Happy Sunday!
I spent this past week in Las Vegas at the 20BooksVegas conference. It’s a huge, very well planned and organized conference specifically for indie authors of all sorts.
I will admit to not always being the first person to volunteer for conferences. A large part of this is simply that conferences tend to be full of people (go figure) and, much like Mr. Darcy, “I have not the talent that some people possess of conversing easily with those that I have never seen before.”
Of course, Lizzie would tell me I needed to practice.
She’s probably right.
I did a little of that at the conference and though I took a lot of selfies with friends old and new they all appear to be on said friends’ phones. So, um, if you’re one of them, shoot me an email with pics? :)
I DID get to meet Valerie Comer and her husband. It was lovely. Even better than that, we went to see Cirque du Soleil on the strip and that was magical. I also got a chance to meet Carol Moncado (who used to admin here with us) and so many other amazing authors that I’m not going to name any more lest I leave someone out and then have to hang my head in shame forever.

Valerie Comer and me!
Winners this Week
Laurie Larsen’s winner is Diana!
Julie Arduini’s winner is Ausjenny!
Merrillee Whren’s winner is Kathy Schnitz!
Lindi Peterson’s winner is Nancy!
If you’re a winner, you should have received an email from the author in charge of the giveaway. If not, please email us at: prizes at inspyromance dot com.
Don’t forget… every comment you make qualifies you to win one of the monthly Amazon card giveaways!

Left to Right: Me, Carol Moncado, Valerie Comer
Reader Gathering
Did you know Inspy Romance hosts a Christian Romance Reader Gathering group on Facebook? Join us… but don’t forget to answer the questions for admittance!
Last Week on Inspy Romance
Monday: Jaycee Weaver gave us books that celebrate Thanksgiving, too.
Tuesday: Merrillee Whren shared about a new beginning.
Wednesday: Mary Manners talked about doing it right.
Thursday: Janet W Ferguson talked about touring Ireland.
Friday: Staci Stallings gave us the truth about lamp lighting.
Saturday: Toni Shiloh introduced us to Delaina Netherland Smiley.
Peeking down at the canals at the Venetian casino when we walked around a little before going to see Cirque.
Next Week on Inspy Romance
Monday: Jackie Castle
Tuesday: Hallee Bridgeman
Wednesday: Lindi Peterson
Thursday: Heather Gray
Friday: Marion Ueckermann
Saturday: Kimberly Rose Johnson
New Releases
November 2019
A Heart Reconsidered (Peacock Hill 6) by Elizabeth Maddrey
The Cowboy’s Belated Discovery (Saddle Springs Romance 5) by Valerie Comer
A Place to Find Love (Front Porch Promises 6) by Merrillee Whren
Always (Imagination 7) by Staci Stallings
Southern Hearts 1-4 by Janet W. Ferguson
Restoring Christmas by Julie Arduini
Not Until Christmas Morning (Hope Springs 5) by Valerie M. Bodden
October 2019
The Texan’s surprise Return (the Cowboys of Diamondback Ranch) by Jolene Navarro
Sara’s Gift (Small-Town Christmas Wishes) by Kimberly Rose Johnson
Valerie’s Verdict (The Dixon Brothers 2) by Hallee Bridgeman
Nate’s Gift (Small-Town Christmas Wishes) by Jackie Castle
Once Upon a Christmas: Contemporary Retellings of Timeless Tales by Toni Shiloh, Angela Ruth Strong, Jaycee Weaver, and 2 others
Saddle Springs Romance 1-3 by Valerie Comer
A complete list of Inspy Romance books by our authors is always available on our BOOKS tab. Find our audiobooks, our permanently free e-books, and our thank-you gifts for newsletter subscribers there as well!
Hi Elizabeth, how very lovely that you could meet with Valerie and Carol- what a great photo of the three of you! Your time at the conference sounds like fun.
We have had a busy weekend filled with church events- it was great, but I am thankful for quiet evenings!!
I’m not sure I’ve ever been happier to get in my own bed and spend a quiet day at home. Doing things is fabulous. Recovering from them is even better.
I am so glad you all had such a great time! It is wonderful that you got to meet in person at long last!❤️
It was so great!
Fun to see your pictures! We’re in Michigan visiting cousins and enjoying looking at all the snow from inside where it’s warm :-)
Snow! I want snow but it’s much too early for even the possibility in Virginia (at least up near DC). But it is, at least, getting chilly.
Glad you had a great time in Vegas! I know what you mean about mentioning people in posts. I do it a few times on FB, and almost always leave someone out unintentionally! I’ve started putting a disclaimer when I tag people!!
A disclaimer is definitely a good idea! And still…i worry so much about leaving someone out.
Sounds like a fun trip! My sister and brother in law just got back from a dropout there for a work conference.
It was a fun trip, but I am also very happy to be home! But then, I generally feel that way.
Sounds like you had a great time! It must have been fun to meet Valerie and Carol in person and put a face with the name.
It absolutely was!
Wonderful that you were able to meet.
I am so late. So glad you got to meet so many authors and make new friends. And I am so excited to be a winner thank you.
I’m so glad you go to meet Valerie and Carol! Love that you shared a few photos and hope you took some good stuff away from the conference.