My name is Krista Phillips, and I write non-fluffy romantic comedy.
I know… what? There IS such a thing? How can that possibly be?
For those who may not know it exists, I thought I’d enlighten you today!
I like to say I write filled-cupcake fiction. Fluffy (fun) on the outside, but when you bite in, there is a nice, deep, rich inside that kinda takes you by surprise.
Really, it reflects my own personality too. I always love getting to know authors, because so many times I find that their writing really does reflect some basic “thing” about them. Like my friend Amy Leigh Simpson who writes spicey romantic suspense. I can literally hear her talk as I read her books, and she has the most suspense-filled mind of any person I know. She regularly admonishes me to NOT stop at rest areas as they are a breeding place of crime. I stop anyway (shhhh, don’t tell her!)
But for me, non-fluffy romcom is so totally me. I believe a little laughter and a lot of Jesus makes everything a little bit better. Both in life AND in fiction. I get SO EXCITED when people tell me what parts made them giggle… but I get equally excited at reviews that say, “Wow, this was more than just fluff. It made me cry too!”
A few giggle-worthy reviews my latest novel, The Engagement Plot, received:
“I expected a dippy boring romance but was pleasantly surprised to discover a very interesting book — romance, yes, but a great story to hold my interest.”
WHOOP for no dippy, boring romances!!!
“It is a well-written book with a fantastic plot. Oh, my goodness, the comedy and humor in this book kept me laughing until tears rolled down my face. Yet, underneath all the funny and silly moments, there was an incredibly tender and poignant yet fragile romance ready to surface. Will and Hanna’s love story had so many twists and turns that I wasn’t sure, even towards the end, if there would be a happily-ever-after. The heartache they both faced made my heart hurt, too.”
See, now that review made ME squeal with glee and then blot out tears from my eyes.
My point is: Just because a book is labeled romcom or has a “fluffy” looking cover doesn’t mean that it is an all-fluff book.
(mine totally says fluff — my publisher decided to highlight the funny aspect the most — something, interestingly enough, many readers have commented on not liking. Tucking that tid-bit in my back pocket for future reference, even though the publisher chooses the cover, not me!!)
Also, I want to be clear. There is nothing wrong with a fluffy-light-hearted book. I enjoy them all the time, too! Sometimes, you just need a giggle, plain and simple! It’s just not what I personally write.
Let’s Chat!
Do you read “funny” books in your fiction? What’s the last book you’ve read that you would label “comedy”?
Hi Krista, yes, bring on the funny stories! Life is not just made up of serious moment after serious moment- there has to be some humour in there!! I have just finished reading Lyn Ellerbe’s Love Beyond Repair which had me laughing out loud.
Your book was a good romcom. Does Pepper Basham’s books count? I’ve read Just the Way You Are recently and loved it.
Hi Krista! Humor adds spice to life and makes the tragic moments bearable. Love reading Jan Elder’s Moose Creek stories. A memorable story or movie has a great mixture of conflicts, serious moments balanced with humor and fun. Best wishes and happy writing.
I love funny stories. I’m terrible with titles, so I can’t tell you the last funny book I read. I wholeheartedly agree that just because a book is funny doesn’t mean it lacks substance.
I really enjoy the funny type stories. I just got one by Mary Conneally. I’ll have to find yours too. I think I’ve read some but not the one pictured
I enjoy funny books. My favorites are anything by Jen Turano and Janice Thompson. They area good and I always laugh out loud when I read them.
I like comedy if it’s natural. I would label Pepper Basham as writing romcom with a lesson! I’ll try yours out!
Yes, I like books that make me laugh…..Pepper Basham for sure. And I found one by Kara Isaac to be fun, also.
I really enjoy Jenn Faulk’s books – you’re laughing one minute and crying the next!
I love a good romcom, and your The Engagement Plot was a good one.
I’m not sure about the last humorous book I read but I can think of a few that stand out in my mind. The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck by Bethany Turner, A Reason to Run by Christina Coryell, and Pepper Basham’s books. Thanks for the reminder about The Engagement Plot. I have it in my kindle library but haven’t read it yet.
I love funny stories, but I love even better ones that have solid messages, non- preachy, but Biblical that I can ruminate about and apply to my own life!
I love a good comedy myself too!! It is always great to truly lol…laugh OUT loud!!
I enjoy reading funny stories with bits of romance and life lessons. I think humor is something we all need in our lives. The last book I read that was funny would be The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck by Bethany Turner. Jan Turano is also a really fun author, many of her books had me laughing out loud.
I love funny books. It usually takes quite a bit for me to laugh out loud while reading, but I enjoy ones that make me do just that. I love Jen Turano, Kristi Ann Hunter, Pepper Basham, and Kara Isaac. Regina Jennings is great, as is Bethany Turner.
Oh fun! I haven’t read that one!! And I totally agree… the laughing moments are totally mandatory in life!!! :-)
Pepper’s books DEFINITELY count!!! Her contemporaries at least!! She’s actually in a romcom novella box set with me coming out next month!!!!
Fun!! I’ll have to check hers out!!!
LOL I am terrible at titles too… You know that one book by that one chick… you know …. :-)
Oh LOVE LOVE me some Mary Conneally!!!! She and Jen Turano are QUEENS of historical romcom!!!!!
Oh yes, they definitely have romantic comedy down pat!!!
YES! Pepper, definitely (who by the way is a SUPER good friend of mine!!! We just went on a trip to Colorado together last week and had a BLAST and oh my. Laughed A LOT, as I’m sure you can imagine!!)
Love me some Pepper!! Kara’s is on the top of my list to read as well!!!! Such sweet women, both of them, and GREAT writers!!
That’s a new author to me! I’ll have to check her out :-)
Aww, thanks SO much Susan!!! So glad you enjoyed it!!
You’re welcome, Sherri! Hope you enjoy!!
And I diitto all 3 of those recommendations!!!!!
Agreed– but the BEST (in my personal opinion because, well, it’s what I write) are those funny stories that have solid, non-preachy, Biblical messages!!! That’s what I aim for!!!
Yes!! I always say if I can laugh AND cry while reading your book, it’s a GREAT book!!!
Yes! Bethany’s book was great!!! And Jan is a great example of historical romcom!!!! You have great tastes :-)
I agree on all counts!!!!
Squee!!!!! Yes yes, I am!!! Love sharing the non-fluff rom com stage with wonderful authors like Krista Phillips, Kara Isaac, Courtney Walsh, Melissa Tagg….WOW!!
Mary Conneally is a wonderful example of humor…and in a historical setting. Kristi Hunter too!! and Jen Turano :-)
Paula!! Thanks so much for the mention. And I love Krista Phillips!!!
Yay, Jackie!! Thanks so much!! And Kara’s books are wonderful!!
Oh OH! Bethany’s book!! And Christina is a fantastic writer! Thanks for the mention, Sherri. You should definitely try out Krista’s book!!! It’s such a fun story.
Winnie! I love you!!!
I love your cupcake analogy – a great way to put it. And books with giggles and Jesus make great reads.
Ditto what Winnie said ?
For me, I think a good rom-com has to have some meat to it. There has to be a good story mixed in with the humor for it to be memorable. There’s enough “fluff” on tv if that’s what I need.
I wish I had some authors to add, but you ladies have done a pretty thorough job. I’m adding a few new ones to my list! I loved the Engagement Plot and every Kara Isaac book I’ve read–just started Then There was You yesterday. Can’t wait to get back to it!