Okay, I’ll admit it.
I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions.
I know. I’m practically un-American.
At least give me a chance to explain why. I deserve that much. I think.
Life can be uber complicated. So I simplify as much of it as I can. Otherwise I’d never be able to function.
For example, if the garbage needs to be emptied, I empty it. If the van needs gas, I stop at the filling station and spend my hard-earned cash. If a book is good, I ignore the rest of the world and read it. (That last one’s a little bit of a fantasy, but you get the idea.)
In the same vein, when there’s something in my life that needs changing, I take action.
Or refuse to acknowledge it because I don’t want to change…but that’s a story for another post.
I’m not a big fan of procrastinating, and that’s what New Year’s resolutions boil down to – at least for me. Around October (or right after Thanksgiving…) I decide I need to lose weight. I’m not going to tackle it right then, though. I’ll make it a resolution for the New Year. Perhaps I decide to watch less TV…but I’m not quite ready yet, so I’ll wait till the new year.
The way I see it, though, if it’s October and I decide I need to make a change in my life, putting it off until January will do nothing except give me enough time to talk myself out of it or forget my resolve altogether. Which brings me back to the ♥heart♥ of the problem.
Why do I avoid procrastination (and therefore resolutions)?
Because if I put something off, I will forget about it. Without fail.
I have no doubt that there are people in the world brilliant enough to remember every choice they make and witty enough to carry their decisions out with aplomb. I, however, am not one of them. If I decide to do something, I need to act on it right then or that decision will fade away into the ebbing and flowing mist of what could have been. (Getting gas, for example. If I put it off…yeah, I’ll be walking to the gas station with my gas can.)
Now that I’ve confessed my deep, dark, un-American, non-resolution-making secret, I have a burning question to ask.
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
I admit it, I’m itching with curiosity. Does that make me a hypocrite? I prefer creative decision maker. It has a much nicer ring to it!
Of course, now I have to suggest some resolutions that are good for any time of the year!!
- Read more inspirational romance.
- Read more books.
- Read more inspirational romance books.
- Tell others about the inspirational romance books you’ve read.
- Leave reviews for the inspirational romance books you’ve read.
- Buy more inspirational romance books (and e-books) to read.
Hm….I’m I seem to have developed a theme. It’s a good one, though, don’t you think?
Truth time! What’s your resolution? Or, if you’re a resolution-boycotter like me, what’s the next inspirational book on your reading list? Do tell! It’s always a good time for book suggestions!
Wishing you a Happy New Year AND tons of Happy Reading in the New Year!
I don’t make resolutions either. I usually beak them within the first week. I do intend to try to lose some weight which means push away from the table and watch what I cook. My goal is to read, read, read books; most will be Christian fiction but, I will have a few other things thrown is too. I have dropped my goal for reading. I wanted to read 205 books last year and I got to 200 barely. I’m dropping it down to 75 on my Goodreads challenge and hope I make it to 150. My reading just slowed down around December 1 last year and it hasn’t picked up.I guess that having 2 or more books in process doesn’t help either. If I have my Kindle I read what’s on it right now and if I’m away from it I read whatever is handy. I have found I can’t be without reading material as IO get antsy and grouchy. Does that mean I’m addicted to books? I think so. Not a bad addiction as far as I can see.
I’m not a resolution maker, either! I did set some goals for the year (I didn’t include read more books, though, I read 62 last year and left reviews for most of them ) I told about my goals here: http://blossomsandblessings.blogspot.com/2015/01/goals-for-2015.html
Read more books.
Thank you so much for sharing! My husband can read multiple books at once, but that’s not me! Give me one book, let me savor it, and then let me move on to another. ;) 200 books is AMAZING!! That’s kind of like saying, “I wanted to raise $205, but I only raised $200…” Still something to be crazy proud of! And you’re right – if you’ve got to be addicted to something, let it be books! Happy New Year!
Becky – what great goals! Obviously you’re a much craftier person than I am! (My creativity is limited to writing and cooking…one of which is much more successful than the other.) ;) And as an author, I can tell you – we LOVE reviewers! I always tell people – good, bad, or ugly – reviews are always helpful in one way or another. I’m so pleased that you’ve taken the time to leave them for the books you’ve read! And here’s to many more books in 2015! :)
Always a good goal Merrillee! I find that I read in spurts as I fit it around my writing. I can edit and read at the same time (well, not literally at the same time – but in the same day at least), but I can’t write and read at the same time. For me that ends up being like trying to read two books at once…something else I’m not very skilled at. Here’s to enjoying many fabulous books in 2015!! :)
Hi Heather, I love your reading resolutions :) Our school year in Australia ends just before Christmas and the new year is the start of our summer school holidays. My resolutions tend to be specific writing goals for the coming year.
Hi Narelle! I have a friend in Australia. There’s nothing like pictures of sand snowmen at the beach for Christmas to make me jealous. :) Writing goals are good. You need goals in order to stay focused. (At least, I do!) I tend to have a “big picture” goal for what I want to accomplish during the year, but then as the year goes on, I have month-specific goals that I set for myself each month. Happy writing in 2015, and I hope all your resolutions are met and exceeded!!