Ah, summer. As a kid, one of my favorite things about summer was the endless hours of reading time it brought. In my bed, on the couch, outside under the tree . . . it didn’t matter where. As long as I had a book in my hands, I was happy.
This summer, I’ve been watching my kids enjoy those endless days of reading—and I confess I’ve felt a little stab of jealousy. Because somewhere between caring for four kids, making meals, and writing my books, my summer reading time has gotten squeezed a bit over the years. Don’t get me wrong—I love all the other things I get to spend my time doing now. But I sure wouldn’t mind an entire day with nothing else to do but read.
I do manage to squeeze in some reading time every day, though (what’s a day without reading!). And it got me wondering about YOUR reading habits. I thought it’d be fun to have a little survey to see where everyone falls with their summer (and year-round) reading habits. Feel free to mark more than one answer for each question. I’ll include my answer for each question too, just to keep things fair.
My answer: I usually read in the quiet time right before bed.
My answer: Sadly, I usually only find half an hour to an hour to read before I go to sleep.
My answer: Although I usually read in bed, I also adore reading outside whenever I get the chance. Usually on the deck, overlooking the garden.
My answer: I have always been a one-book-at-a-time person, although I will read one fiction and one nonfiction book at time (maybe more nonfiction books, if one is a devotion book and one is a writing book, for example).
My answer: I don’t know that the time of year really impacts how much time I spend reading, at least not the way it did when I was a kid.
My answer: Although I have bookshelves full of physical books, these days I read mostly ebooks.
Giveaway time: What do you think? Were you surprised by any of the answers? Want to add anything to any of them (I realize that multiple choice doesn’t allow for those “in between” answers)? I’d also love to know what you’re reading right now. I’ll gift one random person who comments by June 17 their choice of one of my single-title ebooks.
I’ve just started Jennifer Harrington’s Let’s Talk About Menopause and am just about to start Up on Horseshoe Hill by Penelope Janu an author new to me. Once we are out and about again probably the place I read most will be on the train.
Hi Valerie! Fun poll to see readers reading habits. As a retired high school English teacher, I enjoyed watching my students reading habits on silent sustained reading days. Now I watch my grandkids reading habits. The grandsons ages 14 & 12 aren’t as keen on reading as my granddaughters ages 6 & 3. As a child, I enjoyed reading every afternoon outdoors. Morning was for chores, but since my dad worked nights and took an afternoon nap before my mom came home from work – afternoons was quiet time, perfect for reading. As a young mom and pastor’s wife with little time for reading with two rambunctious young sons, once a month I had a reading day. Boys breakfast was on the table, their lunch in the refrigerator and they knew NOT to DISTURB mom unless they were bleeding or dying. MOM read from morning to night until she finished the book. Always like to read only one book at a time and a book cover to cover if possible in one sitting. My grown boys – now tell their kids how I loved to read. Still love to read an intriguing, can’t put it down book cover to cover in one sitting, but at 70 my eyes give out after 4 hours. Best wishes and enjoy your summer reading.
Poll was fun, not reading anything right this moment.
That was a fun survey! I am reading an arc right now
The poll was fun! I am currently reading The Gilded Lady by Elizabeth Camden, but I also just purchased Meet the Moms by Laurie Larsen which I found out about on this blog. :)
I just finished my first book by you, Not until Christmas morning. And it was wonderful! You are now on my must read list! I am reading Tried & True by Mary Connealy. I never read her before either. It’s a really cute, fun western!
Hi Valerie, I enjoyed the poll! I am reading In This Moment by Karen Kingsbury.
Good morning friend! I just finished Alexa Verde’s Season of Joy & when I finish the review I will be starting Season of Hope. I have a hard time picking which book to read next with all I have waiting to choose from!
I enjoy seeing everyone’s answers to how and when they read the most! As a kid I loved to read outside. Strange as it sounds I used to read a lot in the cemetery a couple of blocks from home. It is a quiet, beautiful place. I would pick one of the smooth tree trunks, sit on the ground, lean back and get lost in a story!
