I met Bethany at ACFW in 2016 (see below), and we became Facebook friends, but that’s about it. Fast forward to ACFW 2017, and somehow, every time I turned around… there she was! (This was a good thing.) Since then, I have come to absolutely adore her.
She, along with Mikal Dawn, are some of the first people I go to these days – with anything – good or bad. Story breakthrough? Head to Voxer and record a message for them. Petty jealousy I know is ridiculous? Group text (because who wants to actually SAY that).
Not long into our real friendship last fall, she sent me a copy of her debut! I devoured The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck and knew, friend or not, Bethany was a writer to watch!
In 2016 I attended my first ever American Christian Fiction Writers conference. No one knew who I was. I don’t just mean I wasn’t a known author. I mean no one knew who I was. At all. I had signed a contract for my first traditionally published novel, which also happened to be my first inspirational novel, but apart from my editor, no one knew me from Becky Wade. Okay, that’s not true. Everyone knew I wasn’t Becky Wade. In fact, the recurring theme of my nightmares as I prepared for the conference was all of the people shouting, “You’re no Becky Wade!” (For the record, I adore Becky Wade, Christian Fiction is blessed to have Becky Wade, and only Becky Wade is Becky Wade. That is all.)
So anyway, no one knew me. But I had a little bit of a secret weapon up my sleeve. You see, I’m an extrovert. I tend to walk into every room as if I belong there, no matter how untrue that may be. (Just in case you mistake that as ego, rest assured that I walk into the room as if I belong there, but on the inside my self-doubt is screaming, “Run! Run away! You’re a fraud!”) I walked into every room like I belonged there, went straight up to everyone I saw and said hello, and ended up making tons of fabulous friends who I now can’t imagine my life without.
So many of those initial conversations with complete strangers began the same way—because author conversations don’t work the same way as normal conversations. We’d introduce ourselves, but then rather than asking “What do you do for a living?” (Duh…) or “Where do you live?” (We’ll get to that. In fact there’s a whole meal where we sit according to geography.) or even “How about this weather?” (Which we know nothing about because we’ve been inside a hotel for four days…), we’d ask each other, “What do you write?”
Have you seen You’ve Got Mail? (If not, please notify me immediately and I will be at your house with a DVD and some cookie dough STAT!) There is a scene, after Kathleen Kelly’s charming little bookshop has been put out of business by Joe Fox’s mega bookstore, that Joe’s girlfriend Patricia reflects on a day in her life as a publisher. A day in which all anyone can talk about is the suddenly-available, talented, literary phenomenon, Kathleen Kelly.
“Kathleen Kelly. I swear, it was like her name was in the air, Joe.”
So it is with genres when writers get together. Amish. Speculative. Historical. Women’s Fiction. YA. Romance! Historical Romance! Contemporary Romance! Romantic Comedy!!
Hang on. Romantic Comedy? Whenever I told someone I write Rom-Com, they were either a) instantly delighted, and ready to discuss Colin Firth ad nauseam (as I, for one, always am), or b) instantly bewildered, and ready to grab their camera, since they’d seen so few Rom-Com authors out in the wild, in their natural habitat. But either way, there was always one question that I was asked—over and over and over.

Me & Bethany at ACFW 2017
“Are you funny?”
What? Am I funny? How should I know? And even if I do think I’m funny, can I really say so? “Yes. Thanks for asking. I’m hilarious.” Um, no. On the other side of that coin, if I ever hope to sell books, I can’t really say, “Nah, not really. But…eh…what can you do?” So I answered the only way I could, and I spoke absolute truth when I said it.
“I hope so!”
At the end of the day, it’s not really up to me anyway, is it? I can think I’m the funniest thing since sliced bread (and let’s face it…sliced bread is hilarious) but if my readers don’t think I’m funny, then…no. I’m not funny. Readers, your power is greater than you realize. Are our characters relatable? Is our voice appealing? Are our kisses swoon-worthy? Are we funny?
Well, that’s entirely up to you.
