Several of the inspy authors have personal blogs also. I thought since you’re here–you know at a blog–and you like it, you might want to check out more. So here’s the roundup in alphabetical order:
Julie Arduini’s blog – Surrender Issues and Chocolate features inspiring messages of surrender, book reviews, faith issues, family, writing, a Godly marriage, and of course, chocolate.
Narelle Atkin’s blog shares her love for books.
Jackie Castle’s Blog features heartfelt stories that inspire and encourage.
Valerie Comer’s blog is where food meets faith and fiction.
At Janet W. Ferguson’s blog, you’ll find Faith, Humor, Fiction, Southern Style
Check out Melanie Snitker’s blog where you’ll find inspirational posts about family, love, and faith.
Ginger Solomon’s blog is all about finding faith when your bed of roses includes thorns.
My Inkslinger blog is the place where inspirational romance authors share their real life and character romances.
There you have it. I hope you’ll check out some of these other awesome blogs. Until next time, stay cool. It’s hot and humid in Arkansas. What’s the weather like in your neck of the woods? Answer by June 28th to get in the drawing for a copy of my latest release, Counting on the Cowboy.
Hi Shannon, great roundup:) Here in Australia, it is winter- cold!! Hoping for some more snow in the high country this weekend:)
It’s warm and humid in the northeastern part of USA. Summer sure swept in with a bang.
Hi Shannon! Enjoyed the roundup! In SW Michigan we have had the wettest spring on record. We had flooding in February, May, and now June. The UP (upper peninsula) received 7 inches of rain in 2 hours. Never heard of sink holes and roads watched away in Michigan. The ground is saturated. Miss being able to spend time outdoors. Best wishes.
I’ll add mine to the list. It focuses on book spotlights for Christian romance any sub-category.
Thanks for the shout-out! We had a long, late winter and then blipped into summer with barely a transition.
Very humid in Ohio. I can take the heat. The humidity is challenging. Thanks for the blog shout-out!
I love winter cold, Wemble. As opposed to summer humidity anyway. Fall is my favorite season. But I’d much rather be cold than hot.
In Arkansas too, MJSH. We skipped Spring as we often do. It rained yesterday and actually cooled off instead of getting sticky. But the heat’s back on today.
We had a really wet winter, Renate. A road washed away here too.
Oh, I was hoping I wouldn’t miss anybody, Kimberly. And I’ve been on your blog. Duh.
Our winter was really slight. It just rained a lot and then went straight into summer.
I hate humidity, Julie. So I live in the South. Go figure. The heat and humidity are the only things I don’t like about where I live though. And it doesn’t last long.
It is hot and humid here in VA.
It’s hot here in Mississippi too! Love to win your newest book!
Hey Cheryl, I’d like to find a place that’s about 70 degrees year round. That’s my favorite temp.
I guess hot is what it is in most places this time of year, Shelia. Thanks for your support.
Oregon coast….cloudy and around 63. Perfect weather for this gal who hates extreme cold or hot! :-)
Growing up in Illinois, I had my share of hot and humid Summers. You don’t go without A/C that’s for sure, lol!
Hey Trixi, it sounds perfect to me too. I’m not crazy about extreme cold, but I like it better than hot. I lived in Illinois as a kid. I remember sweltering in the summer. We moved to Georgia when I was 7. I remember our IL neighbors warning me it would be hot in GA and I thought, it’s hot here.
I’m a native Floridian.
The weather here is “hot as the dickens”.
It didn’t used to bother me so it must be an “age” thing.
It’s always bothered me, Janet. I remember being miserably hot when I was a kid and wanting to stay inside and play under the air conditioning.
Some new authors for me to add to my to read list.
Thanx for sharing. Being from Michigan, I know hot and humid. Now that I live in my husband’s beloved, dry , West Texas, I am experiencing HOT. My family loves to tell me “at least it is a dry heat.” Let me tell you Hot is HOT!!! Triple digits today!!!
Hi Shannon, Thanks for including my blog. Our weather is cold, with heavy frosts in the morning. We’re expecting -4C overnight but no snow… yet! :)
I’m with you Jennifer. I’ve experienced that dry heat. Hot is hot. And miserable is miserable.
Hope you find some good fits for you, Kim.
I think I could happily live there, Narelle. I so prefer winter over summer.