Now that I have gotten used to reading ebooks I do most of my reading inside but do always have a book with me when I go out. I read in waiting rooms at doctors or other appointments. Before my daughter moved out of state I used to make her laugh with the places I read while driving her around. The spot that made her look at me and say, Seriously Mom?? was when I was stuck in a long line of cars for her to pick up fast food (it wasn’t fast that day!) and read while waiting. By the time we were pulling out I said, See? I read an entire chapter….why waste that much time?
You don’t need to put me in for the giveaway, you know I have all of your awesome books!
This was a fun poll! I wasn’t too surprised at the results, so far. Right now I’m proofreading a book. When I finish it, I’ll be proofing another! I have another coming soon, too, and then I’ll go back to some ARC’s. As a child, I used to take a book and a radio and sit in the shade to read. Now, I prefer being in the A/C!!
I love finding new-to-me authors! You can tell I live where there isn’t a lot of mass transit—reading during the commute didn’t even occur to me. Thanks for pointing that reading spot out!
Hi Renate! I’m sure it was fascinating to see kids’ different reading habits as a teacher. This summer, especially, my kids seem to be reading even more than usual (not a lot else to do!), and I’m so happy about that. I love your idea of a once-a-month reading day all to yourself—I bet those days were so lovely and refreshing. I always love when a reader says they read a book cover to cover in one sitting—you know they really loved it then!
I’m glad you enjoyed the poll, Kim! :)
Hi Paula Marie! I’m glad you enjoyed the survey. :) It’s so fun to see the results! ARCs are always especially fun—getting an early peek!
Glad you enjoyed the poll! I’m having fun with it too. :) Yay for finding new books to read on this blog!
Aw, thank you so much, Sherry! I’m so glad you enjoyed Not Until Christmas Morning! I’ll have to check out Mary Connealy’s book. I always enjoy finding new-to-me authors too. :)
Love to read good clean books. Thankfully they seem to be easier to find these days and appreciate all those authors who write good clean romance!
Hi Jan! I’m glad you enjoyed the poll—it’s so fun to see everyone’s reading habits. :) And Karen Kingsbury is always a good read!
Hi Deb! Alexa’s books are always a treat! And I know what you mean about having a hard time choosing which book to read next—I have that debate with myself every time I finish a book.
I can understand reading in the cemetery—it’s quiet and peaceful. Now the drive-thru of a fast food place—that I can’t say I’ve tried, lol! But I agree, why spend the wait doing nothing when you could be reading. :)
I agree—the results aren’t too surprising, but they’re fun! Sounds like you’ll be busy with proofreading and ARCs for a while—definitely won’t run out of books that way! A/C is definitely a blessing to read in comfort on those hot summer days. :)
That’s so true, Brenda! I am so grateful there are so many authors writing clean romance. There’s definitely no shortage of great books to read these days!
The question about time of year surprised me. It was winter or all the time. The rest of the choices are at zero. Thanks for the polls. They were fun!
I was not surprised by my answers. One of the things you should is what are your book cover preferences and color.
I am reading a book by Cheri Swalwell. It is so good. It touches on some tough issues we are facing now. Toni Shiloh is one of my favorite authors. She has a new series out that you need to check it out.
I voted the answer that applies to me most often, but most of my answers depend on whether it’s the weekend or a weekday.
1. Lately, my reading has been mostly on the weekends, so I read in the afternoon and evening on Saturday and in the afternoon on Sunday after our Sunday dinner at my in-laws. I always take books to any appointments. But I haven’t gone to many appointments lately. I rarely take a book to church, but I haven’t been to church in months. I also love to read in the bath, right before bed, even on weekdays.
2. The number of hours depends on if it’s a weekend or weekday. Weekdays I only squeeze in a half-hour or so during a bath or maybe an hour if I can’t put a story down while my husband is working late. Weekends I usually read for a couple of hours at a time. So it averages out to about 3-5 hours a week, most of those on the weekend.
3. I can read anywhere, but my favorite spot is either in the bathtub (uninterrupted time) or on my bed for comfort right before sleep. I used to love to read outside, but I can’t read ebooks in the sunshine, and my poor old body can’t lay on a blanket on the ground anymore, either. I don’t have a comfortable deck chair or hammock, so I just prefer inside.
