For the last few years, I have become passionate about not only writing about romance, but also making sure people realize it exists outside of books and movies too. Including in marriages. Maybe that’s why BOTH of my stories releasing this year are about a couple on the brink of divorce having to remember why they fell in love in the first place. I also have an ongoing spot on my blog each month called “Real-life Romance” and I have other authors come in and talk about something romantic that happened in their life. It’s been so much fun to read those stories.
Needless to say, as I was trying to figure out what to blog about this month, I thought, hmm. Maybe I should introduce you to my husband, aka, my real-life romance partner. So, I finagled him into allowing me to interview him from the perspective of “The husband of a romance author.” I hope you enjoy this sneak peek into our relationship.
Me: Did you know what your wife planned to write romance novels when you asked her to marry you? And would it have changed your mind if you knew all that it entailed?
Husband: I did. It would not.
Me: Do you consider yourself romantic? Does it put extra pressure on you to know she writes romance when you’re not romantic (in your mind)?
Husband: I’m not sure I have a romantic bone in my body, although I do try.
In some ways, I guess it does put some pressure on me if I let it. To be fair, thought, a lot of that probably exists in my mind as much as anything.
Me: Have you read any of your wife’s books? Do you have a favorite? Why?
Husband: I have read some of them, yes. Probably my favorite is the first, An Unexpected Legacy. I’m a history teacher, so the weaving together of the history into the story intrigued me. I still think the title should have been what my father-in-law and I suggested, though.
Me: What’s something that has surprised you about your wife’s writing career?
Husband: I’m a high school teacher, so when I’m in my professional area, I always have an idea the end I’m heading towards—the main idea or point I want to get across, what I want my kids to know, etc. Because of that, while there’s always an amount of improvisation of style or example, I know what points are coming next. That is not how my wife writes. I always assumed that, in general, authors knew what their character was going to do; they created them, after all. Being told that Character A “surprised” her was, if you’ll pardon the pun, surprising to me.
Me: Can you share a funny story about something that’s happened in regards to your wife’s writing over the last few years?
Husband: When her first book came out, she had a bunch of bookmarks advertising her book made up and I took some to school just in case in came up in conversation. A few years later, one of our kids was in my classroom after school and found some that had been left in my desk. Said child asked if they could have one, then proceeded to take it to their teacher to do some word of mouth advertising for their mom. Our kids are probably some of her best agents; they do enjoy telling people their mommy is an author.
Me: Is there a story you hope she’ll write one day?
Husband: She’s the creative one, I trust her to tell the stories.
Me: Do you ever worry about her putting your real life details into her stories?
Husband: Not particularly. Real life affects us in ways we don’t even realize a lot of the time, but she’s good at making sure any ideas/details that do make it into her stories aren’t specific enough. I’m not expecting to find anything footnoted with the comment “You may not believe it, but this is a real something my husband did.”
Me: Any tips for other people who might be interested in marrying romance authors?
Husband: Get ready to live with your wife’s characters during writing time. It can be quite interesting trying to figure out whether this name that keeps coming up in conversation is a new acquaintance, or a new character (pro tip: it’s probably a character).
Also, expect to be asked to give opinions like you’re a thesaurus. Or just be asked really random questions. LOL!
So, there you have it. At least, that’s how it works in our marriage of almost twenty years. I’m sure other authors and their spouses are a little different. (In our relationship, I’m the extrovert and he’s the introvert, which is not the case for many authors.)
What do you think? Does our real-life romance sound like it came from a novel? Probably not, but that doesn’t make it less romantic. ;)
My other romance authors, feel free to ask your spouses these questions and see what their answers would be! For the rest, did any of the answers surprise you?

Us almost twenty years ago
Happy Wednesday Amy from frigid SW Michigan! As a retired high school German and English teacher, I love your husband’s humor and honesty and that your children are the best agents. This reader appreciated the unique blog this morning. Thanks to your husband. Best wishes for 20 years. Your hubby is insightful about real life. The thesaurus statement is priceless. I used to tell my students – Is the word DICTIONARY on my spine.
This retired teacher chuckled at: I’m not expecting to find anything footnoted with the comment “You may not believe it, but this is a real something my husband did.” This would delight rom com readers. Especially in today’s AI world.
Since February is the Month of LOVE, REAL LIFE Romances from our IR authors would be inspiring to younger readers and a testimony to those married 50+ years. Best wishes. Stay warm and safe. Happy Writing!
My husband knew I wanted to be a writer before we were married, but my interest in writing romances came later in life. He has read each of my books and has commented when something from real life appeared in a story. He promotes my books with his friends and acquaintances. I’m so thankful for his support. We’ve been married 50 years.
I adore the idea of us all sharing real life romances, Renate! So glad you enjoyed the post this morning too. It was down to negative six degrees when I got up this morning, but our house is nice and warm. Hope you’re staying warm way up north too!
That is so wonderful Beth. I’m glad he doesn’t mind spying real life in your stories!
Ha ha ha — I think you should include that footnote in your next book!!!
And so that is so cute and generous of him, most guys here would rarely go along with being interviewed. It speaks to a strong foundation for your marriage and the trust you share.
I am curious though what title did he and father in law suggest?
Thanks for such an interesting post. :)
I’m very tempted!!!
He and dad suggested “Butt out, Aunt Ruth” as the title of my first book. You can see why we didn’t go with that one. LOL!
I love it!! I especially like that your kids are your agents in promoting your books!! I think I’d be more surprised if an author’s spouse didn’t support their work!
Thanks so much, Trudy. And yes. My kids are pretty proud that “mommy writes books.” ;)
Good morning, this is so Awesome Amy, and what a great feel of confidence you have for having your loved ones supporting you. Have a great day and a great rest of the week. I enjoyed reading your post.
Thank you so much!
Your wedding picture is lovely. The alternative title made me laugh, I can see why you didn’t go with that!
It’s interesting that he’s the introvert but has a job where he’s around people and interacting with his students all day, and you’re the extrovert and the writer.
It took me years to realize he WAS an introvert because he doesn’t act like one. But he is. He can be around people, but then he needs to be by himself to decompress. Whereas, I love being around people all the time. Being stuck at home with the snow this week is slightly driving me crazy. But I do have jobs that take me out to be around others too.
Thank you for sharing the interview with us. His answers sounded like they were true to heart. He was giving honest answers.
He’s a very honest guy. ;)
I ask my husband the strangest questions too. But he has also some background in Martial Arts and he helps me with fight scenes.
You never know what kind of reader you would have attracted with that title, lol!!!!
this is a wonderful post. thanks for sharing and reminding. both my husband and I are introverts and we still have our share of difficulties. but we learned early on to keep God in the center of everything. we are now at 40 years married and going strong still. thanks for all that your do for married couples. I have seen that many do need that reminder of why they fell in love to begin with and bring it back.
It’s always nice when husbands have knowledge you need!
Congratulations on 40 years! That is so wonderful. I love hearing about long marriages. Gives me hope and encouragement!
This is true!