I haven’t even started, and I know this post is going to be all over the place, thus the title.
I have so much I want to say, and I can’t decide on one specific topic for my final post of the year. I’m glad 2020 is only a few days away (though Christmas hasn’t even happened when I’m writing this).
Let’s start with what God has been telling me I need to do in 2020.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the one-word craze. Several authors, including myself, have posted about it here in the past. In general, we prefer to avoid those kinds of posts now because too many of us have done it. But since this post is not exclusively about my one word–and it’s a GOOD word–I feel like I can share mine with you today.
My word for 2020 is GRATITUDE. Now that is not to say that I’m not a grateful person. I am. At least, I think I am. But God revealed to me that I need to be MORE thankful next year. So, each month in my bullet journal, I plan to create a page specifically for writing down things I’m grateful for. I’ve attached a Pinterest design that I will start using, but it might not last long. I may do something much simpler the further into the year I go.
Honestly, I think this is going to be challenging, because 1) I forget to write things down, and 2) I will attempt not to repeat myself. That means I have to find 366 things to be thankful for in 2020, since it’s a leap year.
Along with that is my verse(s), Psalm 100. The whole chapter is great, and I have written the entire thing in my bullet journal, but I’m specifically focusing on verse four. “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name.” (HCSB)
This is what I want for myself.
In addition, I have created several other pages that I’d like to share with you.
On one side of this full-page spread will be books I have agreed to review. This past year, I am certain that I received books–either e-book or hard copy–that I was supposed to review but forgot. So, to combat my entirely too frequent forgetful nature, I’m going to start writing them down. On the other side is space for my most liked books of 2020. The next page will be other books I’ve read that are good but don’t fall into the “I want to read that again, so put it on the bookshelf” category. If you look closely, that allows me 127 spaces for books to read next year. I will duplicate the second page on the facing page to add another 84 spaces. I think 211 spots might be enough. Sometimes I read more, though, so if I do, I’ll just make space later in the journal.
While I was watching 2020 Bujo videos on YouTube, it astounded me how many books these women were challenging themselves to read. One lady was aiming for twenty-five. YES, 25. Another will aim for fifty. And another hoped to read one book a month. As an avid reader, I was flabbergasted. I can’t imagine only reading one book a month or even one per week.
Being a curious sort, I set up a little poll on Facebook, asking how many books people read in 2019. Here were the options:
A. 0
B. 1-25
C. 26-50
D. 51-75
E. 76-100
F. 100+
And here are the results:
A. 1
B. 6
C. 6
D. 1
E. 1
F. 8
As a note, most of the people who read 100+ books were authors. :o
Speaking of authors, our InspyRomance birthday bash is coming up in February. (How’s that for a topic change?) As the giveaway coordinator, I like to find great prizes to offer our wonderful readers in addition to all the awesome books from our authors. That said, I want your opinions.
And that ends this wonderfully random rambling for me. I pray your Christmas was blessed. And Happy New Year!
I use to read over 100 books a year but then I got struck with constant headpain which cause me to have issues concentrating and very tired. I was still reading at least one book a month but this past year besides about 3 devotional, 5 or 6 children’s books I haven’t actually read a fiction book. Its not that I don’t want to I just find I tire and I fell out of the habit. 2020 I am hoping to read more.
I really struggle to keep a journal etc. I started a gratitude jar at one stage but I lasted less than a month.
Happy New Year Ginger! Thanks for sharing your end of year ramblings. Wow to your journal! My journal the last few years has been a Spiral Notebook, since I cannot decide on a format, but need to keep track of ARC books and events. I usually outline my week – daycare, appointments, etc. I also have page for books. As a retiree, my yearly reading goal is 150 books, which I surpassed in 2018 and 2019. When I was working full time teaching and caring for my aging parents my summer reading was 10 books. Started many of my students setting summer reading goals. Several follow me on Goodreads. I also belong to a local book club and we read 11 books a year. Books I would not choose for myself. While I have pondered the one word craze, I never participated, but like your explanation about not repeating oneself. Thanks and best wishes.
Great post! I have never done the word before, but this year I am…and my word is Peace. I have never counted the books I read before either, but I have a new Christian Planner I received for Christmas so I will try to keep count with it this year!
Wow, your journal sounds like it will be amazing! I don’t journal much, I do write prayers down, but that is about it. I am a book reader. I was a school librarian, so I read many, many books, and I shared with my students, how many books I would read each school year. Now, as a retired lady, I read for myself, and allow Goodreads to keep track of books for me. I was able to meet my goal this year (200+) because my mom had medical issues, and I was the one who took her everywhere she needed to be and stayed with her most of the summer.
I think that I read around 30 books this year. Sometimes I do better at taking time to read than others but maybe I’ll read more next year.
My daughter loves bullet journaling, too. Every now and then I am tempted but I haven’t succumbed! I know myself. It wouldn’t last long for me.
I don’t keep track of how many books I read, but my GUESS is that I read a little more than one a week, but rarely two, so my guess is in the 75-ish range!
I get the “falling out of the habit” thing. I’m sorry about your chronic pain, especially that it keeps you from reading. Have you tried audio books?
