Readers often ask me, “How do you come up with such pretty, unique book covers?” Creating a book cover is one of my favorite aspects of writing a new story. I like having the cover done as I’m writing. It inspires me and keeps me going in many respects.
The first consideration for any book cover is that it fits the book–meaning that what’s on the cover is an accurate portrayal of what’s between the front and back covers.
For my upcoming release later this month, Perchance to Dream, I did something different and quite exciting for me personally. I’ve always wanted to write a bridal novel. Combine that idea with the holiday season, and the idea was born! Next, I needed to find a photo. I searched the Internet stock photo websites, but although I found a few possibilities, nothing struck my fancy. In the meantime, one of my faithful readers posted wedding photos on Facebook from her daughter’s wedding this past year. One photo, in particular, showed her daughter sitting at a desk and writing on notecards. Wow! The photo was gorgeous and told a story in itself. I love the bride’s gown; she looks like a beautiful princess. I love the simple elegance of her gown, the fact that you can’t see her face, and the understated pearls she wore on her wedding day. The full (blush-colored) skirt of her gown is spectacular and I knew it would be the perfect “backdrop” for the book’s title.
My mind was reeling with story ideas with my first glimpse of that photo. Then I discovered my reader took that photo instead of the official wedding photographer. I wrote and asked for my reader’s permission to use and alter her photo for purposes of an ebook release. She and her daughter both signed official releases for me to use the photo and the images. Now, to start on the actual cover. The fun begins!
Let me start with the original photo (shown below). I hired a new cover designer (who has since designed the remainder of the covers for my Lewis Legacy Series). Obviously, I like his work, and we work well together (a crucial component of the process). He “gets” me and shares my vision for different and innovative book covers. The series of photos will show you the progression of the book cover for Perchance to Dream.
Note how this original photo shows another fancy gown hanging on the door behind the bride. That is distracting (for a book cover) and takes the focus away from her beautiful hairdo and veil. Ditto the silver door lock. The photo has chairs in the foreground and background (and one is also reflected in the large mirror on the wall). There is a plastic square blotter on the desk and–if you look closely–there is a dark-colored ponytail elastic on the desk. The photo, as is, was much too “busy” for a book cover. So, the first step was to strip the photo of all the extraneous elements.
The next step was to make the cover look a bit more like a holiday novel. The best way I could do this–without the distraction of too much additional color–was by using a blurred photo of a Christmas tree with only white/yellow/gold lights. I knew it would look best to fill in the dark corner behind the bride. So, the addition of the Christmas tree fulfilled important goals for this book cover.
The next section of photos will show you the gradual progression of the Perchance to Dream book cover as I worked with my cover designer. In essence, I asked him to strip the photo of the all those extraneous elements mentioned above. I had him remove the reflection of the bride’s arm in the small mirror. However, it looked too strange without it (see below). He’d also removed the door, but I asked to restore that element (but remove the silver door lock).
Once we were satisfied with the basic photo, we began to work on placing my name and the book title. For my name, we used the same font I’ve used for the past few book covers. For the book title, the designer first used a red font (for Christmas), and then he chose a lighter shade of purple. I chose not to use either of those fonts or colors. For the final cover’s title, I chose my preferred usual font we use for my Lewis Legacy Series in a deep plum color (not overtly “Christmas” and more in keeping with the floral bouquet on the desk). The last step in creating the cover was the addition of the whimsical sparkles on the bride’s gown. I love the final cover and trust that you do, too!
I hope this has given you a good idea of the creative process involved in creating a book cover. This cover was much more involved than many of my other covers, but again, it is uniquely special since one of my faithful readers took this photo of her own daughter on her wedding day. You can’t place a value on something like that. I am indeed grateful they both gave me their permission to use these images and pray they–and you, dear readers–will enjoy Perchance to Dream. To God be all the glory!
