Most authors have newsletters these days. Let’s talk about why you should sign up.
- There’s usually a free book or giveaway involved for signing up.
- Newsletters usually include exclusive info only available to subscribers.
- Authors get more personal in newsletters.
- All that personal and exclusive contact is addicting.
- They’re usually encouraging and uplifting.
- If you’re passionate about books, you’ll love getting the inside scoop.
Now, let’s talk about a few things you should know before you subscribe.
- You don’t always automatically get the latest edition of the newsletter when you subscribe. If not, the next time the author sends out a newsletter, you’ll get it.
- If there’s a free e-book offer, just for signing up, it should immediately land in your inbox. If it doesn’t, find the contact form and let the author know.
- If you’re interested in past newsletters, there’s usually a place on the author’s website, where you can access past or archived newsletters. If not, find the contact form on the website and ask the author if they can send you past newsletters.
- If you find you don’t enjoy the newsletter, you can easily unsubscribe. (But you miss out on a lot of good stuff and free books).
- If you enjoy the newsletter, reach out to the author and let them know. We love feedback from readers.
So now that I’ve convinced you newsletters rock, here’s a list of Inspy authors who shared some newsletter info with me:
Liwen Ho: I send mine out 2 – 3 times a month. I include an exclusive subsciber giveaway once a month and also book recommendations, sales/new release info, and personal updates. Subscribe to Liwen’s Newsletter
Jan Thompson: I write personal updates and book news. I do giveaways and give out free ebooks on occasion. Mostly I talk about my books. Subscribe to Jan’s Newsletter Ask for free books: and
Carolyn Miller: I include personal and writing updates, pics, book recommendations, giveaways and promotions. Subscribe to Carolyn’s Newsletter
Narelle Atkins: I send my newsletter monthly and include personal updates, links to book recommendations on my blog, and I include a paperback giveaway. I also offer a free gift (ebook novella) to my newsletter subscribers. Subscribe to Narelle’s Newsletter
Subscribe to Elizabeth’s Newsletter
Mine goes out the first and third Tuesdays of the month. I have book info (sales, preorders, new releases), special sales just for subscribers sometimes, what I’m writing, and little bits about life at home.Toni Shiloh: I send one out on the first weekday of the month. Brand new newsletter recipients get a free short story. I always have a giveaway for newsletter subscribers and share any recommended reads or what’s up in my writing world. Occasionally I do a 2nd newsletter for sales. Subscribe to Toni’s Newsletter
Tara Grace Ericson: I send weekly newsletters. For signing up, subscribers get two short novelettes and a full-length audiobook. I share biblical encouragement; book news/sales; life updates, and books readers might like. Subscribe to Tara’s Newsletter
Sarah Monzon: I send newsletters when I have news. I should probably start sending on a more regular basis. I do have a free novella subscribers recieve upon signing up. Subscribe to Sarah’s Newsletter
Merrillee Whren: I usually have news about upcoming releases, personal info, a scripture, information on bargain books from other authors, and a giveaway. I send my newsletter once a month. Subscribe to Merrillee’s Newsletter
Valerie Comer: My newsletter goes out every other week and includes any sales and promotions I have going on, occasional book recommendations, a writing update, and a personal update. And I love getting replies! Subscribe to Valerie’s Newsletter

Some of our Inspy Authors weren’t able to get their info to me about their newsletters in time for this post. All inspy author newsletters are listed under the book tab. Here’s the link: Inspy Romance Author Newsletters
So, are you subscribed to any author newsletters? How many? What are some favorite features? If you’re not signed up for any, why? Answer any or all questions to get in the drawing for a print copy of A Texas Bond, US and international. Deadline: Sept 20th.
Also, don’t forget about our Back to School Bash
I love getting newsletters, I like finding out more about the authors and it’s great to have information on other books and new writers – I found out about this site through Elizabeth Maddrey’s newsletter! I must be signed up to 10 or so at the moment. I usually sign up if there’s a link at the end of an ebook I’m reading.
Thanks to everyone who produces newsletters, they are an enjoyable and fun read.
