To travel through space and time is as easy as opening a book. If the author has done their job well the setting creates a beautiful stage that could only happen in this place and time. An environment surrounds the characters in a subtle way that shapes who they are and why they react the way they do. I use setting as a secondary character that helps move the story along its path.
Each character will see the landscape through a filter of their own desires. One might look at the Texas Hill Country and feel empowered by the soaring cliffs and rushing water. They get a sense of security and a connection to family when they see the deep roots of the giant cypress trees along the river bank.

Frio River, Roots and family. Jolene Navarro
Anjelica Ortega in A Solider’s Suprise Family, loves living in the Texas Hill Country. She lives in a farmhouse built by her great-grandparents. Garret, the new Texas trooper has no roots. Sitting on her porch swing, he learns about family, faith and love. Porches are great places to learn life lessons.

The Soldier’s Surprise Family, Jolene Navarro
But on the other hand, a character raised in the same setting might resent the jagged, rough rocks and feels trapped. This would describe Nikki Bergmann, from my upcoming release, Texas Daddy.

Texas Daddy. Preorder now. Jolene Navarro
To her, the roots were an anchor to a place they want to escape. With a secret, she leaves her hometown and doesn’t come back for ten years. Faith, love and family will give her the healing and forgiveness she needs to find everything she didn’t even know she wanted in Clear Water Texas. (I just got the cover so you’re the first to see it.)
I love playing with the setting of Texas Hill Country. It’s where I grew up and live. I love writing about the people that walk the land.
I have yet to write of other locations, but I love reading about places far way. One place I have not been yet, but love reading about is Alaska. There are two series that I have read that took me to Alaska. The first was by Teri Wilson. Her descriptions of the dog races, the sky, the reindeer farm all put me right in the middle of Alaska. They are breathtaking and had me add Alaska to my must do list.

Teri Wilson – Love Inspired Alaska Series
Another series that will have you experiencing Alaska is Belle Calhoun’s, Alaskan Grooms. These rugged heroes were shaped by the wilds of Alaska. From scandal to plane crashes, she takes you through an adventure on the last frontier while you get to watch the heroes fall in love.

Belle Calhoun’s Alaskan Grooms series
Alaska does give itself to make some gorgeous covers.
Maybe you prefer the metropolitan setting of New York, where the people and places will be so different from a small town in Texas.

New York, the island. Jolene Navarro
I love visiting this exciting city. I would never want to live there, but it is one of my favorite places to explore.

New York-The Old and the New. Jolene Navarro
The sounds, landscape, and feel can make your heart beat faster as you take in all in. The street vendors, the building that blocks the sun, the traffic, the museum and the parks, are all that make New York a hub of humanity.

New York Time Square. Jolene Navarro
Another setting I love to read about is New Orleans. Also a city I love to visit. The diverse city has a very laid-back feel compared to New York. The cemeteries with the Spanish Moss dancing in the breeze to the lazy riverboats making their way up and down the Mississippi.

On-the-Mississippi in NOLA Jolene Navarro
You can stroll around the Frech Quarter late into the night. The music and art are uniquely NOLA. I do avoid Bourbon Street after dark, but there is so much more to New Orleans. I have a character in an upcoming book that moves to Texas from New Orleans and is a little different than my typical cowboys.

New Orleans, The French Quarter. Jolene Navarro
Right now, I’m researching Scottland. Next year I turn fifty, and I want to celebrate by visiting the cities and driving the back roads. Have you been? What is the one thing that is a must do? You have to share so I can add it to my list.
So, I talked about Texas, Alaska New York, New Orleans and Scottland. Where would you want to go? Do you like the familiar or do you want something different?
When you pick up a book, do you look for certain settings? Do you have a location that you must have or maybe some you avoid?
I have two last pictures I want to share. I have never had a desire to visit Japan, but then my friend and fabulous author Teri Wilson posted these pictures. Sigh. Now I want to go. Maybe I’ll find a book that can take me there.

