Have you ever wanted to go skydiving? (Or maybe you’ve been?)
I will admit that it has never been anything that was on my radar as something that I should do. My husband was in the Army for a bit when we were first married, and he did Airborne school. He’s quick to tell me that jumping out of an airplane for the Army is nothing like skydiving.
Even so, having seen his graduation jumps, any minor, fleeting interest I might have had to fling myself at the ground really fast went away.
So it was with a bit of trepidation that I found myself, along with my family and a group of Boy Scouts (the troop leader is friends of ours, they needed additional people to make the group rate, and thus the invite) dressed in a jumpsuit listening to instructions for my upcoming stint at indoor skydiving.
Indoor skydiving is, thankfully, quite a bit less dangerous than actual skydiving. Basically, if you’ve ever leaned into a really strong wind and wished you could float on it, you’re set for indoor skydiving. As this was a semi-constant wish of mine as a child (I mostly blame Mary Poppins), it was a lot less scary than it could have been. Sadly, the cameras in the wind tunnel didn’t manage to take pictures of me or my husband (they did get the kids, but I don’t tend to share such things online), and so you’ll have to be content with the following photo as proof.
I cropped out the rest of the family.
I will say, I had an absolute ball (we all did, even my non-daredevil older child), and we’re planning to go back again as a family for longer time in the wind tunnel.
And for those of you who are wondering about my temperature blanket, stay tuned for next week’s Sunday edition.
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If you’re a winner, you should have received an email from the author in charge of the giveaway. If not, please email us at: prizes at inspyromance dot com.
Alexa Verde’s winner is Candi F!
Autumn Macarthur’s winner is Jeanna Massman!
Lindi Peterson’s winner is Mary Preston!
Shannon Vannatter’s winner is Katie07edgar!
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Specials this Week
An Informal Introduction by Heather Gray is 99 cents through the 21st!
Reader Gathering
Did you know InspyRomance hosts a Christian Romance Reader Gathering group on Facebook? Join us… but don’t forget to answer the questions for admittance!
The Back-to-School Giveaway is Coming Soon!
If you’ve been hanging around here at InspyRomance for long, you probably know about (and hopefully look forward to!) our two big giveaways each year. The second of those for 2018, our Back-to-School giveaway, will kick off mid-August. Because we know we have several international commenters and we like to share the wealth of paperbacks as much as we can, there will again be a special paperback prize package just for international readers. This year, however, rather than asking you to tell us in a comment (and then hoping we see it and update our spreadsheet), we’ve created this little form. If you’re an international reader (meaning you don’t live in the United States, just to be 100% clear on that definition from our perspective ;) ), please take two minutes and fill out this form. That way we know who to enter in our international giveaway!
Last Week on Inspy Romance
On Monday, Carol Moncado talked about Love for the Ages.
On Tuesday, Annalisa Daughety told us about how she stopped to smell the roses.
On Wednesday, Deb Kastner discussed pedaling backwards.
On Thursday, Valerie Comer asked what Flavors of Forever meant.
On Friday, Lindi Peterson talked about the crazy ways authors get ideas.
On Saturday, Lee Tobin McClain gave us a lifetime of romance and a quiz.
Next Week on Inspy Romance
Monday: Back-to-School Giveaway Kickoff!
Tuesday: Elizabeth Maddrey
Wednesday: Liwen Ho
Thursday: Jackie Castle
Friday: Melanie D. Snitker
Saturday: Staci Stallings
New Releases
August 2018
Heart Healed (The Potter’s House Books 10) by Alexa Verde
Marrying Chrissy (Brides of Clearwater 3) by Melanie D. Snitker
Imperfectly Proverbs 31 (Huckleberry Lake Book 2) by Autumn Macarthur (formerly in Picnics & Promises)
Midnight Clear (Huckleberry Lake Book 3) by Autumn Macarthur (formerly in Snowflakes & Snuggles)
Come to the Lake (Huckleberry Lake boxed set) by Autumn Macarthur
Seasons End (Madison Creek B&B 4) by Jackie Castle
A Reservation for Romance (Homegrown Love 3) (Arcadia Valley Romance 19) by Annalisa Daughety
September 2018
Place Called Home (The Potter’s House Books 11) by Brenda S. Anderson
Flavors of Forever (Urban Farm Fresh Romance 5) by Valerie Comer
His Healing Touch (Sweetapple Falls 2) by Autumn Macarthur (re-release of Love’s Healing Touch)
Love’s Choice by Liwen Y. Ho (re-release)
My kids would love sky diving! Will have to try it one day.
