Happy National Puppy Day! Yep, it’s a thing. How fitting that I’m blogging today, because I definitely have a thing for puppies. Apparently I’m not alone in my obsession affection for these furry friends, either. According to this article in Forbes, the ASPCA estimates 44% of American households own a dog. The American Pet Products Association says American households spent 63 billion on their animals in 2016 (a substantial increase from 21 billion in 1996).
When we were newlyweds, my husband and I adopted an 8 week old black lab/sharpei puppy from the Humane Society in Portland, Oregon. Jake was a part of our family for 13 years, and we were heartbroken when he passed away in 2015. For a short time, we convinced ourselves we didn’t need a dog. Too much work, too expensive, too high-maintenance. However, our house and family without a dog just wasn’t the same. So I changed my mind, as we women are sometimes known to do. My husband took some convincing, but at last Finn became ours in September of 2016. He’s a Goldendoodle (golden retriever and standard poodle) and a delightful addition to our family. By the way, he and my husband are crazy about each other, so I think we made an excellent choice. Is he adorable or what?
Not only am I a dog owner in real life, I also try to weave a fictional dog into the stories I write whenever possible. I was thrilled when I heard a senior editor at Harlequin Love Inspired mention at a conference last year that puppies/dogs are consistently popular with readers. Well. Have I got a manuscript (or three) for you, ma’am.
In the world of inspirational romance, I enjoy crafting the relationship between the characters and their pets. Readers (and heroines) have been known to fall in love with a hero just by the way he interacts with an animal. The photo included at the top of the post reminds me so much of Hershey, a rescue dog I spontaneously added to one of my manuscripts. The hero seemed like a guy who needed to adopt a puppy in a moment of weakness. This four-legged cutie pie also gives the hero and heroine a secondary reason to interact more often. Puppies are great like that. It’s not quite time to pitch this story idea to my editor yet, but when I do, I hope she’s as crazy about Hershey the make-believe pup as I am.
While this is a wonderful day to talk about puppies, today is also my last blog post with Inspy Romance. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you, dear readers, and I appreciate your voracious reading habits and loyal following. It’s very rewarding to interact with you here, as well as elsewhere on social media. My first novel with Harlequin Love Inspired, The Farmer’s Daughter, will release in 2018, and I can’t wait for you to meet Natalie, Shay, and his adorable toddler twins, Aiden and Liam.
For all the latest news including cover reveals, new releases and exclusive content, I’d love it if you’d sign up for my author newsletter here. Once your subscription is confirmed, you’ll receive a digital novella, More than Words, which is only available to my subscribers.
Thank you very much for allowing me the opportunity to share my work and snippets of my real life with you. It’s been a pleasure.
Your turn: what’s your favorite novel featuring an animal?
photo credit: Jairo Alzate via Unsplash
Wemble says
Cute photos, I have actually never seen a picture of a Goldendoodle before so thank you (and he is CUTE!). We used to look after Customs puppies for their first year of life- it was awesome and I miss the cute little labrador puppies!
Will miss your posts Heidi, but will keep looking out for your books.
Many blessings:)
Jill Weatherholt says
You know how I love Finn, Heidi. The first time I saw him on Facebook, I melted. I’m so sorry to hear you’re leaving us, but I can certainly understand. I’ll look forward to reading The Farmer’s Daughter and seeing more pictures of Finn. :)
Colleen says
Thanks for you post but sad to see you leave. Maybe you will guest post/blog in the future.
Priscila says
I’m sorry to see you leave. Thank you for all your posts so far. I’ve learned about your books in this blog and enjoyed reading every single one. I’ll continue to follow your new books through your newsletter.
Heidi McCahan says
What a fun opportunity, looking after Customs puppies. Thanks for reading my posts and faithfully commenting. Yes, I look forward to releasing more books in the future. I’m sure 2018 will be here before I know it. Blessings to you, as well. :-)
Heidi McCahan says
Thank you, Jill. I will definitely post more pictures of Finn. I just can’t help myself. I’m excited to share The Farmer’s Daughter with the world, too. By the way, I started Second Chance Romance last night. Nicely done, my friend. I’m quite smitten with Jackson already.
Heidi McCahan says
Thank you, Colleen. Yes, I hope to guest post when The Farmer’s Daughter is available next year. Take care.
Heidi McCahan says
Thank you very much, Priscila. That is very encouraging. I look forward to sharing more bookish news with you in the future. Blessings!
Sally Shupe says
Your book sounds great. I love stories with dogs/puppies in them. Sad to see this is your last post. Can’t wait to read your book when it comes out!
Melanie D. Snitker says
Hi Heidi! Finn is adorable and what a great picture, too. Your book sounds great!
Heidi McCahan says
Thanks, Sally!
Heidi McCahan says
Thank you very much, Melanie. :-)
Diana Wise says
Thanks for your posts! God bless your new endeavors. I think my all time favorite animal book is Lassie Come Home. Since I’m allergic to dogs, we prefer other pets. We’ve found rabbits to be affectionate and they are easily litter box trained. As always, thanks for writing,so we readers have fun books to read!!
Valerie Comer says
It’s been such a pleasure getting to know you and blogging with you at Inspy Romance, Heidi, and I hope you’ll blog with us again in the future! Best wishes on your Love Inspired release next year, and finding Hershey a publishing home!
We’ve usually had a dog in our home — my husband is more the dog person than I am. Some of my characters have dogs, while some have cats or goats or… other animals. And some don’t have a pet at all!
Heidi McCahan says
Thank you very much for commenting, Diana. My sister has pet rabbits, too. They are super cute and affectionate. My boys love to see them when we visit. Thanks again for being a faithful reader.
Heidi McCahan says
Thank you very much for including me as in the Inspy Romance family, Valerie. I’ve enjoyed it and hope to return if time and space allow. I like to see a variety of animals in stories, too, although I agree sometimes there just isn’t an appropriate role for them.
Margaret Nelson says
Sorry to see you go! My dad was a dog person, my mom and I both cat people. So growing up we usually had both :-) One of our dogs wanted ALL the family to be together. We quickly learned that you didn’t take him along to pick up my dad from work, because that dog would throw up in the car until ALL his people were together!
Heidi McCahan says
Thank you for your kind words, Margaret. I’ll miss blogging in this space. I enjoyed your story about the dog. Aren’t they clever creatures? Our Finn is so intuitive and he gets so irritated when my husband leaves the house without him.
Autumn Macarthur says
Gorgeous dogs! A hero who doesn’t like dogs is no hero!
Sorry to see you go, Heidi! Hope all goes well for you Love Inspiring!
Heidi McCahan says
Thank you, Autumn. That’s right, a hero who doesn’t like dogs can’t be a hero. ;-)
Merrillee Whren says
Your dog is adorable. We will miss you here.
Andrea Byers says
I love it when animals are included in stories, and think they can add a lot to the story as far as the hero/heroine interacting. Finn is a cutie btw. :)
Heidi McCahan says
Thank you so much, Merrillee. On both counts.
Heidi McCahan says
Thanks, Andrea. I believe we are kindred spirits. :-)
Jessica B. says
I love Barnabas in Jan Karon’s Mitford series and how she wrote about the bond between him and Father Tim.
Heidi McCahan says
Me too! Barnabas was a fantastic part of that series. Thanks for sharing.