Happy Valentines week! February 14 is a special day at Inspy Romance because it’s the day we launch our annual Birthday Bash. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the fabulous prizes in our giveaway bundles, all the photos and information can be found at our Giveaway Page here.
Today I’m featuring a couple of the giveaway prizes. Being an Aussie, I’m always excited to see our international print bundle. International readers miss out on the print giveaways that are limited to US mailing addresses.
At Inspy Romance we have an international paperback bundle for readers who live outside the US. International readers, don’t forget to sign up for the giveaway at the link here.
Our Grand Prize is fabulous! I bought a Kindle Whitepaper in the Black Friday sale last year and love it! The Amish quilt is a lovely and a unique part of our amazing Grand Prize bundle. We’re thrilled to be offering our readers the opportunity to win the Grand Prize and 11 book bundles. Check out our Giveaway Page for more information on the prizes and how to enter.
This week in Australia we’ve witnessed torrential flooding in North Queensland that has decimated livestock and native wildlife. On the coast, thousands of homes went underwater in Townsville. Further west in the more remote cattle country, it has been estimated that more than half a million cattle have perished. We’ve seen the news reports of the devastating flooding and mudslides in California. Our prayers are with everyone who has been impacted by these natural disasters.
Winners this Week
If you’re a winner, you should have received an email from the author in charge of the giveaway. If not, please email us at: prizes at inspyromance dot com.
Jan Thompson’s winners are Judy and Linda H and Christie U!
Lindi Peterson’s winner is Kerri N!
Valerie Comer’s winner is Laura!
Don’t forget… every comment you make qualifies you to win one of the monthly Amazon card giveaways!
Reader Gathering
Did you know Inspy Romance hosts a Christian Romance Reader Gathering group on Facebook? Join us… but don’t forget to answer the questions for admittance!
Last Week on Inspy Romance
On Monday, Lindi Peterson asked for reader input on Novels or Novellas+ Giveaway
On Tuesday, Shannon Taylor Vannatter discussed Rolling with the Changes
On Wednesday, Autumn Macarthur asked if your start to 2019 was more like a Gemstone or Pebble?
On Thursday, Ginger Solomon announced our Birthday Bash Kickoff: 5th Birthday celebrations and giveaways!
On Friday, Valerie Comer talked about How Do We Respond to Adversity? +Giveaway
On Saturday, Elizabeth Maddrey discussed Finding the Balance: Reality in Christian Romance + Giveaway
Next Week on Inspy Romance
Monday: Jackie Castle (The Characters Who Sow Love)
Tuesday: Alexa Verde (The Series That Almost Didn’t Happen Plus Giveaway)
Wednesday: Hallee Bridgeman
Thursday: Narelle Atkins (Can you trust a CCR to be Christian? plus #giveaway)
Friday: Staci Stalling (Racing Through Life)
Saturday: Janet Ferguson (Book Nerds and Boyfriends Novellas with Sarah Monzon #giveaway)
New Releases
February 2019
Raindrops on Radishes (Urban Farm Fresh Romance 6) by Valerie Comer
A Heart Redirected (Peacock Hill Romance 4) by Elizabeth Maddrey
Kiss You Now (Savannah Sweethearts 7) by Jan Thompson
March 2019
Season of Amor (Rios Azules Romances: the Macalisters 3) by Alexa Verde
Remember Me (A Chapel Cove Romance 1) by Marion Ueckermann
Love Me (A Chapel Cove Romance 2) by Alexa Verde
Cherish Me (A Chapel Cove Romance 3) by Autumn Macarthur
A complete list of Inspy Romance books by our authors is always available on our BOOKS tab. Find our audiobooks, our permanently free e-books, and our thank-you gifts for newsletter subscribers there as well!
It’s been heartbreaking to see the devastation in Queensland. Some farmers have lost everything. I also feel for the people in Tasmania who have been fighting bushfires since Christmas.
Yeah for a international bundle but I am happier to get ebooks. (to be honest ebooks are easier to read)
Prayers for all affected by the horrible natural disasters.
Hi Narelle, it has been heartbreaking to see the devastation- farmers who have coaxed livestock through the drought now losing animals to too much rain!
We visited the Bushfire Memorial in Kinglake recently, hard to believe 10 years since Black Saturday.
Praying for all affected by the horrible natural disasters.
Hi Narelle! Prayers for the farmers and people of Australia. So many extreme weather conditions around the world – Australia, Europe, and Northern USA. Germany this year had record snow fall and then massive flooding. Living near Indiana farm communities, our dairy farmers experienced flooding last spring (April 2018) and many farmers planted their crops of corn and soy two and three times because they washed out. I enjoy celebrating the Birthday Bash for the past five years with my Inspy Romance friends, readers, and authors. As Ausjenny stated eBooks are my book of choice, since I can take them with me anywhere. Living near Indiana Amish Country, Amish quilts are exquisite. Hope your Sunday was blessed! Blessing for the new week.
Birthday Bash is always fun. Praying for all those near and in the aftermath of the disasters.
I am so sorry to hear of the devastation in Australia!
The birthday bash prizes are exciting!!
Prayers for all those suffering from the devastations!
