Hi all! February is here! The month of love. Our favorite subject to talk about.
I go around telling people all the time “I love, love.” And I do. So this is certainly a month to celebrate in my world.
And it’s my hubby’s birthday month. Lots of love there!
So, for the month of love there must be a giveaway. Keep reading. :)
I must say I’ve fallen in love with writing novellas. I write in first person present tense most of the time, so a lot of my books have one POV. The heroine. This information alone tells you I keep things simple. I have written 3rd person hero/heroine POV. I have a whole series of novellas, Single Dad Next Door Series, where we delve into the male POV.
I just don’t know what guys think most of the time, therefore I find it challenging. But being challenged is a good thing. We grow and stretch and do things we think we can’t do.
But, back to the novella aspect. I do like the length novellas provide to introduce, execute and finish the story. You don’t usually have as many subplots, but you can really delve into the main romance and storyline.
Right now I’m working on a novella, and a novel, but I’m already planning another series of books. I’ve had the idea for a while, but haven’t put anything down on paper. I saw them as novels, for sure, but the more novellas I write, the more I’m rethinking this series in my mind.
The other thing I like about novellas, from a writers perspective, is that you can combine them into a nice sized book for print. And I’m thinking the reader likes the lower price point.
I know there are readers who love a more complicated storyline than a novella can handle. I’m not into writing mystery or crime novels. I’m sure they have more material than would fit into a novella. (I may be wrong about this.) I remember the first storyline I ever thought of and put on paper. I also remember telling my mother about it and something like twenty minutes later I think she was lost. I thought at that point that stories had to have many twists and turns to be a “full” story.
Now, twenty years later, I know the emotional pull of a story can carry a simple storyline if it’s told well.
Here’s your chance to weigh in your opinion regarding novels or novellas–which is your favorite. Why do you like or dislike either one. Have you found an engaging novella series that you love and would recommend?
Anyone who comments gets their name in the proverbial hat for a copy of my NOVEL—Uptown Flirt!
The first story in the series, Uptown Heiress is FREE tomorrow and Wednesday (It’s a NOVELLA!)
You have a chance to win a novel and can download a novella for free-try them both!
Oh, and next month I’ll have a special guest on my blogging day. A well-loved Love Inspired novelist! Can’t wait for her to share with you. :)
Hi Lindi- happy February:) I like both (not very helpful!!)- when I don’t have a lot of time, am tired then a novella is perfect. When I have time, mental energy etc. then I want a full novel. So, both have their place on my kindle.
Happy writing,
Hi Lindi! As I age and my concentration and eye sight wanes, I find I enjoy reading well written novellas. I like to read books in one sitting, but my eyes tire quicker, therefore novellas. But on occasion and for the monthly library book club, I read a novel. Happy Writing. Best wishes.
I probably wont be much help because I love both. I love the short novella’s for ease of reading, a quick read that normally I can read in under a hour that is a complete story from start to finish. If a series has novella’s I always try to read them in addition to the regular books in a series. When I have more time I really enjoy a full length book, when the author can go into deeper details concerning the storyline.
I prefer novels because I like more depth. That being said, I like when authors offer novellas as the prequel to a series so I can do a “test read” before committing to a longer book – especially for new to me authors. I’ll read novellas on my Kindle but prefer to read anything longer in paper.
I love to read….and like both novels and novellas. I think it depends on how good the story is, sometimes I get sad that a novella is over already, and sometimes I wonder “when will this novel be done???”
I like both novels and novellas.
Amazon says Kindle book Uptown Heiress is 99cents, not free at the moment. It may be corrected by the time this comment is published.
I like both novel and novella length books, but do prefer the shorter novella length. They are easier for me to finish, and with my hectic schedule they are just about perfect!
I agree with the previous commented about Uptown Heiress – – I followed the link and Amazon says it is 99 cents, not free. *sad face*
I prefer novels as a rule but occasionally I’m in the mood for a quicker read, so a good novella comes in handy. For me, in some novellas, characters and plots don’t get developed as much as I would like. That leaves me feeling like I’ve had a carrot when I really wanted a steak. ;-) That said, I’ve read some that are excellent.
Wemble—-Very helpful. I love how they both have a place–and you’re right about sometimes wanting something to read when time is an issue.
Renate—there is something satisfying in being able to read a whole story in one sitting. That’s a great point. :) And age and eyesight—coming into play here for sure!
Margaret–all comments are helpful. :) I know there are more and more people publishing a novella as a prequel to a series. I will admit I haven’t gone back and read them if I’ve already read the novels–but if they come out first, I tend to read them.
