In July I attended the Romance Writers of America Conference in San Antonio, Texas. I decided to drive because my brother and his family live in Texas and I planned to visit them before the conference. I also learned that my ninety-three year old aunt, one of my mother’s two sisters and the only surviving sister, had recently moved to Texas to live with her granddaughter because of health issues. She left her home of over sixty years in Rapid City, South Dakota, a big move for someone who lived in South Dakota her entire life. I was so happy for the opportunity to see her. The last time I visited with her was six years ago right before the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference in Minneapolis. It’s funny how writing conferences have given me a chance to visit with her. Here we are on my visit six years ago in Rapid City.
Because of her move to Texas, she had to get rid of a lot of things from her home in South Dakota. Before I went to visit her, a surprise package arrived at my front door one afternoon. Here is what was in the box.
An old family Bible that had belonged to my grandparents. I found my grandfather’s birth certificate and handwritten notes about the family history tucked away among the pages. These mementos remind me that my ancestors had a part in shaping who I am. Likewise, it is important for the characters in my books to have family histories that have shaped them, too.
What do you know about your family history?
Small town gal here