Happy new year, friends! How is your January coming along? Do you make resolutions? I try not to, but inevitably every year comes around and so do the resolutions LOL.
Something old…
When you look back at the year 2019, do you find things that you’d like to carry over to the year 2020? What are some of the things that resonated with you in 2019 that you would keep in 2020?
One year ago to the day (January 11, 2019), my blog post for InspyRomance was about new year resolutions. In What Resolutions? I wrote about three things I am perpetually working on, year after year:
- Study God’s Word more.
- Work harder and smarter.
- Exercise regularly.
In 2019, I fell short in the exercise department (Resolution #3), but I hope to improve next year — I mean, this year! I am continually desiring to be in God’s Word more and more (Resolution #1). I did work a bit harder in 2019, but not in ways I had perceived (Resolution #2)…
In juggling the many hats I had to wear, I wrote and published four new novels in 2019. I am thankful to God that was even possible because I had health problems in 2019 totaling about 4-5 months, and only had 7-8 months of healthy days to write my books. I did not meet my goal of writing 6 books that year, so the last 2 books have been rolled into 2020. In light of Romans 8:28, I’m happy with the four novels that made it out the door. They accurately reflected the workload that I could manage in 2019.
Kiss You Now (Savannah Sweethearts Book 7)
- Burned out physician Priyanka Patel meets a stalled author in the crossroads of their careers.
Find You Again (Savannah Sweethearts Book 8)
- Sometimes secrets from the past grow up and knock on your door…
Call You Home (Savannah Sweethearts Book 10)
- Two chefs who dislike each other must work together in one hot kitchen.
Wait for Me (Vacation Sweethearts Book 3)
- Divorced couple problem: take their five-year-old son on a happy family cruise in Alaska.
In fact, with the release of three of those books, I have finally completed Savannah Sweethearts, a series of 11 books in total. Praise the Lord!
Something new…
To jumpstart the new year, I already have four books on preorder coming up soon. Each book is in a different series that I have yet to complete. That way, fans of each series will not have to wait too long (as they did in 2019) for me to get to their next favorite books. Two of the novels on preorder are in the Contemporary Christian Romance genre (the other two books are Christian Romantic Suspense, which is outside the scope of this blog post). Here are the two romance novels coming soon:
Look for Me (Vacation Sweethearts Book 4)
- Ex-boyfriend Martin finds his lost love and tries to protect her from her other past.
Sing with Me (Seaside Chapel Book 3)
- Suddenly widowed, a billionaire businessman finds therapy in food and music.
On the home front, I hope to spend more time in God’s Word and seek His perfect will for my life. I know it’s an ongoing process of learning and applying what I learn. God is always good, isn’t He? He teaches us so many new things about Himself and our life in Christ.
This year, I pray that I’ll be able to build on last year’s resolutions — with God’s help, of course:
- Study God’s Word still more.
- Improve my productivity.
- Exercise and be healthy.
What about you? Is there something new that you’d like to do this year that you didn’t before, or is there something you did before that you’d like to continue doing this year? For example, I feel that I need to exercise more and have better nutrition. That’s an ongoing thing, but it’s a good goal for me.
Feel free to comment for a giveaway. One random person will be selected to receive an ebook copy of Smile for Me (Vacation Sweethearts Book 1), a novel set in the Bahamas to warm up your winter. Book 4 in the same series is coming soon in March.
May God bless your brand new year with peace, love, and joy!
In Christ,
Jan Thompson
Happy New Year, Jan! I am not one to make New Years Resolutions, but have chosen the word Gratitude. My mom was my model. She always had a positive outlook on life, even during rough times. While I hope my actions show how I love my grown sons and my grandchildren, I plan to tell them more how proud I am of their accomplishments and dedication to their family. Stay warm and dry. Prayers for all in the path of this winter storm. Best wishes and enjoy your weekend.
Happy New Year, Jan! I try not to do resolutions, just try to get through each day🤣
Happy and blessed New Year.
I decided to make my health a top priority this year!
Happy new year! My “resolutions” are more like yearly goals! Exercise, exercise LOL!
Happy new year to you too! May God bless!
Me too! Can’t do much else without good health — not only physical, but also spiritual IMHO! Happy new year!
Happy new year! That’s a great reminder to be grateful and thankful to God for everything! So nice that your mom models gratitude for you.
Have a warm weekend too!
I don’t make resolutions, as I know I won’t keep them! What I know I will carry over is reading my Bible most days of the week! I try to read it every day, but don’t get mad if I don’t anymore! I read it through each year, except one year, since high school. I’ve been ahead for the last three or four years, and this year I’m already in Numbers. For the second year, I’m using a Study Bible, though a different Study Bible and version from last year. I’ll also do Bible studies at church again this year. One thing new this year, I’m starting another business that I can do from home, doing something I love to do! I honestly didn’t see it coming, but I’m looking forward to more opportunities with it!!
Happy New Year ❤️
I don’t do resolutions 🤓 I decided to adopt yours lol
This year, like a year before, I just want to serve Him with my life!
Happy New Year! I’m trying to be in Gods Word more also, and making time to speak to Him more.
Happy new year! Yes, I want to learn more about God also and “dwell in His house forever”! I agree about spending more time in prayer!
Thank you for your comments!
That’s cool! May God guide us all as we serve Him! Happy new year!
Thank you for your comments!
Praise the Lord for opening doors of business opportunities! I hope that it all works out for you. This year, in addition to writing, I am also helping with the family business because my hubby said I’m empty nesting too much LOL. Writing takes time and I am not one to rush.
That’s awesome that you’re in Numbers. I plan to read through the Bible this year too, but I am still in Genesis. At church, our Wednesday night Bible study is now in Revelation. So somehow this year, I’ll read through the books in between. :-)
Happy new year and thank you for your comments!
I used to use plans put out in different devotionals for reading your Bible through. The past 3 or 4 years, I’ve just read as much or as little each day as I want, and I’ve gotten through early. With the Study Bibles, I read the Scripture and all of the notes for each chapter. Some don’t have too many notes, and others have a lot!!! It’s helped me, though!! One year I used my Chronological Bible.
I don’t make New Years resolutions, but I do have goals I want to accomplish.
That’s cool! Yes I like to read freely as well bc sometimes the Lord leads to read more. I made a 365-day chart so I know when I need to reach Revelation. And I read and check off the list as I go — but with adjustments if I end up reading more or less. I prefer to read the books through rather than jumping around but I may start reading both OT and NT at the same time so we shall see.
So glad we have various options! I really hope I will read through the Bible this year. Good for the soul!
Thank you for your comment! I often use the words interchangeably – goals and resolutions – because my resolutions don’t seem to change much every year LOL!
Happy new year!
One goal lasted a week! that was to not buy any candy but I have only bought a couple of small chocolate bars so I am doing so much better.
I have found making resolutions doesn’t work. Goals is a better word as its something to work for but it also has to have achievable steps without that its more a dream.
Chocolate! Well, apparently dark chocolate is actually good for you. And some lady who lived past 100YO said she eats chocolate everyday! :-)
Yes, I do agree goals are way better than resolutions. As long as the goal posts don’t move too much, huh!
Thank you for your comments and Happy New Year!
I don’t make resolutions. I try to always live my life the best that I can, When I can’t, I don’t let it get me down. I feel like when people say they make goals at the first of the year, they are just another word for resolutions. Resolutions generally don’t last.
Good points re: goals and resolutions being viewed as the same things! Prayerfully God’s perfect will would prevail for the year. Like Oswald Chambers said, give God “elbow room.”
Thank you for your comment!