I used to do wedding photography and then stopped but now one of our daughters took it up and is very skilled and works as a photo-retoucher for an advertising agency.
Thanks for the excertp! I’m looking forward to reading this one. The cover is beautiful.
A truck driver. (Guess I thought of this because my daughter and son-in-law own a trucking company.). Can hardly wait to read this one.
Wemble, Matthew 5:16 is the Scripture verse I use for my life as well as for my writing. :) I know I’ve seen a few stories with paramedics, but they’re often medical suspense books or thrillers. Not so much in contemporary romance. However, there are firefighters (who are trained in lifesaving procedures). Dinosaur loving boys…on the way to Nashville (TN) yesterday, we passed Dinosaur World. They’d probably like that, but I believe you’re in the land down under, aren’t you? :) I appreciate your comment and faithful readership of our Inspy Romance blog! Blessings.
Thank you, Jill! I’ll be interested to see which unusual occupations you’ll be writing about in the future! :) Blessings.
Congrats on your 20th book!!! I am looking forward to it! The occupation I would like to see is welder. My husband is a welder and I think they are pretty sexy :)
Hi Lientjie (how DO you pronounce your name?), and thank you. I remember reading the James Herriott All Creatures Great and Small Series when I was younger. Have you seen/heard it? It’s a series of several books about a country vet, and I remember they were charming novels. You should check it out sometime! I don’t recall much romance, but I those books when I was much younger and wasn’t particularly looking for romance. Imagine that! Thank you for the comment. Blessings!
A cook/nutritionist for a nursing home. My mother in law has done this job for years, as a single woman. She goes in to work at 4 a.m., even on snow days. And she goes to bed very early in the evenings. She does meals for those who need soft diets, pureed diets, etc. She manages all the personalities in the kitchen. It’s a very complex occupation, I think, and would make a challenging subject.
Thank you, Diana! Seems a number of readers would enjoy reading about someone who works with animals. Very interesting… I wrote a story where the conflict was that the girl wanted to go away from home to study nursing just as hero came back to town from serving in the Air Force. Then she went on to become a nurse as it’s mentioned in later books (she’s the family matriarch in my Lewis Legacy Series). I appreciate your input! Blessings.
How wonderful! Congratulation’s! This is what the world needs….
Thanks, Priscila! I’ll probably write about a marketing executive one of these days since I love marketing and public relations. There are a few books with phone operators (do they have those anymore?), but they were in historical Christian books. Those are all very good suggestions. Just to be clear, this book is not part of my upcoming Treasured Vow Series (with the bridal covers). I just happen to love bridal covers. :) They seem to imply a happy ending. As I mentioned in the blog, this is a stand-alone novel for now, but you never know with me, do you? Blessings, and thanks for the comment!
Hi Kaleen! Yes, taking the unlovable and making them lovable is a challenge. I’ve done it before, but not with an auditor. He was an attorney, so some would say it’s a similar situation. LOL. Thanks for your comment. Blessings!
Hi Kathleen! Yes, that’s a little different, but why not? That would be an interesting occupation. I’d just hope the reader wouldn’t want to constantly wrinkle her nose. Maybe a garbage truck driver who’s somehow lost his sense of smell so it doesn’t bother him? LOL. :) Anything’s possible, right? Maybe you should try writing THAT
story! Thanks for the comment. Blessings.
I like the idea of a going beyond the gender stereotype, Renate. Good ideas. Thank you for the comment. Blessings!
The first job I thought of was a janitor! I can’t wait to read this book too!
Thank you, Susan! Always nice to see you here on the blog. Blessings!
Thank you, Merrillee! Blessings.
Thank you, Margaret! I appreciate your stopping by the blog today. Blessings!
I’m very much looking forward to reading it! And congratulations on #20!!! I’m going to be ready to start a new book in a couple of days, soooo I’m ready! ;) As for a hero/heroine how about someone that rescues animals…..I know several amazing rescue organizations, and then there is my own beloved Gabi girl that wasn’t rescued, but was saved by an amazing vet specialist and her team. Animals are always close to my heart, so I had to share. :)
Tory, want to know something funny? We were in the car and driving back from Nashville. I first saw your comment at the same time as we were being a US Post Office truck. What timing. Maybe that’s a sign? :) I appreciate your comment. Blessings!
