Congratulations to Winnie Thomas for winning a copy of Whisper in The Branches! Please email me at authorlindip at gmail dot com and I’ll get your prize to you asap!
Lindi here!! And it’s August. Anyone remember that Neil Diamond song Hot August Night? Well we’ve had our share of them here in Georgia this summer. Crazy!! But I’m enjoying the time I get to spend outside. Just trying to stay cool and dry. Not easy in this heat. I believe once during the winter I posted a picture of a swimming pool trying to get people feeling the warmth. Well how about we switch it around and let’s try and feel cool here in the middle of summer!
So, I was contacted by some great gals about doing novellas for two different boxed sets. I found I really like writing novellas. Each boxed set had its criteria. One story had to be set in winter and it had to have a child in it. The other story had to mention dyslexia. (The proceeds from that boxed set are going to a school for dyslexic children.)
My writer mind got to work. I’m always trying to connect stories because I love series. Since the one story had to have a child, I decided on having a single dad next door series. The story had to be set in winter, so I titled it One Winter Kiss. The other story for the dyslexic boxed set was coming out in September, so I titled it, One Autumn Love.
I don’t think I need to tell you there are two other stories. One Spring Promise and One Summer Vow. All four stories feature a single dad. I love the concept of falling in love with a man who has a child. Sure, there are problems, because there is a reason the dad doesn’t have a wife. Death, divorce, abandonment. But all those items make for the perfect conflict we need when writing our stories.
Here is the cover for the boxed set Kisses, Kids and Bundles of Joy. Seven Inspirational stories. ( PS–I love this cover!) (PPS–Are you feeling cooler? Just a little maybe?)
Here is the question I have for readers. Two of my four novellas will be in boxed sets. The other two will not. I am going to sell them individually at some point, lets say later this year. By December all four novellas will be out. I’m thinking about combining the four novellas in one print book. As a reader, would you like to buy something like that? Would you rather buy them individually, maybe at least the first one to see if you like it? I’m super excited about this series. The stories are different than my usual fare. I normally write in first person present tense, heroine POV only. These novellas are third person, hero and heroines POV. Yikes!! I feel like I’m starting over! I would love your input!
If you leave a comment, I will enter you in a drawing for an e-copy of the boxed set, Kisses, Kids and Bundles of Joy.
Here’s a short blurb about my story. (All the stories are great!)
Deena Ross travels to Ohio to try and sway her grandfather from making a big mistake, a mistake his neighbor Andrew has been encouraging. When a winter storm hits, and Deena is forced to stay with Andrew and his young son, Evan, Deena’s vision of love is tested and she might lose her heart in one winter kiss.
Click here to read about the rest of the stories in the set!
Jill Weatherholt says
We’re roasting here in Charlotte too, Lindi. I’m looking forward to some cool and crisp mornings, aren’t you? In answer to your question, I’d prefer all of the novellas in one book. The cover looks beautiful!
Wemble says
Cover looks great, thanks for sharing about the new stories, I like the name Deena. Hmm, I like the idea of all the novellas in one book, then I can read them all together. We have had strong cold winds for the last couple days- will happily send some to you:) I have to empathise- humidity is not fun, where I live we tend to have hot but dry summers.
Renate says
Cover on set looks wintery and inspiring, especially with the hot weather outside. I am afraid with the high heat, Michigan will have a very cold and snowy winter.
To answer your question, I enjoy buying and reading boxed sets, especially the holiday themed sets. I have been introduced to many new authors and their stories, which I probably would not have chosen on my own. Once I am hooked, I will buy the author’s individually books. Boxed sets is a good way for the reader to be introduced to a variety of authors and their style.
Presently I five boxed sets preordered. As a busy retired grandmother and teacher, I enjoy that most boxed set consist of novellas. I can easily read a novella in a couple of hours. I enjoy reading a story in one sitting with few interruptions.
Love the seasonal approach and titles to your next stories. Seasonal stories make fun reading. Have a great day.
Diana says
The cover did make me feel cool for a second :-)! It’s really pretty. I’m looking forward to reading it. I would prefer all the novellas in one book. I like series. It’s convenient to have them all together. God bless!
Jenny Berlin says
Lindi, yes please! I love to read anthologies, and your idea to set each story in a different season means I can enjoy reading the collection at any time of year. (p.s. the cover design for the Kisses, Kids and Bundles of Joy boxed set is lovely. Can’t wait to read the stories!)
kathleenefriesen says
What a lovely cover! Yes, it did cool me off for a few seconds. I enjoy novellas for their short time commitment to read a fully developed story. I haven’t managed to write one yet and truly admire those who can. God bless!
kaleen21 says
Beautiful cover and it seems the story of Deena will be an interesting read. I don’t mind reading the single but I would prefer to read the box set.
Beth Gillihan says
Great cover! I would like the novellas in one book. Have a great day!