For the record, Bethany makes me laugh All. The. Time. so she is totally funny. (That’s why all of our pics together were blurry.) But maybe not funnier than sliced bread. Because sliced bread.
Also, I know Becky Wade. She is amazing. And Bethany is, too. I’ve gotten a sneak peek at what she has written of her next book and… y’all, it is SO GOOD! I text her often telling her I need the Whole Rest by 10pm that night. Somehow that hasn’t worked yet… I get chunks, but not the Whole Rest. Sigh.
What’s your favorite rom com? Movie or book? I’ll choose one commenter to receive a Kindle copy of The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck.
Bethany Turner is the director of administration for Rock Springs Church in Southwest Colorado. A former VP/operations manager of a commercial bank and a three-time cancer survivor (all before she turned thirty-five), Bethany knows that when God has plans for your life, it doesn’t matter what anyone else has to say. Because of that, she’s chosen to follow his call to write. She lives with her husband and their two sons in Colorado, where she writes for a new generation of readers who crave fiction that tackles the thorny issues of life with humor and insight. For more, visit www.seebethanywrite.com.
HI Carol, welcome Bethany. Thanks for the introduction to your book, I will go straight over to Amazon and check it out. Hmm, favourite rom com…I love ‘While You Were Sleeping’ and can be guaranteed a good laugh every time I watch it.
Hi Carol and thanks for the wonderful introduction to Bethany. Welcome Bethany and thanks for your insightful blog of the life an author attending a writer’s conference. Besides While You Were Sleeping and You Got Mail, I enjoyed the rom com 27 Dresses, especially the sister rivalry. Not sure if I ever read a romantic comedy, but always appreciate a story that makes laugh or chuckle. Best wishes.
What a delightful interview!! I smiled through the entire thing! I haven’t read Bethany’s book yet, but she is on my NEED to read list! My favorite rom com book is Second Impressions by Pepper Basham. And, although I think it’s listed under humor & romance, is A Time to Laugh by Marion Ueckermann. Both of these books made me laugh!! I loved reading the collection Love at First Laugh, because it made me laugh – a lot! Happy Friday and have a great weekend!
I have never watched You’ve Got Mail. I like the movie 27 Dresses! I love rom-com. Laughter is good medicine (Proberbs). There are some books my then teenage daughter wouldn’t let me take out of the house because I laughed so much.
What a great interview!Bethany ,you are funny!I loved “Sleepless in Seattle”! You’ve Got Mail is another great comedy.I love to laugh so I love rom-coms!You are a new author to me but I can tell by the tone(light and funny) that I will love your books!It is always nice to find a new author that you can love!
I love to read and watch rom-coms! One movie that I love is When In Rome! I always enjoy the chance to watch it! Some of the older movies like Susan Slept Here are great too! I think humor always makes a story better!
I love You’ve Got Mail! Sleepless in Seattle is good too. And Y’all, please go get Bethany’s book! Now! I Loved It! I read it through Kindle Unlimited, so any of you that are signed up for that, it’s free!
I absolutely LOVE While You Were Sleeping! Definitely in my top 5 rom-coms. I walked into that movie with a crush on Peter Gallagher, and walked out in love with Bill Pullman. Sigh…
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!
Thanks for stopping by, Renate! Confession: I haven’t seen 27 Dresses, but I have wanted to! After your recommendation, I’ll be sure to. All the best!
My favorites are While You Were Sleeping, 27 Dresses, You’ve Got Mail, and Sweet Home Alabama. I love reading rom com books. I will check yours out. Have a great day!
Wonderful post! I haven’t seen You’ve Got Mail. Rom-coms I do like? Hmmm. I went to amazon to search and couldn’t find anything I’d watched or liked…not sure what that says. One movie I do love is Man of the House with Tommy Lee Jones. Does that count? You’re book sounds great. I’ll have to check it out!
Oh man. SO many rom-coms to choose from! I do love You’ve Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle. The Wedding Date cracks me up because Debra Messing’s cousin is blunt and hilarious. The Holiday is fun because you want to just hop into the set and spend Christmas in the Cotswolds! There’s a made-for-TV movie called Lucky Seven that stars Kimberly Williams-Paisley and Patrick Dempsey. It’s so cute and one of my favorites! I highly recommend it for a good bit of entertainment!
