Lindi here!
We can’t ignore the fact that it’s Friday the 13th—but I’m not superstitious about it. To me it’s just another day. It is funny to hear others talk about it though. :)
But we’re taking a trip down memory lane to talk about my novel Summer’s Song. My publisher has the E-version on sale for .99 cents, and I thought it would be a great time to revisit the book of my heart.
I’m sure you’ve heard the term before. This book was so special to me. It went through many, many rewrites. 1st person to 3rd person. Heroine only POV to hero/heroine POV. I even had the nerve to change her from a Pop Princess to a beauty queen. But only for a moment. Summer is definitely a songwriter/singer.
And a brand new Christian.
Which is where Levi Preston comes in. He’s been singing for Jesus for as long as he’s had a guitar.
These two are total opposites.
But God has a way of bringing people together. Has a way of building upon other’s strengths. Where one is weak, the other is strong. I like stories about people who are opposites. It’s automatic tension! As a writer, that’s a plus. Levi sees Summer as a lady. She doesn’t see herself that way at all. Levi sings in church, Summer has never sang in a church.
These two! They kept me on my toes, that’s for sure. But I was inspired.
I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned this before but I’m a HUGE David Crowder (yes, that’s his signature!) fan. I’m actually blessed to go to the church he leads worship at sometimes. He wrote a song called I’m Trying to Make you Sing. That song was the basis for the book. Those lyrics still hang on my bulletin board, as they did every day I wrote. I had the privilege of meeting him at a concert. I gave him a book and he signed that lyrics page. I told him what in inspiration that song had been. The song is basically about tapping into what’s inside and being that person. That person God has made us.
See why it is an inspiration?
God is what Summer and Levi had in common. It took her a while to see it, but she did. And that’s not a spoiler. After all my tag line is “happy endings are just the beginning.”
I’d love to hear your inspiration stories. A song, a book, a letter, a friend. There are many ways to get inspiration that leads to action. Or, if you’ve read a great opposite attracts book, I’d love to know! They are always a great read.
I’ll randomly draw one name from the comments to win a $5 Amazon gift card.
Hi Lindi! Music is a great inspiration. One song that comes to mind is Sandi Patty’s The Gift Goes On. While it is a Christmas song the message can lift the spirit all year long and remind us to keep on giving God’s Gift – the joy of living. Here are some of the lyrics.
The Father gave the Son, The Son gave the Spirit, The Spirit gives us life
So we can give the Gift of love, And the Gift goes on
And the Gift goes on, And the Gift goes on, And the Gift goes on
Don’t you love to get a present, Wrapped up in a Christmas bow
God gave each of us a present, On that night so long ago
It’s a Gift that keeps on giving, If our spirits can receive
It’s the secret joy of living, If our hearts can just believe
Opposites attract. Hubby and I are opposites and have been married 46 years. While I know I have read many opposites attract romances. Can’t think of a favorite at six in the morning. Best wishes. Enjoy your weekend and the full moon that falls on Friday the 13th. The next one to fall on a Friday the 13th will be in 2046. I do NOT have Paraskevidekatriaphobia.
Hi LIndi, how funny, it didn’t even click that it was Friday the 13th as I went through the day!!
I actually re-read this story not long ago- I was searching through my Kindle for a book I hadn’t read in a while and rediscovered Levi and Summer:)
I love music- but am definitely not musical!! I have been listening to Andrew Peterson a lot lately- his music inspires me and reminds me of God’s awesomeness.
Good morning, Renate. Thanks got sharing the song. Uplifting songs are amazing. And 46 years if marriage! That’s great and an inspiration for your family and friends.
I saw the moon this am, but briefly. I hope to get a better look tonight. :)
Wemble..thank you for reading and reading Summer’s Song. I have a feeling we’re all going to have some great music suggestions after today. :)
And see, you had nothing to worry about regarding Fri the 13th.
I love greeting cards….the unexpected ones from a friend, these always make me feel special! But in general I do love worship music, fills me up and makes me want to sing along.
I can recall hearing different songs at important times in my life. I remember the first time I heard some songs, as they struck chords with me for what I was going through at the time. Friday the 13th is just another day for me, except today it happens to be one of my nieces Birthdays this year. Sometimes, it happens to be my Birthday, too.
David Crowder?! I love the song I Am! That is awesome you got his signature in your book. A couple of books I’m working on have been inspired by songs. I hadn’t thought about that before.
I love sending cards for no reason. The feedback inspires me to continue sending them. The color of the envelope is that person’s favorite color, the words were something they needed to hear right then, just that they were so happy to receive a card. Those responses are why I keep sending them.
Great post!
This Friday the 13th is actually special to me, since it’s my youngest son’s 9th birthday. :)
As to inspiration, I’m often inspired by dreams. My first novel was originally inspired by a dream, which is part of the first chapter.
Sally, I love the song I Am, too. Im also a card sender. And i have a collection of colored pens that my husband worries about.
Thanks for sharing.
Happy birthday youngest son!!
And yes, dreams are a great inspiration.
Happy birthday niece.
So you were born in the 13th.
I love how songs speak to our situations at times. What a blessing.
Paula. I love greeting cards, too. Worship music soothes me and lifts me up. I know the words, but I can’t remember other things. Ha.
Appreciate this article. My first date with my husband was Friday, September 13. 😊 He was in music ministry which led to us singing together. I can’t help but love the idea of song ultimately joining the hearts of your characters!
I love worship music. Music is powerful. Sometimes the singers led the Israelites into battle. The singers only weapon was music on the frontline of battle. Your book sounds good I’ll have to look it up.
Lovely post! Music is definitely an inspirational tool for me. Plus a few friends who keep me in line and keep me going!
Angela..happy first date anniversary! And I love that you sing together. Thank you for visiting Inspy today.
Diana… those songs were awesome weapons. Thank you for that reminder.
Susan. I agree, music and friends. Awesome combination.
Music is an inspiration to me especially when I’m feeling down. Praise and worship music gives me a boost. Have a blessed weekend.
Lucy.. so true!! I love praise and worship music. :)
Sometimes a thoughtful word or gesture inspires me.
I do love songs. David Crowder’s songs have more than once made me pause and ponder and pray. Same with Casting Crowns.
Our pastor, who is a gifted preacher, also inspires me every Sunday as he leads us to look deeper into God’s Word.
Mary.. so true. Like we talked about above, cards can be inspirational. Sending a card is a thoughtful gesture. Thank you!
MJSH….. yes! Me, too. And pastors…. oh yes. Great inspiration. Thank you!
Lindi, God is so good! Thank you for sharing!
The song that helped me during the darkest moments of fighting cancer is “Just Be Held” by Casting Crowns :)