4. I usually have 2 nonfiction books going at the same time (at least) + 1 fiction on my ereader and 1 paperback. But they do have to be different authors. Sometimes I can get away with the same genre if they’re not too similar. Recently I’ve been trying to focus on just one fiction at a time, though.
5. As a kid, it didn’t matter the season, but now I’m busier with family activities in the summer and fall, so I usually find more hours to cuddle up with a book in the winter.
6. I can’t listen to audiobooks because of my hearing loss (I need to focus only on listening, and I can read faster than I can listen to someone else talk). I much prefer print books. However, I’ve been reading more and more ebooks because of price and KU. I’m trying to read all the books I’ve borrowed through KU (and really trying not to borrow any more, but it’s hard!) so that I can quit my subscription. I just don’t read enough to make $10.66 a month worth it, at least if I want to read any of my print books in there, too. I do love to help out fellow authors by reading ARC copies, which are always in digital format.
I also have read in the drivethru line. :) Not usually when I’m driving, but there have been a few times when it’s been too long not to do anything.
I was not surprised by the poll. I am reading a Judith Keim’s A Summer of Surprises.
Yes, although I guess there are usually fewer other things to do in winter, so maybe that’s part of it? I’m having fun seeing the results too. :)
Oh, that’s a good question about book cover preferences–next time! I love Toni’s books too, and I’ve been eagerly looking forward to reading her new series. :)
Hi Lila! That’s a good point–reading habits can vary by time of the week/weekend too. And in the bath–not sure how I missed putting that on the poll since I think the tub is a perfect place for a book too. :) A hammock is high on my wish list for places to read–maybe someday!
I like the idea of audiobooks, because theoretically I could listen to them and do something else at the same time, but every time I’ve tried to listen to one, I’ve found my mind wandering, so I guess they’re just not for me. There’s something about seeing the words on the page that I just prefer.
I’m having fun seeing the results of the poll–not too surprising, but I always love to know how/when/where other people read. :) Hope you enjoy your book!
Thank you so much, I enjoyed this poll. I am not entering, the giveaway because I don’t read ebooks at all, Thank you anyways. Have a Great weekend and stay safe. God Bless you and your family.
I’m glad you enjoyed the poll. :) Have a great weekend, and God’s blessing to you as well!
Ah yes, the lazy hazy days of summer as a kid! I think I played outside most days with my friends and no schedule :-) Now as an adult, not so much…lol! Though my only hobby is reading.
However, my husband and I are currently legal guardians of our six year old grand-girl so my reading time is much more limited. Then this pandemic hit and schools were closed, so my reading time was almost non-existent in the midst of school worksheets & keeping her Kindergarten skills honed. Plus, I think I lost the enjoyment of reading with all the stress. I had found myself not enjoying it as much. The good news is I’m finding that changing once again and I’ve been falling in love with it. It helps that things are opening up more & am able to feel a little more “normal” these days. I’m currently devouring books like I used to and it feels really good. My current read is an early copy of Elizabeth Goddard’s upcoming release “Don’t Keep Silent”, the third in the Uncommon Justice series (romantic suspense). It comes out June 30th and I’m helping to launch it into the world :-)
Books are a great escape from the real world!
Hi. I guess my answers were pretty “normal”. :D. For years I only read 1 book at a time but lately (last 5 yrs or so) I have been reading several books at a time, if necessary. If the book is moving slowly but I don’t want to give up on it yet, or it’s really scary & I require “breaks away” so I don’t get nightmares (I only read “light” books before bedtime), or if it is exceedingly long and I am getting bored – any of these reasons might cause me to begin one or 2 more books, looking for something faster paced, lighter, or different genre to keep me going. I didn’t read as many different authors/genres before but I always want to give everyone a reasonable chance – and complete the book.
Oh yes, taking care of a kiddo (and especially wrangling all the schoolwork with schools closed) definitely cuts into reading time. I’m glad you’re finding more time to read again now. Books are such a great way to escape for a while!
Hi Penelope! That’s a good point about sometimes needing a break from a book that’s too intense, especially before bed. Good idea to mix it up to keep yourself interested too!
