Do you schedule time to read?
I’ve gone over, under, and around this question for a while, and it’s made me curious about other readers’ habits. I think I could read from sun up to sun down, and most hours of the night, except that my family requires attention. Adulting is hard. My days are fairly routine, which means that I usually know what to expect, from reading my Bible when I first wake up to getting the kids started on their schoolwork at the same time every day. It’s not a perfect schedule. We mix things up from time to time.
But reading is a constant that I’ve come to depend on.
When the kids were smaller and I worked a full-time job, I didn’t feel like I had time to read. I sold almost all of my books and settled into a space and time in life where reading became obsolete. Now that I’m back to reading, I hoard my reading time like a dragon guarding treasure. It’s important to me in a way that it wasn’t before, and every afternoon between 3 and 5, I read.
Do I also grab a book during every spare second? Yes! Except I’m the type of reader who doesn’t like stopping in the middle of a chapter, so that gets interesting :) I’m also the type who will start a physical book, a Kindle book, and an audiobook so that I always have options when life (aka disruptions) happen.
Escaping into a story is one of my favorite pastimes. What about you?
I love to read. I also love collecting books. Do you regret selling all your books? I keep a book in my purse, If at any time I have to wait for something, I read. I also read myself to sleep.
When my kids were small, I would set aside an occasional day to read a book. I had to reduce my library a great deal when my husband retired, and we downsized. Reading is my favorite way to relax.
Agree! I love escaping into a story! I read every day, usually in the afternoon and at night before sleeping. I’ll sometimes fall asleep with my iPad in my hand at night. 😁
I love to read. There were times when working and raising children did not allow me time to read but now that my children are grown I make time every day to read. I seldom watch tv because I would rather read.
I love to read! I don’t schedule time for reading, I have small children and work part time so everything is constantly chaos, but I always read a little bit before I sleep. I have e book apps on my phone so if I get a spare minute, I can read a little instead of just scrolling social media or the web.
I read every evening for about an hour before bed. I’m trying to make a habit of reading on my phone (since it syncs with my Kindle anyway) here and there throughout the day, usually evening, instead of scrolling Facebook mindlessly!
Same to the grabbing a book during every spare second of the day. And also having different books in different formats started. :)
I don’t actually schedule a time to read. Now that I am retired, I have way more time that when I was raising kids and working full time. And I take advantage of taking that time now to read. I read whenever I can and as much as I can. There are days that I can read morning, afternoon, and again after dinner. Then there are days like yesterday that I did not get to read at all, except for my devotions and Bible before I worked out. Right now I am reading a paperback and have several ebooks queued on Kindle, B&N, and Book Funnel. And, like you, I don’t like to finish in the middle of a chapter.
I usually read if I’m going to take a nap before I fall asleep and before I go to bed
I sorely regret selling everything, but it did make room for me to start a new collection these last few years. Which I’m more than happy to do. So many books so little time!
Reading is such a great way to relax. I think that’s why I read in the afternoon, after getting all my writing work done for the day, it’s a nice break. I’m sorry you had to reduce your library. Do you find yourself reading on a kindle or other ereader?
Have you ever dropped your iPad on your head because you fell asleep while reading? I did that with my Kindle :)
I’m glad you’re able to find time to read now. Raising kids is a full-time, 24/7 job, but it’s worth it. I hardly watch TV either. Reading is much more fun.
I totally get the chaos. I’m glad you’re able to snatch a few minutes here and there. Ebooks make that so much easier.
I love that about the Kindle and phone app. I do the same thing. I have a bad habit of falling into the Facebook scroll. It’s a neverending loop, and I’d rather be reading.
Gotta have plenty of options! Those seconds add up and pretty soon you get to finish a book.
I’m with you! I read most of the afternoon yesterday, which rarely happens, but will most likely do little to no reading today. May your reading time never end in the middle of a chapter!
I love reading before a nap. I do that a lot on the weekends. It’s such a peaceful reset for the mind and body.
I always have at least one book going!! Sometimes I have three at the same time, one on my computer that I’m proofing/editing, one on my Kindle, and an actual physical book. I’ll read during commercials, IF the tv show holds my interest, otherwise, I’m reading. I still usually know what’s happening on the tv, too, though. I read while I’m riding my bike, which is a recumbent stationery bike in my house, so I can ride no matter the weather!!
I enjoy reading during day and late night if the book is good that I can put it down.
I read when I can. Sometimes I even read two books at one time—one on my Kindle and one on my iPad. Instead of watching TV, I read books.
I just read when I have the chance, so when I am waiting between classes or even on lunch breaks
I try to read every day before I go to bed, and yes , I love escaping to different places and with different characters in books. Have a great weekend and stay safe. I enjoyed your post.
read when I can
No planning, usually I read before bed time :)
I usually read during vacations. I usually have several books going at the same time. Traveling in a car or airplane gives me time to finally finish those books. I finished two books on my recent trip.
I read whenever I can.
I don’t have a set time that I always read but I often read either while eating lunch or in the evening.
I love reading and escaping from reality. There are many times I get so absorbed in the book that I forget that it is not reality. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
I can only read one book at a time. when I am really tired I struggle but often will read while watching tv or other things. I can stop in a chapter depending on the author. I tend to read on the computer mostly but when away or somewhere take the kindle. This past week I was in the city to have a tooth out and took the kindle finished one and started another.
I really enjoy reading so I try to keep a book always with me. That way whenever I have a free moment I can pick it up and read, even if only for a short time.
I’ve actually had to cut back some on my reading because I kept forgetting to do important things like cooking dinner for my family. Haha!
I read when I can, but I’m also like you and Valerie–I read every night on my Kindle before bed, and several times I’ve fallen asleep and hit myself with my Kindle! I borrow a lot of books from the library and I also listen to books on my MP3 player at work.
I love to read and likely will never finish my to be read pile(s). There are always more books being published (thankfully).
I always read before bed, even if it’s midnight and I can only read a page or two. I will stop mid-chapter, sometimes even mid-line! If my eyes start drooping or the book hits me in the head, I know it’s time to stop.
I work full time so I will sometimes read on my lunch break but 30 minutes doesn’t give me much time to get into the story.