Lindi here. Happy December! The month of hope, beginnings, and cookies. Yes, cookies.
I love cookies.
But, we aren’t talking about cookies today. (I want to make gingerbread cookies this year. I’ve never baked them and I love gingerbread! If you have a recipe you LOVE, I’d LOVE for you to share it in the comments.)
Oh, and depending on how it goes, (the baking) that may end up in a book. Okay–cookie talk officially over now!
Being a writer is kind of like having a 24/7 job. Yes, other thoughts enter your mind, and some of us have day jobs that we have to focus on, but the stories are always rambling around in our brains. Even when we are ready for a break. (I’m sure most people with creative minds find this to be true, no matter what form of art they choose to pursue.)
A couple of weekends ago my hubby and I were sitting in a Waffle House eating breakfast with our grandson. I’m looking out the window and an orange Jeep Wrangler pulls into the parking lot. Before I can even register that thought, another pushes into my brain. “That’s what your heroine drives.”
The reason for the words, “your heroine” is because I keep changing her name as nothing seems to fit. I’ve been thinking on and struggling with this story, Birthday Girl, for a couple of years. It’s a different type of story for me, but I love the concept and it won’t let go of me.
Most of the time I start writing and the “theme” or the “story center” comes to me as I write. It’s been a great process. But this time is different. (I think I’ve blogged about this whole process before.) But something (God, I’m sure) is relaying to me I must have this “story center” figured out before I get too far into the story. I’m 6K words in, and I’m still struggling.
Then revelations like what she drives hit me at the oddest of times. But hey, driving an orange Jeep Wrangler does set a few parameters in my mind. I don’t think she’s a city girl wearing suits and heels. I don’t think she’s rich. I don’t think she is a people pleaser.
I do think she’s down to earth. I do think she’s an outdoorsy type of girl. I do think she likes to wear jeans, and sandals and eat nuts. Okay–that’s far out, I know, but you get my point.
So, I’d love to know your thoughts. Reader (and writer) input is so important! What are your assumptions of a girl who drives a Jeep Wrangler-an orange one. If you have no assumptions that’s good to know, too.
If you leave a comment, either reader input OR a recipe, your name will go into a drawing. I’ll send you a nice Christmas package of Gingerbread cookies, (store bought–promise!) some tea, and a copy of my book Rich in Faith.
Thank you in advance for your input! Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Hi Lindi, hmm a heroine who seems pretty healthy (nuts) and dresses like someone who likes the outdoors- bring on the outdoor adventures (hiking, mountain biking cos a bike rack would fit well on a Jeep, as would skis…:)
Hi Lindi, Hmm. An orange jeep. She must love horses. Maybe she was raised on a horse or cattle ranch. Definitely an outdoor type of girl.
Hi Lindi! It’s nice to meet you. I think you are new to me. I love your article. I always enjoy finding out where an author gets their inspiration.
I’m afraid I don’t have a gingerbread cookie recipe, but if someone puts up a good one, I’d love to have it too.
I girl in an orange Jeep, hum, that’s a good one. I would think she has self confidence, doesn’t care what others think about her and would be extremely fun. Now at my age, I might just have to get me one. lol
Thank you
Hi, Lindi! I love your thought process! I am picturing a no nonsense kind of girl driving an orange Jeep….she’s full of life, doesn’t worry what other people think, wears little to no make up….but can still dress up when the occasion calls for it. She has a dog too…..!!
Hi Lindi! Love your new picture. Beautiful lady.
As a German Gingerbread is a way of life and comes in many forms. Think Hansel and Gretel. Most famous is also Dutch and the cookies are Spekulatius or Windmill cookies. I buy mine at Aldi. The recipe does not contain molasses, but requires special mold or special rolling pin. I make gingerbread men / women for my grandchildren using a gingerbread mix that I buy at the store. In 2016 I made them for my grandson ‘s third grade Christmas Around the World Holiday party – plus his birthday is in December.
Living along the shores of Lake Michigan and less than 10 miles from Warren Dunes State Park. Many young people in our area drive Jeeps in our dunes. Saugatuck, MI even gives Dune Rides. They have a hidden city. Silver Beach life guards use Jeeps to patron the shore line. Most of them are bright colored, so they stand out against from the glare of the water and our pristine beige sandy beaches. Jeeps owners carry surf boards, boogie boards, hang gliders (Warren Dunes), inflatables, mountain bikes, and a car load of people. In the winter Jeeps have cross country skies to enjoy a Winter Wonderland at resorts with hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies. One area casino has a life size gingerbread house the chef makes yearly. In the spring Jeeps in our area, explore the woods for morel mushrooms. Fall it is color tours. Best wishes. Happy writing while savoring gingerbread cookies. Nibbling on a few Spekulatius with my morning coffee.