I have more time to read in the summer. It’s something I’ve loved to do since I was a child. I read on both an ereader and paper books though I prefer actual books. The book I’m currently reading is The Painted Castle by Kristy Cambron.
I liked the poll, seeing how my answers fit in with everyone else’s. I’m reading The Cottage at Glass Beach by Heather Barbieri right now, will finish soon. Next up is Saved and Single by Sheila Copeland. Have a great weekend!
I’m reading Dead Silence by a Robin Caroll
I’m reading Carolina Breeze by Denise Hunter. Its really good and makes you want to take a vacation near a lake.
I love that the love of reading is something we can carry with us from childhood through our whole lives. :) The Painted Castle looks like an interesting read!
Glad you liked the poll! I’m having fun seeing everyone’s answers too. And I love that you already know what you’ll be reading next–I usually find myself scrolling through my Kindle, trying to figure out which of the many books I want to read should be next in line. :)
Looks interesting! Thanks for your reply!
Oh, I could go for a vacation near a lake right now! :) I haven’t ready Carolina Breeze yet, but I always love a Denise Hunter book.
I am reading an ARC called Satan’s Angel by Candace Camp.
answers look about right.
Awesome! Authors definitely appreciate their ARC readers. :)
I agree! Thanks for checking out the poll. :)
I was constantly waiting for her so always had a book with me. When I looked at the line that day I knew we were going to be there for the duration so decided to read between little creeps forward! It ended up being a wise choice! :-) I have to admit that her reaction was worth it too!
She used to drive me nuts as I was constantly tied up driving her everywhere. To look back now I wouldn’t mind doing that again for a while. She’s been living over a thousand miles away for around 10 years & has 2 grandbabies I only know through the beauty of video chat. It would be fun to be able to do right now!
You know, sometimes I get exasperated with all the places I need to drive my kids (or did before the lockdowns, anyway!), but I am trying to treasure these moments, because I’m sure that someday I’ll miss all that time together. I can’t even imagine being a thousand miles apart. What a blessing to have video chat!
I mostly read ebooks on my computer or sometimes my tablet. I have a Kindle Paperwhite which would be fine outdoors but the page size is too small and I’m a mosquito magnet. I read only one book at a time and I will read until I’m exhausted or done. :) I’ve been working my way through some box sets lately. Today’s read was from Elizabeth Maddrey’s Baxter Family Bakery Series. No need to include me in the drawing. I’ve got ’em all.
surprised people don’t read more in Spring although I guess that’s when some want to get out after winter. I am not currently reading.
Oh mosquitoes—the bane of reading outside, lol! Box sets are so great—they let you get totally immersed in a world and stay there for a good, long time. :)
Good point! That’s probably true.
The Last Bathing Beauty by Amy Sue Nathan. Loving it!
That’s the best feeling, when you find a book you love!
I enjoyed checking everyone’s answers. I haven’t been able to read a single book during the pandemic, but that’s because of my workload. I watched my first movie last week, so things might be changing… who knows ;)
The answers have been so fun to see! I’m glad you had a chance to finally unwind with a movie last week–hopefully things will slow down enough to give you time to read again soon.
What a fun little poll. Most of the time I read ebooks on my 1 hour ferry commute home. But on the weekends I try to read all afternoon on Sundays, I can usually get through a whole paperback. I do a lot of reading over our summer holidays as it also falls over Christmas I usually get through at least I book a day so stock pile my paperbacks for Christmas :).
Reading on your ferry ride sounds like a lovely way to pass the time! And I love that you set aside Sunday afternoons and summer holidays for reading too. It must be fun to watch that TBR pile go down over the holidays! :)
I like to read both nonfiction (especially history and science) and fiction. I will usually have one of each going. I just finished reading a fascinating book on the history of rabies.
If I win, please donate the book to the women’s jail or prison of your choice. I think inspirational romance novels are so uplifting and can be just what a fellow sister who happens to be incarcerated might need. Any women’s prison or jail will do. Thank you
The poll didn’t surprise me since my answers were the same as the most popular answers. Was fun to see that I am not an add one out.