Thank you for your service, Jenifer! Great idea. I know I could come to you for research. :) I appreciate the comment. Many blessings!
Thanks, Amy. You do read a lot of books and probably encounter many professions in them. I’ve written about a pastor already, and a few teachers. Construction worker coming right up (he’s not a billionaire in disguise, either)! :) Thanks for the comment, as always. Blessings!
Hi Shelia! A vet seems to be a popular idea, but I suppose it’s because I know there have been other series with vets. No reason another couldn’t be written in contemporary Christian romance, right? I know another Christian author married to a funeral director. I think I’ll let her write that story since she knows a whole lot about it to write a story more authentically. Thanks for the suggestions! Blessings.
I love a good inspy romance but I would love to see books explore those with more difficult backgrounds. I think an oncologist, therapist, or a reformed gang leader would make for a great backstory
Hi Stephanie! There are plenty of suspense or thrillers with scientists, forensic specialists, etc. That would take a lot of knowledge and expertise that I don’t have and would take a TON of research, but those are great ideas! I have an astronaut coming up, though. Does that count? I LOVED doing the research for that one (including a trip to Johnson Space Center/NASA in Houston). Blessings, and thanks for the comments. :)
Hi Catherine, and thank you for the compliment! See my answer regarding forensics. I’m sure there are more qualified than me to write about THAT particular subject. But you know where to come for some good romance no matter the profession of my hero and heroine! Thanks for the comment, and if my life would slow down a little, I will be releasing this book in the very near future. :) Blessings.
Hi Tammy, and thank you for reading one of my books. I’m glad you enjoyed it and want to read another. I appreciate your stopping by the blog and commenting. Blessings!
Hi Marylin! A number of my family members have been (or are currently) photographers, including one who worked for National Geographic at one point and wrote a book for them about the experience of living at the bottom of the Grand Canyon with the Native American population. Meaning I know where to go for some very good research and information. My uncle used to do wedding photography. Congrats on your daughter’s fabulous-sounding job, too. I’d be more interested in hearing about that. If you’re on FB, send me a private message if you’d like. Blessings, and thanks for your comment!!
Thank you, Julianne! Always nice to see you here on Inspy. I appreciate the compliments. Blessings! :)
Thanks, Ann! I’m sure owning a trucking company is something not many know about and it would be very interesting. I know where to go to get some information if I go that route…LOL. Thanks for the comment. Blessings!
Hi, Nina, and I know you’re busy moving, so I really appreciate your taking the time to comment! I’m sure I could find a way to make any profession, um, intriguing. Love your sentiment about YOUR hubby. Thanks again, and many blessings!
Alesha, I have all the respect in the world for women who work in professions like this. Obviously, it’s a labor of love for her, and it’s such a NEEDED thing. Bless her heart. It does indeed sound like a profession that would be interesting in a book, romance or not. I’ve written about a group that does catering, and workers in a diner so far. Many blessings, and thanks for leaving a comment.
Thank you, Kathleen! I’m trying my best to bring stories of God’s love, grace, and mercy to readers. Blessings, and thanks for your comment! :)
Hi Beth, and thanks for stopping by the blog today! A janitor would be intriguing. I’ve had that suggested before. You never know… :) Blessings to you!
Congrats on your new book.
May I suggest a anthropologist as a new heroine,a female Indiana Jones that travels the world .
Lisa, I know where to come for research if I need it. After all, you helped me with the fire ant questions! Sounds like a great idea. Definitely given me things to ponder. Blessings, and hope you’re enjoying the view from Georgia now! Blessings! :)
Thanks, Vanady, and so great to see you on Inspy Romance! Your suggestions sound great, and I appreciate the comments! I also answered on my FB page. Many blessings!
There’s a cute book I’m reading right now Jenny B. Jones, I’ll Be Yours. It’s about a young girl who rescues animals while some cute and humorous things go on. She’s also got other issues in her life that seem difficult. I have enjoyed all the characters and love how the author works through some tough issues. You might want to look at it.
Can’t wait for this newest book. A marine biologist might be cool.
Thank you, Linda! That sounds like a great idea, but she’d need a guy in the same profession (or a complementary one) if that’s a romance. Sounds like a lot of fun, though, doesn’t it? Thanks for your comment, as always! Many blessings.
