I like to ease into the new year. LOL Though I’m not sure that’s possible, since like it or not, 2020 is here.
Facing the unknown can be daunting. Personally, I like knowing what is to come, that way I can be prepared. But life doesn’t always work that way. Professionally, I know I have at least two books that I will be writing and publishing this year, one romantic suspense and the other a romantic mystery. On a personal level, my older son will be getting married this spring and my younger son will be living at home over the summer while he is on summer break from working on his Masters. But as for anything else, I’m clueless. I’m open to whatever the Lord sends my way.
I’m reminded of the much quoted verse Jeremiah 29:11. The short of it is this: the Lord knows His plans for us and they are good. Don’t you love that? I have no idea what He has in store for 2020, but my hope is in Him.
I pray your year will prove to be a positive journey in partnership with Jesus as you grow in Him and face each new day.
I don’t often do a giveaway, but I thought it would be fun to do one this time. I will be giving away a $5.00 Amazon card to one commenter. This drawing closes January 8, 2020. I will contact the winner directly.
Because this blog is about contemporary Christian romance and as of yet, I don’t have one slatted in my schedule, I would love some ideas about what you want to see me blog about.
To be entered into the drawing please let me know what you would like to read about from me here.
What to learn more about my books? Check out my website or Amazon page.
Hi Kimberly! Yes 2020 is here whether we like it or not. Feeling old, because onThursday, my youngest son will be 30 and the end of May I will be 70. Looked at your website. I enjoy reading your Librarian Sleuths series and our town is blessed with two great libraries, which I visit weekly. Please share with us activities at your local library. Your favorite library and favorite activity. Two other ideas: your favorite place to walk (park, sea shore, through town, other) with pictures please. And as a pianist what type of music do you enjoy playing? Hymns, classical, oldies, other. Where do you play piano – for personal enjoyment or church or retirement home, school, etc. Kimberly, hope these ideas help. Inquiring minds love to learn more about our authors. Also enjoyed the holiday series Sara’s Gift. Loved the premise. Best wishes as you look forward to your son’s wedding.
Good question. Its hard to know what to say but maybe where you get your inspiration for a story, How the story goes from and idea to becoming a reality (idea, research etc). How you go about writing the story? I know lots of questions.
I know one author asked a similar question but it was for questions she could then answer in a blog post. Maybe you could do the same in a post.
There are so many fun categories we use here on Inspy Romance! Sometimes when I’m at a loss of what to write about this month, I click the list and read through the possibilities. That often sparks an idea.
Thank you, Renate. You gave me lots of ideas to think about. :) You are a young almost 70. I believe you have the stamina of someone half your age or even younger based on all the things you do. Have a great week!
That’s an interesting idea about asking questions for a post. That’s for the ideas!
I need to to that, Valerie! Thanks for the reminder.
Happy New Year! Kimberly, I’m about as clueless as you are when it comes to thinking of a blog topic. :)
Hi Kimberly,
Congrats on your son’s engagement! I hope all is well and this year God will bless you with many blessings.
Take care, Marylin OH, and we should get together sometime!
Thank you, Marylin. Blessings to you on the new year.
When you are in town, let me know.
LOL We can be clueless together, although there are several great ideas posted here. :)