Wow, nearly the end of January already! The days just scoot by so fast. It feels like no time since New Year’s Day.
How are you going with your New Year’s Resolutions? Well, I hope, and celebrating your successes!
I didn’t do my usual list of resolutions this year, though I do still have intentions for this year. Most of all, I want to live so I experience more of God’s peace and joy.
And there are things I know God wants me to do differently this year. Especially in my relationships with others, and even more especially with my husband.
You’d think the people we love the most would be easiest to live with, to forgive and feel compassion for. Nope! Instead, it feels like the people we are closest to can annoy us the most! But God keeps reminding me, those loving relationships are also where He blesses us with the biggest opportunities to grow.
Back in December, I started working on a new romance story, and the heroine reminded me so much of Pollyanna, I needed to go back and read it again. Oh my, I could see why I needed it! The book might be usually seen as a children’s book, because a child is the main character, but there is so much in there grown-ups can learn, too!
It’s all about living a joyful, loving life, exactly what God wanted to teach me this year. And there was a wonderful section in it that showed me how I need to do things differently with my husband – and with myself, too!
When the town’s minister meets Pollyanna, he’s miserable, and about to prepare a harshly critical sermon. But she introduces him to the idea of the “rejoicing texts”, all the times in the Bible we’re commanded to rejoice and be glad. Before he speaks to Pollyanna, Reverend Ford, would probably have said his unruly congregation didn’t deserve joy. But after talking to Pollyanna and reading these lines in a magazine article — “Instead of always harping on a man’s faults, tell him of his virtues…. When you look for the bad, expecting it, you will get it. When you know you will find the good — you will get that….” — he tears up his harsh sermon and instead preaches on one of her rejoicing texts, inspired to lift up his church members and encourage rather than criticize them.
The verse he preaches on is the King James Version, but I love the paraphrase below that also takes in part of the previous verse:
…abiding love surrounds those who trust in the Lord. So rejoice in him, all those who are his, and shout for joy, all those who try to obey him.
Psalm 32:10-11 TLB
God is asking me to obey Him by loving my husband better. By encouraging and supporting more, and criticizing less. By being more patient and accepting. By simply listening, not giving advice or telling him what he “should have done”! By focusing on all that he does right, not on what he does wrong.
So much so I ended up writing a devotional based on Pollyanna, and put the story on hold. Lessons from Pollyanna: Using her Glad Game to grow spiritually & have more joy in your life releases today at a special 99c release week price for the ebook. It includes the full text of the original story, plus discussion questions for book groups, suggestions for playing Pollyanna’s “Glad Game”, a Bible-based devotional for each chapter to dig deeper into the lessons in the story and personal journaling suggestions. There’s also an accompanying print journal.
I learned so much and gained so much that will help me in my relationships through writing this. I pray that readers are blessed by it too!
Have you ever reread a beloved childhood book and been surprised by the wisdom in it? And what is your biggest relationship goal for 2017?
I have one print copy of the Lessons from Pollyanna Personal Journal for a randomly chosen comment on this post before 5th February.
Also – Love’s Sweet Surprise, a wonderful 7 book boxed set including previous published contemporary Christian romances from some of your favorite authors is FREE on Amazon till January 30th! Happy reading!
I love this, Autumn! Many, many years ago, I was called a Pollyanna by a coworker who was going through a difficult time. She said it in a hateful and accusatory tone that left me feeling hurt and asking why. Years later, I realized she was paying me a compliment, although I don’t think she did. As for revisiting children’s books, I still love to read Winnie the Pooh. :)
As a grandmother of four my favorite childhood book with wisdom is Heidi published in 1881 by Swiss author Johanna Spyri. Grandfather taught Heidi to be a compassionate girl. A delightful story set in the Swiss Alps, which country I visited in 2007. With pristine lakes and snow capped mountains, one can’t help but to rejoice in the Lord. Having served as pastor’s wife for over 25 years, I think I can relate to the story of Pollyanna. I am intrigued with the Glad Game and bought the book.
I do not make New Year’s resolutions. Being retired, it is sometimes difficult to be loving and understanding with my husband of 44 years. As a caregiver of four grandchildren while their parents work, I need my own space and daily time to myself, so it is sometimes difficult when I finally have a moment to myself that he wants to talk.
Thanks for the thought provoking blog. Best wishes and Happy Writing!
Lovely thoughts, Autumn.
What an interesting idea, Autumn! Thanks for sharing.
This post is simple perfect for me where I am right now. This year, my goal is to be more intentional, whether with my husband, child, faith, friendshipts or time. Trying to focus on what is really important. I’m definitely a messy work in progress and expect a few bumps and potholes along the way, but I think I’m heading in the right direction. I like Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel, and so did my son when he was younger. Thanks for sharing :)
Hugs, Jill!
Yes, those Winnie the Pooh stories are wonderful. My husband and I both love them and often joke about therm and even read them together!
Thank you for reminding me of Heidi, Renate! Those books are more that I loved as a child and would love to read again. I haven’t been to Switzerland, but have flown over the Alps a few times and I admit every time to looking down at the valley villages and wondering which one would be Heidi’s!
You have a very busy life! Yes, finding that balance between work time, time with one’s husband, and necessary time in solitude is often a challenge.
I do hope you find the Pollyanna book interesting and uplifting!
Thank you, Merrillee!
Thanks Valerie! It was something completely unexpected, but when God tells us to do something, we gotta do it. :)
I learned so much from writing the book.
Being more intentional is a wonderful goal, Julianne! We are ALL messy works in progress. I’m still learning that we need to extend the same grace to ourselves that we try to with other people! And I can’t believe I had never heard of Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel till you mentioned it! Must be because I grew up in Australia. I will look for a copy!
I love looking for the joy that can come from various situations. Yes, I might be a Pollyanna and that is fine with me. :-)
I would far rather be a Pollyanna than a Miss Polly! Learning to let go of my Miss Polly-ness. :)
Thanks for reading and commenting, Mimi!
Oh gosh, I love Polyanna! The movie with Haley Mills is the best!! I want to have a movie watching party with my grandkids and popcorn so they can enjoy it too.
Would love this journal! Thanks for the chance.
Interesting post, Autumn! And thanks for the heads up on the free 7 book boxed set….headed to Amazon now!
LOL, that sounds like a fun idea, Gail! Enjoy!
Happy reading, Jackie!
I picked up my copy of Love’s Sweet Surprise the other day! :-)
Yeah, I’m guilty as charged (hangs my head in shame)…..I need to work on criticizing less supporting, loving and uplifting more! You would think it would be easier to do with your spouse, but not so and I’ve always wondered why. God has been gently dealing with me in this area. One of my husband’s love languages are words of affirmation, which I need to put in practice more. He’s a wonderful man that God has blessed me with so I need to tell/show him more often and in more ways. It’s not an area that comes easily or naturally for me so I really need to ask God to show me how. Thanks for the reminder Autumn, maybe that ought to be my “resolution” if you will for the rest of my married life. :-)
Like the saying goes, you draw more bees with honey than vinegar!
“Like the saying goes, you draw more bees with honey than vinegar!” LOL, that is so true and so wise, Trixi! I’m asking God to help me be a lot more honey this year. ;)
Not sure why it’s harder with our spouses than anyone else. I do wonder if it’s because when two become one, we actually use the same talk to our beloved that we use in our self-talk? Maybe if we talk to ourselves with more love and acceptance and less criticism, we can extend that to them, too?