I usually read hardbacks and ebooks at the same time. Although I have sooo many books I own I haven’t read, I love going to the library for current books—like looking at the books, holding them, etc, but like the ereader for the ease of travel and also it shuts itself off when I fall asleep. With the COVID issues, however, I am reading my ebooks.
The current book I am reading is Courting Mr. Emerson by Melody Carlson. a devotional book, Live Hopefully, and A Daybook of Prayer…..along with a few others tossed in every now and then.
Loved the survey! As a child I would have woke up during the night in the summer holidays and read then!!! Within a couple of days of visiting the library, I would’ve been asking Mum when we could go back to get more!!!
At the moment I’m reading two books…one is an ebook No Secrets or Lies by Rachel Branton (love the whole foster care aspect and the healing each girl comes through…highly recommended series!) and a physical book called Joshua’s Mission by Vannetta Chapman…only started it this evening (to have gadget free time!). I love Dianne’s suggestion….what a great idea 🌟
Hi Dianne! One of my kids’ favorite books was actually about rabies and how Louis Pasteur created a vaccine (they loved that the book referred to rabies as the invisible enemy). :) Thanks for entering! I’ll remember that you want the book donated if you win!
Hi Ann! It’s always good to know you’re not the odd one out, lol! I love the library too. That’s been one of the strangest things this summer—usually we’d be going there at least once a week and the kids would come home with stacks of books. I’m grateful we can still put books on hold and pick them up.
Love that—waking up during the night to read! (Though as a parent now, I’m suddenly wondering if I need to be checking that my kids aren’t doing that, lol). We are definitely missing going to the library this summer—at least we can still pick up books, but it’s not quite the same as browsing the shelves. Thanks for the recommendations—I’ll have to check those out!
Fun poll! I’m unemployed at the moment, so I’m reading more than I would otherwise (one of the few benefits of unemployment). Right now I’m reading “Moses And The Dragonborn” by Dianne Astle (Christian fantasy) and “The Souls Of Black Folk” by W.E.B. DuBois.
Enjoyed the survey. I’m sad that I fall asleep now when I’m trying to read in bed at night and like you that adult responsibilities keep me from reading as much as I would like to). I still like the physical books and have enough in my TBR piles that I haven’t missed the library too much during quarantine (except feel sorry for the library workers – maybe they get to read more now as well). I read just about anything, but I have never been able to enjoy science fiction or horror as much as my children do.
Enjoyed the poll. Am currently reading Strike the Mark by James Goll.
During this pandemic, I have been going through books that have been on my bookshelves for some time and I have been enjoying books that I have in the past, pushed aside. Now I’m wondering why I pushed them aside. I am reading Susan Mallery, The Friends We Keep, Andrew M. Greeley, Happy are the Peacemakers, Frank B. Gilbreth Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey, Cheaper by the Dozen and Benjamin Watson, Under Our Skin. This last book is one that I ordered in the last two weeks so that I can better understand the issues in our country. My dad had several books by Andrew M. Greeley and I have never read him. The Susan Mallery book I had started once and set aside. The Gilbreth book I had bought at a used book sale last year. I always have a non-fiction book going (my current one is a history of the United States), a large fiction book, a mystery and a romance/women’s fiction book going. I normally love paperbacks but do also like reading on my Kindle.
I’m currently reading Jaycee Weaver’s new release. It’s great!
Hi Julie! Glad you enjoyed the poll. :) Prayers that your unemployment won’t last long. I’m glad you’re finding the silver lining by reading more than usual!
True–there are times I find my eyes closing when I try to read in bed too. :) And other times that I stay up way too late reading, lol. Good point about the library workers–I hope they do get to read more now too!
Thanks for sharing, Donnamarie! Glad you enjoyed the poll. :)
Oh wow! Sounds like you are busy reading away! I’m not sure I’ve ever juggled reading that many books at once. :) But I like how you are reading all those different genres at the same time. And what a great idea to use the pandemic as a reason to pull out some of those old books that kept getting pushed aside before.
Oh yay! I haven’t had a chance to read Jaycee’s latest yet, but it looks so good! I’ll have to move it to the top of my TBR. :)