As an author, I don’t always get the story right the first time. In that aspect, writing often reminds me a lot of life in general. We start out thinking we know what is going to happen next, but then the characters (or life) throw us a curveball and we adjust our path to compensate. I think this may be why I adore second chance romances so much. While my own happily ever after romance story is more of a friends-to-more, second chances are my absolute favorite. I find myself writing them time and again because I love the themes that keep coming up.
I’m currently rewriting a story for the third time. I’ve liked each version that I wrote, but something was missing. It didn’t have that special oomph that I knew it needed. This last rewrite is coming along nicely, and I just passed the halfway mark. I finally feel like I’ve gotten it right. Through trial and error, perseverance, nudges from God, and sheer stubbornness, I’ve kept at this story because these characters have something they need to say. They refuse to give up on their second chance for love and forgiveness. Tenley is especially tenacious, which shouldn’t be much of a surprise considering her brother Brody has the same character trait. It must run in the family.
You’ll get a chance to meet Brody in my upcoming Love Inspired book, which I just received my official title for.
Brody also has a second chance at love. But to hold onto it, he’ll have to learn to trust the woman who broke his heart. He needs to rewrite the path he’s chosen for himself and find room for the path God laid out for him. It’s not an easy thing to do, rewriting yourself into a better version of who you are or who you think you should be.
Thankfully, God’s typewriter never runs out of ribbon. His fingers never tire on the keyboard, and He’s always there to guide us. Even through a second (or third, fourth, fifth…) chance.
I remember hearing someone say that love is a choice you make every day. I didn’t understand it then, but I get it now.
How have second chances affected your life?
Thankfully, the Lord Jesus gives second chances everyday!
I know some people that were really sick with COVID and the doctors said they weren’t going to make me but then they just got better after the doctors said that. I can’t wait to read your love inspired book.
Amen! I’m so thankful He never gave up on me.
That’s inspiring! I love how God moves in all His mysterious ways. And thank you! I hope you enjoy The Cowgirl’s Last Rodeo.
Hi Tabitha! I think particularly since becoming a mother, I need a whole lot of second chances, asking a lot of God’s grace to get me through and keep trying at things.
I love second chance romances too, I really enjoy a story which is shows how well God can make things work out, in His own time, even when we’ve written then off and tried to move on.
can’t think of any
I am so glad that the Lord gives us second, third and fourth chances, but does not keep track. My husband has given me more chances than I can count over the years. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
My greatest second chance was the one the Lord gave me to be his daughter after having rejected him for years.
A question that arose to me when reading the publication: Do the authors of Love Inspired receive their titles? don’t you put them?
As for second chances, I gave my now husband a second chance. I gave ourselves a second chance to love, and 23 years later (out of which 20 of happy marriage) I have never regretted anything.
Yes, I love second chances. As for rewriting novels…. no, I do not. I can correct a scene, or I can continue what seemed finished at first, with new chapters. However, this is editing or continuing to write, not re-writing.