Last time I posted, I wrote about my journey to becoming a writer. A few who commented said they wanted more details about how I came to the decision to write full time.
Well something you need to know about me is I really do try to seek the Lord’s will before I make a decision. Deep down I’ve always felt writing would be in my future, even when I’d had to set writing aside while my kids were growing up.
There’s something I’ve figured out about the Lord. The Bible may say there’s a straight and narrow way to get to Heaven, but when He’s directing one of his kids, the path of life looks like one of those Family Circle cartoons that show the boy’s wanderings throughout the day. (Any of you remember those?)
After my son was born, I was given the chance to go to college. Mind you, I’d always wanted to attend college, but paying bills came first. Then, a couple of years after my son was born, I felt a nudging to go check it out. At that time, we had even less income because I was staying at home with my pre-school kids.
Crazy how, when I had less than I’d ever had, the door opened for me to go with a full grant that paid for my classes and my books. After much inner debating between me wanting to be a teacher and the Lord urging me to go for a counseling degree, do I really need to tell you who won?
Five years later, I had a Bachelor’s degree in Rehabilitation counseling.
Anyway, my story is getting long. (They always do) I was just about to finish my degree when BOOM. A story is dropped in my lap. The first one in nearly 10 years! A big story and one I simply couldn’t ignore. I sat down and started playing around with it and these characters came alive, the story flowed and after about 120,000 words I sat back in stunned amazement. Why now? I was supposed to be working toward being a counselor. I’d decided to aim for being a school counselor which would take me back to being a teacher as I worked at getting a Master’s.
Thing is, the storytelling monster had been awakened….
After that first one, which is now titled Illuminated and is the first book of my fantasy series, more started coming. Yeah, yeah, that’s great, but I have a future where I can make real money and writers don’t do that. (That’s what I said, anyway.) So I kept trying to be a teacher, which I’ll have to add was MY plan, not His. Never was His. Which might explain why I never could find a job as a teacher.
So my path came to a crossroads. (If any of you have read my fantasy series, you might remember a crossroads moment.) There was the big wide path that I thought offered job security, decent money and all that stuff. Then there was this little over-grown path that headed into the wild unknown.
On that path, I’d pursue a real writing career. Nothing, absolutely nothing was guaranteed. It was such a wildly overgrown path, I couldn’t even see very far ahead to where it would take me. And I still can’t. Each day is a “Well, let’s see what’ll happen next.”
So, here I am. I don’t make the 47K a year I could have made and I’m sure there are people who think I’m absolutely out of my mind for choosing this direction. But there’s so much this writing path has given me. So many places I’ve been able to go, that I never dreamed I’d go to. When I get letters from someone in Africa who read my books and appreciated how God touched their hearts with my stories…. There’s not enough money to pay for that.
There’d always been a little part of me who’d wanted to go overseas and be a missionary. My stories are going for me. Isn’t it amazing how God works?
And the story ideas keep coming.
Over the past year, I’ve turned in another direction and began writing romance stories and I’m having a blast with them. They’re fun, quirky, and still embedded with the spiritual truths that my fantasy series have.
Romance does a heart good I think, don’t you?
Anyway, here I am, back to telling stories just like I did back in elementary school. Happy as a robin on a sunny day surrounded by a field full of bugs. I wouldn’t trade what I’m doing for anything, though sometimes when the income is tight, I do stop and ask, “You sure about this, Lord?”
I still believe He’s sure. And as long as the stories keep coming, I’m going to do my best to keep telling them.
So, my question to you, dear reader friends, is what kind of stories make you happy? What tales ignite a spark in your heart when you read them? Are they tales of people who do the seemingly impossible or find happiness in the most improbable situations?
Maybe there are things that you long to do or wonder if they’ll ever happen? I’d encourage you to keep dreaming. And be open to those narrow paths, those unsure, dense roads that open up from time to time. If you feel that little nudge….
I would like to pick one reader to win a free e-book version of Snow Belle. Leave a comment to be included in the drawing. And if you still haven’t picked up your free copy of Secretly In Love, it’s available at all e-book distributors.
Blessings and Peace to you!
Hi Jackie, thanks for sharing more of your story, it is always great to read how God leads…most often into the unknown! I enjoy lots of stories- depends on my mood. Funny stories, suspense stories…so long as they have interesting characters who have depth and the story makes sense.
Anyway, I am off to keep watching Eurovision…two of my fellow countrymen singing!
Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us, Jackie. Like Wemble, I enjoy all types of stories depending on my mood, the time of year and often the weather.
Thanks for sharing your Family Circle cartoons like path. I loved your metaphor as I rarely see straight and narrow paths.
I enjoy reading different genres (I even had a science fiction phase, though I think that was more to catch up with my husband’s interests). Lately I’ve been reading more funny and less suspense /mystery stories (though I enjoy those often). I seldom read stories that have too much drama bit I enjoy a good conflict.
Same here. The type of story depends on my mood. Sometimes I’ll start a book and just can’t do it. I never toss them away. I save them for later. And sure enough, when I come back another time that story is perfect.
Yeah, I relate to that.
I like happy stories too. Or at least ones that end happy. =)
Thanks for sharing Jackie! God often leads in mysterious ways. As a retired American Lit high school teacher, I always enjoy reading about author’s writing journeys. As i presented the backgrounds on the amazing American literature I was teaching, i always presented the background story. Told my students, “Nothing happens in isolation.” History, weather, geographic location and so much more influences authors. I enjoy reading historical and contemporary novels. My main focus is inspirational romances and cozy mysteries. I enjoy reading stories with a Michigan or Midwest setting. Since I am a busy grandma of four, I prefer shorter works that I can read in a day. Chasing a three year old and answering the never ending “why”, while caring for a four month old, makes this grandma weary. Therefore shorter well written and well edited works are appreciated. Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Writing.
God does lead us in amazing directions! All we can do sometimes is hold on tight and enjoy the ride!
Amen. I hear that!
My stories take place in Michigan. My in-laws are from there and I love visiting. Have a blessed Mom’s day.
I find that when I need to relax I enjoy stories with suspense and characters who struggle. Although I read romances I am not too fond of “happily ever after” stories. In real life the wedding is not the destination but only the beginning of the journey. So series to me are more interesting because then some of the characters are dealing with life as we live it not as we wish it to be. They are living the tension of expectations, limitations and God’s promises. May you continue to find joy in writing!
I love how your life’s direction has moved. The key is moving towards God and sometimes our journey changes from what our plans were. God’s plan is so much better. I love reading stories about how people step out to do things they didn’t think possible because God leads and directs their paths.
I enjoyed Secretly in Love and know I will enjoy MORE of your stories in the future, as I am an avid reader. I love Christian fiction, with HEA, but guess I choose certain books according to my mood, events in life, etc.
Keep up the great writing….enjoyed your post.
I’ve read Secretly in Love and enjoyed it. I’d really like to read your fantasy series too!
Loved the blog post. I already have Snow Belle,so you don’t have to pick me.
Hi Jackie,
You’re new to me so this was fun to read!
I look forward to hearing more about you and your books.
It sure makes life interesting. lol
thank you.
I offer free books to newsletter subscribers. =) For those who’d like a sample.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Great to meet you and all the other readers here. Always enjoy making new friends.