I don’t watch a lot of movies, but I *love* reading Jenn Faulk books. She can write hilarious one minute, and then the next minute I’m digging out my tissues! I’ve heard a lot about Bethany’s book and would love to win it!
I have heard SO MANY good things about Pepper’s books, but haven’t had the chance to read them yet. I can’t wait to! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, Becky. Best of luck in the giveaway!
Ha! It sounds like your daughter is pretty wise! ? As for not having seen You’ve Got Mail…I’M ON MY WAY! Lol
You are so kind! Thank you! And I also love Sleepless in Seattle. The only complaint, of course, is that Tom and Meg aren’t actually onscreen together nearly enough, but the supporting cast is so phenomenal that I never even really mind!
Thanks so much for commenting!
I’m with you, Jenny. I need some humor…always. Even if it’s not laugh out loud funny, some type of humor is a must!
Aww! Sherri!! Thank you!!! I’m so glad to know you enjoyed The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck. Means so much to me!
You have great taste, Beth! Thanks for your interest in The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck, and for taking the time to stop by and comment!
Oh, Sally…we made need to have some sort of intervention for you! (Just teasing, of course.) Well, if you haven’t watched them, I would recommend 1. You’ve Got Mail 2. While You Were Sleeping 3. Sleepless in Seattle
And then we’ll go from there. ? Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting! Good luck in the giveaway.
Ooh, good choices, Karen! I’m with you…so many good ones to choose from! Thanks for commenting!
I’ve not read anything by Jenn Faulk, but after your recommendation, I’m intrigued! Thanks so much for your interest in The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck. Best of luck in the giveaway!
Hey Bethany and Carol! I was fortunate to meet so many people at ACFW that I can’t remember if Bethany and I actually talked. I have pic with Carol and other Inspy Romance authors, so I have proof so I know I met Carol, ha!
It’s good to go and introduce yourself like you did! Congrats on the success of this novel!
I love a good rom-com. Besides yours, of course, my fav rom-com novel might be Out of Control by Mary Connealy, and my fav movie that comes to mind is 27 dresses.
I absolutely laughed out loud and enjoyed your novel, Bethany! It ‘s different and a breath of fresh air because of that! (I don’t need to be in the drawing because I own the paperback.)
Haha! That’s kinda what I was thinking as I typed it lol. Are those Meg Ryan? Very softly spoken… I’m not a fan. I do love Julia Roberts. Do her movies count?? I feel better already.
It was nice meeting you Bethany. I really enjoy rom com in both books and movies. I know I would enjoy your book. One of my favorite Christian rom coms books is Nowhere For Christmas written by Heather Gray. That was such a fun read. One of my favorite rom com movies is The Holiday.Jack Black is so good in The Holiday. Looks like I have a Christmas theme going there.
Hey all!!! I’m enjoying your comments! I’ll try to come back and respond individually later, but I’m battling a sinus infection right now and my head is so fuzzy… I took the kid to work this morning and ate breakfast (yay for Chick-fil-A!!!) and now that I’m home I’m ready for a nap… Be back later!!
Hi Bethany
I loved your book sooo much! And I always enjoy Sleepless I S and You’ve GM. Good to see you here today! Keep up the great writing!
I don’t know if this movie would be considered rom com. I think it would-it’s got a little rom in it and a lot of com. :) The movie is You Again with Jamie Lee Curtis and Kristen Bell. The great thing is that it is clean enough for me to watch with my daughters who also love it. We laugh out loud every time we watch it.
Hi Carol,
Thanks for the introduction.
My favorite Rom Con movie was Financing the Stone and book was Reason to Run by Christina Coryell. I love her Camdyn Taylor series.
You are a delight! It was a pleasure learning more about you!
I love The Proposal.
Have a great weekend!
Thank you for this!!! I have forgotten just how much I LOVE rom-com because there is nothing quite as hilarious as the lengths to which love will drive us!
