Can you believe Christmas has already come and gone? Here we are, in that quiet stretch before the New Year, where everything seems to slow down just a bit. It’s like the world gives us this little pocket of calm to catch our breath and really soak in the moments we’ve just lived and those we’re about to step into.
I always find this week a bit magical. The holiday rush is over, but the lights and decorations are still up, twinkling away. It’s the perfect time to wrap up in your favorite blanket, grab a warm drink, and just reflect. How do you like to spend these days? Are you the type to get out and enjoy the crisp air, or maybe you’re more about staying cozy indoors?
This is also when I start thinking about all the things that happened over the past year. I like to count my blessings, even the small ones, like a good book I’ve read or a new recipe that turned out just right. And then there are the bigger things, too—the challenges we’ve faced, the ways we’ve grown, and the people who’ve been by our side through it all. What are some moments from this year that you’re thankful for?
And you know, every year has its lessons, doesn’t it? I always try to think about what I’ve learned and how I’ve changed. Maybe it’s something simple, like discovering a new hobby, or something bigger, like learning to let go of what I can’t control. Do you have any stories or lessons from this year that have really stuck with you?
Now, with the New Year just around the corner, it’s also a time for looking forward. I like to dream a bit about what’s to come and set some gentle intentions for myself. Nothing too strict or demanding, just some thoughts on what I’d like to bring into my life in the coming year. What about you? Are you a resolution maker, or do you prefer to let the year unfold as it will?
I’d really love to hear how you all spend this week. Do you have any special traditions or ways you like to reflect and prepare for the New Year? Your stories are always so inspiring and full of warmth, and sharing them feels like we’re all sitting around a cozy fire, chatting about life and dreams.
Hi Laura! This Michigan retiree has enjoyed the warmer temperatures and celebrating the season with family and friends. Last night had a family dinner with our youngest and oldest son. Every year I reflect on the year and prepare for the new year by making a scrapbook calendar for myself, my 2 granddaughters, and youngest son. I review the past year’s photos and make a 4×6 photo collage for each new month, plus highlight holidays and write in birthdays, anniversaries, school days off. The calendar is something shared with the family, especially my youngest granddaughter and youngest son, who both live away from us.
As retirees, who go to bed by 9 PM , we celebrate New Year’s Eve by Berlin, Germany time (6 pm Michigan time). We watch the Berlin Fireworks over the Brandenburg Gate, munch on our charcuterie board (cheese, crackers, summer sausage, fruit), herring for hubby, shrimp for me, sipping bubbly and reflecting on our 3 sons and the year. Early to bed and Early to rise. New Year’s Day I usually watch the Rose Parade and read. I review my Goodreads Reading Challenge and set my new goal – 150 books a year / 3 books per week. Happy New Year.
This week is about wrapping up what can be finished off this year. My older cousin told me once, when I was much younger, that she never left home, unless her home was exactly how she wanted it to be [it always looked like a magazine shoot] because who wants to come home to messy. With that in mind what can be finished this year can be left in this year, with a fresh start for next year.
I believe in credit where it’s due, good, bad or indifferent. Where there is opportunity for improvement that can make a process more accessible or compassionate then I feel called to speak up. This year especially, and I am quietly satisfied that some public sector processes will be more inclusive in the new year, because I chose to speak up and say this is not ok. It came at great cost, but giving my life over in service to God to use me where I can make a difference as a child , has certainly created both costs and delights.
Also I believe for some people just surviving the year is a monumental achievement and I laud them that they are here with us and keeping on keeping on. I admire them so much.
Have a wonderful new year!
Oh and my new years resolution is to read an author new to me every two months, so I guess you are the bunny for January-February :D
This week, I’ve caught up on errands and laundry. I put off going anywhere from at least three or four before Christmas (this year it was closer to five), and then I go once between Christmas and New Year’s. I do NOT like the traffic this time of year, with all of the snowbirds here and schools out. So, I put off doing errands for as long as possible. Once school starts, traffic will be a bit better, but it will really be nice when the snowbirds go home again! I don’t do resolutions, or goals. I’m definitely NOT a planner, and just like to take things as they come. God’s got it! Florida has decided to participate in winter again this year, so I’m going to try to get out and walk while the weather is so nice and I won’t melt!! I’ll also keep riding my bike (which is inside, so the weather doesn’t matter!). I’ll be starting my Bible reading again on January 1, so (hopefully) I’ll be able to read it through twice again this year, too!
Good morning, we usually have an early dinner either at our house or at our daughters house, they live in the same town as we do, so we are really Blessed. I make 2 rum cakes one for our daughter and her little family and one for my husband for New Years day and we also have black eyed peas. I dont make a New Years resolution, but I do pick a word for the year and this year my word is “Hope” . May you and your Family have a Very Happy and Blessed New Year.
We traveled for Christmas and stayed in strange beds which never provide as comfortable nights’ sleep as our own. Somewhere along the fun and special week with precious family I came down with congestion, cough and laryngitis. Now that we’re home I’m reveling in a free week of sleeping in, resting, relaxing, reading and watching tv. And thanking God for all of it!
My kids all went down with a stomach bug over Christmas, so it was all a bit different from how we’d planned it this year – everyone is gradually getting back to normal, but I feel we’ve missed the calm of this time of year that you describe and we’re jumping straight into new year!
We are planningto meet up with family we couldn’t see over Christmas over the next couple of days, exchange Christmas gifts and enjoy some time together.
My husband takes this week off. So when the kids were home we planned a few things for the family to do together. Now that they are moved away, it is just my husband and I planning a few things. This year we just planned for a few things around the house and a few things out. It was nice and relaxing all around.
This year has been very different for me. My Mom went into the arms of the Lord in January. She was my best friend. As an only child, it was she and I for a long time until I married. My parents divorced when I was 18 years old. We did not decorate or do anything special for Christmas. I spent time reading on Christmas Day as well as this week. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
Debra, I’m so sorry for your loss. Praying for healing. God bless you as well.
Hi Lori, those days together with nothing to do can sometimes be the best days. Happy New Year!
Hi Ruthie, I hope your family is on the mend. Happy New Year.
Hi Laurie, hopefully you can rest and heal now that you’re home. Happy New Year!
Hi Alicia, Hope is an excellent word and I love your tradition of black eyed peas. :) Happy New year to you as well.
Hi Trudy, we get summer people where we live, so I understand that feeling. Thank you for the comment and wishing you a blessed New Year.
Hi Dianne, thank you so much for the comment – so many truths there. Wishing you a blessed 2024 as well, and I hope you enjoy my book(s).
Hi Renate, I love that idea of creating a scrapbook calendar. Your New Year’s eve plans sound wonderful and WOW that is a great reading goal for next year! Hoping you have a very happy new year!
Thank you :)