Hey everyone! How are y’all?! Things have been super busy here and, I’ll admit it, I had a really hard time coming up with a post for today. I have a great one coming…next month ;). I’ll have a super special guest (at least I think she’s super awesome anyway ;). I’m sure a lot of you do too :D.) Anyway, I went to see WICKED last weekend and LOVED it and even thought I could come up with a great blog post about love – even not romantic love – but yeah. It didn’t come to me. It’s still percolating ;).
So instead, I decided to give y’all a sneak peek at what I’ve been working on that’s kept me so busy. Prince from her Past releases March 1! Yay! I’m so excited I can hardly stand it :D. So here we go…sneak peek! But warning…possible spoilers ;). (And yes – if you ‘ve seen it before, I slightly redid the cover. There’s a bunch of reasons… ;))
Set up: Princess Yvette’s been engaged since she was an infant. Her betrothed died in a car accident a few months later, but the contract was written in such a way that it’s still in effect. She’s waking up on her 18th birthday. The wedding is in a week. She’s fully expecting to be stood up by a dead guy…
“What?” Yvette yelled, praying it wasn’t either of her parents. She’d be read the riot act for replying that way, though she had no way of knowing it was them and…she checked. She didn’t have to be up for another hour.
“Your royal highness? Your father needs you to meet him in the throne room in an hour.” Melinda, her personal assistant walked over to the windows and pressed the button to open all of the curtains. Pinkish light from the dawn filled the room. “He gave specific instructions.”
“What’s this about?” Yvette sat cross-legged on her bed, covers still pulled onto her lap.
“I don’t know, miss. I believe the queen of Ravenzario is here on business, and he wants all of you there.”

Princess Yvette
Right. Her should-be-future-sister-in-law. Yvette wanted to harbor feelings of snark toward the older woman, but found herself unable to. Orphaned by the car accident that took the life of Yvette’s fiancé, Christiana had grown up with their mutual distant family members in Montevaro. At eighteen, she’d gained full control of the throne, hers only because of the death of her brother. The old rules of primogeniture still applied in Ravenzario, which meant Yvette would have been queen had Nicklaus survived. But Christiana had survived the car crash because of a cold that kept her home, an uncle trying to usurp the throne, a fiancé set on killing her on the honeymoon, and an assassination attempt just a few weeks earlier.
“Is the prince consort with her?” Yvette yawned as she swung her feet over the side of the bed.
“I don’t know.”
She’d met Duke Alexander several times and liked him. He’d even been her escort a time or two for official events in Ravenzario. However, Yvette hadn’t seen him since the revelation of his teenage foray into acting became public. She’d binge watched 2 Cool 4 School, a teen comedy staring Alexander and his twin brother, Christopher, after the news came out.
“Here we go.” Melinda walked back into the bedroom carrying one of the dresses Yvette loathed. Midnight blue, cinched waist, short train. Heels were a must. Yvette hated heels. Whoever invented them should have been banished to Antarctica for life. “You need to take a quick shower, miss. Wash your hair, and Belinda will be in shortly to do it for you.”
Belinda and Melinda. Twin sisters Yvette didn’t know what she’d do without. “Thanks, Melinda.” It wasn’t her fault the king was obnoxious this early in the morning. A quick shower, a longer hair session, and quick bite to eat later, an hour after the pounding on the door, Yvette was ready to go. As much as she hated the dress and what it stood for, she had to admit, she felt nice wearing it.
Her heels clicked along the stone floor as she made her way to the throne room. Her father rarely conducted business in there, so why was he doing it now? Something to do with the wedding? Maybe they’d call the whole farce of a thing off.
“You’re here.” Before she even entered the throne room, her father’s voice boomed her direction. “The rest of the family is on their way.”
Because of where they were and the staff watching, Yvette dropped a slight curtsy toward her father before kissing his cheek. “Everyone is coming?” If both of her older brothers, her sister-in-law, and her mother would be there, this was big. Whatever it was.
“Yes. Christiana called in the middle of the night and asked for an immediate audience with the entire family. Her plane arrived a few moments ago.”
The door behind her opened again and the rest of the family walked in. Her brothers looked especially handsome in their uniforms, complete with swords and sashes. Jessabelle, her sister-in-law, looked more uncomfortable than Yvette had seen her in a long time. That wedding had been planned in less than two weeks, and Jessabelle had met Malachi at the altar. Yvette still didn’t quite understand the forces behind the suddenness of that arranged marriage, thought it was indirectly responsible for a turnaround in her father.
The protocol minister bustled in behind her mother. “They have arrived. Please take your places.”
Her father was already seated on the throne. Her mother sat next to him. The children all had assigned spots. Yvette moved to hers as Malachi whispered to his wife, kissing her temple in a move that made Yvette long to be loved like her brother obviously loved his wife, no matter what their beginning.
The exceptionally large double doors at the other end of the room were opened by white-gloved doormen. A voice boomed from somewhere unseen.
“Christiana, Queen of Ravenzario, and Alexander, Duke of Testudines, and guest.”
Christiana, with her gorgeous blond curls falling around her shoulders, led the way with Alexander just behind. Yvette couldn’t see the guest.
