Did you know writers aren’t perfect?
We have real lives with real troubles.
Sometimes real life bleeds into writing–or at the moment, it prevents me from writing.
I’d like to say that since my surgery that I’ve jumped back into creating stories without any trouble. But I can’t because I haven’t.
And it makes me sad.
I love writing. I love the accomplishment of finishing a story. And I can honestly admit that I enjoy it when readers like what I’ve written.
I wish I could post here today about a new novella I have coming out. But I can’t because I don’t.
And it makes me sad.
I have written less than 10,000 words in the last TWO MONTHS! I know I can do that amount in one day because I did so at the beginning of the year.
But this is real life. I don’t live in the story worlds I create. Even when I give my characters problems, the answer comes quickly or so it seems–it has to, or you, the reader, wouldn’t keep reading. In the real world, answers take a while. Sometimes a LONG time.
And that also makes me sad.
I love story. I want to write. I just don’t have the concentration, energy, or whatever to sit down and get it done. I’m easily distracted. squirrel
I’m not even reading very much. <– Yep, it makes me sad, too.
I know God has a plan for me and my writing. I just have to calm my impatient self down and wait. I have to say to myself, much like the psalmist did, “What’s wrong with you? Why are you all sad and uptight? Keep your hope in God; keep on praising him, for he’s the only answer and the only God.” (Ps. 42:11, Ginger paraphrase)
Would you pray for me? That as I wait for this next season–for surely something great will come from this fire (that’s what it feels like)–I will do so with expectancy. I want to be ready for new stories and a deeper intimacy with God.
I’d also like to pray for you. Because I KNOW that my life is not the only one with trouble and turmoil. If you’d rather not write your prayer request in the comments, please feel free to e-mail me at ginger(dot)solomon(at)gingersolomon(dot)com. I will pray for you at least once, and even more if God continues to bring your situation to mind.
Many blessings for you and yours as you celebrate this holiday season. See you after Christmas. :D
Thanks Ginger, you will remain in my prayers, as you have been since I first discovered your books. I think that when authors are real about their own struggles that adds authenticity to what they write- it gives depth to the stories, and makes me want to keep reading!!!
My prayer- that progress is made about my oldest son’s (8yrs) hearing issues, whether he needs hearing aids/implant, but that my husband and I can support him through the adjustments that come with change. That we can give our youngest son (6yrs) the attention that he needs and he is not left out in the rounds of medical appointments for his older brother.
God is good Ginger, I am reminded to seek this on a daily basis and I praise God for the reminders of His love, grace and mercy. Refiner’s fire- never easy, but necessary!
Prayers and hugs sent your way! Thank you for sharing what you’re going through.
I appreciate your honesty and openness, Ginger. Praying for you…remember, our health comes first and then the words will come. Take of care of yourself. xo
Ginger, sending big (((hugs))) and prayers. I’m also in what I call a ‘non-writing season’. I haven’t written any new words for a few months, and that’s okay. I’ve learned to be content and find peace. I will always have story ideas brewing, but there are other priorities in my life right now that need my attention. I will wait on His timing and His plans for my writing in 2017. :)
Prayers sent to you that God the Great Physician will give you His strength and as you recover so will your joy to write and read. Enjoy each new day and the season. May His Love give you PEACE! Best wishes.
Ginger, I will pray for you. May the Lord bless you in this wilderness time. Great things come out of the wilderness. Look at David and Moses. And of course, Jesus.
I have written less words than you recently. So I know what that’s like.
Lord bless you. Recovering from surgery is hard, but it does get better. It does take time. I’ve had multiple tumors removed and major and minor surgery, through it all God is faithful. At times it can be really frustrating though. Thankfully all my tumors were benign.
We’d love prayer for our moving and retiring plans. We have to get our house ready to sell which seems overwhelming at times. Replacing kitchen cabinets from 1972 is our current hurdle. Then we have to paint everything during evenings and weekends, while I am doing daycare in our home until we move.
Father God, I lift up to you Wemble and her family. Give the doctors supernatural wisdom as they discern what to do about her son’s hearing issues, and help her and her husband to encourage and support him as he adjusts to a new way of doing things. And Father, if it be your will, we ask for complete healing for his little ears–that whatever issue prevents him from hearing properly will be fixed, in Jesus’ name. I also ask that you would give her younger son understanding during this time. Help Wemble and her hubby to find special times to spend with him–errands, ice cream, a game, or story time. Thank you for Wemble’s support here at IR, and for her prayers for me. Give her grace and mercy today as she goes throughout her day, and may she feel your love in a tangible way. Amen.
Thanks, Janet.
Thanks, Jill. I appreciate the prayers and the encouragement.
Thank, Narelle. This sounds awful, but it’s good to know I’m not alone in my ‘non-writing season.’ I’m still learning the contentment and peace part. :)
Thank you, Renate. I am doing my level best to enjoy this season and each new day of it. Some days are better than others. ;)
Lord, I pray for L. Marie as she also goes through this wilderness season. Help us both to learn what you are teaching. Amen.