Don’t watch much Rom Com. But i love the humor in Princess Bride! Thanks for the post. You ARE funny!
One of my favorite RomCom authors is Pepper Basham. I really liked Just the Way You Are. I’ve been wanting to read The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck so thanks for the chance to win a copy. I love books that make me laugh.
So many good ones… It’s hard to pick just one!
I can’t think of any rom-com books, but I loved several of Sandra Bullock’s movies – especially The Proposal. I love her sense of humor!
I love 27 Dresses, While You were Sleeping and You’ve Got mail. Bethany sounds like a hoot.
Sleepless in Seattle ARE both Meg Ryan. And while my inner rom-com lover gasps at ANYONE not being a Meg fan (?), I would say still give You’ve Got Mail a try, at the very least. And yes! Julia certainly has her fair share of rom-com! Pretty Woman is certainly edgier, but one of the great rom-coms. And Runaway Bride is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s kind of a guilty pleasure for me. ?
Oh, Janet! Thank you so much! I am SO thrilled that you enjoyed Sarah Hollenbeck. And I was trying to remember if you and I met (I know what you mean about meeting so many people!) and I don’t believe we did. We MUST rectify that next time we’re in the same place at the same time. I look forward to it! (Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and comment. It means so much!)
Hi Nancy! Thanks so much for stopping by. The Holiday was a bit of a late discovery for me (maybe a year or two ago) but it is delightful! I really need to go back and rewatch that one.
Thanks so much for having me on the blog, my friend! I hope you’re continuing on the road to recovery. A sick Carol makes me sad. ? Love you!
Thank you, Jackie! I am SO GLAD you enjoyed The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck. Hooray! Thanks so much for stopping by and for the encouraging words. ?
Ooh, I haven’t seen that one. I need to! Thanks for stopping by, Julie!
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment, Linda! Best of luck in the giveaway!
Aww, Julie, thanks!
The Proposal is a good one! Love me some Sandra Bullock! (Although my favorite Sandra Bullock rom-com is actually Two Weeks Notice with Hugh Grant. That one is in my top 5 of all time!)
You are so, so right! Love is funny, isn’t it?? ? Nothing better. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! Best of luck in the giveaway!
Hi Carol and Bethany. Rom-com movies. I don’t watch many movies anymore but I always loved ABBA (the group) growing up, so I was sure to watch Mamma Mia when it came out. It does have Colin Firth in it, lol. As far as books, so many. Carol is a fav of mine. I do know Jen Turner has a lot of humor which I did LOL with. My kids were always asking me what was so funny. I also love Heather Gray and Mary Connealy. I tend toward CF romance, rom/com, romantic suspense. I have some of Pepper’s books, but have not read them yet.
The Princess Bride is ALL THINGS! YESSSS!! I could not agree more. Thanks so much, Paula!
Yes, we must rectify! :)
My favorites are You’ve Got Mail and While You Were Sleeping!
No need to enter me in the giveaway. I already have the book and am trying to get to it in my massive TBR pile.
I’ve loved How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days and Sweet Home Alabama. Still my favorites.
Bethany, I know your books, although I have not read any, are going to be wonderful. If they are anything like your interview. You are funny whether you think so or not. I am more of a serious person, so I need some things to lift me up and make me laugh. I love a variety of books, but being able to have a book that will take you away to a fresh new place for a while, is good medicine especially in the decaying events all around us. We are retired. We have 5 children and 12 grandchildren. So we do stay busy, but I do get a lot of reading in. We don’t watch much TV, but except being on the computer, lol, we read.
Thank you all for giving us something to do and places to go. ??
Oh, Carol, just Wow❣️
This brought tears to my eyes and is inspiring. The picture of the two of you is just beautiful ❣️❣️❣️
(Oops, didn’t finish) ?
I’ve watched the movie, You’ve Got Mail, so many times that I had to buy another copy. LOL
BUT, I just adore White Christmas with Bing Crosby.
Well I think Princess Bride is a Rom/com even if it’s meant to be something else and that’s my fave. :D