Saying farewell to my first series “Seven Brides Seven Brothers” has been a little bit difficult. There were many tears flowing as I wrote the final scenes and wrapped up a series that has been embraced and beloved by readers. As I tried to assess why I was feeling such sorrow I came to the realization that as an author this series has forever changed me. It made me a stronger writer, and it showed me that taking chances is important in the writing profession. The positive reaction from readers has blown me away and humbled me. I am nothing without my readers.
But, as with most things in life, this series couldn’t last forever. Seven brothers means seven brothers, and I couldn’t stretch it out and add another brother, even though I was sorely tempted.
In June of 2014 when I released the first book “The Way Home,” I had no idea of how much my life would change. I was stepping out on a leap of faith with only two traditionally published books under my belt and little or no “name recognition” as an author. I was hoping and praying, and ultimately, believing in myself and my vision as an author. I wanted to create a family born out of desperate circumstances that led seven boys to the foster care system, and ultimately, to the loving arms of Maggie and Alec Donahue and the lovely shores of Cape Cod. As an author, and as a person, it was important that this family was comprised of diverse backgrounds and colors. I wanted my series to reflect the world that I live in. And I am very proud to say that readers have accepted and embraced my characters and their races have never been front and center. Truly, it has been all about the story, the romance and the content of their characters. Sigh! A dream come true as an author.
In the last year I have written eight books in the Seven Brides, Seven Brothers series. That fact is rather shocking to me since each and every book was challenging. Without my fan base and my wonderful readers I’m not sure I could have pulled it off. Tweets, messages, posts to my Facebook author page….they stirred my heart, fueled my imagination and served as a constant reminder that I couldn’t disappoint my readers. They had invested in the Donahue family and they deserved a fantastic story for each brother. Blue. Ryder. Remy. Nick. Brandon. Wyatt. And Mac. I truly love them all and they are as real to me as real can be. Perhaps that’s the secret to a great series. The characters are so imbedded in the heart and mind of the writer that they jump off the page.
My final book in the series “When A Man Loves A Woman” features Mac Donahue and the lovely Delilah Dalton. I put a lot of my heart and soul into this book, and thankfully, the readers seem to be loving the final installment. Faith. Love. Happily Ever After. Three of my favorite ingredients put in a book. It’s all there. And a resolution that ties up the series with a nice little bow.
Saying goodbye to my first series is softened somewhat by where I’m headed. To the fabulous city of Savannah, Georgia and my lovely heroines who all have secrets in their lives. The first story has a heroine named Callie who might be familiar to readers of Seven Brides Seven Brothers. And my Donahue brothers might just show up in Savannah. There is nothing as exciting for authors as to create new worlds with new characters, new vistas, fresh conflicts and unique love stories. It’s like a wide open road ready for traveling stretched out before us. Although parting my beloved Donahue family has been such sweet sorrow, I am blessed to have experienced this writing adventure and full of anticipation for what comes next. My “Secrets of Savannah” series will debut this Fall and I am hard at work on the stories.
I am giving away a bunch of books to a random person who comments on this post! One of them is my September Love Inspired book entitled “An Alaskan Wedding.” Comedy plus faith plus HEA.
I was so excited to hear about your Alaskan series. Even more now that you mentioned comedy. I have come to realize that romantic comedies are my favorite type of romance book. I have always told my friends and family that I am an easy audience and they all know I laugh A LOT!
Faith, love & HEA are the perfect combo :) I’ve only read the first two so far, but they were great! Any chance you’ll release the entire series as a set?
I love this post and I love what you’ve done with this lovely series! :)
Hi Terrill. Thanks for stopping by. I really truly love my Alaska book and I tend to smile every time I think about it. I discovered that it is more “me” than any other book because I love to laugh. After all, laughter gets us through the tough times. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Blessings. Belle
When A Man Loves A Woman has a gorgeous cover :)
Hi Jenni! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading the first two in the series. Honestly, I consider myself very fortunate to be doing something I love, which is writing and creating faith-filled love stories. And yes, I am definitely considering releasing the series as a set. Blessings! Belle
Thanks so much Kristen. Both of us are fortunate to do what we love. And I’m eagerly awaiting your series and to see all the lovely things that are coming your way. Blessings. Belle
Thanks Hanna for stopping by. This is one of my favorite covers. It truly shows all the nuances of the story, the characters and a hint of the setting. I had a lot of fun with this one….and shed quite a few tears along the way. Blessings. Belle
I have read and enjoyed all 8 of the Donahue books. I too was sad when I finished the last one but excited to know that we will see at least some of them again. Now that I have all of them I am tempted to start at the beginning again but know if I do I won’t get anything done for days!!! Thanks for their stories!