Hi Robin, and yes it would. That would entail a lot of research, however. If I can write about an astronaut, though, why not? Thanks for the comment. Many blessings! :)
My son-in-law is a junk dealer. He cleans out houses, and hauls away junk. But what some of these people consider junk is unbelievable. When older people die, their relatives don’t even want to come and go through their stuff. They actually pay Ray to haul away valuable antiques!
Thanks JoAnn I will!
I also would LOVE to see those National Geographic photos! Wow!
Navy Pilot
That is awesome 20 books. WOW congrats!!!
I read through the comments, lots of great ideas.
What about a repeller, in this country we have lots of cliffs. Or a diver.
My dad worked on microwave towers. way out in the middle of now where to keep your phone and electric working.That would be something different. Before that he recorded earth quakes so someone who predicts or follows natural disasters or chases after tornadoes.
sorry i go for the dramatic i guess.
Awe! Congratulations on release #20! So happy and proud of you. I just love this cover! So beautiful and I know the story inside is going to be just as lovely! Can’t wait! As far as an occupation, how about a forest firefighter. My dad volunteers with the forestry division several years and he is always my hero! Fighting forest fires all hours of the night & day, no matter the situation, the state, the danger my dad was always there.
my hubby works in the oil fields and the boom brought some crazy folks who knew nothing about the buisnes to work. made for some dangerous situations then the rush hit and many are left with huge debts from ;miss managing their money.
Congratulations on your upcoming release, cannot wait to read it. So as for an occupation what about a romance writer or an advice columnist, a custom wood furniture maker, or your every day cashier, factory worker,etc. Every occupation is waiting for a hero/heroine. Love your books!! ?
Can’t wait to read this book, I could be wrong but I don’t remember reading any books with a a therapeutic riding instructor or school I think that would be cool
Not many men teachers are featured, or commercial fishermen. But I still like cowboys, policemen , and soldiers!!!!
A doctor, a therapist or a youth counselor (I’m working on my mental health counseling degree :) ), or a youth pastor/pastor with a tough upbringing. :) Love your books. God bless
I think an optometrist might be fun. Or an opthamologist. They have such a unique job and they can detect serious health issues from the eyes. Would make for a great story! Let me know if you need help researching.
Hi how about someone who works in the environmental protection industry? Could cover a multitude of things including animals. Looking forward to reading the book. Liz x
I love your books. I think I have read most of them. As for as professions – I would really love one with a robotics engineer as a main character – particularly one who develops materials and equipment for people with disabilities.
Congratulations on the 20th book, JoAnn! The cover is gorgeous, and I loved the excerpt. As for unusual occupations, I believe a similar profession was mentioned, but I think it would be interesting to read a romance where the heroine works with wolves in captivity.
Since you wrote it, it will be fabulous! I think an interesting occupation would be a ballistics expert. I worked at a plant that wove Kevlar into a fabric that goes in bullet-proof vests. Very interesting process. Thanks for the chance to win!
Teresa, that does sound intriguing! Interesting. I know some people who claim if you go along Fifth Avenue in NYC the day after Christmas, you can find all sorts of things. I’ve heard estate sales are similar, and my cousin’s wife picked up some valuable baskets for me once (retired Longaberger baskets that the family had no idea had any value whatsoever). At least they did at that time. That’s a great idea! Thanks for the comment. Blessings!
Great suggestion, JoAnn! I love a man who flies. I have a NASA shuttle commander (former Air Force pilot) coming up in Pursuit (due late this fall). Thanks for the comment. Many blessings!
All great and very unique suggestions, Renette! Thanks so much for your input. I hadn’t even heard of a repeller. I appreciate your stopping by the blog today. Blessings.
One who does rescues of people who have fallen over steep ravines by repelling down cliffs,
I know what I’d love to do if I ever had a chance to! A bird of prey rehabilitator (or wildlife); you know, the people who rescue wildlife, bring them back to health and either release them back into the wild or if they can’t do that, keep them at a sanctuary to live out the rest of their lives. I can’t recall ever reading a story like this. Maybe that’s a little bit far fetched, but I think it would be a fascinating occupation! Or bring it home and feature a animal rescue person/ animal shelter worker. Or a farm vet (say in a western themed contemporary story) or farm animal rehabilitator after an injury? See so many possibilities with animals? :-)
Congrats on the 20th novel JoAnn! What an absolutely gorgeous cover!! I l love wedding pictures and the bride and groom in all their finery :-)
Thanks! I actually looked it up. Sounds like a great profession, but it could be sad. We need brave and daring people like that! :)
Aw, Sharon, I can SEE why your dad would be your hero. What a noble and honorable profession. Thanks so much for the compliment and I appreciate your stopping by the blog today! Blessings.
