Like people in many other fields, authors must meet deadlines, whether set by editors in the world of traditional publishing or scheduled onto the calendar when indie-publishing. I am an oldest-child, deadline-oriented perfectionist. I doubt I would ever get any books written (or blog posts for that matter) if I didn’t have to meet deadlines.
But sometimes, like today, deadlines are kicking me in the backside—hard. This blog, for example, was supposed to be scheduled no later than last week (so sorry, inspy ladies.) I have a deadline close to the end of this month on a book I’m almost finished with, but it needed to be done earlier to get it to my indie editor and proofreader. The last of my Cowboy Country books is due Wednesday but my traditional editor for Harlequin is giving me grace until the end of the month, even though I know it puts her into a bind.
I am and have always been an “early.” No, not an early-bird, as in getting up at dawn. Far from it—total night-owl here. But what I’m talking about is getting to places, whether real or virtual. My dear hubby is a “latey.” It drove me crazy when we first married, sliding right under the wire to get places. And it drives me crazy now when I’m the culprit in meeting book and blog deadlines.
This time it’s illness. I didn’t plan enough time for the lovely case of botulism I picked up at a fast food restaurant. I know I have other chronic illnesses and try to plan around those (and work through them,) but what does one do with botulism?
Yeah, not a whole lot. But for just this once, I’m going to give myself a break. It is what it is and I’ll do everything I can. Which, at the end of the day, is all anyone can do, right?
I’ve got some interesting and exciting news coming up for next month’s blog. In the meantime, enjoy my Harlequin Love Inspired Christmas cover for A Christmas Baby for the Cowboy. It’s out mid-November at a store near you.
And if you don’t want to wait to read the blog for all my fun news and giveaways, I invite you to join Deb’s Daydreamers VIP Newsletter.
Until next time!
Our 2018 Back-to-School Giveaway starts next week! If you live outside the USA, you know how rare international paperback giveaways are. Well, here at Inspy Romance, we want to honor ALL our readers, no matter where you live. But, if we don’t know who you are, we can’t enter you in the international giveaway. Please take two seconds to fill in this from (even if you think we already recognize your name) if your mailing address is outside the USA. Click here.
Renate says
Hi Deb! Life has a way of throwing us curve balls. Best wishes as you meet your deadlines. Thanks for sharing.
Dalyn says
Botulism?? For heavens sake I hope you get well soon. That sounds miserable!
I read something recently about procrastination… write it in the schedule- make room for it. I thought that was pretty simple! Let’s see if it works now. :)
Paula Marie says
Oh you poor thing! I am so sorry you were so ill! Praying for your quick recovery!
Melissa Ellison says
Hope your feeling better by now. I’m like your husband always sliding under the radar just in time, my husband has come to live with it also lol
Diana says
Lord bless and heal you. Life does indeed take unexpected turns.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
Hey Deb, when I first got published and had deadlines, every time my husband would want me to do something, I’d say – I can’t, I have a deadline. Finally he looked at me one day and said – I have deadlines every Sunday and Wednesday. He’s a pastor and I’d never thought of it that way. It made me realize that authors aren’t the only ones with deadlines. Since then, I’ve gotten into more of a rhythm and can handle other things too.
Sherry Carter says
Sorry! I know that’s a nasty disease. I hope you’re doing better.
I am the same personality as you are except I’m an early riser. Unfortunately, my deadlines for myself are often too pie-in-the-sky and I let myself get discouraged.
I’m an on-time kind of girl and my husband thinks that being on time is defined as “leave home when it’s supposed to start.” We’ve come to a happy solution – 2 cars!
Judy Hewitt says
Hope you are on the mend. Real life sometimes challenges our deadlines. I love reading stories which allow me to relax in the midst of chaos. God bless you as you write.