Hi Elizabeth, I have never heard of indoor skydiving before. The thought of jumping out of a plane is NOT appealing at all. Maybe indoor might be tolerable!!
We had a heavy dumping of snow on the mountain near our house, so a fun morning playing in it and enjoying heavy snow falling on us- a lovely, rare treat! Normally we need to drive about 3 hours to get decent snow.
I’ve not heard of indoor skydiving either. Since I like both of my feet planted firmly on the ground, I’ll leave that adventure to you, Elizabeth. :-)
It was a lot of fun — and they’ll let anyone from like age 3 up do it if you’re healthy and under 300 pounds.
Ooh, hurrah for lots of snow! That’s always a great time. :)
:) That’s close to what my mom told me.
Hi Elizabeth! I have never heard of indoor skydiving either. While I enjoy adventure, I prefer the kind on solid ground – road trips. Not fond of flying or cruises. I prefer tohave more control. Thanks for sharing. As a reader, I enjoy when these fun tidbits are included in a story. Makes the story unique. Enjoy your Sunday. Best wishes and Happy Writing. Looking forward to next Sunday’s edition.
Thanks, Renate! You definitely don’t have a ton of control over the wind, but you do have an instructor in there with you so that’s a positive. :)
Jumping out if a plane IS something I have always wanted to do!! I don’t know why, but it se Ms like it would be so peaceful floating in the shy for a while….!
Thank you so much for sharing!!
And there goes my fat thumbs again….lol…seems like is what I meant to say!
I’ll just leave adventures to the younger!! LOL
Lol. You should try the indoor if you ever get the chance!
Haha. I sort of thought that same thing in the car on the ways there, but my eldest was so excited that I was going to try it, I couldn’t let him down.
Sky diving is definitely not for me. But, I do enjoy watching others float through the sky. :-) Have a blessed week!
I would not like to do either indoor or outdoor skydiving. I am looking forward to the Back to School Giveaway Bash! I am way past going to school 50 years ago I went to my only year of College. My education now comes from reading.
Thanks for your schedule and the great post about skydiving!
Thanks Melissa! AS fun as it was to do indoors, I still don’t think I’m interested in jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.
I’m really excited about the giveaway too! I’m so glad you’re also looking forward to it. The whole admin team here (and honestly all the authors who blog for IR get a little bit giddy about being able to thank our readers for joining us.) :)
I think I could go for indoor skydiving, but I would definitely not jump out of an airplane. The maximum I’ve done was parasailing because my husband really wanted to , so I’ve father all the courage in me and went for it. I actually had a lot of fun and would go for it again.
Oh fun! Hubby and I did a zipline when we went on a cruise and that took a lot of my courage as it started VERY high up. But it was gorgeous once I got over myself.
I went sky diving once and I loved it! It was a great experience! I would do it again if I ever get the chance! I got a video of it too, so it is really neat to be able to show my friends and family.
I’m impressed, Elizabeth. I’ve never heard of indoor skydiving.
I have never heard of indoor skydiving but it sounds fun for the brave of Heart. I’m glad you enjoyed it and time with family making memories.
Oh fun! You’re much braver than me :)
I hadn’t until recently (it was something we talked about doing when we were on vacation in early June, but ultimately decided against. Then this opportunity came around and we felt we had to.)
Thanks, Lucy! :)
Sounds like fun. Glad you enjoyed it.
My granddaughters have done the indoors and they Loved it Thank you for such awesome giveaways!
Elizabeth, I tried indoor skydiving too and loved it! I want to do real skydiving…but my hubby is refusing and I don’t want to go without him.