Do you ever fall down the rabbit trail that is Pinterest?
I have to admit, it sucks me in like no other site can do.
When I use it for things like adding posts to my book boards, to give a better idea to my readers what I was imagining or how the setting for my story looks, that’s not a bad thing. Or when I find a recipe that my whole family enjoys, that’s a definite win.
But …
When I sit there and find more (and more) projects I may or may not ever get around to doing, well … you get the idea.
I’ve been doing some research for a novella I’m writing to release next September. It’s set in a quilt shop. Needless to say, I’ve been pinning some really cute quilt ideas.
I adore quilts. My Grandmother was a master quilter (at least in my opinion). She had thirteen grandchildren in all, and for each of us, she made a twin sized quilt when we were kids and then a queen-sized quilt as we graduated high school. Every one was different and beautiful. My mom has made a few quilts, too. So, when I got ready to move out, that was one of the first things I decided I needed. And we made a quilt.
Since then, I’ve stitched together even more. One for each sibling as they married. Quite a few baby quilts for friends and family. And every now and then I go work on my Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt I started way back in high school and might actually finish one day.
Quilting and sewing are two ways I can revive my creativity when it gets burned out from working on books too long at a time. And Pinterest knows this. Want to see what’s on the top of my Quilting Board on that site? Feel free to check it out here.
Did you look? See any trends of late? I’ve discovered book quilts. And I really want to make something amazing.
So, what’s the problem?
I’m one of these people who can’t simply follow a pattern and make something exactly like the picture. I love to put my own spin on it. So, the more different quilt ideas I found, the bigger my ideas became. And y’all, I don’t have time for this right now.
So, I decided to calm myself down and start small. I have two authors who have become like sisters over the last few years. We do a YouTube channel together and plot and critique and support and everything. And I love finding special gifts for them for Christmas.
I didn’t make them a quilt, but I did make them each a pillow with a book on it to represent one of theirs. I even hand-embroidered their names on the spines.
I still want to make my quilt someday, but until then, I can be happy in being able to make something for my dear friends. Plus, now I’ve worked out the pattern. And the hours I spent sewing helped give my brain a boost so I could go back and write a few more chapters that week.
Do you have projects that grow out of control? Do you ever have to stop one project and go do something else for a while to refresh and rejuvenate yourself? I’d love to hear about it!
Mary Preston says
I tend to stick with a project until it’s done.
I do tweak knitting patterns all the time.
Amy Anguish says
I try to stick with projects until finished, too, but my problem is I usually have multiple projects going at once. :)
I have a lot of knitters in my life, but I tend to stick with crochet.
Thanks for commenting!
Jessica B. says
I love the pillows you made! Those will be such a special gift for your friends. I, too, have been guilty of falling into a Pinterest black hole when trying to find ideas for a project, usually a greeting card. I see so many cute ideas that I have a hard time stopping and choosing one.
Trudy says
I still have a table cloth I need to finish embroidering!! I started it years ago, over 25, before Daddy passed away, and haven’t gone back to it yet. Partly because until last December, Florida didn’t cool off enough for me to have that big thing in my lap!! With Mom’s passing back in December, I couldn’t concentrate long enough on anything except books! If FL actually cools off more in December, and I get my client stuff finished, I’ll be pulling that tablecloth out to work on!! I can do it while I watch tv. Of course, that will also cut into my reading time, so who knows! lol! I don’t do Pinterest, though! I’d really waste time on there, too!
Megan says
I admire those who quilt but I don’t really have the patience for that. I like to do cross-stitch projects instead, or even crocheting blankets. I often have two different projects going at once, though I like to try to finish a project before moving on to the next one. It is nice when you get tired or stuck with one to be able to work on something different and find that joy of crafting again.
Kendra Muonio says
I don’t really do projects but if I do them I finish one before I start another but instead of projects I do puzzles
Amy Anguish says
Thanks so much! Pinterest is one of the best things, but also a huge black hole. 😊
Amy Anguish says
Ooh. I bet that will be pretty. I love embroidery but only dabble in it. I have a quilt top that needs quilting, but I agree with waiting for cooler weather.
Amy Anguish says
I cross-stitched my kids’ Christmas stockings. And decided that was enough. But I also crochet. It’s something easy to do while watching tv.