As for journals, I struggle as well, but it helps me, though I’m not as consistent as I’d like. Mostly, it reminds me of what needs to be done–drs appts, etc–during the week. :)
Until my kids were older, reading was a luxury I didn’t have time for. It’s only been in the last ten years (or less) that I’ve been able to devour books. I do realize it’s a time issue. Now, I make it a priority because it relieves some of my stress (mostly self-imposed). :)
Peace is an awesome word, Paula Marie. I pray peace into your life this year. Yeah on the new planner. What I try to remind myself of regularly is that it is MINE, and if I only use it for one thing, then it has done its job. And it doesn’t have to be the thing it was designed for. Make it work for you. :)
I’ve always wondered if I’d have been a good librarian. :D
Writing prayers down has been and will be part of my journaling plan. I hope to be more consistent than I have been in the past, but I do have a separate notebook for those.
I’m sorry your mom was unwell. I’m glad you could relax and retreat into books when you needed to.
I think there are seasons when reading is important (for readers). And other times, too much else is going on and picking up a book seems like too much trouble. At least to me. This year has been one of those up and down reading years. Some weeks I’d read 5-10 books, and other weeks I read a chapter or two. Life works that way. :)
My goal this year was to read 75 books while writing my own, down from last year, because I knew that I had a lot of nonfiction and Bible studies that take me a lot longer. And I also began a new ministry this year. But I overshot my goal and ended up with 103.
I like bullet journaling because it allows me to use as much space as I need for the things that are important to me. I am not constricted to someone else’s idea of the ideal planner. I’m not as consistent as I’d like to be, but hey, it’s mine and it doesn’t matter. :o
Seventy-five is a good goal. Non-fiction takes me FOREVER to read. Congrats on the new ministry and hitting and surpassing your goal.
I love that advice! Thank YOU!
I haven’t read that many books this year as I used to. I’ve been busy with two kids (2-year-old, 4-month-old), and I just want to sleep when I’m not playing with/taking care of them.
I know this too shall pass, but it’s kind of my crazy moment. Plus I’ve applied to tons of jobs in the past 5 years since I’ve finished my PhD and finally got it. In March (that’s when the new academic year starts), I start as a full professor at a top ranked university in Brazil. I’m super excited. Plus scared. And already missing the crazy time with the kids.. So 2020? Crazy+ year!!!
As for your poll, I appreciate the books more than the extra prices, though the e-reader is a great price. (I was still living in the US when that was a price and I really appreciate it, it was definitely one of the perks.)
Happy New Year to you! I have no idea how many books I read in a year, as I’ve never kept track. Since I read quite a few ARC’s now, and do reviews, you’d think it would be easy to keep track, but it isn’t for me. Depending on the length of the books, I can read 3 to 4 a week, sometimes less, sometimes more. It also depends on what’s happening in my life. I know one author I read regularly for wrote 30 books in 2019, and I read all of them, plus she re-did POV for three, and I read those, too. I might try to keep track next year, but I don’t want that to take the fun out of reading.
I enjoyed your ramblings. My husband and I have never had kids, so when I used to keep track of the books I read, it was always over 100 a years. Now that I read mostly on my Kindle, I’ve quit keeping a list. Sometimes if they’re short novellas, I’ll read 2 a day :-) And recently when I read after my husband goes to bed, my cats cuddle on my lap, so I end up reading longer than originally planned :-) Anyway, I’ve always loved to read. I used to keep a journal when we lived overseas, but once we came back to the US, I didn’t have time. Happy New Year!
I couldn’t tell you how many books I read in a year. I just read – a lot.
Happy New Year. I’ve read 114 books this year. I’m not much on watching TV of an evening so I read.
My Goodreads challenge was to read 175 books; I’ve read 204 right now and have 2 more nights to read! Happy New Year to you!
You have several good excuses not to read much, Priscila. The kids (and future job) definitely take precedence.
Wow. Thirty books? That’s a lot to write in a year.
I didn’t find that keeping track took the fun out of it. You could do a tic system (|||| then a slash across so each section is five. I don’t know what it’s actually called).
To keep track on my Kindle, I add them to a collection (this year’s was 2019 read).
Cuddling kitties are irresistible. I’d read longer too. :)
One year I gave up counting when I hit 300. I wasn’t writing then. It was an unusual year. I read a lot. :)
If my husband didn’t like us to watch together in the evening, I’d read. I’m not a huge TV watcher either, though I have gotten into watching a lot of YouTube videos. :)
Congrats on hitting your challenge.
That’d work! If I remember where I do it! Lol!! I know me, if I make it competitive, it takes a bit of fun out. If I make it just curious, I’ll probably do ok. I’m thinking I’ll give it a try, anyway! I have a list of books she’ll be releasing in 2020, and she’ll be doing 15 from January thru June, so looks like 30 again next year, too. She’s an indie; most of her paperbacks are 100 to 200 pages, with a couple about 250.
Happy New Year Ginger and I Love your post I Love reading of an evening but I haven’t really kept track of how many books I have read I will have to start keeping track of how many books I read for 2020! But I do love to read and especially The Print books!
Thanks, Sarah. I’m an e-book girl myself. I think it’s mostly because I can carry so many books in one small form (my Ipad) and I don’t have to worry about finding a bookmark or it falling out. :o