Ellie–First I LOVE your avatar! How cute and awesome. Books and coffee. (Or tea maybe?) I talked about prequels in the comments above. And I must admit I still love reading paper novels. Especially because I love reading in the bathtub and I will not subject my kindle or my phone to the possibility of drowning in the bubble bath!
Paula Marie– LOL–I know the feeling. I’ve had a couple of reviews that said my novellas could/or should have been longer. I do take note and look at the storylines to see what might have been developed better. Thank you for visiting today!
Claire–Thank you for visiting! And for letting me know my promo isn’t done-:( The book will be free the next 2 days. Tuesday and Wednesday! I’m sorry for the snafu!
Elizabeth—Sad face will be happy face tomorrow? I hope!! I’m sorry! Thank you for visiting the Inspy today. And yes, hectic schedules are perfect for novellas! I hope you’ll check back tomorrow. Apologies!
I love both! I like novella collections because it is a great way to be introduced to new authors, and also a great way to get a good read without it taking weeks to finish when you’re in a busy season of life! I love long novels, though, when I have time to savor!
Sherri–I LOVE the comment “feeling like you had a carrot when you wanted a steak.” Pefect description. I do try to take note of reviews when people say they thought novellas could have been bigger books or that novels fell short. Those are helpful comments. Thanks for visiting Inspy today.
Regina–I love novellas for introducing me to authors as well. You can get a good flavor for their writing and style. :) One of my favorite novelist died over the weekend. Rosamund Pilcher. Talk about LONG novels that suck you in…I loved reading her and remember when I read she wasn’t writing anymore because she wanted to spend time with her grandchildren. Totally understood, but was sad. Thank you for visiting Inspy today!
Claire–thank you for letting me know again about the book. I’ve update the post now to reflect the dates.
I prefer novels but when pressed for time I enjoy Novellas. Thank you for sharing.
I generally prefer novels. That being said many authors have started writing prequel novellas to introduce a series. Often these are just released in ebook format at least initially. This being the case it has gotten me reading more on my Kindle!
One novella collection I have enjoyed recently is Sarah Monzon’s Book Nerds and Boyfriends.
I definitely prefer novels but I recently finished the first book in Autumn Macarthur’s Love in Store series and really enjoyed it and I think it is a novella.
I love both novellas and novels. I think it depends on how much time I have to read as a factor when I choose between reading a novella or a novel.
Hi Lucy—Thanks for stopping by Inspy! And yes, I’m so glad there are novellas for our “quick” reading fixes. :)
Patty-Thank you for the recommendation. It sounds like a fun series. :) And the prequels are usually only e-books. That’s another point to take note of. I think a lot of novellas are e books. I know I’ve printed a couple of mine, but it’s not the norm. Thank you for stopping by Inspy today.
Jessica–Yay–another recommendation. Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed Autumn’s novella. Thanks for stopping by Inspy.
Hi Kerri- I agree—sometimes it’s perfect just to settle into a cozy corner with coffee or tea and a good novella. :) short time, short read, full heart. Thank you for stopping by Inspy today.
I am beginning to prefer novellas because I have so many books on my kindle that it helps me get to the next book sooner, and shows me whether or not I like an author.
Linda—So true. I love reading, so the more stories I can read the better. Thank you for visiting Inspy today.
No worries! I am looking forward to purchasing it soon. ?
Best wishes on all your writing endeavors.
My attention span is short so novellas work best for me but i have many novels as well on my bookshelves. I like both but I prefer shorter ones
Novels every time.
Lindi, my first thought was – what is the difference? lol
I guess it’s the length, so I enjoy both :)
I usually enjoy a novel more but if I’m waiting in line or for an appointment a novella is a great option for me!
Hi Sabrina-Novellas are great reads for short attention spans. :) Thank you!
Merrillee–There’s not a doubt in your answer. :) Love it! Thank you!
Natalya–Yes, novellas are a bit shorter so they are a quicker read. Usually less subplots, but hopefully the same emotional and spiritual level as novels.
Pam–What a great idea. In the doctor’s office waiting and they are behind? Read a novella. :) Probably will reduce the stress level as well. :) Thank you for sharing and stopping by Inspy today!
Thank you <3
I like novels and really like the cover on the book..
Thank you! The book I’m using that picture on is coming out this year. :) Thank you for visiting Inspy Romance.
Hi Lindi I Love Both as Long as it is a paper back and a good book I Love to read Thank you for the awesome giveaway!