Thank you so much, Ann! It made me smile to see your comment. :) Thanks for stopping by the blog today. A lot of books have featured writers lately, but it IS fun, isn’t it (including a romance in writer who goes to France in a recent Hallmark movie)? Jim’s grandfather was a furniture maker in the Boston area many years ago (and I made mention of him in Gentle Like the Rain–even added his first name, Melvin, to the version I individually released). I LOVE what you said about every occupation waiting for a hero/heroine. That’s awesome. Blessings to you!
Thank you so much, Ginny! I don’t believe I have either, but you know what? I’ve thought about something along those lines. I read a newspaper article once about using horses for therapy and that planted that idea in my head. So, you never know! Blessings, and thanks for stopping by the blog today! :)
Hi Donna, and thanks for dropping by the blog! I’ve had a few urban cowboys (even a rancher coming up in the Lewis Series) and a soldier in Perchance to Dream, but those are excellent suggestions. I’ve read a few with men teachers. My husband taught for a few years, so I’m aware of the challenges there. A commercial fisherman sounds intriguing… I like to believe any profession could be interesting with the “right” hero. :) Blessings!
Congrats to you, Evelitza! That’s awesome that you’re pursuing a mental health counseling degree. That’s definitely needed, and I applaud you. I’ve written about the youth pastor, but these are all great suggestions. Thanks for stopping by the blog and for your comment today! :) Blessings.
I have personal experience with that profession since I’ve suffered from iritis several times. The interesting thing is that once I quit my full-time legal job to pursue writing, I haven’t been bothered. Like so many things, it’s triggered by stress. I’ll let you know if I need some more information. You never know it’ll come in handy for one of my stories. :)Thank so much for stopping by the blog and for your comment, Petra! Blessings.
Marylin, I’ll be happy to take a peek. I know Jenny’s written some YA books, and I normally don’t read those. But if I have a reader recommendation, I might. Thank you, :)
Marylin, this was many years ago, but they were awesome. Geographic also sent him to the North Pole. The stories about the precautions they had to take to protect the lenses and cameras was amazing enough in itself!
GREAT suggestion, Liz! That would take a lot of research, but it would be amazing and informative, without a doubt! :) Thanks so much for stopping by the blog today and commenting. Blessings!
Thank you for stopping by today, June! Great to see you here on Inspy Romance and for the lovely compliment! I’m honored. I’m not even sure what a robotics engineer does except for what you’ve hinted at in your comment. That’s definitely something I’ve never read about before. I’m keeping a list of all these terrific suggestions, and that’s a wonderful one to add. I like to “teach” and inform my readers about locations, etc., and (if you saw my post about my autistic son last month), anyone who helps and works with people with disabilities is someone I’d like to feature in a future book. Many blessings! :)
Hi Alexa, and I’m so glad you stopped by the blog today. That does sound like a very interesting profession (and a little dangerous). Maybe a heroine who’s a zookeeper would be intriguing. Readers like something like that to peak their interest. You’re a fabulous author, so maybe you should try writing about the wolves in captivity or something similar! :) Thanks for the comment. Many blessings!
Thank you, Susan! Now, that’s an intriguing suggestion (and something I’ve never heard of). I’m adding it to my growing list. I’m so GLAD I asked that question today! Hopefully, these answers will help other authors, too. Many blessings, and thanks again.
Trixi, a few readers have also mentioned something similar, so it seems there is definite interest in animals and those who work with them. I particularly like the rescue angle, most definitely! It’s not far fetched at all! I appreciate your kind words. I’m kind of partial to wedding photos, too, and have an entire Treasured Vow Series coming in the next year with couples in their wedding finery on the cover. At least readers know they’ll get a happy ending in all my books. Thanks for the comment today! Blessings.
Hey can’t wait for release. 20th book – congratulations. How about a chiropractor, county park ranger, or a pan handler to add to your list.
My name is pronounced as Linky. I have read and enjoyed some of the James Herriott books, thanks for the reminder:)
Congratulations on your beautiful 20th book cover! You have no idea how much I like the idea of a concert pianist. I happen to love good piano music. I enjoy all your books.
