I love the feel and smell of a book.
Do you ever crack open a new paperback book and you can actually smell it? It makes me happy to turn those crisp new pages.
Because of that, I was reluctant to start reading ebooks. I wanted to hold those pages in my hands! But as a busy mom of four kids, quite often the times available to me to read were when a book was either out of reach or I didn’t have two hands to hold it with. I actually started reading ebooks when I was nursing my third baby. I could never figure out how to hold a book and feed him, but I downloaded a book onto my phone and suddenly I could read again!
I mostly read during late-night feedings or early mornings, when my other kids were sleeping. But I devoured several books in a short amount of time and felt like I had my ability to read back.
Fine, I can read ebooks.
My youngest child is now three and my sitting-on-the-couch-holding-a-baby days are behind me. My kids are constantly on the go! Instead of needing a way to hold a book in one hand, I find myself on the move, walking around a park, driving to activities, or just chasing them around the house.
A new type of reading entered the picture: audiobooks.
I avoided this one much longer than ebooks. I’m a visual person and I like to see the words in front of me. But once I learned I could go for a walk with one earbud in and an audiobook playing, I was hooked. I recently listened to an entire book in one Saturday while I cleaned, checked on kids, and made dinner!
Holding a paperback in my hands will always be my favorite way to read, and I do it whenever I can, but I’m thankful I’ve discovered new ways to take in stories in these different seasons of life.
I’ve recently started sharing my books as audiobooks for FREE on my new YouTube channel! I’m constantly adding new stories, so I would love it if you subscribe to my channel! I have a narrator working on some new series as we speak and I can’t wait to share them with you.
I’m doing a giveaway when I reach 1000 subscribers there, you can enter over on my Facebook page.
What’s your favorite format to read?
PS…this is my last post here at Inspy Romance. I have loved being a part and sharing here with you! Unfortunately my plate is overflowing and I need to let go of some responsibilities. I will miss being here. If you would like to keep up with me, please join my reader group and sign up for my newsletter.
It’s not goodbye, it’s just, see y’all later!
The paperbacks that I love to read are the old ones – the musty smell and having to rescue a few loose pages on the way, makes me slow down, relax and enjoy!
Audio books have never been my thing, but I might just try your YouTube channel and listen while I quilt.
Hi Hannah! This retired teacher primarily reads ebooks. Partly to save her marriage. LOL – I have books in every room of the house and in boxes in the basement (books from my classroom). Hubby didn’t want to live with a book hoarder. Now my Kindle library is over 900 books. I love that I have a complete library on my tablet and phone. Even though I used audio books in my high school English class, I do not listen to books. Plus you never know when you want one for reference. As a German American whose great grandfather lived in Ukraine (before WW1), I am rereading my books about German / European history. In my decade of retirement I have done genealogy research. Parting with books is such sweet sorrow. Will miss your monthly IR blogs. Best wishes with family and writing.
I switched to ebooks pretty easily though I do still like reading from an actual book. My house was bring taken over by books and my husband couldn’t take it so he bought me my first Kindle. In like the last year, I have also started to listen to audiobooks. I find them great for long car rides, cleaning days or when I’m exercising.
My son and his wife had a baby in October and as they adjusted to feedings throughout the day and night, they both discovered that ebooks were the way to go. Sitting in the rocker feeding him at 2 AM was more palatable if you get a couple chapters read on the Kindle!
We’ll miss you Hannah Jo! Best of luck to you!
My favorite way to read is now ebooks. I’m able to read faster on a kindle. I can get books from so many sources for my kindle. My husband appreciates less clutter around the house. Best of all, I can always have my book with me without adding more to my purse!
I’m 99% ebook, 1% audio, and 0% paper. Ebooks are just like Mary Poppins: practically perfect in every way! They cost less, you don’t have to wait for them to arrive (or, heaven forbid, leave the house to get them!), take up no space in a small house, and are adjustable to whatever eye issues a person might acquire (boo to Best Disease).
Hubby and I are both avid readers, him even more than me. Thankfully he’s also an ebook convert, plus audiobooks keep him company on his very long commute.
I parted with most of my old paperbacks since I can’t actually read them comfortably anymore anyway, but he refuses to, even though he rarely rereads! So they are ambience and insulation now, I suppose.