Amy Anguish says
I love puzzles. But I don’t have the room to spread them out right now. We usually do one as a family over the holidays.
Lincoln says
Hi, Amy! Dear, oh, dear. I am so guilty of the unfinished project. I still have a daisy afghan that I started in high school (I’m 61 now). I also have a latch-hook rug project where the latch hooking is done but the binding along the edges got complicated and that was that. I also started to crochet a sweater for my wife. The pattern was challenging and fun (it looked like a cable knitting style but in crochet) but the sizing was wrong and that is as far as I got. I’ve got more stories like that, unfortunately.
Anymore, I pick major projects very carefully for actually doing them. On the other hand, I collect project materials (jewelry beads, books to read, courses to take) like they are life preservers on the Titanic, LOL! I think I must believe that having possible projects (either learning or doing) means that I will somehow have something to show for my life. Messed up, I know, but there it is. I also think the abundance of creative things to do reflects the creativity that is in us as part of being made in God’s image. That is a definite up side!
Priscila Perales says
I can’t remember off the top of my head, but I love the pillows you made! Also, thanks for the reminder to take things one step at a time. :)
Alicia Haney says
When ever I start on a project I tend to finish it before I start on another one, I do love making all kinds of crafts with my grandchildren. The book pillows are beautiful, you did a great job! My grandmother made a couple of quilts , and I used to watch her put them together, so while I was a pre teen I put one together myself, it wasn’t too bad, I wish I would have kept it, I don’t know whatever happened to it, oh well. Live and learn. Have a great week and stay safe. I enjoyed your post.
Amy Anguish says
Finishing one before starting another is probably the smarter way to do things. ;)
So glad you stopped by today! Maybe it’s time to do another quilt.
Amy Anguish says
I definitely agree we’re creative because we’re made by a Creator! And I too have an overabundance of craft supplies. Crochet cables are fun, but it’s definitely hard to get the sizing right. I admire your attempt!
Amy Anguish says
Thanks so much for commenting!
Trixi says
When I first discovered Pinterest (2016?) I got sucked into the rabbit hole. Now, I hardly use it but to post book reviews & keep track of what books I read each year. I did pin quite a few recipes, but kept adding more than I would ever have time to fix, lol!
If you talk books, that’s what has gotten out of control :-D
Amy R Anguish says
There’s never such a thing as too many books! ;-)
And I’m sure every author who gets pinned by you appreciates you taking the time to do so.
Ausjenny says
Oh I am great at starting. like the hobby texted squares for a quilt top. I did about 5 or so of the 12 or more. the long stitch kit for my niece when she was a baby 29 years ago true it didn’t have enough of one colour but even when I got it its still unfinished. The latchwork rug which was stamped crocked so need to look a the pattern yep been a good 25 years or more I did a couple of rows a year or so back.
The embroidery from high school looking at 1978 for that one. The quilt cover others didn’t get to it I did do the top last year need to do the back and then get some wadding for it. I could go on. Somethings I finished lots of embroidery samplers. but good at starting and not finishing.
Pinterest confuses me I go looking at google for something end up at Pinterest but no details on the item.
Amy Perrault says
I have a few different projects so sometimes I do need to put it away & do the other project & then go back to it later.
Sylvain P says
Not really. I usually stick to one project till it’s done then do my next one.
Amy Anguish says
I think you have me beat for unfinished projects!
Pinterest can definitely be overwhelming but so useful for saving ideas in one place.
Amy Anguish says
That keeps it fresh, right? Thanks for stopping by.
Amy Anguish says
You may need to reach me your ways! Ha! Thanks for commenting.
Natalya Lakhno says
I have incomplete scrapbooks…;( … one day….
Sarah Crouch says
Those pillows look so cute!
I do not have the stamina you do for crafty projects, but I definitely do lots of “productive procrastination” as we call it in my family.
Amy Anguish says
Productive procrastination is my favorite kind!
Amy Anguish says
Scrapbooks intimidate me! I think I will stick with sewing. ;)
Debra J Pruss says
In have a lot of craft projects in the wings. I just have not had the desire to do it. I love the finished product. It is just the desire to get started. Thank you for sharing your wonderful quilting ideas. God bless you.
Amy Anguish says
I have a few projects that need more desire to finish, too!