Can you believe Christmas is only nine weeks away? Christmas trees, decorations, and all the other wonderful goodies are already lining the shelves in stores. One song that comes to mind every time I go shopping is, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” :-) Also, if anyone doesn’t know it already, the Hallmark Channel’s countdown to Christmas will officially begin October, 29. (which is one only week away)
Some of us, (me) have already started downloading Christmas books and have been busy filling our Kindles and other reading devices to overflowing.
Well, I want to add another one to everyone’s list. A must-read Christmas story, ‘Reunited At Christmas’ by my dear friend Debra Ullrick.

Blurb: Search and rescue dog handler Shelby Davis is living the dream. Not only does she train search and rescue dogs, but she’s a bestselling suspense author who has waterfront property in the beautiful mountain town of Grand Lake, Colorado. All is well until she receives a call to bring her dog Max and her snowmobile to help rescue a man who is lost in a blizzard up on Gravel Mountain. That man is the one person she never wants to see again—Ryker Anderson—the man who broke her heart the day he called three months before their wedding to say goodbye with no explanation as to why.
After being gone for eighteen months, Ryker Anderson is back in Grand Lake where he hopes to win back the woman he loves. He only hopes Shelby understands why he left. Will he be able to convince Shelby that she can trust him with her heart again even though he broke it before?

A little about the author: Debra Ullrick is a New York Times, CBA, and Amazon.com bestselling author. Her titles include: A Log Cabin Christmas, Forewarned, Catch Me if You Can, A Cowboy for Christmas, The Dreamer and the Cowboy, Say it with Roses, A Forever Thing, Reunited at Christmas, Christmas Belles of Georgia, A Recipe for Romance, A Dozen Apologies, Dixie Hearts, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Deja vu Bride, The Unexpected Bride, The Unlikely Wife, Groom Wanted, Colorado Courtship, and The Unintended Groom.
A lot of Debra’s inspiration comes from her real life hero, her hottie cowboy husband of forty plus years. And she uses some of her only daughter’s antics in her books as well.
Debra and her husband lived and worked on various cattle ranches throughout the Rocky Mountains for over twenty-eight years. The last ranch they lived at, a famous movie star and her screenwriter husband purchased property there. Another ranch they worked on, Kurt Russell hunted on it, and her husband had the privilege of taking Eddie Albert horseback riding.
Recently, Debra and her husband, along with their ornery Manx, moved to the flatlands, where they’re currently dealing with cultural whiplash from city living.
Besides Christ, her passions include: attending Red Rocks Church in Lakewood, mud-bog racing, monster trucks, classic cars, muscle cars, watching Jane Austen movies, COPS, Castle, Little People Big World, Little Couple, reading, writing, drawing western art, feeding wild birds, animals, and talking with her friends.
To learn more about Debra Ullrick and her other books, visit her website www.debraullrick.com
At the beginning of my post, I’d mentioned the song, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” That’s one of my favorite Christmas song along with many, many others. What are some of your favorite Christmas songs?
Debra Ullrick has graciously offered to gift two ebook copies AND two paperback copies (paperback copies for USA WINNERS ONLY) to some very lucky winners on October, 29. Merry (early) Christmas to All!
Will check this book out, it looks good. Favourite Christmas song: Carol of the Birds, a lovely Australian take on a Christmas carol. Otherwise, I am pretty traditional, Handel’s Messiah, O Come Emmanuel, Mary’s Boy Child…
Thanks for the post. In SW Michigan it is finally “starting to feel like fall” and the foliage is finally beginning to change colors. Thanks for introducing Debra Ulrick and her new romance Reunited at Christmas. My kindle is stocked with holiday boxed sets and I am partial to stories with animals. I am anxiously awaiting Hallmark’s new holiday movies.
My favorite Christmas carol is “Silent Night, Holy Night,” because this wonderful carol was originally written in German in a small village in the Austria Alps. Because the church mice had gnawed through the bellows of the organ, the priest needed a carol to be accompanied by guitar, so he and the local school teacher wrote this inspiring song. The next spring the organ repair man found the music in the organ bench and the carol traveled the world. Frankenmuth, MI has a replica of the Austrian chapel. I have heard this inspiring carol sung in at least 19 different languages.