Love this series! Happy to hear that some of these wonderful characters may show up in Charleston.
Oops, I meant Savannah! (Must have coffee!)
I was excited to find the series and now that is almost done I’m a little sad too. Glad to hear the next project isn’t too similar… I’m looking forward to comedy :)
Thanks so much Nancy. I’m so thrilled that you have enjoyed all 8 of the Donahue books. And you will definitely see the Donahue brothers making appearances in future books/series. And you’re so welcome! I am very blessed to be living the dream of being a full-time writer. Blessings! Belle
Hey CJ! I’m so glad you are loving the Seven Brides, Seven Brothers series. And I am not done with the characters just yet. They will be showing up. And Charleston is another lovely southern city. It’s very similar to Savannah, which is one of my favorite cities in America. I’ve been there several times and I truly enjoy the historic homes and the southern charm. Blessings. Belle
Hi Carnegie. Thanks for stopping by. The next series is set in Savannah, Georgia and centers around a group of female friends who grew up together. Each one is grappling with a secret in their lives, as well as finding love and staying firm in their faith. My Love Inspired book “An Alaskan Wedding” is the one that has comedy. But, honestly, I am trying to inject humor into all my work. Blessings. Belle
Congrats on a strong finish, Belle! And isn’t it fun to keep the characters on the back burner so they can pop into new stories, too? I <3 it!
I loved all of the books in this series. I especially liked how it touched different places of my life: adoption and my husband is Creole. Without trying, you showed examples that I can share with my daughter as she explores her own background. You shared situations she may have questions about herself. Thank you.
I love how you gave us all a little glimpse into the new series while concluding the first one but still gave us hope to see some of our favorite characters stop in and brighten the new series. I’m feeling truly blessed to have found an author who is delivering power pack fun love and religious romance. God Bless You And Yours
Hi Belle, You are a new author to me and I would love a chance to win. I am always looking for new authors to read. Your books sound lovely. I believe laughter is an important part of life. your series set in Savannah, Georgia sounds like a great read. ~ Blessings ~
Thanks so much Val. Yes, it is terribly fun to have them waiting in the wings so they can jump back into the action. I’m thoroughly enjoying myself and feeling very blessed to have my dream job. Blessings. Belle
Hi Robyn. Thanks for stopping by. You just made me tear up. It always feels so gratifying to know that I’ve reached out with my books and touched someone with my words or my characters. That is truly the best part of being a writer. I’ve been so fortunate to hear from so many readers who have enjoyed my books. I can’t say it enough. I am blessed. Blessings to you, Robyn. Belle
Hi Dee Dee. Great to see you over here. I think there’s nothing better than getting to visit with old friends, so I think that the Donahue boys need to make appearances, especially Mac. Thanks so much for your kind words. I feel blessed to be a full-time writer since there’s nothing else I’d rather be doing. Blessings to you, Dee Dee. And thanks for all your support. Belle
Hi Lisa. Thanks for stopping by. I think you might enjoy the Seven Brides series. It’s a lot of fun. And I’m very excited about all the new adventures that are coming in the future. Savannah is such a glorious city to write about. Blessings. Belle
It’s sad to see the end. But what a great way to end an awesome series.
I can’t believe it’s over! What a wonderful journey through the Donahue lives! Thanks for taking us along. Now on to Alaska and Savannah. :D
Hello loved all of your books. Looking forward to the next ones. Yay…Comedy is going to be fun. Savannah well up haven’t been there…and I will be watching to see if anyone we know comes to visit…
I so enjoyed the Donahue series!!! Excited that you are writing story about Callie:) looking forward to reading more of you stories!!
I cried at the end of the last Donahue book, but I’m super excited to read Callie’s story. I’m amazed that you have written ALL the stories for the 7 brothers in such a short period of time. That’s quite an accomplishment! God has blessed you with a great talent. Thank you for sharing your stories with us and may God continue to bless your efforts to glorify Him.
Oh, PARTING IS SUCH SORROW!!!! Was very sad to get to the end of this story, but know I’ll be seeing them again soon. I think Ms. Worther needs to make an appearance too! :-) Thanks for writing such inspirational stories!
And I ADORE the covers for the new series!
They all sound wonderful! I’ve gotta get reading! :)
Hi Shawn. Great to see you over here. Thanks so much. I agree…it is so bittersweet. As an author I have to learn to let go of my babies and not try to hang on to them for too long. I am really enjoying the process of creating characters who pull at the heart strings. Blessings. Belle
Wow, you are a new author to me and The title “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” caught my eye, I love the movie with that title. I will definitely be looking for your books!