Hi Narelle! My heart pours out for you. It’s such a devastating thing, to see so much destruction and feeling your hands tied. When the floods came through Houston, Texas, I didn’t know if we would ever see the day of light. We just have to put it in Gods hands and keep praying. I hope this hasn’t hit you and the other authors there. That’s not to discount the one’s who are suffering, we are just more familiar with all of you. We will be sending up prayers for you and your country. Praying for God to intervene and stop the flooding and to bring relief to all who are effected by it.
Your in my prayers ???
Praying for all those people effected from the devastations, so sad to see?
Oh goodness, prayers going out.
Praying for Australia ??
What a wonderful prize packages! Thank you authors for your generosity.
And let’s not forget those in Haiti that can’t leave their houses due to protests and are running out of food and water. And the millions that are fleeing Venezuela. A lot of people impacted by the decisions of others.
I don’t watch the news too often so I just looked up the flooding. It’s heartbreaking. Here in the USA I’ve seen some crazy weather this year.
The quilt looks beautiful.
Whoa. I hadn’t heard about the flooding in Australia. Hopefully the rains will let up soon and the flooding will subside.
Hi Jenny, It’s heartbreaking and devastating to see the extent of the flooding. The Tasmanian fires have been relentless and burned out an enormous area. So very sad. :(
If your giveaway preference is ebooks, please make sure you mention this when you complete the international entrant form.
Thanks, Cassandra. The natural disasters are happening too often. :(
Hi Wemble, We live in a harsh climate with such extremes of weather. Where there was drought in North Queensland, there’s now an inland sea the size of England… The sheer volume of water is hard to fathom. It’s also hard to believe it’s already 10 years since Black Saturday. I’ve only visited Kinglake once, and that was quite a few years before the Black Saturday tragedy. Blessings. :)
Thanks, Pat. Our prayers are needed.
Hi Renate, Your prayers are appreciated. The flooding in your part of the world has been horrendous and it seems never ending. We temporarily have an inland sea in North Queensland that would put the entire land mass of England underwater. I live near an enormous inland lake that the experts believe was originally formed from earthquake activity. During the droughts the lake is dry and becomes grazing land for sheep. It’s over twenty year since Lake George was last full enough to almost burst its banks. It’s a tough life being a farmer. Replanting crops multiple times would be exhausting and expensive.
Our Birthday month is always fun. I’d love to see an Amish quilt up close – it looks exquisite in the photo. Blessings. :)
Hi MJSH, We always enjoy celebrating our birthday month. :) Your prayers are needed.
Thanks, Ellie. Australians are generous and we will rebuild. Hopefully the government assistance will reach the farmers quickly and help them to recover.
The birthday bash prizes are fabulous! :)
Thanks, Jackie. Your prayers are appreciated.
Hi Kathy, Thank you for your prayers. I can’t imagine how difficult it was to recover after the flooding in Houston.
I live in southern Australia in Canberra and we’re 600 feet above sea level on the Southern Tablelands. We’re unlikely to ever see flooding on this scale. North Queensland is in the tropics, and the wet season can bring an enormous amount of rainfall at this time of year. My Aussie author friend Rose Dee writes CCR and she lives in Queensland on the coast near the Great Barrier Reef (north of Townsville).
The worst of the flooding is in and around Townsville on the coast and the more remote areas of the outback. The impact is different to flooding in a densely populated city. There were reports that small creeks had became one mile plus wide raging river torrents, hence the massive loss of wildlife and livestock that couldn’t escape the water. Very sad and heartbreaking. :(
Thank you, Paula. The news reports and stories we’re hearing from people who live in the flooded regions are heartbreaking. :(
Thank you, Lori. Your prayers are needed.
Thank you, Natalya. Your prayers are appreciated. The prize bundles are amazing! :)
Hi Arletta, Oh my, I hadn’t heard the news from Haiti. The situation in Venezuela is dire. Too much heartache and tragedy for the people impacted. Praying. :(
Hi Elizabeth, I think the whole world has unfortunately experienced a lot of crazy weather this year. I’d love to see the quilt up close. :)
Thank you, Jessica. We’re praying that the right amount of rain will fall in the drought ravaged areas further south, and the fire threat further south in Tasmania will ease.
We’ve been following through photos that family sent of the flooding- it is crazy! Once peaceful creeks just turned into a massive sea! They told us stories of finding freshies (freshwater crocodiles) in their yards because of the flooding!
Wemble, I hope your family are okay. The stories of crocodiles and snakes in the flood waters are scary. It would be terrifying to find a crocodile in your yard! I’d heard about beaches in North Queensland being closed due to crocodile sightings – and that was before the flooding relocated the the crocs into urban areas like Townsville. :(
How sad to read about your flooding in North Queensland. We’ve had a major natural disaster in Brazil earlier this year (a dam collapsed and there are almost 300 people missing, presumed dead). Humans, animals, and nature did not survived this horrible event. It’s so sad and I feel closer to your sadness. We can only pray for the families (mostly kids) of the ones who are now gone.
I’m saddened to hear of all the flooding and other disasters happening. I pray things improve quickly. Blessings
I am so sorry to hear about the natural disaster in Australia. My prayers are with them.
Hi Priscila, I’m so sorry to hear about your tragedy in Brazil. Very sad and scary – I’m praying with you. We now have a cyclone hovering off the coast of South Eastern Queensland that may cause more flooding. This summer wet season has been crazy.
Thank you, Lucy. Your prayers are appreciated.
Thank you, Kerri. We appreciate your prayers.