I enjoy knowing the history behind Christmas carols and why authors write their inspiring stories. In German the word for “history” and “story” are the same word “Geschichte.”
Favorite Christmas songs: Silent Night, Away in a Manger, Holy Night, others probably. I like Christmas music!
I don’t have a favorite Christmas song, but I do love any Christmas song that Pentatonix has done!
Good morning, Wemble! Reunited at Christmas is a wonderful book! I don’t think I’ve ever heard Carols of the Birds or Handel’s Messiah before, but I do like the song O Come Emmanuel, and Mary’s Boy Child, too. :-) I know what I’m going to be doing today, I’ll be on youtube searching out Christmas songs I’m not familiar with and the two of yours are the first ones on my list :-)
Good morning, Renate! Thank you so much for sharing the story behind, “Silent Night, Holy Night” that was beautiful! I’m going to print that out, and share it with my church at Christmas time. I am anxiously waiting for the Hallmark’s Countdown to Christmas, too.
Good morning, Diana! I’m right there with you. I love all the ones you’ve mentioned and many, many more!! I absolutely love Christmas music!
Good morning, katie07edgar! I’ve listened to a few songs by Pentatonix. But my favorite one of all is, “Mary, Did You Know.”
I find it really sad that the secular holiday has taken over so much of the year. Don’t get me wrong, if everyone was celebrating, God in human flesh’s long awaited Birth, I’d be extatic. But the fact remains, that at least half the people are more interested in the gifts they’ll receive, for Christmas, instead of celebrating mankind’s greatest gift, Jesus Christ’s Birth.They maybe believe He lived & did many good things, but not that He was & is “God with Us”. They don’t believe Jesus was a perfect man, without sin; later dying for the sins of of mankind, & then rose from the dead literally. Jesus is truly the only reason the world celebrates Christmas!
Hi Wemble. Thank you for stopping by. Like, Debra Collins, I’ve never heard of Carol of the Birds before but I will be checking it out now. I love Australia and anything associated with it.
Hi Renate. Thank you for taking time to stop by. When I wrote my book, A Grand County Christmas, part of a novella collection in A Log Cabin Christmas book, because they are Austrian/German’s I did research on Christmas songs of Germany along with their ornaments. Was soooooo interesting, especially since my heritage is full German.
All great songs, Diana. Thank you for stopping by.
I don’t have a favorite either.
Ester Morehead, it saddens me too what Christmas has become. I loved when I was younger that nothing Christmas came out until the day after Thanksgiving. It was special and was set apart for celebrating the birth out of Savior.
Oops meant our Savior, not out. Gotta luv those typeos. hehe
What could be better than double Debra day! Thanks for introducing us to introducing Debra Ulrick and her new romance release. I’ve got a ton of holiday novellas loaded on my Kindle and now that we’re finally not sweltering in Charlotte, I’m ready to dive in. I’m also looking forward to the Hallmark movies.
Hello, Ester! I completely agree with you. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love everything about Christmas, but I do know that Jesus truly is the reason for the season. The gifts at Christmas isn’t what’s the most important thing to me, what I love the most about the season is time with my family. Every Christmas for the last 20 years, my entire family, (which includes, myself, my husband, our children, our grandchildren, my parents, my brothers and sister and all of their families) gathers at my house on Christmas Eve. Since it all started we have had a few of them that have gone on to heaven, and we’ve had many grandchildren added through the years, too. :-) I just found out a few days ago that we will have yet another little bundle of joy that will be joining us next Christmas. <3 <3
Hey Jill! Yes, everyone is getting a double dose of Debra’s today. My kindle is loaded with so many Christmas stories that I don’t know if I will be able to read them all before Christmas. :-) It’s finally cooling down some here, too. I love that little nip in the air that lets us know the Christmas isn’t very far away :-)
Hey Debra! I’m so glad you were able to join us today. Dive right in. Like I told Jill, everyone is getting a double dose of Debra’s today. LOL!