Hi Angel. Sniff Sniff. I can’t either. Not really. It has been a wonderful journey. I’ve learned so much as an author through this process. And I truly love my Donahue boys. Thanks for all your support and friendship. North to Alaska and to the wonderful city of Savannah. Blessings. Belle
Hi Robin. Thanks for popping in. You’ve been such a great supporter and fan of the Donahues. Truly, it helped so much to be cheered on by readers like yourself. Sometimes the road was long. Savannah is a wonderful, historic city…if you ever get a chance to visit, jump at it. Blessings. Belle
Hi Kim. Aww, thanks. So glad you enjoyed the Donahue series. And it has been great fun writing about Callie. When I started her book I kept thinking…hmmm how do I start this? Then it hit me. With a prologue of course. You might even get a glimpse of Mac in the prologue. Blessings. Belle
Hi April. Thanks for stopping by. I cried buckets while writing it. I don’t want to give away spoilers to those who haven’t read it but the Mrs. Worther part really got me while writing it. Even though she was only shown in the prologues she played a huge part in the series. If not for her…who knows? And thank you for your kind words. I feel very blessed to have been given the gift of writing. I truly want people to know that you can create loving, beautiful stories that glorify Him. Blessings. Belle
Hi Joelle. You have been such a great support system and reader. And I was sad too honestly, but life always shows us that nothing lasts forever. I like to think that great things are ahead. And Mrs. Worther really rested on my heart while writing this series. Such a fantastic lady with a huge heart. I love the covers too…just got the one for book 4 and it is awesome. I have used the same cover artist since day one. She is brilliant. Blessings. Belle
HI Autumn. Thanks so much. That’s the down side of being an author. We can never read as much as we’d like to. I always want to read tons, but it’s impossible. Congrats on all your books and gorgeous covers. Blessings. Belle
Hi KarenSue. Thanks for commenting. I love that movie also. I’m a big fan of old movies. And thanks for keeping an eye out for the books. I think you might enjoy them. Blessings. Belle
I’m a bit late to this party as I’ve only read book 1 which I loved. So, as I’m definitely a random person, I’m really hoping to win!
When I reach the end of a series that I’ve really enjoyed, it’s always a little bit bittersweet, so I love when some of those characters pop-up in another series, so that I can stay up to date on what’s happening in their lives.
Hi Liz. You’re never too late to pop on by and comment. The party never stops around here. I’m so glad you loved the book. We authors never get tired of hearing that. Blessings. Belle
Hi Jessica. Thanks for commenting. I so agree with you. Characters become so real to us, so we’re invested in their happily ever after. There’s nothing better than getting updates on their lives and goings-on. I’m really looking forward to weaving the existing characters in with the new ones. Blessings. Belle
What more could a reader like myself ask for other than faith, love and happily ever after in a book?? Made me sigh reading it Belle! It’s always sad for me to end a series too and move on to a new family or set of friends. But like you said, it’s like a fresh road to travel with new adventures and friends to make! I’m so glad that everyone who has read your Seven brothers Seven brides absolutely loved them all & you got such positive feedback :-) I’m sure that was like warm fuzzies in your heart!
Here’s to new ventures!
Hi Belle, Congrats on completing your book series! A great achievement :)
First, congratulations on completing the series! And Yay for the upcoming series in Alaska and Savannah! Exciting times ahead for you and such a strong foundation you started with!
Hi Belle. I enjoyed your blog today. It sounds like you have some exciting new adventures coming your way. I have to admit that I haven’t read any of your books, but after your blog, I’ve been checking them out on Goodreads and Amazon and they sound great! I do have a questions for you; does your Seven Brides/Seven Brothers series have to be read in any particular order or are they able to be read as a ‘stand alone’ series?
Hi Trixi. Aww. Thanks so much. It really has been warm fuzzies in my heart ever since this journey began. And I am so ready for new adventures. I’m hoping readers will love the journey I’m about to take them on. Thanks for your kind words. Blessings. Belle
Hi Narelle. Thanks so much. To be honest, when I started the series it seemed really daunting. I kept thinking, “How am I going to do this?” Lol. But, lo and behold, it’s finished. Thanks so much. Blessings. Belle
Hi Nancy! Thank you so much. I’m thrilled about Alaska and Savannah. Both are exciting venues with lots of wonderful characters. And I’m very looking forward to all the new adventures. Blessings. Belle
Hi Stacey. Thanks for stopping by. I tried to make them stand alone books, but I think there are things that occur in the first one that allow the reader to get a full grasp of the Donahue family and what is at stake for them. So “The Way Home” would be a great place to start. The prequel “When You Believe” could also be read first because it is the story of Maggie and Alec, the parents. In my humble opinion, it is best to read them in order since if you don’t you might get snippets of things that happened over the course of the books. Spoilers, so to speak. Thanks for asking. Blessings. Belle