Hi, Valerie here this week! I’m coming up for air between canning, drying, and otherwise processing tomatoes, as well as editing Sweetened with Honey (A Farm Fresh Romance 3) and writing Dandelions for Dinner (A Farm Fresh Romance 4), while Carol is immersed in fast-drafting a new novel with a working title of More Than a Princess.
Whew! Do you garden or do any canning? What does fall work look like for you?
So winners! If you’ve won, please contact us at:
prizes at inspyromance dot com
Did you know every comment you make gets you entered to win an Amazon card? We draw once a month from all the commenters, so chat us up.
imabrassy1 is the winner of A Marriage of Convenience by Debra Lynn Collins!

Valerie’s Tomatoes in the Dehydrator
We’re also working on getting another set of book bundle giveaways together so keep an eye out for how to win those!
So this past week…

Valerie’s Pasta Sauce
On Friday, Merrillee Whren reminisced Out of the Past.
On Thursday, Kimberly Rose Johnson discussed A Holiday Proposal with us and invited us to enter her Goodreads Giveaway (open until Sept 27).
On Wednesday, Lynette Sowell invited her co-author Elizabeth Goddard over to talk about Ranchers, Outfitters, Mushers, Artists, and Ski Bums, Oh My!
On Tuesday, Carla Laureano took us From Page to Screen
On Monday, Lorraine Beatty declared It’s Christmas Time Again!
And NEXT week…
Monday: Ginger Solomon
Tuesday: Lisa Jordan
Wednesday: Elizabeth Maddrey
Thursday: Valerie Comer
Friday: Laurie Tomlinson
Saturday: Gail Sattler

Valerie’s Ratatouille
Snowflake Tiara by Angela Breidenbach and Valerie Comer (historical -> contemporary)
A Great Teton Sleigh Ride by Lynette Sowell and Elizabeth Goddard (4 generations, historical -> contemporary)
Goodreads Giveaway of A Holiday Proposal by Kimberly Rose Johnson (ends Sept 27)
Goodreads Giveaway of Sandwich with a Side of Romance by Krista Phillips (ends Sept 20)
Goodreads Giveaway of A Grand Teton Sleigh Ride by Lynette Sowell and Elizabeth Goddard (ends Sept 18)
Snowflake Tiara by Angela Breidenbach and Valerie Comer is on sale for Kindle for 99¢ through Sunday, September 14.
Raspberries and Vinegar by Valerie Comer is on sale for Kindle for 99¢.