Blessings, friends,
JoAnn Durgin
Matthew 5:16
tlrosado says
I have read about the process of book covers before, but this one was truly unique. Also, this is an amazing and beautiful cover.
ibakecakes4you says
Thanks for sharing your journey through designing your book cover. I especially enjoyed the multiple pictures showing your process from the original photo to the final edited design. Thank you.
Narelle Atkins says
JoAnn, thanks for sharing your book cover design process with us. Your cover is stunning :)
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks so much! I’ve been wanting to do a post like this, and this cover seemed the ideal one to feature. I’m so happy you like it, and I hope you might have the opportunity to read Perchance to Dream. Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
You are most welcome! One of my very special readers suggested that I write a post like this, and it was a fun post to do! Thanks for leaving a comment. Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
Thank you, Narelle! I enjoyed sharing about this book cover and am getting excited for the book’s release. Blessings.
Cindi says
Never realized how much work went into covers. Thanks for sharing the interesting process.
kaleen21 says
Congratulations on the new cover. It’s very beautiful. It does take a lot creativity and imagination to create a book cover. Knowing this information makes a big difference to me as reader.
Kimberly Rose Johnson says
Thank you for this post. I will approach my own cover ideas differently from now on, and if I ever make my own from start to finish, I now have a better idea of how it’s done. Love the cover!
Katy C. says
Beautiful cover! I enjoyed learning about the process of making it. Thank you!
Carolyne Aarsen says
So fun to see how the original photo was changed. A good lesson in looking at pictures for covers and ‘seeing’ what we want to see in the final version. Thanks for sharing the process. I learned a lot. And yes, it’s a lovely cover!
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks for checking out the blog and leaving a comment, Cindi. I love the process of helping to create my book covers. Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks so much! I love your comment, and it affirms for me that this was a different and good topic to write about for today’s blog post. Blessings!
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks, Kimberly! Good to “see” you, as always. I’ve been involved with my book covers from Day 1, even those with a publisher where we have input. I find it to be a very enjoyable process. Blessings!
JoAnn Durgin says
Thank you, Katy! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate your stopping by the blog today and leaving a comment. Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks, Carolyne. This one did take some work, but I had a blast working on it. I appreciate your comments. Blessings.
Beth Courtright says
I can’t wait to read this book! I loved the way the cover came to me! Thanks for sharing that!
Beth Gillihan says
Love the cover! Thanks for a look into making one!
Jill Weatherholt says
I loved reading the behind the scene stages of your book cover, JoAnn.You’re right, that photo immediately has the wheels turning with possibilities. Fabulous cover! I can’t wait to read it.
Valerie Comer says
Beautiful cover and such a fun post! Thanks for sharing the process, and I can’t wait to read it.
Melissa Henderson says
A beautiful cover. I always love learning how covers are created and/or chosen. :-)
Cammi says
Hi JoAnn. Like you, I saw more than just a picture when I took this. I saw the beginning of a love story not just between the bride and groom but hopefully between the bride and her mother in law as well. My daughter was writing this note to her just before the wedding.
I never dreamed it would be used as a book cover though, how exciting! You and your designer did a great job and I can’t wait to read about this brides Christmas miracle! ;)
Margaret Nelson says
Very interesting to read this! I liked seeing the steps in the process. My husband and I always joke about books when the cover does NOT represent what’s inside: “Did the cover designer bother to read the book??!!”
Merrillee Whren says
Thanks for sharing.
KM says
I love this new cover! I can’t wait to read this new book!
Linda says
I love the cover. Can’t wait to read the book.
I am on Moonbeams now.
I love our banter back and forth . :)
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks as always, for stopping by Inspy Romance today, Beth! I hope you’ll enjoy Perchance to Dream. It won’t be long now until you’ll be reading it. :) Blessings!
JoAnn Durgin says
You’re most welcome, Beth! Thanks for reading the blog and leaving a comment. Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
Thank you, Jill! I’m so glad you took the time to read the blog and see the possibilities. :) I hope you’ll enjoy Perchance to Dream. Blessings!
Ann Ellison says
Enjoyed your reading about your journey in designing this beautiful book cover. I am definitely looking forward to reading the book.