I subscribe to ALL of the Inspy Authors’ newsletters!! Plus more! I also read all of them, most of the time, anyway! There have been a few times when I’m either on vacation or get behind because of proofreading, and then I try to go back and hit some, and others I just delete, though I hate just deleting!
I am subscribed to quite a few author newsletters because I like to hear about their books and lives. I also like to know about free books , books they recommend, or contests. Sometimes I will try a recipe they recommend.
I love Laurel Blount and RobinPearson’s newsletters. Recipes and book recs seem to be what I like in a newsletter.
Thanks for posting! I’ve literally lost track of how many author newsletters I’ve signed up for! I really like giveaways, and I signup every time I see one. I like it when authors ask for prayers, because its something I can do to help. During the last two years, I lost a lot of contact with other people. Sometimes it seems like newsletters give me some of that contact back.
thanks for sharing these. I am already signed up to many of the authors.
I’m subscribed to all above :)
I love when authors share about characters and inspirations for the story.
I’m subscribed to some of the authors of this blog’s newsletters, but I just subscribed to a couple more. ;) I love getting the behind-the-scenes look into their writing process, current wips, bonus scenes/stories/novellas, and what’s going on in their lives, as well as the giveaways. :)
I am currently subscribed to a handful of author newsletters. My favorite parts are when they share glimpses into the writing process and a peek into their lives away from writing.
I enjoy getting to know authors better through their newsletters.
I am subscribed to do many newsletters that I can’t really skip a day of checking email or I may got catch up again. I do like the behind the scenes glimpses the most.
I subscribe to quite a few newsletters and several of the Inspy crowd. I like seeing what the authors are doing! And updates of their writing progress.
I’m glad you enjoy them, Ruth. I put off doing one for awhile. I was afraid I wouldn’t have anything interesting to say or that it would be too time consuming. But I learned it’s really fun to connect with readers this way.
Thanks for supporting inspy, Trudy. I find myself reading newsletters in chunks sometimes and having to go back several times finish. But I always enjoy it and learn something new.
Hey Lori. Newsletters are a great way to keep up with new releases. And learn about new to you authors.
I am probably going to be different to most repliers. I do sign up for newsletters but those that I want to. I am not sure how many currently.
I am one who prefers the once a month or when there is news newsletters and have unsubbed from most weekly ones or will just skim them. The exception is one where the author asks a question or has a one question survey and its relevant and I will often reply and get a response. I am also on one where we have the option of weekly or monthly which is a real help.
I also am not fond of the email sequence. I recently was added to around 30 emails due to a contest where I didn’t see the fine print saying I would be added to all the newsletters. A few had the 4-email welcome sequence and some doing it better than others. I have unsubbed from most as they are not the genre I read. One just had block text with no images or anything to break it up. I struggle with long emails of just text and to get 4 the same. I am now very careful of what contests I will enter even if I would like to win the prize. I don’t like upsetting authors by unsubbing but sometimes wish it was clearer I had subscribed as part of the entry conditions.
One reason I unsub is due to too many emails, I had an author with a new book out and bonus content but only if you had proof you preordered the book. That is fine but in the weeks leading up to release the email was coming daily and then twice daily. It was one I did unsub from.
I do like learning more about authors and a couple of my favourites include pet antics.
I love finding new recipes, Jcp. All the ones I share are easy. I don’t like to cook, so I like easy recipes that aren’t time consuming and don’t have a ton of ingredients.
Hey Marti, I hadn’t thought about asking readers for prayers. I always share God’s blessings, but not my needs. You may have just added a new see ection to my newsletter. And it was already long :)
Thanks for signing up, Lori.
Thanks Natalya. I’m always interested in both of those things too.
Thanks for subscribing, Priscilla. I M love all those things too. Newsletters show authors are real people, just like readers are.
Yes, I am subscribed to author newsletters. I love to get their newsletters because I get to know about their upcoming releases, what the author has been up to and alot of them have very inspirational things in their newsletters. Some of them have puzzles or little games, which are always fun. Alot of them also let us know about other authors books, which is always nice. Have a great week and stay safe. I enjoy receiving newsletters.
I’m subscribed to many different authors of various genres. I love almost reading anything and enjoy when the do giveaways and hearing about their new releases!