Christiana stopped a few feet in front of the throne. “Thank you for agreeing to see us on such short notice, King Antonio.”

Princess Yvette & Prince NIcklaus
He waved her off. “My pleasure. But it is early, and I don’t believe my family has eaten, so can we get down to business? We would be honored if you would join us for a meal afterward.”
“It would be our pleasure.” She stepped ahead just a bit, and Alexander seemed to fade into the background, giving Yvette the first glimpse of the guest.
Wavy brown hair, lips that threatened to twitch into an easy grin at any moment, and twinkling eyes captivated her. He was easily the most handsome man she’d ever seen.
Bar none.
Including her very handsome brothers and Alexander in his teen heartthrob days.
“King Antonio, Queen Alicia, Prince William, Prince Malachi, Princess Jessabelle, and…” Christiana turned to look straight at her. “Princess Yvette. There is someone I would like you to meet.”
She stepped to the side, and the guest moved forward.
“My brother. Prince Nicklaus of Ravenzario.”
Prince from her Past is coming March 1! It’s available for preorder at the special price of 2.99 :). Leave a comment for your chance to win your choice of books from the Brides of Belles Montagnes series. Let me know your favorite breakfast item. Why? Why not? ;) For me…bacon!
Princess Yvette of Mevendia has been engaged since before her first birthday. Thanks to the ridiculous contract her father signed, the engagement is still intact and the wedding set to occur a week after her eighteenth birthday, even though the groom’s been dead for over seventeen years.
Or has he?
Prince Nicklaus of Ravenzario and his nanny narrowly escaped death when a car accident claimed the lives of his parents. Raised in hiding in the United States, and recently informed of his royal heritage, Nicklaus has returned to the land of his birth just in time for his wedding.
Nicklaus finds himself attracted to Princess Yvette, but is that enough to go through with the wedding? Or will he suffer banishment not only for himself, but the nanny who raised him and the fiance he’s only just met? Despite his tall, dark, and handsome appeal, Yvette isn’t sure she wants to go through with the wedding – but she really doesn’t want to be exiled either. She prefers to be proactive, to go after what she wants, but this time, the princess finds her future, her chance at happiness, in the hands of the prince from her past.
Thanks for the sneak peek, Carol, I really enjoyed reading it. Your cover is fabulous!
Thanks for your post. What woman wouldn’t want to be a princess for Valentine’s Day.
I enjoyed reading Good Enough for a Princess and Along Came a Prince in the Montevaro Monarchy Series. Looking forward to reading The Brides of Belles Montagnes Series.
My favorite Valentine breakfast food are strawberry crepes with whipped cream and bacon and coffee.
Favorite family breakfast food is breakfast pizza made with crescent rolls, browned breakfast sausage, shredded potatoes, scrambled egg, and cheddar cheese.
My quick and easy breakfast is 1/2 a toasted wheat bagel smothered with Jiffy whipped peanut butter.
I also like bacon, but try to limit eating bacon only 2 or 3 times a week with eggs and toast.
Love the cover and the intriguing plot. Being born in Berlin, Germany I enjoy romances set in the romantic Alps and castles of Europe.
Have a great day!
I love a good omelette or just pancakes and sausage, although I rarely have either because I don’t like to fix a big breakfast in the morning.
My wife and I can’t wait to read PFHP! Sad to see this series wrapping up. Looking forward to the next one. BTW my favorite breakfast item is leftover pizza, but I also love a good omelet.
I have this book on preorder and am not so patiently waiting for March 1! I enjoy the settings and the way you weave your stories – they make me smile :) My favorite breakfast item is waffles with Vermont maple syrup, preferably served by my husband in bed on a lazy Saturday morning. 18 days, 14 hours and counting….
I’m looking forward to reading this book, as I love your others!
My favorite breakfast food are homemade muffin tin quiche with cheese, jalapeños, bell peppers, cilantro, and onions!
Thank you for the giveaway. I love the cover and love your writing style! What a cliffhanger! I wanted to continue reading.to see what happened. I enjoy stories set in Europe with castles and royalty. The most beautiful castle I ever visited is Neuschwanstein Castle. It is such a romantic setting. Can’t wait to read PFHP.
Being a southerner, my favorite breakfast item is biscuits and gravy with turkey bacon.
Thanks Jill!!! I kind of love it even more with the small tweaks :D. /big happy sigh/
Hi Renate!!!! I’m so glad to hear you enjoy them! I love bacon /sigh/. If only it were a food group… ;)
Oooo! I love a good omelet and pancakes! I hardly ever make breakfast, but we do brinner at least once a week ;).
No sausage though! Can’t stand the stuff!!!! (Though I have family members who love it… I just make me some bacon :).)
Thanks Pete! I like leftover pizza too – but rarely for breakfast. Usually lunch (since I work from home most days and don’t want to actually MAKE something ;)). I’m looking forward to the end of this series, but also looking forward to the next one. First up on my list is a new lifeguard story that will release in late June as part of a boxed set. Because it’s a group project, there’s like…deadlines ;). After that? JONATHAN!!! YAY! He finally gets his story and I’m loving his heroine!