Although I’m sure there are many secular stories about air line pilots and stewardesses, I haven’t read any Christian ones for at least a very long time. Or an IRS employee ever that I remember.
Hi Becky! One of our former bloggers here on Inspy wrote about female park rangers! Thanks for the suggestions. It’s been so fun to see all the wonderful responses! Blessings…book coming very soon. Promise!
Hi Faith, and hope you’re doing well. Always love to see your name and smiling face! How do you feel about a NASA shuttle commander? He’s coming up next in my Lewis Legacy Series. :) I have Landon, too, who’s a pilot. I love to fly and would have been a flight attendant if only I’d been taller. Seriously! An IRS employee falls in the category as the earlier suggestion of an auditor, but hey, they could be a hero or heroine just as much as in any other profession. It’s the character that counts, but it’s fun to have different professions (and maybe we can all learn something along the way, right?)! Blessings, my friend, and thanks for the comment.
Really looks like one of the bridal covers (so much thst I probably ignored the stand alone mention). I thought it was weird there was no mention of marriege as you’ve mentioned it would be the key in the Treasured Vow Series, but the cover definitely looks like one of those.
I also didn’t mention but 20 (great) books in 6 years is amazing. Congratulations!!
(As for phone operators I guess I was thinking more about the call center kind.)
I think I’ve read some of the authors from this blog were going to the conference. I hope someone writes about it the upcoming weeks. I hope it was fun.
Linky, eh? I had NO idea. Thanks. I love that! :)
And I realize I left out a word in my previous post. I READ those books when I was much younger. I’m sure you could read between the lines, so to speak. :)
This cover actually came first and I showed it at the end of last year/beginning of this year for the upcoming books in 2016. Sorry you thought I was being weird! Oh, gotcha on the call center operators. I’m old enough to remember actual telephone operators instead of automated systems. :)
Genealogist, garbage man, pharmacist, high voltage electrician, Deodorant tester ( this is from my husband).
I love that your husband chimed in! My husband would probably agree (I could tell you a story but it’s best not to go THERE). Suffice it to say it was 103 in Nashville yesterday. I like the idea of a genealogist in particular. Thanks for the suggestions. I love all the great responses to this question. It’s helpful for all authors of contemporary Christian romance! Thank you. And your hubby, too. :)
Oops–I got sidetracked with a conversation with my son & his new wife–it’s not midnight at home yet (PT) and I just realized this said ET. I will make my comment anyway.
I’m an aspiring author with a couple story lines with different occupations, including a police sketch artist/portrait artist as the heroine & a news cameraman as the hero.
Another one (currently on hold while I work on the previous mentioned story (a series of 3 all including police of some sort) the heroine just took a job as a Nanny & the heroine works as a handyman for his dad (a pastor) who doesn’t yet know what he wants to do as lifetime occupation.
My books are contemporary Inspy also. My series would probably fall into the category of cozy mystery (still inspirational).
You’re fine, Vicki! You still have time. The deadline is tomorrow (Sunday) night at midnight (as it turns into Monday). I appreciate the comment! We’ve chatted before, if you’ll recall, so I know you’re an aspiring writer and love hearing the update. :) I really like the idea of the sketch artist and the news cameraman. Keep writing! Readers love cozy mysteries. Thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving a comment! Many blessings.
I love your cover, JoAnn. It’s gorgeous, and the story sounds wonderful. I haven’t been able to read all of your stories yet, but I’ve loved the ones I’ve read. What about a geologist or a search and rescue/medical evacuator (air ambulance)?
What a beautiful cover! The story sounds fantastic. I would love to read about a concert pianist!
I would definitely like to see a pharmacist (my former occupation), either in a hospital or community drug store setting, in a Christian romance.
Thank you so much, Winnie (love that name; I’m holding out hope that one day you’ll meet my Winnie in The Lewis Legacy Series). :) I have a female geologist in the same series, and she’s now a meteorologist. I LOVE that idea for a hero one day, though, so thanks for the great suggestion! To be honest, the medical professions are best left to those who write and also work IN the field. Why? It takes a lot of research to get it right, and I’m always afraid I’ll write, say, or have the character do the wrong thing since there are so MANY details. That professions also seems to lend itself more to a romantic suspense. I appreciate your input, as always. Blessings!