Tammy Francis says
These novellas sound really interesting. I know I have often bought one in a set and then if I liked them have bought the entire set. It depends also upon if I had read anything by that author before and new I liked their writing. Hope that helps. ?
lori meyer says
I love the cover, it’s looks like a romantic wonderland! I love your idea of combining your 4 novellas, sounds like a winning move to me!
Priscila says
The cover is really lovely, and all the stories seem worth reading. Thanks for sharing.
Mandi says
I would like to buy them as one book, but if I buy the boxed sets, then I would have already read two of the four. For this reason, I like the idea of individual books. If they weren’t in sets, then I would totally be for the all-in-one book idea. These stories sound amazing, and I can’t wait to read them!
Justina says
Love the covers, it is nice to see them thru the summer does cool you down. So Thank You.
I use to live in South Carolina so I know that heat your talking about. Couldn’t wait for winter.
I love novellas and would buy it either way but of course more is always better!
Thanks for the opportunity to learn more about you.
Be Blessed!
Lindi Peterson says
Thanks, Jill!
Lindi Peterson says
Wemble—We live on top of a hill and I love to sit outside when the wind blows. It’s calming in a way, watching the trees sway. :)
Lindi Peterson says
Renate–I love finding new authors as well. I’m with you on finding them in the boxed sets. Such a great idea.
Lindi Peterson says
Diana–Glad we could bring a blast of coolness. I’m in air conditioning all day, so when I first step outside it feels good—but only until I get in the car..:)
Lindi Peterson says
Thank you, Jenny. There’s an article on my blog I believe about how the cover was designed.
Lindi Peterson says
Kathleen—I wrote my first novella last year and I’m hooked. I love writing them. :)
Lindi Peterson says
Kaleen—Thank you! I love the blues in the cover. Very cool-literally-looking. What do you think about the name Deena–I’ve gotten mixed reviews on that name, but I liked it.
Lindi Peterson says
Hi Beth—Thanks for stopping by and thank you for your input. :) I hope you had a great day as well.
Lindi Peterson says
Tammy, Yes, it does help. Thanks for stopping by!!
Lindi Peterson says
Lori—Oh, I like that–romantic wonderland—:) Thanks for the input.
Lindi Peterson says
Priscila–Thank you for stopping by and your nice words. :)
Lindi Peterson says
Justina—Whoo–South Carolina–you are close to me and we do know the heat. I pray you have a blessed day as well. :) Thank you for stopping by!
Lindi Peterson says
Hi Mandi—Great point! Thanks for bringing that up. :) Thank you too for stopping by.
Lindi Peterson says
Trixie—-Where are you–Happy birthday!! We all here wish you the best of days, today. :)
Kimberly Rose Johnson says
I love your cover! Yes it makes me feel cooler. :)
Lindi Peterson says
Hi Kim–Thank you!
DK Stevens says
Hot here in Nebraska too! I like collections, so yes to the book of novellas :)
Trixi says
I like the idea of all books combined in one! And I also like different POV’s :-) The books sound really good Lindi.
It’s not so hot here on the Oregon coast, you’re always welcome :-)
Sarah Venable says
The box sets sound interesting….but I would prefer all four books combined into one!
I am definitely looking forward to some cooler autumn weather, soon.
Linda Rainey says
I love boxed sets and yours sound neat.
Marilyn R says
Linda, we have a heat index warning today here in Illinois. I love the box set for Kisses, Kids and Bundles of Joy. I would purchase a book with all four stories in them as well as a box set. I do not mind having different POV’s in books.
Lindi Peterson says
DK–Nebraska–I’m sure it is hot!!
Trixi–Hi—I love the Northwest–Seattle is my favorite city in the world!
Sarah–Thanks for stopping by!!
Linda–Love seeing you here. :) Thank you!
Marilyn–My son used to live in Chicago! While it was very cold in the winter, it could get super hot in the summer as well. :)
Lindi Peterson says
Thanks so much for all the positive response!! The winner of Kisses, Kids and Bundles of Joy is Beth Gillihan–if you email me your email address is will order you a copy—when the book releases it will be in your inbox!! You can find my email at the beginning of this post! Thanks all!!
Kathy Maitland says
Sounds like a wonderful idea. I love being able to sit down and read a series all in a row. Story line sounds wonderful.
Rita Marcott Navarre says
I like to read all of the novellas in one book..Love the cover…
Jessica Browning says
I like the idea of combining the four novellas into one print book.
Mary Jane Hearn says
I agree that the cover looks cool and makes me look forward to Fall. I am also living in the Ga. heat and it isn’t always fun. I like the idea of four in one book. Since I have read one of your books I will be looking for more to get. I like to try box sets to try new authors but if I love a book then I want it print to share with friends who do not do eBooks and to read again myself. I look forward to reading your novellas. they do sound interesting.
Beth Erin says
Lindi, yes I love it when authors combine their novellas into print books! Please do!