18 days?!?!?!?!?! EEP! Gotta finish this round of edits!!!! (It’s basically done – just gotta finish the polishing :).)
Ooo! Breakfast in bed sounds fabulous! I’m not sure I’ve ever really done that…
Hi Sarah! I’m so glad to hear that!!!
You’re way more break-venturous than me (that’s breakfastly adventurous). I don’t get fancy with things like peppers and cilantro!!! ;)
Awesome! Can’t wait for Jonathan’s story. He so needs one.
I had to look it up ;). It is pretty!!!! One of these years I want to go to Europe and do the whole tour around thing and visit castles :D.
Ooo! Biscuits and (peppered) gravy is a favorite of my 10yo’s – and mine!! love it!
I KNOW! And he needs a great girl! And I think he’s got one! :D I kind of like her ;).
If you’ve read all the book, you’ve met her before. A couple people have guessed it (privately). I forget which book she’s in though (honestly). And I love that, as an indie author, we don’t have to wait like a decade for Jonathan to get his story – because most trad pubs only put out a book a year…
Don’t put me in the giveaway, since I’m on your street team :-) However, I wanted to comment that your hint about Jonathan’s girl being in one of the earlier books makes me want to re-read them all while waiting for PFHP! I too am so glad you are indie, because I hate waiting a year for the next installment!!!
I agree Pete!
Excited to read the Prince From Her Past. My favorite breakfast food is blueberry pancakes with bacon!
Great cover and synopsis. My favorite breakfast in cereal. I love cereal!
Love, love, love the sneak peak!!! And, of course, bacon! Any meal is made better with bacon ;) Thank you for sharing, I really enjoy your modern monarchy reads.
This sounds so good. I would love to be able to win it. Want to read it anyway. I love a Belgian Waffle with cherries and whipped cream and of course maple syrup.
That makes me happy to hear Margaret!!!! :D I’m hoping to have it to the street team SOON!
Thanks, Diana!!!! Gotta say…not a fan of blueberries… :) But I know lots of people who love blueberry pancakes!
I’ll admit it…I’ve had more than my share of Cherrios ;). It’s all good :D. Thanks Karen!
Thanks, Beth!!! Mmmmmm! BACON!!!!! :D I feel like Homer Simpson does about beer…or donuts… ;)
That sounds good Connie! My kids would be in whipped cream heaven!
Congrats on your upcoming release! It sounds like a really fun setup.
I am so looking forward to going on Princess Yvette n Prince Nicklaus journey with them. It has taken a long time for them to met now to learn each other before or after the wedding. Can’t wait!
Bacon with anything is s great breakfast !
I can’t wait for the book to be live.
Bacon is a favorite food group.for breakfast and anytime.
I can hardly wait for Princess Yvette’s story, the rest of the series is amazing!
It’s hard to pick a favourite breakfast food, but pancakes with Maple syrup would rate pretty high.
I found your books by accident and now I can’t stop reading them. I can’t wait for “Prince from her past” to come out. I’m counting the weeks!
As for my favorite breakfast item – it has to be bacon. With some fried eggs on the side ;). I still remember when I was little and my mom wanted to treat us, we’d get bacon and eggs for dinner. Those were the best dinners!
OH wow, I cannot wait for this book to come out. I have devoured all of them in quick fashion. Just love the sneak peek. Breakfast…mmm, my favorite meal. I would have to say an omelet is my favorite, with bacon or ham and cheese.
Sounds great, I really need to get started on the series !
Thanks Val!
Hi Diane! I know! They’ve been waiting DECADES FOR THIS! (Okay. Not really. We’ll go with it though ;))
I’m excited too Linda! Just a couple weeks!
Thanks, Lientjie! I hope you enjoy this one too!
Hi LIsl! I’m so glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the books!!!! That’s awesome!
And bacon. Bacon! The world needs more bacon! (My kids have talked about naming a pig that – if we ever got a pig – we have no plans for it at the moment ;))
Hi Sharon! I’m so glad you enjoyed them! I like omelets too – though I had a giant pancake last night ;). Yum!
Hi Patty! If you’ve read the Montevaro series, you’ll find some familiar faces :D.I hope you enjoy them!
Ohhh….nice sneak peek Carol! Congrats on the newest (almost) release, how fun for you :-) And just like the other covers, this one is beautiful.
The gooey caramel nut yeast rolls that my mom always makes on Christmas are my favorite breakfast item.
I love your royalty romance books, but I have 2 fav breakfast items, one is a yogurt parfait and the other is a sausage, egg, and cheese Asiago bagel with tomatoe from Panera Bread?
Yay!! Fun new cover, Carol. I’m counting the days til the 1st.
My favorite breakfast food is ❤️
Eggs Neptune. (That’s Eggs Benedict except with crab instead of Canadian bacon.)
Loved your post! This book sounds really good! I usually have a muffin or pastry for breakfast unless I go out to a restaurant. Then I either like to eat eggs and sausage or waffles!!
Love the cover! Just beautiful!! Can’t wait for March 1st…
I’m a french toast and sausage kinda girl!!