What makes a romance a … well, a romance? Of course, when I started writing, I didn’t really care that there were standards and expectations. I simply wrote what I thought made a good story. And, surprisingly enough, I ended up getting published anyway. But through the years, and the direction of some good editors, […]
Sunday Edition
Welcome to winter driving! My hubby and I spent a few days watching our daughter’s three girls earlier this week. While the valley bottoms are snow-free, the same isn’t true of the mountain passes! We were actually very happy to see so much snow along the roads on the heights. Snow came late up there, […]
A Lifetime Between the Pages
This month marks nine years of me being a published author. It seems surreal to think nine years has past since my very first indi book. But on the other hand, those years went by so quickly. When I think of how many books I read in an year (~150), nine years entails many lifetimes […]
Not everyone wants to be happy!
Do you know someone who seems to carry a little storm cloud over their heads all the time? Then you’ve met someone like Weston Kline. Weston is one of the Sullivan grandsons in the Sweet River Ranch Romance series. The first two books in the series featured young men who’d grown up in the lap […]
Pushy? Or Persistent?
Have you ever been blindsided by someone’s reaction to something? And you’re left trying to figure out why you didn’t read the situation the same way? This happened to me with my book The Loophole in Lilies. Kendra, the heroine, was probably the character most unlike me I ever made, and I ended up just […]
Hidden Gems
Have you ever read a book and scratched your head at a familiar reference you couldn’t quite place? You’ve read it somewhere before, maybe in another work from that author. Perhaps what you’ve stumbled over is an author’s hidden gem, otherwise known as a nod, a wink, or an easter egg (I’m not capitalizing here […]
Cover Reveal: Fiancé Finale
As this blog post is my grand finale on InspyRomance, it seems fitting to reveal the cover for the third book in my Love Off Script series, Fiancé Finale. This baby doesn’t release until October, so if you haven’t read the first two books yet, you have time to catch up. The romantic comedies follow […]
Memories, Books and Adventures, Oh My!
I have pictures saved to One Drive, so every day I receive my “Look what happened 5 years ago” or however long ago I took the pictures. It’s a fun way to be reminded of what had been going on in my life in the past. Six years ago this week, my husband and […]
Sunday Edition
February is THE big birthday month in our family. Both our son and son-in-law have February birthdays, as well as our daughter’s three girls! That makes five out of eleven birthdays in the shortest month! (October comes second with three birthdays. The rest of us get our own months LOL.) One Saturday in mid-February, we […]
When the Cover is Made Before the Book
The person who said “a picture is worth a thousand words” had clearly not met an author who buys pre-made book covers. In case you’re unfamiliar with the term, a pre-made book cover is one that a designer has made without being commissioned by an author or a publishing house. It’s a cover that’s waiting […]