It’s summer in the States and beginning to heat up! Summer is always one of my favorite seasons for reading. It’s hard to beat a good book poolside, on the beach, or in the hammock. Do you have your summer reading list ready?
I’ve admitted before that I’m a sucker for a good cover design. Ones that make you swoon…feel something! All kinds of covers catch my eye, but lately I’m really loving the trend of colorful illustrated covers used for contemporary romances. Those have been popular in the romantic comedy genre for a while, but it’s fun to see some crossover into even CCR.
If you’re still looking for some summer releases to add to your list, here are some fun covers have caught my attention! (Each story sounds wonderful, too!!)
The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley by Courtney Walsh – Releases June 13
Love Somebody Like You by Carolyn Miller – Releases June 20
The Pocket Pair by Emma St. Clair – Releases June 9
Wedding at Sea by Melissa Tagg – Releases June 29
One Southern Summer by Heidi McCahan – Releases June 27
With Every Memory by Janine Rosche – Releases June 6
I Never Forgot You (novella) by Cara Joy – Available Now!
Indigo Isle by T.I. Lowe – Releases June 6
Which covers strike the most interest in you? What other books are you excited to read this summer?
If I’m going strictly by covers, Carolyn Miller’s book, Melissa Tagg’s book, Heidi McCahan’s, and Cara Joy’s. However, I don’t pick certain books to read at certain times of the year, I read anything and everything all year!! Most of the books I read are ARC’s and, of course, the ones I edit/proofread! So, if I get a chance to read something from my TBR stack, there’s no telling what it might be! I am reading one now that’s a romantic suspense, though.
I love this point that books are good year ‘round! Thanks, Trudy.
I love all these covers! The cover is the first thing I look at when I am looking for a book, I then look at the title and then the excerpt on the back.
Hi, Alicia! I think we all judge a book by its cover to some extent. It’s why they’re so important.
Covers aren’t something I pay much attention to – I read the back cover for the blurb. The Indigo Isles cover attracted my attention, it seems quite different for the genre. It’s winter here and I don’t have a special list. Thanks for the suggestions.
You make a great point that I should have pointed out that it’s summer here in the US, and not for everyone! Sorry for that. But I agree that cover for Indigo Isles is great!
It’s interesting to focus on covers, the ones you have shown all look great, but I have to say it’s not something that makes much difference to me – the first thing I go by is the book’s description or back cover blurb, then I see if I know the author or if the title grabs me.
If the ones listed, the Indigo Isle grabs my attention the most as it’s different and stands out
The covers that grabbed my attention are Love Somebody Like You, One Southern Summer, and With Every Memory. The covers are beautiful and the titles sound interesting.
My TBR list is so long that I will have no problem finding my next read. Actually, the problem will be “which book do I choose to read nexr!?”
Hope you have a good week.
I adore Melissa Tagg’s newest series covers and every single Trinity Lakes cover is gorgeous. I also really love Becky Wade’s previous series’ covers (Stay With Me etc) I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I love the flowing cursive font, as long as it’s large enough and spaced out enough to read.
Carolyn Miller’s and Melissa Tagg’s books catch my eye. I am in a season of reading book club picks and ARC’s for writers. I am sure how many books I will be able to grab other than those. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
bold colors, all of them
I think most readers can relate to that!
It is beautiful!
Oh, Becky’s covers are great!
Thanks so much! You, too.
Bold colors do catch the eye!
I think you don’t need to point out that it’s the US. So nothing to be sorry for :)