I’ve shared before that I create my book covers. With a background in graphic design, it has certainly come in handy having the ability to create my own designs. It’s been a blessing and a curse at the same time because I’m often critical of my own work and will nitpick it to death. You see, I’m an over-thinker. It takes me entirely too long to do certain things because I keep tweaking and changing. Just ask any of my author friends who endure countless review requests as I’m going through the process. Haha! I know in my head what I want, but watching it come to life on the computer can sometimes be a cumbersome task.
Have you ever noticed when an author changes a book cover? There are many different reasons behind the change, but some of them might be:
- the cover isn’t on trend with the genre
- the cover doesn’t reflect the story
- the cover is outdated and needs refreshing
- the author simply doesn’t like it
- the author is looking for a fresh new look to re-market an older book
I’ve changed three of my book covers, and I thought it would be fun to show you the before and after and why I decided to change them.
I never planned for my first book to be a series. When I designed the cover for A Half Made Whole I purposefully made the cover two halves (hence the name of the book) and all the elements of the cover were reflected in the story. I loved this cover and was proud of my work.
Then I decided to write book two. Still confident I could keep with the same format, I quickly found out my “template” from book one didn’t fit for When I Found You. So I decided to go with one picture on the cover but keep the title the same format. Even though it was a little different, I was still pleased with the end result.
The prequel novella, Where the Heart Is, came next, and I realized I was having a hard time keeping with the same look for this book. The picture of the couple I’d chosen was too close up, therefore changing the title placement, and I found myself not loving my covers anymore.
After all the work I’d put into making my covers exactly as I wanted them, I realized I was going to have to go back to the drawing board. I had more books planned for this series and knew the covers needed to change if I wanted them to be consistent. It’s important to me that my readers know what books go together. The first book was a complete overhaul, the second book, thankfully, didn’t need a lot of work, and the third book needed a different background. After scrolling through endless fonts, color schemes, and images, I finally created what I felt like was a good representation of my stories and genre.
You can see the full series all together here and I’m really happy with how they turned out. I feel like each cover reflects the series brand which was my ultimate goal. If you’ve ever had a lightbulb moment, that’s exactly what happened to me when I finished the new covers.
So tell me what you think. Which covers do you like better…the old or the new?
Mary Preston says
The new covers are less busy and I like that.
Jeannette says
Definitely the new! As you said, there is now a cohesion, which reflects through the whole series.
Linda says
Tbs new ones just appeal with a freshness! Thanks for the change.
Lori Smanski says
welcome and congratulations. I like both. But the before really draws me. Could just be me.
Kendra Muonio says
I like both
K Leah says
I agree!
K Leah says
Thank you! Yes, they look like they all belong together.
K Leah says
They certainly do!
K Leah says
Thank you! I still look at the old one sometimes and think, “aww, I loved that cover.”
K Leah says
They both have their own appeal for sure!
Trudy says
I like the new. They’re cleaner and seem to go better together.
K Leah says
This exactly!
Janet Kirby says
I like the new covers. Soft looking and more appealing
Trixi says
Oftentimes, I like the old covers over the new. Especially if they are from an author I love. But in this case, I really love both the old and new…though the new gives your books a “fresh” look :-) And makes them look like they belong together!
I’m going to have to check out these books because I really enjoy small-town series books! And I have a KU subscription, which has opened up my reading world…yay! These will be going on my ever growing TBR pile :-)
Alicia Haney says
Hi, they are both beautiful , but the new ones look more appealing , they look great!Have a great day and a great rest of the week.
Abigail Harris says
The new covers are lovely. I like the old but the new are more … Eye-catching!
Natalya Lakhno says
I like both :)
Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says
I like both.
Debra Pruss says
I actually like them both. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
K Leah says
Thank you ❤️
K Leah says
Oh yay! I would love for you to read this series.
K Leah says
Thank you!
K Leah says
Thank you!
K Leah says
Thank you!
K Leah says
Thank you!
K Leah says
Thank you!
bn100 says
like both
Amy Perrault says
I like some old & others new.
Sylvain Perrault says
Jessica B. says
I think the new ones all look great together.
Priscila Perales says
Ha. I didn’t know you had changed that many of your covers, but I like the new ones. :)