Father, I lift up to you Diana and her family as they prepare to move. It sounds like she’s getting ready to go into a new season of her life. Sometimes that step is bittersweet. I pray you give her peace, strength, and endurance as they work to get their house ready to sell. Amen.
Thanks for being transparent with us.
I could go on and on with my woos, but today I just want to focus on you.
We need to be able to see others needs so we can be used by God in whatever way He thinks best. Sometimes when I focus on others my needs seem so much smaller. I will be praying that you will be able to sustain your energy and that God will give you the words and drive to write. A while back I read something and thought it might encourage you:
Jer. 31:25 “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”
God Sustains
God is not only the Creator of the world, but he is also its Sustainer. In him, everything is held together, protected, and prevented from disintegrating into chaos. Because Christ is the Sustainer of all life, none of us is independent from him. We are all his servants who must daily trust him for protecting us, caring for us, and sustaining us.
“I will infuse My strength into you moment by moment, giving you all that you need for this day. Trust Me, by relying on My empowering Presence.” -Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Take care Ginger!
What a great devotional thought, Marylin. Thank you for sharing it.
God, Marylin didn’t mention what’s going on in her life, but I lift her up to you along with her situation. You know, so I ask that you give her supernatural wisdom and peace. Amen.
Ginger, I will definitely pray. I had pretty bad morning sickness this summer and spent about 6 weeks on the couch. I hardly read at all. Not sure why, it just wasn’t interesting. For me, you could pray for my pregnancy – I’m at 28 weeks! And heavier on my heart, the health of my husband. He has a mysterious eye issue that isn’t getting better. Thank you.
So looking forward to this weekend and hoping you get some excellent counts!!!!
And debating whether I need to bring makeup… ;)
Big hugs. You’re always in my prayers.
Father, I pray for Katy and her baby. Keep them safe and healthy and give Katy peace and the strength she needs to finish out the next 12 weeks of her pregnancy. Thank you that she’s feeling better.
I also lift up her husband. Give the doctors wisdom to figure out what’s wrong with his eye. I pray for complete healing, no matter the problem. Amen.
Katy, you didn’t specify what’s going on with your husband’s eye, but I feel compelled to tell you that my tumor diagnosis started with an eye issue. Vision in my right eye became blurry. My eye doctor requested the MRI because she couldn’t see a reason for the decreased vision. This eventually revealed the tumor on my pituitary gland. That tumor was pushing on my optic nerve causing my blurred vision. I likened it to looking through a dirty window–the farther something was away the clearer I could see it, but up close, I could barely see. I don’t want to speak this over your husband, but it is something to ask about, maybe. Feel free to contact me off site if you have questions. ginger dot solomon at gingersolomon dot com.
MAKEUP? Blah! Oh, wait. I wear it these days so I don’t scare people. LOL
I can’t wait for the weekend either. Do you think my family would notice if I left today?
Thanks for the prayers. ditto.
You are definitely not alone, Ginger. I’m there too. All I’ve written are blog posts. I can’t remember the last time I wrote in my WIP. Praying for you. Hugs.
Thanks, Kimberly.
Prayers for you, Ginger, through life’s ups and downs. You are precious in His sight and in mine. Blessings.
You are in my prayers sweet Ginger. May God touch you and heal you and may you feel His presence surrounding you and filling you through your trial. God bless you!
Thanks Ginger, what a special prayer and blessing. I am just starting my day here, and your prayer will go with me as we begin the round of medical appointments today. Many thanks:)
Ginger, hugs and prayers for what you are going through now. In a few years, you may look back on this time and see why God was giving you a rest from writing. Several years ago I went around and around with my editor trying to get a new contract with Love Inspired. We never came to a meeting of the minds on the stories I had proposed. I decided not to pursue the contract, but I was still troubled that I couldn’t find a story that would please my editor. Not long after that my mother-in-law, who has since passed away, began to have numerous health issues. She was in and out of the hospital and nursing home and eventually came to live with us. My younger daughter also had a troubled pregnancy, and I went to help with her family. Between the two things, I did very little new writing for over two years. I tinkered with some old stuff when I had time. Looking back on it now, I could see that I wouldn’t have been able to fulfill a writing contract at that time. I eventually got another contract with LI, but now I’m writing those stories that my editor didn’t want and I’ve been indie publishing them. God bless your service to Him.
Thanks, Valerie. Ditto.
Thank you, Linda.
Thanks for sharing your story, Merrillee. It really does help to know someone has been there before and come out on the other side with a positive story.
Sent you a message. Praying for you, friend!
Got it. Thanks.
Ginger, so sorry to hear about your writing…that makes me sad too! I know God has a plan for all this, and I know you know it too…just hang in there and keep trusting (I know you do). I’ll be keeping you in my prayers for sure :-) (((Hugs)))
Thanks, Trixi, I appreciate the prayers. I know God’s got a plan; hanging in there is harder than trusting. :D