I loved reading your post, although I’m not ready for fall to be over and winter/Christmas to be here. It seems like it was just Christmas a couple of months ago–the time goes much too quickly. I don’t really have a favorite Christmas song, but I love listening to the music of Christmas, as long as it waits until after Thanksgiving.
Debra U’s book sounds wonderful–a perfect Christmastime read!
Hello, Winnie! The temperatures are cooling down for us here in Alabama. Autumn is my favorite season, so I am enjoying it! Debra’s book, Reunited at Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas stories. It really is a must-read! :-)
Thank you, Debra. Don’t mind if I do. hehe Thank you for having me here. You rock! Oh, and just so you all know….Debra Lynn Collin’s books are awesome!!! If you haven’t checked them out, you really ought to.
Kinda scary, don’t you think, Jill Weatherholt? I mean one Debra is okay…but two…. hehe. Just teasing. Thank you for stopping by. I know what you mean about a ton of holiday novellas on your Kindle. Mine is on overloads, but I keep buying more as I can’t resist a book that sounds awesome.
Hello Winnie. I hear ya…I’m so not ready for fall to be over because then that means winter is right on its tail. I used to love the snow. Up on the ranch we used to live on, hubby, daughter and I used to go for long walks when big huge flakes were coming down. We loved it. We did the whole sleigh and horse ride, sleigh rides with bails of straw in the wagon and bells jinging from the draft horses. Cross country skiing, snowmobiling, the whole shabang. Now that I’m older, um no. I hate the snow…well, driving in it and the ice. Shame on me, right? I shouldn’t hate it…and hate is a powerful word, so I’ll say that I no longer like it. How’s that? *smiling*
My husband’s brother has a sleigh and horses, so some years we’ll go over (about 40 minutes away) and take the grandkids on a sleigh ride (yes, with hay bales). My husband grew up on a farm, so we’ve done all the farm/ranch stuff, too. We live in northern Utah up close to the Idaho border, and we have 2 ski resorts within 45 minutes of us. I’m kind of wimpy about being out in the snow, but I love sitting inside by my fireplace reading a book while it snows outside! :-D
I love sitting by my fire too. We use our glass window woodstove to heat our house all winter. Got spoiled on the ranch by that kind of heat. So when we moved to town, hubby put in a woodstove. Sometimes I miss ranch life, it is a lifestyle for sure. Hard work, long hours and little pay, but it was rewarding. Now, I’m enjoying working for our church. Hours are less and I get to spend more time with him. Yay!
I love reading stories centered around Christmas no matter the time period or genre.
I’m a “country girl southern belle” and I enjoy gospel. One of my favorite Christmas songs is O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem. I love the waltz beat and the blending of the voices. Gives me chill bumps!
There are definitely good things about both of those lifestyles. I’m glad you’re enjoying your time now. Good luck to you in your writing, and thanks for sharing your time and talents!
Some of my favorite Christmas carols are the old hymns :-) Silent Night, Holy Night; We Three Kings, What Child is This; Mary Did you Know and others like this as well. I do like Jingle Bells; Silver Bells, Frosty the Snowman; It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, etc.
I’m sure not ready for Christmas yet! I’ve been seeing decorations out for a while now, and the last time I went to Dollar Tree, they had Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas decorations….crazy, huh??
I love SAR stories, especially if they have dogs in them! Sounds like a terrific book, thanks for the chance to win a copy. :-)
Would love to win a copy, this time of year I don’t get to spend much on books with both my daughter’s birthday and Christmas coming. My favorite Christmas song makes me cry but makes me remember the spirit of the holiday, The Christmas Shoes. I have to pull over any time it comes on the radio while I am driving because it never fails to make me cry. My own mother died when I was very little so I can feel the pain and sadness the boy in the song must feel, and the love that urged him to buy her those shoes.
Been on a trip, so late in commenting here! One of my favorite old Christmas carols is “What Child is This?” Recent favorite is “Mary, Did You Know?” I refuse to put up Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving! :-)
I have a Pandora station dedicated to Christmas songs and it is a constant battle to weed out the reindeer and Santas, lol! I enjoy the songs that point to Christ and God’s graciousness. I’m especially fond of the bluegrass and country renditions of all the old classics (and I don’t mean Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree!)
Yes, that song is absolutely beautiful!