The tasks in a writer’s life are akin to the ebb and flow of waves that lap along the shoreline. No matter how many are checked off the list, there’s always another heading in. Sometimes, like a boat caught in those waves, a writer can become overwhelmed. A few years ago I was tackling a full time job and a writing career, and I dreamed of the day I could retire from my day job to focus only on writing. I would have time to write the million stories dancing through my head.
Well, that day has come and gone and I still find myself searching for more hours in the day to get everything done. Most days, I cannot fathom how I managed to do it all with a fifty-hour work week as a school administrator. But somehow I managed…and I wrote a good deal of those million books because telling the stories was important to me, and I knew the biggest secret to getting that writing done.
So, what is this secret? Well, the biggest secret to writing successfully is so simple that it’s almost painful. You must simply plant yourself in a seat and write. And then write some more. And continue writing, even when you don’t feel like it. You must write while the laundry is drying, the kids take a nap, and your friends have gone to dinner and a movie. The more you write, the better a writer you will become. It takes time and patience to learn the craft. There’s no magic fairy dust, nor elves that come out at night to finish what you began (though sometimes I wish this was so).
My favorite time of day is early morning…the pre-dawn time when everyone else is sleeping. That’s the closest thing I have found to any sort of writing magic, because the world is still and quiet and it almost feels as if I’ve found those extra hours I’ve been searching for. It’s then the creativity burns brightest. I would suggest trying this, even if you are not a morning person. You may very well be surprised by the outcome.
Just don’t message me to let me know until after lunch. ;-)
Thanks for joining me today. What inspires you? I’d love to hear from you!
I’ll be giving away an e-copy of my latest release, Captive at Sea (The Mulvaney Sisters: Claire). Leave a comment to be entered, and I will draw a name on June 1.
Mum was always up around or before dawn (depending on the time of year) but normally around 5am. Started when she was first married. She did what she said she would never do marry a farmer and Dad was a farm hand. She use to be up early and got into a habit. She use to have her morning devotion to get her right for the day.
I remember many early mornings finishing up projects for school (I was a procrastinator)
Hi, Mary! Thank you for the glimpse into your writing secrets! I am more of a morning person too!
Hi Mary, thanks for sharing; being willing to just sit and write and work hard at it sounds like something that takes patience and effort. I used to get up early in the morning and study before going to school- the house was quiet/no distractions.
I love being outdoors- that is what inspires me. I also love to listen to music or read- being challenged to see the world in a new way.
I totally understand the early morning thing. I had to get up early for my job which started at 7 in the morning. Always thought that would change when I no longer worked, but it has not. I still wake and get up at 5 even though I am no longer working. I get a lot done early in the morning too. Guess some people are meant to be morning people!
Hi Mary Manners. Love your writing advice. Same advice I gave my high school English and Creative Writing students. Athletes practice, practice, practice. Writers need to write, write, write. The written word is powerful and beneficial in most careers and jobs. As readers, practice writing REVIEWS to support your favorite authors. The more one writes, the easier writing becomes. I am also a morning person. This started as a teen while working at the local bakery. My shift started at 5:30 am. In college I took early morning classes. As a mother, I often woke at 4:30 am to finish my lesson plans and grade papers. Now in retirement, I still get up early. That is the time I write reviews. Happy Writing & Enjoy YOUR Day!
I’m usually up at 5:30 and do my book reviews, read, and get a few chores done. Thank you for sharing.
Hi, Mary! When I was a child, I got up early every morning. When I started working, I still had to get up early, and then I started getting up earlier so I would have time to read my Bible before leaving the house. Now, in this season of life, I don’t get up early unless Mom has an appointment to go to! I’m still usually up by 7:30, though!
I agree. Mornings are the best times to write, or study the scriptures, or just have a moment of peace before the day gets going. No matter what it is, when I wake up later than my usual I always feel a little behind. Thank you for your inspirational post!
Hi Ausjenny! Thanks so much for stopping by. I grew up in Chicago, but always wanted to live on a farm. Now, I finally have my dream (well, sort of) as I live on a mini farm in East TN with my husband, two cats, a rescue dog, a stocked pond and a dozen chickens. I am hoping to add a pig soon, too! I am a morning person, like your mom was, so this works out well for me. I hope you got all of your school projects done by the deadline! :-)
Hi Paula Marie. Thanks for joining in the conversation! I love the early mornings, as all is still peaceful while the world sleeps. Hope you are having a beautiful day!
Hi Wemble! I love the outdoors too. One of my favorite outdoor activities is mowing the lawn. I still push mow, although we live on five acres. It helps to clear my mind. Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you have a beautiful weekend!
Hi Pat! I love the early mornings. The earlier, the better. But by 8pm, I am usually spent. It’s nice to meet another morning person like you. Enjoy!
Hi Renate! I love your comment. I was a teacher, too, for over 30 years. I loved it! Thanks for your suggestion to practice writing by writing reviews to support authors. Those reviews mean so very much to us, and we appreciate them. Happy retirement and I hope you enjoy YOUR day, too!
Hi Lelia! Thanks so much for sharing. I appreciate that you write book reviews. How wonderful! I also like to get some chores done in the morning. I especially love the time before sunrise. It’s so peaceful.
Hi Trudy! Thanks for sharing. It’s funny how we rise so early when we’re children, and dislike naps. Later on we wish we could take those naps (at least I do) :-) It’s great that you help your mom. I am sure she appreciates the time with you.
Hi Teira! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. I feel the same way you do. When I sleep in (which rarely happens) I feel so far behind, as if I have lost a little treasure in the day. Here’s to rising early and seizing the day!
Hi Mary – I am new to this site. So glad I found it…and this post! I agree… mornings are best for me too, even though writing and posting to my website has been hit or miss for me lately. God does wake me up in the wee early hours (between 3 and 4 am) to write sometimes even though I’ve been inconsistent in posting to my website.