Agreed on both, Jessica. Newsletters make our favorite authors seem like friends.
Me too, Elizabeth. I love seeing how my favorite authors research settings for their books.
I know the feeling, Cindy. Keppra up the good work.
Thanks for the support, Paula. All this talk of newsletters makes me realize I really need to put a new one out soon.
Cool! Glad I could help. I’m looking forward to your next newsletter!
I understand completely, Ausjenny. I don’t like surprise subscriptions. And I don’t like my inbox full. I like newsletters that only come when the author has big news or a new release. I have too much else to do, to keep up with weekly or monthly newsletters or emails. Maybe if I had more free time, I’d feel differently.
I love inspirational content, puzzles, and games too, Alicia. You have a great week too.
I’m not sure how many newsletters I am subscribed to. I do like to know about recently published books.
I love getting insight into author’s personal lives, Teresa. They’re just people with life struggles and joys like everybody else. I love when I don’t have to try to remember when the next book releases because the newsletter won’t let me miss it.
I have heard if you don’t have anything to say wait till you do. Readers can tell when a newsletter is done cos it has to be out.
Hey Mary. Sounds like I’m in the right crowd. Newsletters never let you down where new releases are concerned.
Very true.
Thank you for subscribing. I’ll work to make it worth your while.
I do subscribe to authors’ newsletters. Current count is about 65. I really enjoy the ones that include a devotional. I also like little personal stories. And I do reply occasionally. I feel like I have made some friends along the way. And who doesn’t like giveaways!? I just subscribed to your newsletter before writing this post. I am looking forward to getting to know you. Thank you.
I love newsletters! I am subscribed to a lot of authors but there are some that I don’t really read, I just skim some of them. However I always read the newsletters of my favorite authors
I’m subscribed to several of these. Thank you for sharing. Blessings
I am subscribed to alot of authors newsletters but I’m not sure how many. I like getting to know authors a little better I like to get a glimpse of their life.One of the authors newsletters she sends pictures of puzzles she does and I like that cause I love puzzles .I also love giveaways I have won quite a few giveaways.i am subscribed I think to all the authors on this blog or most of them.
I’m subscribed to several newsletters. I really enjoy reading them, but lately I haven’t had time to enjoy them.
some interesting newsletters
I am signed up for numerous author newsletters. On any given day, I have over 200 email messages. Yes there are advertisements, free books and Goodreads emails. I agree that author’s newsletters are exciting and fun to receive. I love all the information of new releases, cover reveals as well as giveaways. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
Wow Bonnie, that’s a lot of newsletters. Thanks for signing up for mine. I’ll try not to let you know.
I love newsletters too, Angeline. I don’t skim. I read it all. Sometimes I have to go back several times to read it all, as I find time.
Hi Lucy. I’m glad you enjoy newsletters. Blessings to you too.
I love puzzles too, I put my puzzles on the blog sometimes. I should put them in my newsletters. Thanks for a new idea.
It is easy to get behind Melynda. Thankfully, I can always go back later and read bits or sections until I finish.
Hi bn100. I’m glad you enjoy newsletters.
Wow. That’s a lot of emails, Debra. I’m glad you enjoy newsletters. God bless you too!
I receive a number of author newsletters, including many of the Inspy Romance authors. I really enjoy reading them. I like reading about the inspiration for books as well as learning about the authors.
I love this post as an author and a reader.
I subscribe to Valerie Comer’s newsletter.
I subscribe to quite a few author newsletters and really enjoy keeping up to date with my favorite authors. It’s also been a nice way to try new to me authors by reading the free book some of them give when you sign up.
I love reading about the inspiration for books too, Martha. Thanks for supporting Inspy.
Thanks Abigail. Keep writing. And reading.
I bet Valerie appreciates it, Linda.
Hey Megan. I absolutely love introducing readers to new to them authors. You never find too many authors to read :)
What a fantastic round up! So many great newsletters and freebies! Thanks for putting this together :)
I am subscribed to a lot of The Authors I love reading their newsletters and when they have recipes in them and to learn about their books!
I love newsletters, Emily. It was fun to do the roundup.
Thanks for your support, Sarah.