We’ll miss you around here! Don’t be a stranger…
I prefer paperbacks and ebooks. I do NOT like audiobooks! I find myself either totally involved in the story or totally ignoring the story. I can’t listen to it and do other things at the same time, which is weird, because if I’m reading a paperback or ebook I can read and watch tv, or read and pay attention to what’s going on around me, like when I read when Mom was at appointments. Of course, when the docs came in the room, I’d stop reading, since I had to pay attention. I could be because I use the tv as background noise to help me concentrate on other things, since I grew up tuning out the tv to do homework when my older sisters would be done with their homework and watching tv. I’ll miss you here, but following you other places!
I pray that the next season of your life is prosperous and full of health and lots of love and laughter. I was a lot like you. Give me a paper back and I am one happy camper. The smell, the feel, being able to look back at the cover page or other pages easily. So I kept putting off a tablet. Finally my husband said that having a tablet I would be able to take books with me where ever I go. What? I do that anyway. Giggles Here. But two years ago for mothers day he went and bought me a tablet. Sigh. Now I cant just let it sit there and do nothing with it. He was genuinely happy about the gift. So I put some books on it to make him feel that it was a great gift. Well the joke was on me. Laughhhhhh I still prefer my paper books, but now I also love my tablet.
I prefer paperback and audiobooks but I have a kindle so I read on that but most of the books I read r paper back.
I love audiobooks! And ebooks 😁
So convenient…and hubby doesn’t complain about the light during my late time readings.
I love physical books the best but e-books are nice and convenient at times. I haven’t yet given audio books a try, I tend to get too distracted for listening, but I’ll have to try it sometime.
I love holding print books in my hands. I like reading ebooks. I’ve tried to listen to a few audiobooks while driving, but I’m not sure how I feel about them.
I read all my books on my Kindle.
While I started in life reading paperbacks, now I do pretty much all of my reading through ebooks and audiobooks.
Wishing you all the best with your projects!
I love all the formats! I tend to get educational books in print and fiction in ebook or audio. But if I really like a book, I’ll often get it in every format available. Blessings in your continued journey. We’ll all miss you around here.
Hi, I only read paperbacks, I am not tech savvy at all. I will listen to books on CD’s because of that also. Sorry to see you go, but it is so very understandable for sure. You take good care of yourself, make some you time. Have a great weekend and stay safe. God Bless you and your family. I enjoyed reading this post.
I like ebooks because I don’t have room for paperbacks . I do not like audiobooks. It’s really hard for my mind not to wander when listening.
I love reading paperbacks and ebooks, but I am slowing starting to listen to audiobooks
I prefer paper books as I get occular migraines when I read ebooks very long. Best wishes and your posts will be missed on here. Blessings
I thought it was a requirement to smell a book before reading it! It’s hard to beat the smell of a new book. I definitely prefer printed books but I have read some ebooks. Good luck as you enter your next chapter!
I understand the need to let go.
I will always prefer a hard copy.
I read a lot of e-books, I buy the classics on paper or those with a really nice edition or a beautiful cover and only from authors I trust (it’s more work to get rid of a paper book that you hated than an electronic one) I don’t know if I could getting used to audio books, as a child I liked some children’s books but I simply like to voice the characters myself instead of having someone else do it.
I am still a paperback reader. I have downloaded some books on kindle, but I have problems looking at the screen for a long period of time to read. You will be missed here, but I am stalking you other places. Please take care of yourself. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
My favorite way to read will always be paperback! There’s nothing quite like holding a real book in your hand and turning those pages. I love when a cover has an embossed (or raised) lettering because I love running my fingers over them. It’s a pleasurable tactile experience!
However, I’ve also discovered the joy of ebooks. Some books I want to read don’t always come in paperback form, or the ebook goes on sale, or I can borrow from Kindle Unlimited. When I’m on vacation, it’s easier to bring my Kindle then stuff my suitcase with multiple books. For convenience sake, it is easier to carry more books.
Anymore, I read probably a bit more ebooks than paperbacks. There are times I’m able to have both paperback and the ebook; paperback I read during the day and then ebook at night because my Paperwhite easier to hold while I’m laying in bed.
I’ve never gotten into audio books. I feel like I should be doing something else while listening and I’d be too distracted by other things to really focus on the audiobook. On long trips, I’d rather have the Christian radio on :-)
I love paperback books
I like paperback
I love reading in all formats, but my favourite format to read in is paperback.
Not sure you will see this comment but I love ebooks as its easier for me to read via computer or kindle. Not sure about audio as I tend to tune out and would miss whats being said.
I wish you well with your other projects
Paperbacks will always and forever be my favorite format followed by ebook. I don’t perpetually like audiobooks myself.
I’m an ebook girl for sure! The ease of carrying a hook with me became too big of a perk for me to overlook quite a few years ago and has transformed my ability to read as a mom of three kids.