Teri Wilson Kyoto Japan

Teri Wilson Kyoto Japan
Hi Jolene! Thanks for sharing about your books setting! I enjoy reading books with Michigan or Midwestern settings. Since I have traveled from coast to coast, In Europe, Canada and Japan; I enjoy reading books with international settings. Yes, books take us to interesting places! Best wishes & hapy writing.
Thank you for stopping by, Renate.
What a great post, Jolene! You have such an amazing eye. I always love looking at your pictures. Your artistic way of looking at the world definitely shines through in your writing. And you should definitely go to Japan!! xo
Hi Jolene. I loved your post. How fun! I love reading about different settings in novels. And as an author it was so fun to create the setting of Love, Alaska – a setting that’s so different from where I live in Connecticut. I love reading about internationals settings, Paris, England, Scotland, Ireland. I love your plans for the big 5-0. I’ve never been to Scotland but it would make a fabulous trip. I’m hoping to take the family to France and England in the next year. I’ve been to France several times (I took French for ten years) and I love it. One of these days I’m going to write a story that takes place in Paris. Blessings!
I don’t get to travel very much that’s why I enjoy reading. I get to go to places that only my imagination can take me through an author’s description.
I’ve been to some interesting places through Inspy Romance authors as well as other authors. Autumn Macarthur has taken me to France, England, and Scotland. Heidi McCahan has taken me to Alaska. Narelle Atkins has taken me to Australia. Marion Ueckermann has taken me to South Africa and Finland… just to name a few! Someday I’d like to visit some of those places. I’ve seen a lot of western Canada and the US as well as a few months in Bolivia many years ago.
I love different settings for stories. That’s why I have planned to set books in every place I have lived. I’ve lived in eleven different states. I’m working on a story set in Maryland, where my older daughter lives.
I had the opportunity to visit New York City a few years ago and loved it but, like you, I can’t imagine ever living in the middle of all that hustle and bustle. As for stories that take me places. I love Robin Jones Gunn’s Sisterchicks series and Canary Island Song because I’m able to “visit” places I will probably never set foot in.
I love to travel and discover new places, whether through a book or actually in person. I think we can travel through the character’s feelings just as much as we can travel ourselves. I do like Heidi McCahan’s description of Alaska. I never really cared for it until I read about it and I’d definitely like to go one day. And I definitely like Autumn Macarthur’s description of Scotland, just to mention a few from your list above. I’ve been to Scotland and loved it. I stayed in a hostel in Edinburgh that was an old castle and it was a great experience. It was great to see the old and new all within the same city. I really enjoyed walking the Royal Mile and taking in the view from the National Monument. Also traveled to the Highlands which can be both frightening and exhilarating.
There are so many other places I’d love to go, many of them I’ve learned from books, other from friends, but I like learning about new places and daydreaming about them. So thank you authors for taking us there. It is definitely an inexpensive trip.
I look forward to your Paris ( City of Love) series. ? I hope one day I can visit Paris. That’s on my wishlist.
I enjoy different settings but I don’t think it matters if the author ventures outside of the usual. What matters is how well I connect with the story – how much it pulls me in.
Great post Jolene! I used to travel more before I got married, but for my 50th birthday last year, my husband agreed to go wtih me to England, Ireland and Scotland. We’re still in the planning stages, but this is huge – as is my almost 6’5″ husband who doesn’t enjoy traveling as much as I do. We may even add on a trip through the Chunnel to France :) We went to Alaska on our honeymoon and have talked about going again for our 20th or 25th anniversary. (I might even let him go fishing this time.)
I like stories that take place in smaller towns. Being from New England, I prefer the slower pace of a small town, where people smile and say hi as you walk by or wave when you drive by.
Thank you for taking me around the world through your books and fb page
I love that we can travel without leaving home. :)
Staying in a castle would be a dream come true! Thank you for stopping by.
Yes, I agree. Connecting to the story is what keeps me reading. :) Thanks for stopping by.
Your going to hit all three! How exciting. How long are you planning on being there. I have gone back and forth with how many places we will try to see.
Very nice series. Thanks for stopping by.
I have visited almost every state, but I’ve only lived in Texas – Now I have lived in four regions of Texas which is a lot like living in four different states. LOL
Oh, Australia is another place I want to go! I will have to pick up Atkins books.
We’re planning about 3 weeks, but we may have to prioritze if we take the chunnel. I haven’t been overseas in years, so I’m really looking forward to it. It’s going to be a great trip! I hope you’re able to have a fantastic time on your trip too :)