I love you can be said in many different ways.
French: Je t’aime
Spanish: Te amo
German: Ich liebe dich
Hungarian: Szeretlek
Italian: Ti amo
Romanian: Te iubesc
Scots: (LOL) Ah loove ye
Scottish Gaelic: tha gaol agam ort
Swedish: Jag älskar dig
(all of the above were found at http://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/iloveyou.htm)
However, I think the most effective expression of our love is through our actions.
I recently read Dear Mr. Knightley by our very own Katherine Reay. In it Sam says this, “I want him to come before me. I don’t care what it costs. Giving him the truth and fixing the hurts I’ve caused is more important that anything I think, feel, own, expect.” A few paragraphs later, she goes on to say, “If I’m going to truly love…I need to be real. I need to be present.”
These are powerful statements. When we come to our last days here in these bodies, will we regret that we didn’t spend more time working? Or will we regret not spending enough time with those we love?
Our spouses, children, and various other family members (with a few exceptions, of course) want us to BE there for them. Quality time is all well and good, but quality time is only found in quantities of time.
So, today’s post is short so YOU can go spend time with THEM. Do something special. Write an I LOVE YOU note and send it in the mail. Fix a special dinner or a special dessert and CELEBRATE time with your loved ones.
Loved Mr. Knightly! and yup, quality time is so important! Sometimes it’s just in the little things, like going grocery shopping together and instead of racing through, doing a leisurely pace and chatting while we go. Or having dinner out instead of cooking, so we have more time to just relax. (I’m not a super big fan of cooking… ha ha ha!)
Ginger, What a honor to see Dear Mr. Knightley quoted here… Thanks. I love this post and agree with you whole-heartedly. Love is a very active thing — and you can’t get to it without intentionality and time. Thanks for such a wonderful post!
I don’t love cooking myself. Those are great ways to spend time together. :)
The joys of being the person who sends out the paperback gifts is that I get to read them first. :) Loved, loved, loved Dear Mr. Knightley and cannot wait to read your next book.
Thanks for the support.
Ginger, lovely post :) Thanks for the reminder to be present with those we love.