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks, Val! I’ve always wanted to do a post like this, and this was the perfect cover to show the process! Happy writing and reading to you. Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Melissa! Thanks for taking the time to read it and leave a comment. Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
Cammi, this book cover wouldn’t be possible without you. Thank you for sharing the “true” story behind this beautiful photo. I will also pray that the love story between your daughter and her daughter-in-law will blossom throughout the years. Many blessings, and thank you again for being one of my faithful and creatively talented readers! :-)
JoAnn Durgin says
Margaret, one of my biggest pet peeves is when a character on a cover doesn’t match their description. So I’m in complete agreement with you on that one. The cover can be pretty or interesting, etc., but it needs to “say” something about the book. I like to believe my covers accomplish that goal. Thanks for reading the blog and leaving a comment today. Blessings!
JoAnn Durgin says
You’re welcome, Merrillee! I look forward to your upcoming post. Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
Thank you, KM! I can’t wait for you to read it. :) Thanks for stopping by Inspy Romance today and leaving a comment. Blessings, and happy reading!
JoAnn Durgin says
Ah, and I love WRITING the banter, Linda. I believe it’s one of my strengths as a romance writer. Thanks for being a faithful reader of my books. I appreciate you! :) Thanks for reading the blog today and leaving a comment. Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
Thank you for stopping by Inspy Romance today and commenting, Ann! I appreciate your loyalty and faithfulness to the blog and personally as a reader of my books. You are a “star” in my eyes. :) Many blessings!
kda61 says
I never realized so much work went into designing a book cover. Thank you so much for sharing the detailed process with us and the photos. It is a beautiful book cover. I am intrigued by the book title. I will be watching for this book to read.
JoAnn Durgin says
Thank you so much! This book cover was indeed more complicated and intricate, but it was a fun journey and so worth it. The title comes from Hamlet’s speech, as a matter of fact, and it is discussed in the book. I hope you will get the opportunity to read Perchance to Dream. I appreciate the comment. Blessings!
Robin Bradshaw Bline says
I always love your covers on your books!! So pretty! I truly admire your process that makes each book. So entertaining and fun. Each book teaches me more about the person I want to be. Thanks JoAnn for your gift of stories!!
christinacoryell says
Beautiful cover JoAnn! I love the fact that you used a reader photo. So special!
JoAnn Durgin says
Robin, your comment is a gift! Thank you most sincerely. I’m so thankful you enjoy my characters and their stories. Lord willing, many more to come. Blessings!
JoAnn Durgin says
Thank you, Christina! I like that I’m now “following” you (the next day) in our blog posts on Inspy Romance. I’m in great company, indeed. :) Yes, the reader photo made this book cover a personal favorite. Blessings.
Beth Schwarzlose (@BethSchwarzlose) says
I love hearing “cover” stories! Your cover and title are very pretty!
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks so much, Beth! Thanks for stopping by and reading the blog. I hope you’ll visit Inspy Romance often. We love our readers. Blessings.
Trixi says
Oh wow, JoAnn!!!! I am seriously LOVING this cover (my favorite part of a book) and the backstory to it is just so romantic :-) What a beautiful bride your friend’s daughter is & how special that they gave you permission to use this photo for your cover. What an honor that must have been for you…and them too! I’m just blown away how God orchestrated all this!! Your cover designer nailed all your ideas perfectly….to take what you have in your head and produce it into a real cover takes some real talent. What teamwork :-)
Curiosity question, did your bride get a copy of this for her wedding present, because I think that would have been a perfect gift :-) Thanks for sharing your post, I fell in love with everything!
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks, Trixi! So glad you were able to stop by and comment. I love it when you do. :) I appreciate your faithfulness to Inspy Romance. I’m not planning on making a paperback of this book, or I’d certainly gift copies of the book to the bride. But you’ve given me an idea…hmm. Rest assured, the bride was thrilled to be a part of the process, and her mother is very special to me (they live in Texas). Blessings!