Today is the third Sunday of Advent! We light the third candle, the candle of LOVE. John 3:16 tells us that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have have eternal life. Love is the heart of Christmas!
In comments, let me know what your favorite Christmas carol is. Mine is One Small Child. If you’re not familiar with it, look it up!
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Last Week on Inspy Romance
On Monday, Janet Ferguson took us fan-girling with Lisa Wingate!
On Tuesday, Alexa Verde invited us to fun, family, and a lot of turkey… and giveaway (closed)
On Wednesday, Deb Kastner helped to get us into the Christmas spirit!
On Thursday, Carol Moncado shared her excitement about royal weddings! and Christmas movies!… and giveaway!
On Friday, Sally Bradley talked about the winter in fiction.
On Saturday, Jackie Castle offered something to sweeten your holidays… and giveaway!
Next Week on Inspy Romance
Monday: Lee Tobin McClain: The End of a Series (Giveaway Warning!)
Tuesday: Jolene Navarro
Wednesday: Narelle Atkins: Book Recommendation – Christmas at Gate 18 by Amy Matayo
Thursday: Elizabeth Maddrey: The Very Best Gifts for Authors (plus a #giveaway)
Friday: Julie Arduini: A Christmas Surprise by Kimberly Rose Johnson + #Giveaway
Saturday: Ginger Solomon: Love is… Finale + Giveaway
New Releases
December 2017
Texas Christmas Twins by Deb Kastner
Tropical Kiss and Tell by Liwen Y. Ho
Snowflakes & Snuggles: Six Heartwarming Christmas Romances by Marion Ueckerman, Cecelia Dowdy, Autumn Macarthur, and 3 others
January 2018
Finding Grace (Love’s Compass 6) by Melanie D Sniker
Marrying Mandy (Brides of Clearwater 1) by Melanie D. Snitker
A Heart Restored (Peacock Hill Romance 1) by Elizabeth Maddrey
The Inadvertent Princess (Crowns & Courtships 3) by Carol Moncado
A Recipe for Romance (Homegrown Love 2) (Arcadia Valley Romance 13) by Annalisa Daughety
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ausjenny says
My favourite carol changes. I still love O Holy NIght, but I love the Casting Crowns version of I heard the Bells on Christmas day. I also love “It’s all about the Cross” by the Ball Brothers.
Wemble says
Hi Valerie, hope you have had a great weekend. School has finished for the year, now to catch up on cleaning up around the house and playing loads of games with the boys:)
One Small Child is new to me, will go and listen to it. I am loving for King and Country’s Christmas album, especially the song Glorious. A lasting favourite is Carol of the Birds, an Aussie take on a Christmas carol.
Laura says
It’s hard to choose just one… I really like “Leise rieselt der Schnee“ (don’t know the name in English, would be something like the snow is falling slowly) which is kind of fun because we don’t have snow where I live.
Also some of other favorites are O Holy Night and While you were sleeping.
Renate says
Hi Laura! I am German, was born in Berlin, and have a degree as a German teacher. In SW Michigan the snow has been quietly (lease) falling, therefore I have been singing “Leise rieselt der Schnee,” a German carol without an English translation. Where did you learn this German carol. First verse roughly translated: Quietly falls the snow. Still and stark lies the sea. Christmas glistens the woods. Be joyful Christmas is coming soon.” A fitting song for the third Advent.
Renate says
Hi Valerie! Thanks for the Advent posts, my favorite part of the Christmas season. This year one of my favorite carols is “Mary Did You Know” as sung by Pentatonix. My all time favorite carol is “Stille Nacht” or “Silent Night.” A carol with a rich history. The carol written by a determined priest to have Christmas Eve music. A carol translated in to many language. I have heard it sung in about 20 different languages on Christmas Eve. A carol that offered hope in 1914, during WW1 (the movie Joyeux Noel chronicles this story). Merry Christmas.
Paula Dye says
My favorite classic is O Holy Night, and the newer song I like is Mary Did You Know!
Elizabeth Maddrey says
I love Still, Still, Still (which I only really know in German, but I do know what I’m singing ;) ) -its one my grandmother taught me (she grew up speaking German in her home). I also love I Wonder as I Wander and Break Forth O Beautiful Heavenly Light. None of which ever get much play at church but that’s why I own a hymnal of my own :)
Kimberly Rose Johnson says
I don’t have a favorite, but as I was reading this I was humming “I’ll be Home for Christmas.” There are few Christmas songs I don’t like. It really depends on my mood. Merry Christmas, Valerie!
Margaret Nelson says
I’ve got lots of favorites! What Child is This, Mary Did You Know, We 3 Kings, etc., etc.
Sherri G says
O Holy Night and What Child is This are two of my favorites.
Valerie Comer says
I hadn’t heard that one before. Just enjoyed it :)
Valerie Comer says
“Glorious” was new to me!
And I enjoyed Carol of the Birds, too! Not sure if this is an approved version. ;)
Valerie Comer says
I don’t remember the words from my childhood, but the music is very familiar. Enjoyed this version this afternoon!
Valerie Comer says
I grew up in a Mennonite home, where Low German was spoken but High German was read and sung. Stille Nacht is one of the few carols I remember singing in German as a child.
Valerie Comer says
O Holy Night is SO majestic! It is definitely one of my favorites, too.
Valerie Comer says
I checked out this version of Still, Still, Still. Pretty sure I haven’t heard it before!
This is the version of Break Forth I found. Lovely!
Valerie Comer says
It depends on my mood, too, but One Small Child is always a favorite of mine! Merry Christmas to you, too. :)
Valerie Comer says
I love all those as well!
Valerie Comer says
Oh, yes! Mine, too.
Nancy Luebke says
My favorite is “Mary, did you know?” written by Mark Lowery. Touches my heart every time I hear it or sing it.
Laura says
Hi Renate! My grandparents sang at a “German choir” and they sang this song there. We took a copy of all their songs and still song it at home in the advent. We also have a LP with German Christmas Carols which I still listen to!
It’s quite funny because there’s no snow here in Brazil and we are almost melting here in summer, yet I insist on singing this song as it is my favorite. A couple of years ago we spent Christmas in the US and it begun snowing on Christmas Eve and I was finally able to sing the song when there was snow! I had a blast!
We have a translation for this song to portuguese, but the lyrics are not as meaningful as in German.
Jessica B. says
My favorites are We Three Kings (I don’t know that I’ve come across a version that I really didn’t care for) and O Holy Night, which is so majestic.
lelandandbecky says
I have many favorite carols, but an old one I really like is O Come, O Come Emmanuel. We were on the road during most of this week, so I missed all of these posts. It’s good to be home for Christmas!