Thanks so much, Andrea! I appreciate your stopping by the blog and leaving a comment. I’m enjoying all these wonderful responses. It’s like a treasure chest of ideas for authors of Christian romance. :) A pharmacist would be an intriguing field to explore for a hero or heroine in a future book. I’ll be sure and add your suggestion to my growing list. Many blessings!
JoAnn, I thought about another profession which I don’t believe I’ve read a Christian romance about as the main character. That is a Judge. I think that would be very interesting. I’ve thought of some others, too. But your other fans here have come up with many. :)
I have a judge in my TeamWork spin-off series, Faith. Stay tuned… Hugs. :)
Cool. and you know I’ll stay tuned! I’m so excited about that next Lewis book!!!!!!! Hugs to you too. :) :)
Sounds like a great read. I’m trying to think what I haven’t really seen in romance books, and I’m thinking truck drivers. Of course, they aren’t home much so it’s harder to develop a relationship, but in today’s day and age (phone, skype etc) maybe it would be plausible.
ps. I’m married to a truck driver, though he didn’t drive truck when we met.
Thank you for the comment, Andrea! Another reader’s son-in-law owns a trucking company, so she’s also suggested that. I’m sure there’s a lot behind the scenes on both sides of that profession (both on the home front as well as for the driver). I often think it’d be nice to hit the open road, but on the other hand, I’m sure it’s nice for your husband to get home again! :) If I ever decide to go that route (pun intended), I know who to call on for information in my research! I appreciate your input! Blessings.
Yes, JoAnn, I can see how it would take a lot of research to write about professions you’re not as familiar with.There have been many interesting suggestions here, though. I really need to get to your Winnie character, hopefully soon. It’s kind of strange, though, I’ve read several books with characters named Winnie recently. :-D Thanks for sharing your time and talents, sweet lady!
I love, love, love the book cover! So beautiful.
Attorneys! You don’t hear too much about Christian attorneys. Plenty of jokes go around about non-Christian ones though!
Gail, I worked with attorneys for years. As a result, I have one in my Lewis Legacy Series and one in my recent release, Gentle Like the Rain. In the latter, he comes to Christ during the book. I think in a way it was a fulfillment of my prayer for one of them to find faith. Thank you for your comment. Blessings!
I’ve seen the name Winnie in Amish books but no other CCR (contemporary Christian romance). Interesting! Forgive my typos: in the car. Blessings!
I would love to see you work an Amway Independent Business Owner into a story, especially one connected to the training organization World Wide Dream Builders! These 2 organizations (and the people involved) changed our lives including my husband accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior and me rededicating my life. A couple other suggestions would be Medical Lab Technician or factory worker. Maybe a train engineer?
Thanks for your input, Pam! So great to see you here on Inspy Romance. :) I’m sure there would be legalities involved with naming Amway in a book, so that might be prohibitive, but I’m so thankful for how that organization changed the lives of you and your husband for Jesus in such an awesome way! Perhaps something similar with a fictional name would be more appropriate. I appreciate all your suggestions. Many blessings!
With all these suggestions, you will be writing for MANY YEARS!! Blessings to you!!
I was going to suggest an Air Force C-130 pilot (like my hero), but as I read the comments I saw you mentioned one for your upcoming release of Pursuit.
My son who turns 11 years old today :) would like to work in publishing when he grows up. How about an agent/author romance or a librarian. Then you could incorporate all sorts of bookish quotes.
Hi Amanda! I started with an Air Force pilot in the prequel to the Lewis Legacy Series (pre-Vietnam War), and it’s his son that’s the former Air Force pilot and then a NASA shuttle commander. Happy birthday to your son! That’s so awesome that he’d like to work in publishing. There have been a lot of writers in Christian romance books, but I haven’t seen many that I can remember with a heroine who actually writes Christian romance. HOWEVER, also in that same Lewis Legacy Series, Lexa Lewis has started to write Christian romances…long story (aren’t they all?). :) I mention librarians a lot (including in my recent Gentle Like the Rain), and while they usually have a side romance, it hasn’t yet become the “center stage” romance. All this to say, thank you, and I appreciate the input (and happy birthday again to you son)! Many blessings.
Congratulations on your 20th book, JoAnn!!! So happy for you… and us, your readers!
Hi, Beth Erin! Thank you so much. I appreciate your encouragement and stopping by Inspy Romance, as always! Blessings! :)