Happy New Year!
There was a time not so long ago when my hubby and I (and even the kids) would hang out with friends and stay up for New Year’s Eve, usually ending with watching the ball drop in New York City. Over the last handful of years, however, that has slipped away and we’ve found ourselves more likely to have the kids snuggled in their beds at their usual time while we spend the time between bedtime and midnight cuddling in front of a movie. And that was how this most recent New Year’s Eve celebration panned out as well. In fact, our movie was over at 11:30, so I was tucked under a big blanket reading when the neighbors’ fireworks started (and then woke up the kids, so that was fun. Or not.) I have to say, it was basically a perfect celebration in my mind.
How did you spend your New Year’s Eve? However you did it, I hope you were with the ones you love!
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Last Week on Inspy Romance
On Monday, we were closed for New Year’s Day.
On Tuesday, Krista Phillips helped us Welcome 2018
On Wednesday, Annalisa Daughety talked about changes for a Happy New Year
On Thursday, Elizabeth Maddrey asked about prizes you might like for the upcoming birthday giveaway.
On Friday, Jolene Navarro took us on the road to 50.
On Saturday, Valerie Comer asked if you like to talk books.
Next Week on Inspy Romance
Monday: Melanie Snitker
Tuesday: Jackie Castle
Wednesday: Lindi Peterson
Thursday: Narelle Atkins
Friday: Brenda S. Anderson
Saturday: Liwen Ho
New Releases
December 2017
Texas Christmas Twins by Deb Kastner
Tropical Kiss and Tell by Liwen Y. Ho
Snowflakes & Snuggles: Six Heartwarming Christmas Romances by Marion Ueckerman, Cecelia Dowdy, Autumn Macarthur, and 3 others
January 2018
Finding Grace (Love’s Compass 6) by Melanie D Sniker
Marrying Mandy (Brides of Clearwater 1) by Melanie D. Snitker
A Heart Restored (Peacock Hill Romance 1) by Elizabeth Maddrey
The Inadvertent Princess (Crowns & Courtships 3) by Carol Moncado
A Recipe for Romance (Homegrown Love 2) (Arcadia Valley Romance 13) by Annalisa Daughety
A complete list of Inspy Romance books by our authors is always available on our BOOKS tab. Find our audiobooks and our permanently free e-books, as well as new releases, on our NEWStab.
Hi Elizabeth, sounds like my kind of New Years celebration- minus the kids being woken!! We had a lovely day out on the water boating with family- perfect! Fireworks are illegal in most parts of Australia, so unless there is an official town show (or the occasional illegal firework, depending on whereabouts one is!) it is pretty quiet.
My hubby, sons and I were home relaxing. I was up until around 3 calming our husky/Shepard since the fireworks scare him so much. It was close to perfect. Glad yours was about perfect too.
Hi Elizabeth and Happy New Year. Thanks for hosting January’s Sundays. Hubby and I spent a quiet New Year’s Eve grazing on fruit, cheese, and crackers. Our neighborhood was quiet.
On December 21, Elizabeth Maddrey posted on Inspy Romance: “The Very Best Gifts for Authors.
” #2. Nominate your favorite books and authors for reader-nominated awards. NOW is the TIME to do so at GRACE AWARDS (graceawardsdotorg.wordpress.com). Reader voting is open until March 17, 2018. If you enjoy reading the delightful and inspiring Arcadia Romance Valley series, then please nominate Elizabeth Maddrey’s Muffins & Moonbeams: Baxter Family Bakery. Her story addresses the foodie culture, gaming, and deafness. Not to many romances have a hero with such a handicap or address the issue of shy people feeling more comfortable playing games on line. I identified with this story because my son and grandson love to play games on line.
Blessings to all in 2018.
Since we’re hovering at 5 degrees (F) right now, being somewhere that out in the water is possible sounds lovely! :)
I would be completely okay with fireworks being illegal all over. I don’t mind so much on the 4th of July because it’s kind of what you expect. But New Year? Why does that need fireworks?
Aww, poor doggie. When we had puppers, that was always hard on them, too.
We had a quiet New Year’s Eve. I was reading in bed next to my sleeping husband. We lead an exciting life!!
Oh thanks for mentioning the Grace Awards, Renate! (And my book :) )
That sounds like a lovely way to spend new year’s!
That actually sounds about perfect! :)
We spent the evening watching a movie. We watched the ball drop in New York and then started our showers. We got in bed as the neighbors’ fireworks went off. Our area was pretty quiet this year compared to others. We only heard a couple of guns being fired.
Thankfully we did not hear any gunfire, that freaks out my eldest. My parents said that’s all they heard (no fireworks).
Sounds like a good evening!
We usually stay in and watch a movie and go to bed before midnight, however this year we made plans to play games with two other couples for the evening and it was a nice change of pace. We were still in bed before midnight though. :)
Fun! What games did you play? (We are a board game family, so I’m always looking for fun recommendations.)
Early to bed early to rise…
I always figure the best way to start a new year is with a good nights sleep!
Since no teenagers were around who wanted to stay up until midnight, we said we were going to bed early so it wouldn’t be so hard to get up in the morning to watch the Rose Parade on TV. However, we were both reading books and ended up staying up until nearly midnight anyway :-)
You mentioned games above – a new one we got recently is called WordSpiel, made by Set Enterprises. They also make Quiddler, which is one of our favorites. Another fun one we’ve had a couple years is Qwerkle.
Elizabeth’s Muffins and Moonbeams was definitely one of my favorite reads in 2017, too!
Indeed! :)
Oh fun! Thanks – I love qwerkle. I’ll have to go look those up!
Thanks, Valerie! :)
Our daughter, hubby and 3 kids were here for a few days, so we went to bed 10 ish. Had trouble sleeping so we heard a few loud noises around midnight but three of us were up at 5:30! Then our son and family came over for pizza at noon. And Son #3 surprised us when he showed up at about 10:30 a.m.! Three out of the four was really nice. Houseful of 5 grandkids!
Everyone was out the door by Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.
Aww, sounds lovely!
I think we got home from playing games at my parents around 10pm and spent the rest of the evening on the couch. I had to wake my husband up to see the ball drop!
Happy New Years. As the kids got older our time up would get longer. And they always knew that they could go to bed earlier if they wanted to. We would go to Blockbuster and each of us would pick up one movie we really wanted to see. We would get snacks. So that night was full of movies, games and snacks. One New Years Day we would sit and write out some goals we wanted to achieve in the new year. Weather it be better grades, being kind to each other, etc. Now we are empty nesters and this last New Years Eve we were both in bed by 10:30 and that was ok with us.
Haha. It’s the opposite here – hubby nearly had to wake me. He’s an inveterate night owl.
I love those memories! The family goal setting is a great idea that I may have to steal :)
We played Phase 10 and a game on a friend’s iPhone app. If you haven’t tried Farkle yet, I recommend that game as well. Everyone in our family seems to enjoy it from my elementary school aged nieces and nephews to my 70 year old mother-in-law!
We went to my daughters house which is very close now. We watched the ball drop for EST and then stayed until midnight CST. It was a blessing to be near family . We then drove the 4 minutes home. We had a fun evening rearranging her daughters bedroom furniture.
I read a book. My kids tried to stay up until the ball drop at Times Square but didn’t make it past 10pm. My husband was exhausted from working. We had a quiet night.
What has become my family’s tradition over the last few years is to watch a movie, have chocolate fondue, and then watch the ball drop.