This was a long and weird week. I guess because I was down for the count for most of it, which always makes things hard. I’m blessed to have a hubby who is generally able to take time off to step in and be “mom” for me when I’m out. I know a lot of people don’t have that.
We did give the kids a little bit of a school break though. Dad is a very different teacher than I am. The kids were not adjusting well to their substitute.
I always used to like subs when I was in school. It was always fascinating to me that someone would want to teach random classes with a random schedule. As an adult, I do see how it’s a great option for moms, in particular, who can’t or don’t want to commit to something full-time but still like to earn a little mad money. (I say that because at least here, subs get I think $100 for the day. That’s not exactly raking it in.)
Have you ever substitute taught? Or (if not), did you love it or hate it when your usual teacher was out and someone else stepped in?
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The Texan’s Surprise Return (the Cowboys of Diamondback Ranch) by Jolene Navarro
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Valerie’s Verdict (The Dixon Brothers 2) by Hallee Bridgeman
Nate’s Gift (Small-Town Christmas Wishes) by Jackie Castle
September 2019
Dancing at Daybreak (Urban Farm Fresh Romance 7) by Valerie Comer
A Heart Rearranged (Peacock Hill Romance 5) by Elizabeth Maddrey
An Extra Spark (The Spark Brothers 5) by Liwen Y. Ho
Wait for Me (Vacation Sweethearts 3) by Jan Thompson
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I know a few friends who are substitute teachers.
It really depended on who it was if I like it or not. In my first year at school my teacher was away for about six week due to illness and most of the class were put in a class with siblings or one of the other classes. I was put in with my brother (he was grade 3 and I grade 1). The girls in the class took me under their wings. One of my other class mates was also in the class.
In my last year at high school we had a substitute teacher for a few weeks and I didn’t like her at all. I had already done some of the subject the year before and she didn’t like the fact that someone knew what she was teaching. We use to get a student record (I forget the name) but it was to show prospective employers (and is probably why I didn’t get a job instantly). She wrote a really nasty report on it which was changed but you could read under the white out to what had been written. We had her for about 3 subjects and I can say I was glad when our normal teacher came back.
I hope you are feeling better
Hi Elizabeth, sorry to hear your week has been pretty ordinary! Never fun being sick :(
When my boys were babies/toddlers I was blessed to be able to pick up relief (substitute) teaching. My mum would come and stay with us for a few weeks at a time and I was able to pick up some solid blocks of work. I could get enough teaching days to keep my registration up to date, plus earn some good money- which helped a lot! I did miss having my own classes though. Then, when my youngest started at school I was able to go back full-time.
PS, I googled US$100- that is pretty low pay for a relief teacher compared to here in Australia!
Hi Elizabeth! Over the years I have been a substitute teacher. Since I enjoy teaching, for the most part I enjoyed the experience which gave me an insight into different schools. My substitute teaching then opened up opportunities for a full time teaching position. Because of my substitute teaching experiences, as a teacher I knew what worked and how to write lesson plans for my substitutes. Substituting for high school or middle school kids is easier than for elementary students. I also learned to listening to my students, who gave feedback on their experiences with substitutes. Being a substitute opens ones eyes to different teaching styles. Fun to hear a kindergartner explain having a substitute.. Hope you feel better. Enjoy your Sunday.
Im sorry you were out for the week. Hope all gets better soon.
That is such a blessing that your husband can step in like that when you have to bow out.
I never really liked subs, they didnt teach the way our teacher did, or they went completely off schedule. I am really a schedule person. And to stop half way and change everything up, was very upsetting for me. Now I am able to be more flexible, but honestly it still bothers me when my schedule is upset. I am learning that God has me completely during these times.
Oh gosh. I can’t imagine a sub having influence on a permanent record! That’s awful ☹️
I am feeling much better, thanks!
I do think subs can earn more based on qualification and length of the posting, but I remember it being that for one day when I looked into it not super long ago. It’s very low.
Ha! I bet the kindergarten explanation was very fun.
I have a child who is very schedule driven so I know the pain of change in those situations. So hard. But you’re right, God has you even then.
I never liked substitute teachers because I hated change. Part of my strategy for being a good student was to learn what each teacher wanted and how they liked things done. Substitutes were an unknown variable. In fact, when I was in third grade, my favorite teacher ended up taking 6 weeks to go to a special class, and I cried when she announced that we would have a substitute for 6 weeks, right through my birthday. 😊
Oh that’s tragic at that age! And you’re not alone in disliking the change – I suspect that’s more common than thinking it was fun :)
Blessings on you! I greatly admire all teachers. I did some subbing in our church kindergarten….wow, what a job. I decided I’d rather be the church secretary…..and was for 31 yrs.
I’ve never been a substitute teacher, and have no plans to be! I do have friends that are teachers, and a few that substitute, though. I always liked having a substitute in school, they usually didn’t try to teach anything, so it was basically like having a free period.
Ha. Kindergarten is a special animal! It takes a calling, I think, to work with that age
The free period? That was why I liked them :) or we’d watch a movie. It was like a mini vacation.
Hi! Glad you are feeling better. From waaaay back when I went to school…..the class always tried to put things over on substitutes.
I home schooled my 4 kids so we just relaxed the rules a but when I was sick. I also worked full time and hubby was going to Seminary at the same time I homeschooled 2 of them. ( 19 years between oldest and youngest) They all survived!
Thanks 😊 Toward the end of the week there was a lot of PE (playing outside) and Home Ec (chores).
When I was in school I always felt sorry for some of the subs as some of the kids would act up and try to get by with things.
That definitely happened too – some handled it well. Others not so much. I usually tried to help squash pranks. But yeah. Kids can be mean.
Hi Elizabeth, we used to have a substitute teacher everyone called “handlebars” as he had a handlebars shaped moustache and sideburns (like a Harley Davidson Trike). He used to give out 50cent coins too when you answered a question right in front of the class.
Haha such a long time ago now though.
I was doing the secretary course and our main teacher was filling in for the deputy head for about 6 – 10 weeks and this other lady was taking her classes. I didn’t have many I didn’t get one with but this teacher had an attitude and I seemed to be the one who copped it. (I think already knowing the subject didn’t help). I had done parts of one of the subjects the year before and we just happened to be doing what I had learnt the year before. (I got an A the previous year and 91% on the final exam).