Hey there, romance lovers!
Have you ever wondered why we’re so captivated by stories of second chance romances? There’s something about the idea of two people finding their way back to each other that’s just so… irresistible. It’s as if love’s saying, “Hey, I’m not done with you yet!”
But why are we so drawn to stories about second chances at love? I think it’s because they offer hope. They tell us that even if things didn’t work out the first time, it doesn’t mean the story is over. They remind us that people can change, grow, and learn from their past. And most importantly, they reassure us that love, once found, is worth fighting for, even if it takes a round or two to get it right.
Take, for example, my book, “A Little Something Sweet”. This charming tale is a perfect example of the power and allure of second chance romances. It’s about Megan Turner, who never planned to return to her small hometown until her mom fell ill. As she oversees the restoration of her future bakery, she finds herself working with her ex, Jake Sullivan, the very man who broke her heart. Jake, now a dedicated single dad, is also battling his resurfacing feelings for Megan.
“A Little Something Sweet” is a testament to the enduring appeal of second chance romances. It’s a story of growth, forgiveness, and the enduring power of love. It’s a reminder that sometimes, love deserves a do-over, and when it gets one, it can lead to a happily ever after that’s even sweeter the second time around.
So, if you’re a fan of second chance romances, or if you’re looking for a sweet, wholesome read that will tug at your heartstrings, “A Little Something Sweet” is a delightful tale that will reaffirm your belief in the power of love and second chances.
“Do you believe in second chances in love? Why or why not?”
And now, for the sweetest part of this post! I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be giving away a free ebook copy of “A Little Something Sweet” to one lucky reader. To enter, simply leave a comment below answering this week’s reader engagement question. A winner will randomly be selected from the comments. Don’t miss this chance to dive into Megan and Jake’s heartwarming second chance love story!
bn100 says
depends on the couple
RuthieH says
Hi Laura, I do believe in second chances in love – I think you’re right though, you have to see that the characters have grown or changed or that circumstances are different so that whatever was keeping them apart in the past doesn’t any more. I agree that these stories show us hope, and also how love itself can remain despite passing of time and changes that happen. Enjoy your weekend everyone.
Lori Smanski says
I do believe in second chances. It is so not write someone off of our list just because something happened. This is not would Jesus would have us do. He is the one that changes us from the inside out.
Trudy says
I think it depends on the couple and the circumstances. I know of one couple that should never have taken the chance, and it destroyed a marriage and kids. It’s one thing if it’s just two single adults. It’s another if one of those is married and you’re destroying a family. Everyone on the outside looking in was totally blindsided by the husband and the “other woman” hooking up again after meeting at a school reunion.
Jennifer Arrington says
I love a good second chance romance! Especially when circumstances, not fatal flaws, kept them apart:)
Bonnie says
I do believe in second chances in love. I had two little girls, then divorce happened. I wasn’t interested in getting married again. I just wanted to raise my daughters in the church, so they would live for the Lord. A year and a half later, a man came into my life, who was willing to accept me and my girls. I was married to him almost 43 years when he passed away.
Alicia Haney says
Good morning, yes, I believe in second chances because everybody deserves a second chance to redeem themselves.
Margaret Bunce says
I enjoy a good second chance story, and agree with the comments already made. There are circumstances where there should be no second chance, and in real life I have seen that happen, bringing even more heartache. However, romance authors can spin a really great yarn where the second chance is the best thing that could happen!!
Pam K. says
I think second chance love probably can happen for some couples. It seems to happen a lot in movies and books but I don’t think I know anyone for whom this has been the case.
Cherie J says
I believe in second chances in both love and life. I believe everyone deserves a second chance since we all grow and change.
Debra Pruss says
Yes, I believe in second chances in love and life. The Lord forgives us for our mistakes. We are to forgive others also. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
Marina Costa says
Yes, I believe in second chances, if the person has learnt his lesson and has evolved from the moment the breakup had happened. It also applies to those whose breakup had been more or less amiable, without bad blood between them.
And yes, my personal love story is a second chance. I gave that second chance and we are happily married for 20 years and counting.
Laura Ashwood says
Hi Marina, congratulations on 20 years!
Laura Ashwood says
Hi Debra, thank you and that’s a great way to look at it.
Laura Ashwood says
Hi Cherie, So agree with you. Thank you for your comment.
Laura Ashwood says
Hi Pam, I also see it more in books and movies than in real life too. I like the idea that someone can change enough to overcome obstacles though.
Laura Ashwood says
Hi Margaret, I love your comment. Thank you.
Laura Ashwood says
Hi Alicia, totally agree. Thank you!
Laura Ashwood says
Hi Bonnie, I love that, thank you so much for sharing.
Laura Ashwood says
Hi Jannifer, it’s so much easier when it’s circumstances. Fatal flaws are too hard to overcome I think without suspending reality. Thanks for your comment!
Laura Ashwood says
Hi Trudy – oh goodness. That sounds awful. I think the circumstances definitely make a difference. Thanks for your comment.
Laura Ashwood says
Hi Lori, well said! Thank you.
Laura Ashwood says
Hi Ruthie, I love your comment, thank you!
Laura Ashwood says
Agree. Thank you for commenting.
Marina Costa says
Thank you!