I laughed when I read about the orange Jeep Wrangler, since I JUST wrote one into my last novel, The Cowboy’s Mixed-Up Matchmaker, which released a week ago. The driver is Lauren, a Montana veterinarian. So there’s one type of person I, personally, think matches an orange Wrangler perfectly!!!
Hmmm… she works for fish and wildlife. Or maybe the forestry service. If she lives in the PNW she might track salmon.
She’s independent. Strong. Doesn’t usually wear make-up.
Her personality is quiet because she’s an introvert.
? Just maybe…
The first thing that came to mind for me was that she has a medium sized dog in the jeep with her!
Good question! Never thought about what a car says about a person. If I picture an orange Jeep then I see a sporty or country type person who likes having fun and being out doors. They aren’t prissy and are more tomboyish. Jeans and t-shirt, boots, ponytail hair, etc.
Wemble—Skis—I like it. I have never skied! That would take some research. :)
Pat–Horses!!! I love that idea. Right now I have her running a consignment shop, but i love your idea. I did use to have horses. ;)
Kathy–Hello–I’m glad we’ve met. I have her having self confidence, but I think it shatters when she finds out things. :) Hey–and my friend bought a jeep a couple of years ago. Not orange, but hey—it’s a jeep. I’ll have to go for a ride in it. :)
Renate–Ah!! I shop at Aldi all the time–I’ll look for that. And I love the info you shared. :) And I have a grandson with a December birthday as well. I love that! And yes, Jeep people scream outdoors to me. My girl was born at the beach….it’s part of who she is. I can’t imagine the cold and snow you get in Michigan. Especially by the lake. I’m from Ohio, but I’ve been in Georgia a long time—those winters are distant memories. I bet it is so beautiful along the lake–but windy, I’m sure. And yes, the Jeep could carry everything for all seasons. Thank you for the amazing ideas. This story will be better for all of the input I’m getting today. :)
Val—That’s awesome. I haven’t read your book, but hey, is is serendipity? Is that the right word? I could say great minds think alike, but that would imply that I think I have a great mind. Not sure about that. And a vet—that’s a perfect car/truck for her!! My girl isn’t Lauren-her name does start with an L, though. (At least right now)
Dalyn—Great ideas. And yes, I just wrote a scene and she barely brushes mascara on to meet “the guy.” ha!! I love that. And an introvert—hmm…I’ll have to see how she shapes up. She definitely needs to be more outdoorsy than I have her.
Linda–a dog. :) I don’t have a dog in her story–yet. You never know, though. You are right, a dog would look great in that car. :)
Susan—You have her spot on! She’s not prissy–I have a scene where a gal goes shopping with her when she needs a dress. :) For a wedding no less. She does love being outdoors. I’m really going to think on changing her occupation from an indoors job to something more outdoorsy.
Paula—How right you are. And that’s another aspect of story telling. Setting up a character with expectations that the reader can relate to. I know there are always different aspects, and something quirky, but we don’t want the reader to be thrown off by aspects that aren’t well motivated, or don’t make sense. (Sorry for that long piece, there.) And you are right on about the make up–she’s a minimalist at that for sure. But I do need to make sure she can dress up nice! Thanks for that reminder. :)
I would say she is a lucky gir to drive that orange Jeep. Thank you for the chance. Merry Christmas ??
Leila, I would agree!! Thank you for stopping by Inspy.
Lindi, I see her as an outgoing and adventurous person :) like me lol
I’ve always loved the children’s story book about “The Gingerbread Man”.
A hot cup of tea, a box of gingerbread cookies, and a good book will be my Christmas.
I’m sick and have been for 2 weeks and the end is not in sight.
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
I picture her living in either a small town in the mountains of North Carolina or in Hawaii. She definitely kbows how to work on her own Jeep. She has a heart of gold but is guarded and comes across as somewhat gruff at times. She also wants people to think she is totally self-sufficient but that’s mostly a facade hiding her insecurities.
Natayla–I love the word ADVENTUREOUS!
Janet—I hate to hear about someone being sick at all, let alone Christmas. :) I pray you feel better soon. Thank you for stopping by!
Jessica—That’s a concept I hadn’t thought of–having her know how to work on her own Jeep. I love that. and Hawaii! Awesome location…and it has mountains and beaches–great suggestion!